Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

"A clone of myself is easy, although it would take some time..." She said. "I can make almost anything as long as I have the time to make them..." When she heard his comment about there being two of him she let out a small laugh, spilling the root beer on her clothes. "Aw shoot, not my lucky dress..." She complained. "Ah whatever, can switch out my clothes later..." She said as she put down the now empty can. "So are you sure you want a tree, alright..." She said before separating her hands a bit. A glowing magic circle spun between her hands as she started making a tree phantom. In front of them a  figure began to form, growing larger and larger until finally a glowing tree stood tall in front of them.

Talon stood up and walked over to the tree. He looked up into its arching branches with a thoughtful expression before turning around to face Lily. "Is it possible to climb this or will I just faze through it?" He asked the girl. He wanted to climb this tree and sit up in it, that would be fun. A phantom tree fort, sweet!¡!¡
Talon stood up and walked over to the tree. He looked up into its arching branches with a thoughtful expression before turning around to face Lily. "Is it possible to climb this or will I just faze through it?" He asked the girl. He wanted to climb this tree and sit up in it, that would be fun. A phantom tree fort, sweet!¡!¡

"Well, when you touch it it's going to disappear in a blink." She replied, She stood up and walked next to him. "Don't worry, I'm sure we can find a real tree for you to climb on." She said as she arrived by his side. "I'm going to go back in the mansion to switch out my clothes and to do some training, would you like to join me?" She asked.
Cartoonish raincloud falls over the Veniano after the man is choked by Rosaline once more. One would think by now he would finally escape from the woman's arm, but unfortunetly no. One day, he will definetly get away from her... He has to improve on his reflex. Lighting bolts down on the man's shoulders. 

Recovering his breath, he didn't missed his teacher walking up to Kazuo and (from his point of view) kiss the man. Veniano grins from ear to ear and teases, "Miss. Rosa, feeling good today?" He misses the fact that there are cookies fries being shared around. 

The last bit of the clouds over his head lifts when Celestia offers a sweet treat to him. He definietly now knows cookies are a thing now! He takes the girl and devouors the treat.

Veniano looks at Taylor with intrests hearing that Rosaline gave the the girl a pair of gloves. He wonders what the girl is up to, but dissmisses any further thoughts with a simple Kids being kids. Of course Taylor is always strives to be stronger.

The talk showman passes the little girl to enter the hotel. He stops and ruffles her hair.

"Don't over do it, chica," He says before continuing inside. 

Inside, after the teams are announced, Veni cheers up hearing that he is in a team! He missed the chance of particpitating in the past games and actually thinking he would not be called, so hearing his name Veniano has much to be in joy. 

"We're in the same team!" He cheers to his teammates present in the gathering area. Looking around, he notices that some people are not  present. He hums and steps towards the elevators.

"I'll bring Alara and Kami down," He says and heads toward the siblings' room. Arriving at the foor, he knocks loudly, unaware of the two tearful decission (on Alara's part). 

"Alara? Kami? Are you guys in here?" He knocks firmly against the door.

@Mitchs98 @Solemn Jester 

*adds in mentioned names*

Kelica Zefara

As Noah said he wasn't going to be too rough with her, her mouth opened as if to make a very loud and almost angry protest before he continued on to mention not wanting to hurt her before the contest. Kelica melted back into that adorable head tilt smile but her words were very sure and quite strong with an edge no one might have expected before. @Embaga Elder


"You won't hurt me. This I can assure you. If I can take a S-class like Hibiki's hits, I'm fairly sure I can handle whatever you dish out Noah..." she said in a half way teasing tone, trying to push Noah into a reaction perhaps. @LeSoraAmari Kelica heard laughter but was to focused on Noah see where it was coming from before Bastion appeared to hug Noah and leap back. The fact Bastion suggested Noah had come here simply for her and not even to respresent Lamia Scale had her cheeks flame even harder. Kelica blinked heavily as Noah mentioned not paying, that would be that slimy Valken's influence no doubt... Slimy, arrogant, half face, idiot....


Kelica lifted up her hands in a ditzy manner as Bastion mentioned the announcements, her eyes sparkling almost. "OH I hope that kitty eared Lady picked for a team!" Using the name she had affectionately nickname her ever since she had met her on Christmas Eve. @Kyuubey


The fact Bastion asked to take the pup away and leave them alone made her lift her eyebrow up in a confused manner, but he'd only just arrived hadn't he? @Arius LaVari That was when Noah grabbed the girl and pulled her in close, her her body to almost become rigid till that alluring smell was back and in the next instance her frame melted in and against him. Even her knees looked shaky. "Y...your appartment?" The girl said in a voice barely above a whisper. It was easy enough to ignore the urges when he was, well over there. But now he was here! And his smell! And she could feel him through the very fabric of his clothes!...


"Noah there is something I didn't tell you about Spring..." she said in a hurried voice, like she could squeeze out an answer before her body took over. But it was too late... the girl reached up to fist into the collar of his shirt and reef his whole face and upper body down to press her lips against his, hungrily, closing her eyes as she did. And his necklace glowed a deep red as it did. After some time when her lips peeled away from his, she gave out a panting response. "....I can't wait till tonight..."


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Taylor just smiled as she was put under team one as she was determined to train as she looked at Miss Rosa"  um.... Miss rosa can you help me train and thanks for the gloves i like them they look good" she say as she just smiled she was determined to grow stronger she was excited about going to the games she just moved her hair behind her hair as she was smiling she thought the guild master was so cool she glad she picked this guild to be her home and her family she had great time with them she just looked at her hands as she just had to train like no other until the games start" you will do a great job with the games i know you will win Miss Rosa" she say as she was smiled looking around at the other people she wanted to read but she had important matters to tend to like training she wasn't going to give up she had to win it wouldn't matter if she lost she glad she was resembeling her guild @Zuka

@Spanner @Arius LaVari(briefly interacted with)


Evelyn had waved the other blonde with a smile "See ya!" it was nice to know that there were still good people out there. Not to mention that Celestia was an interesting wizard. "I'll be rooting for you blondie." muttered Evelyn before moving to a nearby shop which happened to be a bar. Having some tables outside but it was packed on the inside "Eh what the 'eck." the blonde headed inside and went to get herself a drink. Though, Time passed as she downed one after another and she wasnt even drunk yet, just a little tipsy. Finishing off the last drink, she headed out for a walk and thus, it didnt take her long to bump into a male. For her, no awkwardness was made and she did raise her eyebrow before opening her mouth to speak, only to be asked if she was blind in a very rude manner "Well then."


Her hands were placed on her hips now as she stood in front of the red-eyed man "And 'ere I thought I was going to apologize to you but after that... I dont think I will." by the look on her face, she was serious but also her cheeks were slightly red. "Calling people blind isnt really nice either because what if I was? You would 'ave offended a blind person. Not to mention that if you spoke like that to my brother 'e'd send you into the next decade. Lucky for you, I'm not like 'im. Though I 'ave heard stories about when people piss me off when I'm drunk. Again, you're lucky because im not drunk. Tipsy actually." it wasnt so much of a rant but more it was a lecture mixed with a warning. Throwing her hands behind her head, she turned away from the man and began to walk towards the bar again "Join me if I really interest you. I need a drinking partner."


A drinking partner, a best friend/friends... Just something to fill the void for now.  Why was someone such as Evelyn Faust so... down? Was she really that upset about misisng her brother? Maybe she just needed time to heal and this was her way of healing. Taking in a deep breath, she let it out in a loud sigh "Awww man this sucks..." then she walked right back into the bar and got another drink for herself. Of course her thinking about her brother wasnt really helping the situation. So she decided to just think of something else. Of course that was difficult.

Mirai Yamada


Mirai could already feel the regret right after the rude words left his mouth, as once more he ended up acting with hostility despite being the one at fault and actually ended up making such a rude remark. That was lame even for him. He sighed inwardly prepared for more trouble falling on him as soon as the female mage started to talk, his normally stern face twitching a little as soon as the other party started to talk.


Surprisingly, what came after this was nowhere as bad as he imagined, as the female did nothing more than lecturing him a little. Of course her words weren't exactly soft, in fact she even mixed something like a threat in the middle of it, but even so it was a lot less than what he expected, surprising him a little. He was even more surprised at her words right before leaving, as they were obviously a strange kind of invitation. "...She interested me..?" He couldn't help but mutter to himself, his tone clearly denoting the incredulity he felt. Am I really interested in her? He asked himself inside his head. Well, he couldn't deny that she was quite the beauty, with her long blonde hair, beautiful body, eyes that especially drew his attention and unusual way of acting that made him curious, but... Was he really interested in someone? That really didn't make his style at all.


He sighed loudly before finally resolving himself,  following the way the blonde mage took and walking into the bar while maintaining the same nonchalant behaviour as before, hardly looking "interested". It's not like I have something to do anyway, and it's not like I'm going to get in trouble because of something like that. He thought as he made his way into the bar, approaching the female that already started drinking and silently taking a drink for himself, emptying the jug before he finally got courage to talk with the strange female, purposefully positioning himself in front of her and staring into her eyes, as if trying his best to show sincerity as he spoke the words that he should've said from the start. "I'm sorry." The words were undoubtedly unfitting for the stern look that he unconsciously adopted when talking with stranger, but the serious tone of the words made it clear that he wasn't messing around, quite the feat for someone as socially awkward as him.






The man that made himself known next to her happened to be the same man who actually asked if she was blind. He locked eyes with her and apologized which made her grin "Well isnt that surprising?" she asked, asking for another round for both her and her newly found drinking buddy. The mage lifted her hand up as if she was gonna slap him, but instead her hand dropped hard into his shoulder and a rough grip followed with it "Dont worry about it. I dont 'old grudges." she sighed happily and spoke "You're a drinker right? Strong tolerence? If so, well, why dont we drink together? Celebration of the Grand Magic games" once she and her buddy was slid a drink, Evelyn took her glass and took a large gulp "Name's Evelyn. Make whatever Nickname you want for me."


Evelyn was pretty chill. Didnt seem roudy or a big lump on a log. Bringing the glass to her lips, the mage downed the entire glass and placed it back down on the bartop "And before you even ask: No i'm not addicted to alcohol. I mainly drink in celebration, with my brother, or if I'm 'ealing. Either way I can stop cold turkey." what she hated most was being accused of being an addict to drinking but meanwhile they had no idea what it was for really. Only her and her alone knew what was going on. Though her eyes did wonder back to the male next to her and she studied him pretty well. "What's your name anyway, Mystery man?" after all there was no name to actually use for him. Besides, he was cool, but mysterious even though he came off as rude. Her brother came off as mean when anyone met him but if they got to know him, they would know he wasnt such a bad guy.


Emmerich was a badass but turned into a much whenever it came to her. That's how she knew that he had the ability to be nice when he wanted to be. Then again people dont have the ability to be nice whenever they want. Such as this guy right in front of her. Speaking of, he was still quiet and she was wondering when he would say something "Dont keep me 'anging now." the blonde said with a soft laugh.


Eric snapped out of his daydream when he heard Miles say he's been accepted into team 1 for the magic games. "You made it in too!? Sweet! It looks like we're gonna have a new number one guild!" Not only that but Katherine also had a similar piece of paper of which she entailed that she too was also in the games. Except she was in Eric's team and not Miles', though she doesn't seem to bothered by it. Guess they could always cheer each other on from the crowds. Katherine mentioned that she'd at least be able to see Eric destroy something now. "Heh... I'm sure you won't be disappointed!" Eric tore his note in half then tossed it aside pumped up for the event. "Oh man! I'm ready for this! GIVE US YOUR WORST FAIRY TAIL!!! I'd say it's about time that guild loses this year imma right?" Katherine suggested they head inside before any announcements pop up which of course would be a logical thing to do. Eric was excited as ever to get the games on. He's never participated in something like this before. Mostly because Gilad never allowed it due to him being "not ready." However he was more than ready now. Following Katherine's advice he was about to head inside before Lionel landed on his shoulder. "Oh hey! You excited for the games too? Don't worry we'll win it for ya! As long as you don't chomp off my head or something..." Eric luaghed nervously at the thought but settled on the fact that would never happen and continued inside to find a chair so he could "try" to calm himself down. "Eh I guess a couple drinks won't hurt~"

@Britt-21 @Embaga Elder @Rhodus

@Embaga Elder @Jackaboi @Rhodus(briefly mentioned)


Kathy noticed their Guild master before he even gotten close but she hadnt said anything. She did look at Eric though once their master stopped by in silence and walked off as he pulled a paper from his pocket and announced he was part of the Grand Magic Games. Team 2 to be exact. So their master decided to put two teams into the games. "Congratulations..." Kathy said before she felt Miles moving around a bit which caused her to give him her attention and noticed he was searching his pockets too. Miles had pulled out the same paper, announced the team he was in and then burned it before telling her to check her pockets as well.  Sadly she didnt have pockets like the others did but she did reach her arm behind and go into her hood which was still down and pulled out the piece of paper.


"I think I got into a team as well..." taking both her hands, she slowly opened it to reveal that she was indeed on a team. But she was on Team 2 with Eric. Not that she minded. But she did know that Miles would want to protect her if they were on the same team so it as best that they werent just so no accidents would happen. Besides, she could work well with just about anyone or by herself. Sadly Lionel wont be around to help her with flying so she'd have to rely on her legs. Lucky for her she did some jogging too. Just to get stamina up... Not to mention she did some other things but she wasnt going to talk about that "I'm on team 2 with Eric..." her eyes lifted and glanced at Eric "At least I can see you break something into a million pieces now..." from the sound of her words, she was meant to be joking but she wasnt quite sure if they were going to laugh.


But knowing her boyfriend, he could tell when a joke was said. Despite her low and soft voice. "Lets go inside in case  Master Sho makes an announcement. If we miss it, we might miss something crutial..." Kathy crumbled the paper and tossed it to Lionel who breathed out fire and burned it to a crisp. For a little dragon, he sure had some stomach for fire. Kathy put her hood back up as Lionel landed on Eric's shoulder because he felt like it. Lucky for Eric he wasnt in trouble with Lionel.


Eric snapped out of his daydream when he heard Miles say he's been accepted into team 1 for the magic games. "You made it in too!? Sweet! It looks like we're gonna have a new number one guild!" Not only that but Katherine also had a similar piece of paper of which she entailed that she too was also in the games. Except she was in Eric's team and not Miles', though she doesn't seem to bothered by it. Guess they could always cheer each other on from the crowds. Katherine mentioned that she'd at least be able to see Eric destroy something now. "Heh... I'm sure you won't be disappointed!" Eric tore his note in half then tossed it aside pumped up for the event. "Oh man! I'm ready for this! GIVE US YOUR WORST FAIRY TAIL!!! I'd say it's about time that guild loses this year imma right?" Katherine suggested they head inside before any announcements pop up which of course would be a logical thing to do. Eric was excited as ever to get the games on. He's never participated in something like this before. Mostly because Gilad never allowed it due to him being "not ready." However he was more than ready now. Following Katherine's advice he was about to head inside before Lionel landed on his shoulder. "Oh hey! You excited for the games too? Don't worry we'll win it for ya! As long as you don't chomp off my head or something..." Eric luaghed nervously at the thought but settled on the fact that would never happen and continued inside to find a chair so he could "try" to calm himself down. "Eh I guess a couple drinks won't hurt~"

@Britt-21 @Embaga Elder @Rhodus



[SIZE= 14px]I knew was in the games. [/SIZE]Miles was happy that Kathy was in the games, and he had no problem with being on different teams. He started wondering if his brother made them team. If Eric was able to make it then his brother had to as well. He hoped that Tyson was at least on the same team as him. Miles and his brother always made a good team. Miles turn his sight towards Eric and chuckled at his excitement. Who could blame him? This was his first time participating in the games. Some one like him has no choice but to be hype. As Eric made his way inside Miles grabbed out to Kathy's arm and gently pull her back. He smiled, as he wrapped his arm around her. Miles used his magic, to create angelic wings out of his aura. He looked up and with one flap he was lifted into the air, flying to the top of the guild hall. Red aura feathers slowly fell to the ground going with the breeze of the wind. Miles landed on the roof of the guild and held Katherine in his hands still having the red angelic aura wings. Miles knew that when things start up they'll be a bit busy and will have little to no alone time. It's been too long Kat. Miles leaned in kissing Katherine on her lips. Kissing Katherine again after awhile of being apart felt so pleasurable. 



The man that made himself known next to her happened to be the same man who actually asked if she was blind. He locked eyes with her and apologized which made her grin "Well isnt that surprising?" she asked, asking for another round for both her and her newly found drinking buddy. The mage lifted her hand up as if she was gonna slap him, but instead her hand dropped hard into his shoulder and a rough grip followed with it "Dont worry about it. I dont 'old grudges." she sighed happily and spoke "You're a drinker right? Strong tolerence? If so, well, why dont we drink together? Celebration of the Grand Magic games" once she and her buddy was slid a drink, Evelyn took her glass and took a large gulp "Name's Evelyn. Make whatever Nickname you want for me."


Evelyn was pretty chill. Didnt seem roudy or a big lump on a log. Bringing the glass to her lips, the mage downed the entire glass and placed it back down on the bartop "And before you even ask: No i'm not addicted to alcohol. I mainly drink in celebration, with my brother, or if I'm 'ealing. Either way I can stop cold turkey." what she hated most was being accused of being an addict to drinking but meanwhile they had no idea what it was for really. Only her and her alone knew what was going on. Though her eyes did wonder back to the male next to her and she studied him pretty well. "What's your name anyway, Mystery man?" after all there was no name to actually use for him. Besides, he was cool, but mysterious even though he came off as rude. Her brother came off as mean when anyone met him but if they got to know him, they would know he wasnt such a bad guy.


Emmerich was a badass but turned into a much whenever it came to her. That's how she knew that he had the ability to be nice when he wanted to be. Then again people dont have the ability to be nice whenever they want. Such as this guy right in front of her. Speaking of, he was still quiet and she was wondering when he would say something "Dont keep me 'anging now." the blonde said with a soft laugh.

Mirai Yamada



Mirai was already prepared for the worst outcome since the first moment that he decided to talk with the girl, so he was hardly surprised after she lifted her hand, as he kinda expected that she would be somehow pissed by his attitude that could easily be regarded as misleading, simply closing his right eye and expecting the impact of her hand. Surprisingly the impact of the slap that he expected never came, being substituted by the warmth of Evelyn's hand over his shoulder. He immediately opened his eye, once more staring her as she continued speaking. He was quite surprised to see that she actually passed him a drink, but he naturally accepted her action, proceeding to take a sip of the alcoholic beverage while quietly listening to her introduction.


He was about to return the gesture when she once more started to talk, apparently confusing his tentative of a introduction as a comment about her drinking habits. Honestly, he hardly understood the reason behind her action of directly stating that she wasn't addicted, as that just made her look more like an addict. But well, it wasn't as if it was his problem, and even if she was indeed addicted he wouldn't be especially against it. Wait, what? He couldn't help but ask inwardly, as Evelyin apparently made him a question while he was distracted, resulting into a moment of confusion inside the head of the easily distracted mage.


He was about to ask her what she wanted to know when he noticed that she apparently got distracted with her thoughts, unconsciously attracting the gaze of the easily distracted mage. When he finally managed to get a hold of his fleeting thoughts she once more asked him something, making him inwardly desperate once more, as he didn't know how to answer the question. Fortunately, his skin thickness was developed enough to make him maintain the same indifferent expression as before and react with an introduction, as he imagined that the question from before was probably she asking him about his identity. "I'm Mirai, Mirai Yamada. An A Rank mage coming from Lamia Scale." He nonchalantly answered after once more taking a sip of his drink, inwardly praying that he guessed the question correctly. After all he definitely didn't need another misunderstanding right after being forgiven.



Kathy watched as Eric walked off back into the guild hall while she moved her gaze back to Miles who pulled her close, wings spreading from his back that resembled his aura and he picked her up, bringing them both on top of the guild hall while the breeze gently blew, her cape flying with the wind. Making her look pretty cool. "Too long..." she repeated softly, her eyes closing as Miles's lips pressed up against hers. It was nice to finally feel Miles's lips on hers once again, to feel his embrace, know that he was back and was going to stay till whenever... Lucky for the both of them, they spoke about the whole training thing so nothing was badly missed. But knowing Kathy, she loved Miles to pieces and would go to the ends of the earth to find him and be with him again. Kept her from being pretty damn lonely.


Her hands lifted up to his face and gently cupped it in her hands, tilting her head and kissing him deeper. Knowing once the games start, they wouldnt be able to have time to spend together unless they risked the time and risked their sleeping times for the next day. After a while, she broke the kiss and spoke softly "I love you Miles... and I wish you the best of luck during the games... I'll be cheering for you..." surprisingly, a small smile tugged at her lips and her eyes opened to look at her boyfriend's face. His handsome face... she closed her eyes again before briefly locking lips with him. Might as well enjoy the moment while they still had it. Even if they couldnt get to the crazy bedroom things, this was enough to satisfy the small mage. The distance alone from training, helped her to be patient.





Evelyn slowly nodded, hearing his introduction. But knowing he was Lamia Scale actually poked a nerve and had her hand tightning around the glass "Nice to meet you, Mirai." she then downed the rest of the glass and ordered five more glasses. Just hearing the guild that her brother was once in... brought back what she was trying to hide away. Hide the pain that haunted her greatly as fresh as it did. Evelyn refused to let it take over which is why she ordered the five glasses! As soon as she had recieved her glasses, she downed them one by one. One every two minutes just to get her closer to being drunk. Surprisngly the mage didn notice the amount of beers he was drinking too. He seemed to actually be keeping up to what she was going with. Except she was already ahead in beers by a couple of large glasses from before she even met him. Mirai... Such a nice name and very rare indeed. Now thinking about it, she wondered what magic he actually had. Eh, later she would find out and see what would happen. Maybe a fight would break out, she dont know.


Finishing her last glass, she slammed it on the table with a happy sigh as her cheeks were much redder than before "This is the best beer I have ever tasted in my entire life!" the mage yelled at before turning her back to the bar and leaning against it, looking at Mirai in the process "I dont know why but I really 'ave'nt noticed 'ow 'ot you actually are..." the blonde tilted her head back a little, her eyes running all over his face as she bit her lip with a giggle before suddenly wrapping her arm around his shoulders. "So, Mirai, tell me. Do you 'ave a girlfriend? Because she is one lucky gal if you do." she dropped her arm and then cupped his cheek, leaning close and tilting her head slightly "Unless you dont 'ave one... Maybe I can take you out somewhere..." Evelyn was waiting to see what he would do. Most people either went with her drunkened state or would shake her off and tell her to go home.


What she didnt notice was that the bar was a lot less crowded and more in a relaxed setting "I can take you to my 'otel room if you'd like.." she said in a sing-song voice, allowing another giggle to escape her lips. At this point, Evelyn was having fun in her flirty drunk state, talking with the very cute Mirai who seemed to be mysterious in his own ways and made her curious in some parts. But he wasnt a male that she was like 'love at first sight' ...Actually she never ran into that.. Oh well!

Iris Of The Flowers

Iris silently slept in the rooftop garden of the hotel Blue Pegasus was staying in. Her sword lay by her side with her hand gripping it loosely. Suddenly she was jolted awake by the sudden voice of her guildmaster over the intercom of the hotel. Aleria was calling the members of Blue Pegasus over to announce the players for the Grand Magic Games. Standing up with a yawn she sheathed Last Thorn on her side and made her way to the hotel lobby. The chances of her getting picked were low but there was the possibility of getting picked.

Arriving at the lobby, she sat at the far end of the gathering, trying to be inconspicuous and paid attention to the groupings. @Happy Red Mage @BPGuildmembers.

Sora Marvell




Sora scooted her body around in the chair a bit, legs re-positioning themselves at times as people slowly started showing up in the room. A small wave or a smile was ushered their way before she returned to peering down at her bag, eyes fixated on it as a small distraction. It sure was taking quite some time for everyone to appear but that was to be expected. Some of them surely weren't morning people, such as Bel and that was apparent from the disgruntled state he seemed to be in with matching bags under his eyes. Sora couldn't help but let a wide grin spread at the sight of him, highly amused at his attire. He didn't really seem to care what he showed up in since making an ongoing good impression was probably the last thing he cared about. Ayano popped in through the door shortly after and her attention quickly switched over to the small vampire. Both eyes widened in surprise before a big warm smile plastered itself upon her face, eyes seeming to sparkle right along with it. " Didja miss meeee? " Sora teased her, inching closer to her as if they were old time childhood friends. Nothing about the vampire put her off anymore and the fact that Ayano had stayed was a huge sign of faith to her so she only felt it fair that she reciprocated it. " They did? " Her happy expression faltered momentarily as she scooted her shoes along the ground awkwardly. " Well, hopefully they weren't too worried. I'm back in one piece and I gained a few cool new abilities! " The slayer sounded extremely proud of herself, hands stretching forward as they came together so her fingers could entwine cutely.


" You've come to the light side for real now, I see. What colour did you pick? I bet it looks really prett--... " Sora's words were cut off as Timothy entered the room. An endearing and delighted smile arose so quickly that it almost seemed unnatural that one could burst into a happy state that quickly, but she did until their hues aligned to make eye contact. Her fingers grasped at the edge of her chair and she was about to run over and approach him until she watched him look away. Every ounce of optimism or eagerness dissipated just as promptly as it had come. Was he that upset with her for leaving at Christmas that he couldn't even look at her? Out of everyone she had figured Timothy would have been the happiest that she was back. Her whole face look drained, ghastly white as the previous livelihood melted from it. " I-Is he mad at me because he just... looked right at me and just ignored me... It's like he didn't even know me.. " Her words were shaky as she inquired rather quietly to Ayano for answers, eyes starting to brim with tears at the realization that she might have lost one of her closest friends. There was no logical explanation as to why that scene had just played out the way it did and she swallowed nervously, trying to push the emotions stirring in her down so that the guild master wouldn't see it. " Are you here because you made the team? Why aren't you wearing the cat ears? How was your Christmas? Did you get to train any? Is anyone being mean to you in the guild? " Sora began to unload questions on the small girl, eyes glued on her face to remain distracted from the fact that Timothy was in the room and seemed to be either extremely displeased with her or just simply forgot about her. Both were unfavorable reasons.


Kira offered them treats and Sora frantically ran over to the table and began stuffing handfuls into her mouth, using the sugary treats as a mean of thinking about anything else but that emotionally dead look she had received. In the process she managed to make a scene and embarrass herself and her hands slowly came to a stop, cheeks glossing over with a deep shade of crimson as if she were caught red handed doing something unsavory. She gazed down at the plate that was practically empty and stood there frozen, unsure of what to do or say next.


@LeSoraAmari[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Jackaboi[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@FreeZing[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Happy Red Mage[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@purplepanda288[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Solemn Jester[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Spanner[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Isune[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]@Britt-21 @Zareh
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Arriving at the guildhall, Chris grinned at all his fellow guildmates and GMG goers. However, the second his eyes landed on Sora, the giant of a man let go of Lavender and ran at the little girl. Yanking her off her feet, Chris brought the little girl into the biggest hug imaginable. Swinging her around like a little rag-doll, Chris started chuckling as he said,"Sora!! I can't believe it, you're back! I knew you'd be okay!" before putting her down and lightly hitting her in the back of the head with his palm. "Do you have ANY idea how worried we were!? Never do that again, understand!?" He scolded, almost like a concerned parent or sibling. Finally calming down, Chris got down on a knee and looked the young girl in the eyes. "You can't just up and leave like that, you have so many people here who were dead worried about you. We all knew you'd be okay, but to leave without saying anything to us...just leaving notes? That's not the Sora I know. Then again, the Sora I know likes to drool into my mane. That's aside from the point though." He said in a much calmer tone, knowing that she was still a kid. Looking to Lavender and smiling, Chris changed to his draco form and looked down at Sora. "This look familiar to you?" He asked in a much deeper and somewhat scratchier voice. It was great to have Sora back, now Chris could go back to messing around with her. She was like the little sister he never had.

@Britt-21 @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi @Zareh @Happy Red Mage @purplepanda288 





Evelyn slowly nodded, hearing his introduction. But knowing he was Lamia Scale actually poked a nerve and had her hand tightning around the glass "Nice to meet you, Mirai." she then downed the rest of the glass and ordered five more glasses. Just hearing the guild that her brother was once in... brought back what she was trying to hide away. Hide the pain that haunted her greatly as fresh as it did. Evelyn refused to let it take over which is why she ordered the five glasses! As soon as she had recieved her glasses, she downed them one by one. One every two minutes just to get her closer to being drunk. Surprisngly the mage didn notice the amount of beers he was drinking too. He seemed to actually be keeping up to what she was going with. Except she was already ahead in beers by a couple of large glasses from before she even met him. Mirai... Such a nice name and very rare indeed. Now thinking about it, she wondered what magic he actually had. Eh, later she would find out and see what would happen. Maybe a fight would break out, she dont know.


Finishing her last glass, she slammed it on the table with a happy sigh as her cheeks were much redder than before "This is the best beer I have ever tasted in my entire life!" the mage yelled at before turning her back to the bar and leaning against it, looking at Mirai in the process "I dont know why but I really 'ave'nt noticed 'ow 'ot you actually are..." the blonde tilted her head back a little, her eyes running all over his face as she bit her lip with a giggle before suddenly wrapping her arm around his shoulders. "So, Mirai, tell me. Do you 'ave a girlfriend? Because she is one lucky gal if you do." she dropped her arm and then cupped his cheek, leaning close and tilting her head slightly "Unless you dont 'ave one... Maybe I can take you out somewhere..." Evelyn was waiting to see what he would do. Most people either went with her drunkened state or would shake her off and tell her to go home.


What she didnt notice was that the bar was a lot less crowded and more in a relaxed setting "I can take you to my 'otel room if you'd like.." she said in a sing-song voice, allowing another giggle to escape her lips. At this point, Evelyn was having fun in her flirty drunk state, talking with the very cute Mirai who seemed to be mysterious in his own ways and made her curious in some parts. But he wasnt a male that she was like 'love at first sight' ...Actually she never ran into that.. Oh well!

Mirai Yamada



Mirai felt tempted to loudly sigh in relief as soon as she replied to his introduction, as apparently he managed to guess the question correctly. He was about to ask the girl about her own allegiance when he first noticed that she was already in the next glass. He immediately proceeded to drink more, apparently trying to exactly equal the girl rhythm in a way that wouldn't offend her, as he feared that she would think that he was thinking of her as a drunkard if he drank less than her and feared even more drinking more than her and making her think that he was purposefully trying to surpass her capacity, giving birth to another misunderstanding. He couldn't help but get impressed by the girl's drinking capacity, as he definitely didn't think that she could hold that much of a drinking without passing out. The girl was undoubtedly interesting in her own way, acting in such an ungirly way naturally and even so having quite the feminine charm.

His line of thought was suddenly broken by her exclamation about the drink quality, that was quite normal in his own opinion. Apparently, she was already quite affected by the alcohol, as he cheeks were clearly redder than before. He finally reacted when she approached him saying something about he being actually something, as he unconsciously backed off a step from her as she invaded his comfort zone. Unfortunately for him the girl was surprisingly bold, to the point that she wraped her arm around him in a way that could only be described as flirtatious, greatly surprising Mirai, that hardly had that much of a physical contact with the opposite sex before. His head almost shut down as soon as the next sentence left her mouth. To think that she was actually bold enough to invite him to "somewhere", how utterly surprising.


If that wasn't enough, the female mage continued her advances even before he managed to give a reply, this time inviting him to her hotel room and almost making his nonchalant cover crumble away. Unfortunately for her, even if Mirai wasn't exactly experienced with the opposite sex he had quite the tendency of assuming a completely different self when pressed too hard, and her teasing actually managed to flip the switch of his defense mechanism, returning him to the usual delinquent-like self that he came to develop as a facade. "Oh my... What a naughty kid, teasing others to this point." His voice clearly responded for the first time, giving away a feel of arrogance that completely differed from his previous attitude. "You see... Teasing me like that is no good, you know? You can end up being eaten..." He announced, taking advantage of the position that the girl previously assumed to press her against the bar's wall, his right hand "trapping" her in the position and consequently forcing her to look at his face, that was now covered by a haughty smile. "Are you sure that you want that to happen?" He asked, his face dangerously approaching her. Overall the feel that he gave completely changed from mysterious and silent to utterly arrogant and surprisingly bold, as if he just uncovered his true self.




Evelyn did not expect the sudden turn in roles as now he was the one having her trapped up against the wall. Her eyes closed halfway as she glanced at his lips before locking eyes with him "I'm a naughty woman, what could I say...?" she asked with a seductive tone. Eve's eyes dropped back down to his lips "If I end up being eaten..so be it...It is you doing it after all...I wouldnt mind it 'appening either..." her drunkened state made him sound sexier, his words that left his lips that sent shutters up her spine "Come 'ere, I cant keep waiting." her hands had ran up his clothed chest slowly before making their way around his neck and pulling him closer to her. Her head tilting a little bit with a light smile on her lips as she leaned closer to his own soft-looking lips before finally landing a soft kiss upon those lips, slowly deepning it as time went by between the two.


Of course Evelyn wasnt bothered by this one bit. She's flirted and kissed guys plenty of times and Mirai seemed alright. Following the pace and the mood as if he was already into the whole thing. He didnt rush which was good on his part because if he did, he would have pissed Evelyn off and risked himself getting thrown out a window. And in a not so nice way. How long has it been since she kissed a guy? She was at her parents house for a year or so. A very long time it would seem. Evelyn broke the kiss and rested her head back against the wall, looking at Mirai "Why dont we 'ead out of 'ere?" the mage asked, her eyes moving from his eyes, to his lips but back to his eyes. "Unless you feel comfortable staying 'ere and making out in a dark corner against the wall?"


While going on in her head she was thinking of what would happen or what could happen. Mainly just her flirty mind going absolutely everywhere on a spree. I wonder what brother would say, seeing me like this...Hmm... without even realising she thought about her brother, all seemed well. So evelyn just focused on Mirai's face, her hands sliding to cup his pale-skinned face and gently allow her thumbs to brush against his cheeks. It was actually surprising how soft and smooth his skin was and she very much liked that.
"Well, when you touch it it's going to disappear in a blink." She replied, She stood up and walked next to him. "Don't worry, I'm sure we can find a real tree for you to climb on." She said as she arrived by his side. "I'm going to go back in the mansion to switch out my clothes and to do some training, would you like to join me?" She asked.

Talons face fell when she said it would disappear, but hey she said she would help him find a real tree so win-win right? He shrugged and replied. "Sure I'll come." He quickly gathered up his tiny picnic. "What kinda training?" He asked as they walked back across the pristine lawn. "Like fighting?" He couldn't see how she could be very powerful as her magic seemed pretty weak in terms of battle. But if she was a good swordsman then that could be helpful.
Talons face fell when she said it would disappear, but hey she said she would help him find a real tree so win-win right? He shrugged and replied. "Sure I'll come." He quickly gathered up his tiny picnic. "What kinda training?" He asked as they walked back across the pristine lawn. "Like fighting?" He couldn't see how she could be very powerful as her magic seemed pretty weak in terms of battle. But if she was a good swordsman then that could be helpful.

"Yes Talon, like fighting." Lily replied. She entered the mansion and navigated it's halls and corridors before she finally arrived at her room. Inside, she left the sword on the bed and a change of clothes before stepping into the shower, which was in the bathroom connected to the room, to wash off the sticky and sweet smelling root beer. Afterwards she wrapped herself in a towel and began to dry herself.
"Yes Talon, like fighting." Lily replied. She entered the mansion and navigated it's halls and corridors before she finally arrived at her room. Inside, she left the sword on the bed and a change of clothes before stepping into the shower, which was in the bathroom connected to the room, to wash off the sticky and sweet smelling root beer. Afterwards she wrapped herself in a towel and began to dry herself.

Talon nodded and began thinking of training and the struggle it was but also the reward it brought. After a while he jumped up with an excited smile on his face. "Ha genius!¡!¡" he quickly went to the door to her room and barged in without thought. "Hey Lily I gota great id-" he stopped mid-sentence and his face went red and I mean red. Lily was in the middle of drying and wasn't completely covered by the towel. "Shoot im sorry!¡!¡" he exclaimed quickly turning away and covering his eyes for double protection. The thought, 'nice boobs...' Popped into his head before he mentally slapped himself for the perverted thought.
Talon nodded and began thinking of training and the struggle it was but also the reward it brought. After a while he jumped up with an excited smile on his face. "Ha genius!¡!¡" he quickly went to the door to her room and barged in without thought. "Hey Lily I gota great id-" he stopped mid-sentence and his face went red and I mean red. Lily was in the middle of drying and wasn't completely covered by the towel. "Shoot im sorry!¡!¡" he exclaimed quickly turning away and covering his eyes for double protection. The thought, 'nice boobs...' Popped into his head before he mentally slapped himself for the perverted thought.

Lily's face burned red and with a squeak she began to shove Talon out of the room. "Out! Out! Out!" She yelled with each push before closing the door shut. She quickly finished drying and dressing before grabbing her sword and charging out of the room. "Let's begin training shall we, you have 10 seconds to run before I start hitting you." She said as she held up her sword. "10..." Visible distortions in the air began to surround her sword, wrapping around it with a cocoon of strong winds. She didn't look very furious because of the visible blush on her face.

Lily's face burned red and with a squeak she began to shove Talon out of the room. "Out! Out! Out!" She yelled with each push before closing the door shut. She quickly finished drying and dressing before grabbing her sword and charging out of the room. "Let's begin training shall we, you have 10 seconds to run before I start hitting you." She said as she held up her sword. "10..." Visible distortions in the air began to surround her sword, wrapping around it with a cocoon of strong winds. She didn't look very furious because of the visible blush on her face.

Talons eyes popped out of his skull when she started chasing him with her sword. "This isn't training this is murder!" He protested as he ran off with Lily in hot pursuit. "It was an accident!" He exclaimed, rounding a corner and almost smacking into someone before quickly running off with a hurried yell of, "Sorry, excuse me!" He burst out the front doors and scrambled up a nearby tree. He perched on the highest branch he could reach and called down to Lily. "Do you forgive me?" 
Talons eyes popped out of his skull when she started chasing him with her sword. "This isn't training this is murder!" He protested as he ran off with Lily in hot pursuit. "It was an accident!" He exclaimed, rounding a corner and almost smacking into someone before quickly running off with a hurried yell of, "Sorry, excuse me!" He burst out the front doors and scrambled up a nearby tree. He perched on the highest branch he could reach and called down to Lily. "Do you forgive me?" 

Lily glared up at Talon before relenting with a huff. "Just...just knock next time okay?" She finally said. She had calmed down during the chase, the sword's wind magic finally subsiding. "Don't make walking into girls after they've taken their shower a habit okay? It's rude and perverted." She added, burying the sword down onto the ground. She finally let out a chuckle. "Hey look, we did find a tree!"
Tyson Redd

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After Tyson had begun draining Draneri back, it wasn't long before she caught on. Then quickly stopped the interaction peeling away from him. She had also stuffed a piece of paper in his mouth. Which he quickly removed, but didn't look at right away.

He attempted to stand up, but as he did he dropped back down to one knee. He was still slightly weakened, although apparently not enough to keep him from  making the ground under his foot crumble. He looked up at the siren, who now seemed in a much better state, and smiled a amused smile."I've heard of being weak kneed but this is ridiculous. You're either the worse kisser in the word, or the best."

After he said this he checked the piece of paper she had handed him. His eyes widened, and the ground under  him cracked even more. As he leapt to his feet, his expression turning back to its normal emotionless state."It seems while I was "distracted" the guild master left me a note. Hmph, seems I'll be on the sabertooth team. I've been waiting for this, I suppose I should go recharge."  That was what Tyson had intended to do, but unfortunately instead well. As he attempted to stand up he fell forward onto Draneri. Not hard but gently enough that it wouldn't cause any discomfort. He had passed out, and was snoring lightly on her chest. Without a care in the world. He supposed all his training had tuckered him out, along with the draining. He just hoped he could wake up soon enough to tell miles."Hmm, wonder...if miles...made...the...team." Where the last words to leave Tyson's mouth, as he drifted off into dream world.

@Zuka mentioned @Embaga Elder @Rhodus



[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Draneri: The Siren[/COLOR]


The Siren watched with the same bemused smile that was enigmatic in the sheer inability to see her real motives around it. Was she happy? Angry? Sarcastic? Worried? With that tiny turn of her lips and eyes which pressed upwards slightly it was hard to tell. The real question was... did she hate him? Or admire him? That was probably the most confusing expression of them all. You could never tell with the 3 century old woman. Where most might have been shocked when he dropped to a knee, she wasn't that surprised. She had drained him almost his entire life force, and the only reason he was still alive was because he drained a fraction of that back. Although the edge of an eyebrow lifted in a tiny fashion. The ground crumbled? That was interesting. To be honest other then hanging around Alicia and Mizuki, Draneri actually had no idea what the other Guild Member's powers even were. He could drain magical energy clearly... she wondered what other things the towering man was capable of.


Well that was when he gave her a smile?.... The woman blinked as her eyes widened never in a million years expecting the blank face to smile. Well until he spoke and his idiocy returned. "It's the latter rather then the former... I have had a bit of practice.... [SIZE= 10px]399 years to be exact..."[/SIZE] Her eyes drifting sideways as she spoke in an irritated manner. The man leaped up with a purpose and she was just thankful she might be rid of him for the rest of the day. She was full, he was annoying and his presence irritated her to no end. Well that was the idea. Until the huge man fell forward causing Draneri to lift her arms up in surprise then screech as he fell onto her, landing his head on her not small chest. Still lifting her arms up in a ditzy manner that was very unlike the normally classy lady, she continued to screech out in a loud voice, unable to move from underneath him. After all, physically, the girl was very weak. She didn't have the strength to move such a huge man by herself.....


"SOMEONE GET THIS BIG REDD IDIOT OFF ME!" She screamed suddenly, causing her voice to echo within the Saber tooth Guild Hall.






Lily glared up at Talon before relenting with a huff. "Just...just knock next time okay?" She finally said. She had calmed down during the chase, the sword's wind magic finally subsiding. "Don't make walking into girls after they've taken their shower a habit okay? It's rude and perverted." She added, burying the sword down onto the ground. She finally let out a chuckle. "Hey look, we did find a tree!"

Talon nodded and said, "Yes ma'am!" With a wink and saluted before slipping and falling the 15 feet or so to the ground and landing with a thud. "I'm ok..." He said with a groan before sitting up and shaking his head a few times to clear the fuzziness. He got up with a grimace and smiled reassuringly. "So now what? Wanna spar?" He asked, falling into a fighting stance.
Talon nodded and said, "Yes ma'am!" With a wink and saluted before slipping and falling the 15 feet or so to the ground and landing with a thud. "I'm ok..." He said with a groan before sitting up and shaking his head a few times to clear the fuzziness. He got up with a grimace and smiled reassuringly. "So now what? Wanna spar?" He asked, falling into a fighting stance.

"Yes, we're going to spar now. Try to keep up." Lily replied, holding the sword firmly and shifting into a fighting stance. The grass around them began to ruffle, disturbed by the slight breeze the sword was causing. Without warning, the sword shifted in her hands, becoming longer, larger, thicker. From the sword it once was, she now held in her hands a glorious greatsword. Wind gathered around the blade as she held it tighter in her grasp before she suddenly brought it down in one swift move. A furious wave of harsh winds was unleashed towards Talon, tearing up the ground in its wake, scattering dirt, blades of grass, small rocks, and fallen leaves. The blade then was reared up as butterflies began to blink into existence, fluttering around her like fragile floating mines, as she braced herself for her sparring partner's move.

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