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Two Thousand Club
Issac Toshi
Blood Dragon Slayer
With the sounds of aggravated shouting, metal banging on metal, and glass shattering echoing up and down the streets of the large port town of Hargeon, the last thing anyone expected to see was the sudden appearance of what seemed to be a large male flying through the second floor of what was thought to have been an abandoned warehouse. As the large burly man tumbled on the floor only to have his back pressed against the building adjacent to the warehouse, he quickly stood up with fists raised before charging towards the closed metal door leading back into the interior of the warehouse. Moments before he could so much as lay a finger onto the handle of the door, the door itself was instantaneously torn off its hinges by yet another large figure bursting through, taking the door with him and now sandwiching the door itself between him and the charging other male.

Seconds later, from the interior of the warehouse exited Issac Toshi, a wizard who was part of the guild known as Fairy Tail.
The reason behind Issac's current predicament was that just as every other wizard in the guild, he had found a job that had been listed on the job board that wasn't exactly paying a whole lot but was going to be enough for him to pay for another month or two of rent while also just enough to feed himself and his pet fox Yumi. The client was an old fisherman who was in dire need of assistance to deal with a bunch of crooks who were causing trouble for him and his fellow fisherman, they were constantly being forced to pay for 'protection fees' and 'fish tax' and if they refused to pay, the crooks would either commit mischief such as damaging the fishing nets, boats or even beating up the fishermen.

While the pay wasn't exactly great, the sound of criminals getting away with such acts and how the authorities turned a blind eye to the situation since the fishermen had no proof it was the crooks that were committing these crimes, was enough to boil Issac's blood.
Meanwhile, the two remaining criminals on the pavement before Issac seemed to believe what they did was fine and saw no wrong in their acts, they tried to justify their means by stating if they hadn't done it to the fishermen, someone else would've and whoever else would've done it would've possibly been worse than them. They even tried to explain to Issac that the way they operated was just how the town worked, that while on the outside, everything may look normal and peaceful in Hargeon, behind the scenes, there are all different kinds of criminals running the show, and that they were just a small fish in a big pond of the criminal underworld.

Even after hearing the two large men attempt to clear their name or at least make it seem like their acts weren't as bad as they could've been, Issac kept a stoic expression across his face while remaining silent. Moments passed as the two large thugs stood back up, believing that they might've convinced the wizard to let them free. Although mere seconds went by before Issac began to open his mouth to inhale deeply, planning to blow away the thugs with a 'Dragon Roar', however, right as he was about to release his attack, the sound of a female voice shouting to the side caused him the trio to turn their attention over.

"Enough!" The voice came from a female officer of the local authorities, behind her was a large squadron of other officers.

With a single snap of her fingers, two men rushed over to apprehend the two burly thugs while several others entered the abandoned building to detain the other criminals who had been beaten to a pulp by Issac. All the while, the female officer approached Issac with her hands behind her back, her face stern and annoyed with how Issac handled the situation rather than going to get the authorities to deal with the matter.
"Listen here you brat. I don't care who you think you are, you have no right to just come here to Hargeon and just barge into any building you like and start beating up civilians like this. I swear, if it wasn't for the fact that these people have a record of threatening the fishermen of this town, I would have you locked up for good! Do you hear me?! Seriously, who the hell do you think you--"

As the woman continued to try and lecture and seemingly threaten him, Issac showed no sign of this affecting him whatsoever. Instead, he simply reached into his back pocket to retrieve the job flyer before shoving it into her face to read before he walked off to go and collect his reward from the client. It was then did the officer read through the flyer and realized that Issac was a wizard from Fairy Tail, leaving her even more frustrated as he crumbled up the flyer before tossing it aside, knowing all too well that she couldn't simply lock up a wizard when they were just doing a job.
Location: Hargeon Town
Time: Mid-day
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: N/A
coded by natasha.
Lyra Everlong
(Lamia Scale)
The sounds of the piano filled the guild hall of Lumia Scale. The guild hall itself was a rather wonderous place. The main a wide open hall with various tables placed about. Various sculptures and artwork were placed around the the hall invoking upon the theme of the sea of which the figure of Lamia features most prominently several times. A stage sat near the front elevated up from the ground. Upon the stage sat the very piano from which the upbeat music had been filling the hall for some time now on and off again. The piano itself rather turned to the side to present the performer instead sat facing the audience. The top lifted up as it's player was obfuscated behind it. Just the way it's performer preferred.

Lyra's dexterous fingers carried across the keys as if dancing upon them. A soft glow lingered on her cheeks as her pink hair fell down her back tied neatly by a red ribbon down past her waist. The black sweatshirt she wore left with the hood down feeling comfortable tucked away out of sight to play the music. A look of serenity seemingly plastered on her face as her pink eyes glanced down looking to the notes as she followed along as if to ensure she was correctly playing the tune though she clearly seemed to be doing a lot of it from memory. Her pair of white shorts clung down her legs peeking out though tucked under the piano itself. Her headphones sat comfortably around her neck.

Music was always something Lyra had a passion for. Having grown up in such a remote place up in the mountains she had always enjoyed learning how to perform music with various instruments or even to sing. The idea of being able to play music and make others happy or content to listen to her always something she wanted to do. Ironically, she was also incredibly shy around others. Being away from others perhaps made her a bit more sheepish when it came to performing. It was largely why she had the piano turned to hide herself behind it so she could play it as if isolated for the world despite performing for the Guild hall.

Her time in Lamia scale as brief as it was had given her a little courage around some members, but it wasn't quite enough for her to casually perform in front of most. It was always something that would cause her to feel butterflies in her chest. Still, it was something she had to overcome a little to make some coin. She had set off from home in hopes of finding her mother after all. It had been only sheer happenstance she had found her way to a guild. To become a member meant she could get a little work, and playing some music to add some life into the place as some lovely background music would give her some more coin.

As shy as she was, she couldn't help find enjoyment in where she was. A change from the somewhat isolation of her home. She was in a place somewhere that people could hear her music. A place that she could truly spread her wings a little. The fact it was a guild only made it that much more likely she might stumble upon a lead where she could end up finding her mother. She had set off to find her expecting it wouldn't be easy after all. Her grandfather hadn't exactly been left with much for her to go on without having much of a plan what to do given her lack of experience down from the mountain.

Her fingers stopped moving taking a brief pause after finishing the last song. Her hand reached over taking a cup of water sipping it up. The small girl slowly shifted over, the stool she sat on lightly shifting on the ground. Her small head peeking out as her eyes just barely looked past the piano as to give a brief little peek around the instrument like a turtle peeking it's head of it's shell. The girl wanting to see who was around while keeping herself hidden away as much as possible.


Location: Lamia Scale Guild Hall (Margaret Town)
Interactions: Playing Music in the Guild Hall for any listeners.

Mentions: None
IMG_9081.jpeg Jasper Greenwood
Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall

Interactions: Anyone who was unlucky enough to eat at the table with him.

Mentions: None

The guild hall was surprisingly quiet and calm. Despite a guild as rambunctious as Sabertooth were infamous for fights breaking out like itโ€™s rival Fairy Tail, is wasnโ€™t a stranger to slow days like these, which irked a certain Dragon Slayer. Jasper aggressively tapped on the table as he read his book. The silence felt deafening to him. Most of the time he liked the silence, but this time it just feltโ€ฆboring. He taps on the table even faster in annoyance. It then came to a boiling point as he flipped over the table, with those sitting with him being unfortunate victims. โ€œDAMN IT! This is getting ridiculous. Iโ€™m sick and tired of getting nothing but errands! When will I get something good like a monster hunting or finding a rare artifact. Most of the C-Class stuff is just Errands or finding a lost catโ€ฆโ€ He groaned โ€œI ainโ€™t no errand boy and I got a cat of my own to deal with.โ€ He said as he chewed on a rock. โ€œJust because Iโ€™m new doesnโ€™t mean I canโ€™t handle a B-Class mission at least.โ€ He got up from his seat. โ€œGuess the only thing to do is train so I can at least be strong enough to do so.โ€ He then walked out of the guild hall and into a nearby open field to train.

As Jasper went into the field and approached the training dummies. He then began his assault on one of the dummies starting with an Earth Dragonโ€™s Club and then another one, and and another one, and another. Followed by an Earth Dragonโ€™s Roar. He decided that it was time to see if the spell heโ€™s been working on made any progress. He then started to eat dirt and rocks off the ground to replenish his magic. Once he was done, he began focusing his power. โ€œFeel the earth, become the earth.โ€ Lithosโ€™ words echoed through his mind. โ€œEarth Dragonโ€™s Scales.โ€ He uttered. Slowly but surely his hands turned into dragon-like stone claws. Jasper opened his eyes only to be disappointed by his incomplete transformation, he then started punching the dummy out of frustration. โ€œDamnit, Damnit, DAMNIT!โ€ He yelled. With the final hit he sent the dummy flying to who knows where. The โ€œgauntletsโ€ returned back to his normal skin as he sat down in a defeated position. He looked at his hand as he recalled that faithful day when Lithos disappeared. Because of their disappearance, he couldnโ€™t complete the spell, ever since then Jasper would do nothing but train in order to perfect the spell. Unfortunately, he doesnโ€™t know if heโ€™s progressing well enough. He sighed and looked up at the sky. โ€œI just have to keep going if wanna be strong.โ€ He thought to himself.
Mont Paradox
Guild: Sabertooth

Early in the morning before the sun fully rises, In a room with bookshelves lining the walls and reaching as high as the ceiling. Filled with books on all types of subjects, one to think of. In the middle of the room, a good distance away from the books. The only thing that can be heard throughout the room is the sound of someone in a lab coat and wielding mask tinkering with two small broken apart rubiks cube. After working on them for a while, they are finally about to put it together. Working to see if they can they can get them to stay together. on the verge of finishing putting it together, they start applying their magic to it. The cube's pieces extend from it, making it grow and shrink in size. while in the middle of doing this, thereโ€™s a sudden knock on the door to the room, taking away their attention from their experiment. โ€œ Sir your meal is ready.โ€ In the amount of time that they lost focus the cube was overloaded and a small explosion could be heard inside the room. Throwing the guy against one of the bookshelves causing several books to fall on top of them. After a little, the door to the room opens the person being an older gentleman in cooking ware. .โ€ Iโ€™m guessing from the the explosion that this is another failed project, sir. The nurse is waiting on you as per usual.โ€
The person who was just thrown back, jumps up excitedly, removing the damaged lab coat and mask. Revealing a young man with white hair and gold eyes.

โ€œ No way is this is the most progress Iโ€™ve made yet, so of course itโ€™s not a failure. I have to write this down.โ€ He ran over to another desk in a room and wrote some notes in his book. Once he was done writing down all the new information he went to see the doctor. The doctor only let out a sigh when he saw him, but was relieved only having Mont have to leave out with a bandage on his arm and his head. Once he was done there, he went to pick up his meal and found it neatly wrapped up in a backpack. Once he finished trading into his guild uniform. He sat out to leave walking outside of his house and saying goodbye to everyone he passed by on the way out.
Stepping out in his backyard, the sun had finally risen. He took a deep breath preparing to jump with all his strength. โ€œSoarโ€.
rocketing off in the direction of his guild. as he rocket it from point to point, his destination came in to view. With one final jump, he launched himself over the training field onto the roof of the guild, where guild, he saw Jasper one of the guild's slayers. Who is staring at the sky for whatever reason he locked eyes with him for a moment. Once he learned it, he turned around, took a seat on the roof, and began to eat his meal waving at the guy. โ€œYou're the earth slayer right I certainly hope you werenโ€™t waiting for me looking up at the sky like you were or are you just in a bad mood or something like that? If I wasnโ€™t busy eating I would be more than happy to make you enjoy some dirt right now .โ€ Mont said while eating a sandwich before continuing to eat his meal. โ€ But if you just wanna talk, I am more than willing to listen.โ€

Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall

Jasper Greenwood

Toji Abiko

Location: Margaret Town, heading for Lamia Scale guild hall
Interactions: Hanarei Hanarei

โ€œHow many times I gotta tell ya, Iโ€™M NOT A THIEF YA CRAZY OLD BAT!!โ€ An irritated voice boomed through the streets of Margarets shopping district, a large crowd of on-lookers surrounding the commotion to witness a large young delinquent towering over a much smaller older couple. The thin old man with a curled beard and trembling legs hid behind his much huskier wife, an old woman with a nasty hairy mole just above her lip and a thick pair of glasses. The woman swung overhead a wooden cane with one arm and another protecting the thin man behind her, standing confident before the much taller and imposing young man with a large metal bat resting on his shoulder. Though there was no seeing her eyes beyond her insanely thick glasses, her furrowed brows and deep frown spoke volumes in her disdain and defiance of the threat before her. She scoffed and swung the cane for the delinquent's noggin, the target himself easily avoiding the sluggish attack with an annoyed grunt.

โ€œYou think me dumb boy!? I saw you slip out of that shop without paying! I may be far beyond my golden years, but Iโ€™m not blind!โ€ she barked back at him. โ€œYa think Iโ€™ll let you just steal what's not yours? A friend of another friend's son owns that shop! Just wait till the guards show up!โ€ she continued, her cane continuing to swing around erratically overhead as she went on the thwart the two-bit criminal in front of her. The so-called โ€œthiefโ€ himself took a step and let out a frustrated groan, rubbing the side of his temple as a small headache began to grow from the old lady's ongoing yapping. This wasnโ€™t the first time accusations like these pelted the young man, but it had been a while since heโ€™s gotten such a nutcase on his back.

โ€œLook I told ya already, I got an arrangement set up with the owner. Iโ€™m paying him back later for a few books,โ€ he explained once more, doing his best to hide the hiss of annoyance from his tone. The old woman pursed her lips and shook her head in disbelief.

โ€œYou do think Iโ€™m dumb donโ€™t you!?โ€ she yelled as another swing of her cane swung towards the delinquent's head, who effortlessly managed to duck under the attack with a groan before shooting back up and slamming his metal bat into the road below their feet, causing the pavement to slightly crack.

โ€œDamn right I think yur dumb! Bat shit crazy too! NOW STOP SWINGING DAT DAMN THING AT ME!โ€ he barked back, his accent changing slightly to a much more country-bumpkin tone as he glared down at the old woman, veins starting to show in his neck from frustration. The crowd surrounding the scene began to mummer and whisper, many seeming concerned while others seeming to be amused by the sight, no doubt having seen this young man get into many similar squabbles in the past.

โ€œLooks like Tojiโ€™s at it again.โ€

โ€œWhat, this is about just a couple of books?โ€
โ€œDamn brat, always causing trouble.โ€

โ€œIs he going to hurt that poor old couple?โ€

โ€œSomeone call the guard!โ€

The last few comments made Tojiโ€™s ear twitch before spinning around to face the crowd, seeing a few flinch at the sudden attention directed their way. โ€œNow hold on damn it! Ya got it wrong! Iโ€™m not-OW!โ€ he was abruptly cut off as the old woman's cane finally hit its mark, slamming straight down the middle of his skull. Seeing the advantage, she delivered several more WHAPS of her cane, each hit barely doing any actual harm, but still stinging enough to make Toji spin back around toward her and garb her cane mid-swing. โ€œKnock it off damn it!โ€ he shouted, his eyes wide as he stared down at the old lady, his right eye twitching from anger as he clutched the cane with an iron fist. The old lady struggled with her cane, trying her best to budge free from his grasp until finally the clinking of armor could be heard approaching. The crowd parted as four guards marched onto the scene, the one leading them owning a familiar face, a head of short golden blonde hair with a pair of deep blue eyes hiding behind a few stray strands of hair.

โ€œWhat's the meaning of- oh, Toji,โ€ the guard leading the others spoke, the professional expression quickly falling as he spotted the โ€œoffenderโ€ of the commotion. A small bit of relief came over Toji as he saw the guardsmen.

โ€œSamuel! Look, this isnโ€™t-OW! STAHP IT!โ€ he snapped at the old lady as she began to rapidly kick his shins with her pointed-heeled shoes. A heavy sigh escaped Samuel as he rubbed his temple, barely keeping back an amused smile. Finally, he stepped forward and held up his hands.

โ€œAlright you two, thatโ€™s enough. Toji, let go of the cane, and ma'am, stop assaulting the poor boy,โ€ he ordered the two of them calmly in a soothing voice. The old lady looked to the guard with a deep frown, snatching her cane away as Toji released it.

โ€œPoor boy? This hooligan stole from that bookstore! And, not to mention, was incredibly rude! The things he said! No respect at all for his elders!โ€ she complained, jabbing a fat finger at Toji who held back the urge to snap at said finger with his teeth. Samuel arched a brow and glanced over to Toji, rubbing the slight stubble of hair on his face.

โ€œWell, I can vouch for him in the regard that heโ€™s no thief. Last I spoke with the owner, they have a deal, or have set up a tab of sorts when he picks out books,โ€ he explained before crossing his arms and looking at Toji. โ€œHis rudeness though? Thatโ€™s no good, no good at all, is it?โ€ he mused, a slight grin slowly spreading across his face and making Toji shiver at the familiar expression. Toji frowned and looked away, resting his bat on his right shoulder while readjusting the satchel slung over his other shoulder. โ€œDonโ€™t worry maโ€™am, Iโ€™ll make sure he learns his lesson. For now, please be on your way,โ€ he insisted before looking around at the crowd that continued to watch the scene. โ€œThat goes for you all as well, fights over, be on your way!โ€ he announced with a boom. The crowd began to disperse, a few looking disappointed to see the show end. The old woman glared over her shoulder at Toji, seeming displeased with the turnout, but followed Samuel's orders and led her shivering husband away.

Once the crowd finally dispersed all that was left was Toji, Samuel, and a few guards. A moment of silence hung over the two before Toji cleared his throat and attempted to walk past Samuel and his guards. He was quickly stopped as Samuel wrapped an arm around his neck and brought him in close. โ€œNow where are you going troublemaker?โ€ the guard questioned with a smirk. Toji let a slow sigh as he stared ahead of himself, not making eye contact.

โ€œCome on, give me a break. I didnโ€™t start things this time. The old bat came out of nowhere and started beating me with that stupid cane,โ€ he defended himself, feeling Samuel's gaze borrowing into the side of his face. After a moment Samuel released him and patted his back with a laugh.

โ€œYouโ€™re just a beacon for trouble, arenโ€™t you? Always attracting some kind of ruckus wherever you go,โ€ Samuel chuckled before resting his hand on the pommel of his sheath sword at him. โ€œBut seriously Toji, you need to try harder to avoid these types of situations. It not only causes trouble for the people and us, but for your guild too,โ€ he warned with a slightly more serious tone. Toji rubbed the back of his neck, a pang of annoyance making him frown, but hearing Samuel loud and clear. The last thing Toji wanted was to bother the guild master with stupid issues like this. A small smile came to Samuel's face as it seemed his warning reached Toji and patted his shoulder. โ€œIโ€™ll slide this under the rug though, donโ€™t worry,โ€ he assured him, making Toji finally meet his gaze and give a simple nod.

โ€œAppreciate it, Sam,โ€ Samuel pursed his lips at the way Toji said his name but ignored it along with the small smirk on the delinquent's face before ruffling his hair and walking past him with his guards close behind.

โ€œKeep your nose clean kid,โ€ he said before turning the corner of the street. A small frown rested on Toji's face, strands of black hair hanging over his face before he reached into his pocket and pulled out what seemed like a switchblade. With the flick of his wrist, a comb snapped out of the tool and Toji made quick work at fixing his hair, combing back his hair into his preferred style. Afterward, he would begin to make his way back to the guild hall, his mood slightly soured at today's interaction. Walking through the streets many would avoid his path, being put off by the usual scowl plastered on Tojiโ€™s face, which made moving through the streets much faster towards the guild hall.

After a thankfully uneventful walk back, Toji returned to the guild hall, his mood no better. The small saving grace however was that not much life filled the guild today, making the next obstacle before him today much easier to be done. Before he could reach the door he paused, arching a brow as the sound of music reached his ears coming from inside. By the time he reached the door, however, the music came to an end. As he entered the guild hall he was greeted by the familiar environment of the hall, being surrounded by fancy sculptures and paintings of various things. Toji always felt they were a bit snobby, but has gotten used to it after these years.

Walking deeper into the guild Toji glanced up at the stage, just barely noticing the head of the most recent addition to the guild, Lyra Everlong, poking out from behind the piano on stage. The two of them have barely interacted, mostly just friendly or polite exchanges. Much too shy though, made Toji feel like he had to walk on eggshells so he wouldnโ€™t scare her away. Walking past the stage Toji would give her a simple nod. โ€œHey Lyra, heard ya playing from outside. Sounded good,โ€ he complimented before passing the stage and heading for a nearby table and taking a seat. Tossing his satchel onto the table, Toji let a few books spill out onto the surface and looked down at the material with a heavy frown. History, math, magical theoriesโ€ฆ. A heavy cloud of distraught hung over Toji as he looked at the books, swallowing his nerves. Even after all these years in Lamia Scale, much of the studies heโ€™s put himself through have barely stuck, but heโ€™s just memorized enough to remain within the guild. After the guild master's lectures about improving his education, Toji forced himself to tackle these subjects head-on. Sliding a history book in front of him and opening to the first page, Toji took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and took a deep breath. After a moment Toji brought both his hands up and slapped his face with as much force as he could, his cheeks bright red from the impact before he snatched up the book and began to glare at the material within the book. โ€œBRING IT OOOOON!โ€ he cried out with motivation, diving into his hardest challenge of the day. Studying.
Pravella Sol (Sabertooth)
Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall
Interactions: Jasper, Mont
Mentions: Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu JuniperBoi JuniperBoi
1702809606729.png There wasn't really much to do at Sabertooth at the moment, she had accompanied a few people on missions but those were completed quiet quickly. While she could go on a few more missions she had herself a limit on the amount of missions she would take before taking a break from them, and she had pretty much nearly reached that limit, so any solo mission that she could complete in a snap was something she wasn't really considering at the moment. Instead she would just have to spend her time doing whatever she felt like, which was exploring the city, but that gotten boring as soon as she had gotten pastries from the bakery. Now the only thing she really felt like doing was going back to the guild hall at the moment, and finish off her pastries while she walked to it. Though still she moved at a mostly fast and steady paste mostly akin to a speed walk, as she made her way back to the Sabertooth Guild hall, all while partaking in her Strawberry and Cheese pastries as she made her way back. When she had gotten close to the outside of the Guild Hall Pravella was able to make out two figures who were engaging in talks with each other, curiously she made her way over to find out what they were talking, she didn't bother to give a wave of greeting as one of her hands had a bag of pastries and the other was occupied by a pastry that she was eating, instead she went on to continue to watch the exchange for a bit, as she continued to finish off her pastry.

Only after she finished the pastry in her hand did she begin to engage with the two of them, "Soooo, what are you guys doing?", once she said that she grabbed another pastry out of her bag, and stared at the two guys. "If you guys were wanting a more private conversation then I would recommend not having one right outside the Guild Hall." Pravella had said that in a matter of fact tone.
(Fairy Tail)
A loud crash could be heard through the Fairy Tail door as a red headed girl came storming in. A loud elongated sign escaped her lips as her red hair flowed behind her following just paste waist length. Standing at 5'4 she was far from an imposing figure given the seeming statue she wanted to exude. Her orange eyes glancing out looking about as if to see if she could spot someone all while putting on a display of being upset. Small black and reddish horns poked out from her head at this point no larger then a thimble. A sign for her that those who knew her enough knew she was a little worked up.

Her normal black jacket she wore out on her mission was still on, opened up at the top teasing her wrapped up chest a little. Her bare shoulders left exposed. The orange trim seemed quite clean with the outfit looking otherwise normal showing perhaps signs the job had been easy despite the behavior she was displaying. However, despite the seeming lack of battle damage, the cryo-grenades she had often perched on her arm were gone. Her short orange shorts coulds barely be seen under the jacket as it acted almost like a skirt in itself. Her black and orange shoes also lacking too much sign of ware. Her special katana itself sat in it's special sheath to her side lightly swaying as she walked her arms crossing as she ventured a bit closer to one of the benches a few people were sitting at a few rows back from the stage.

She muttered out loudly shaking her head. Her eyes glancing down as she shook looked down clearly attempting to look miserable. Her head kept down as a strange silence followed... at least for what the guild hall would allow as such given it's more normally rowdy behavior even on a more 'quiet' day. Her head had kept down as her head turned glancing about as nothing was said. No words seeming to acknowledge her.

"Ahmmmph!" She muttered out louder. Only further silence. It clearly wasn't working. The young mage puffed her cheeks out wandering over placing her hands down rather harshly with a loud knock standing at the table where a few older adults were sitting looking over having clearly been attempting to not pay too much attention too her. The girl looking up as she put on a rather sad look her eyes looking as if she might tear up in what could only be a clear attempt for pitty.

"You wouldn't believe it! I had just got my job done and I was trying to help someone an..."

"...and you lost all your coin... because you weren't trying to help someone, you saw someone gambling again and thought you can win and double your earnings?"
The voice came from a slightly more portly man. His face had a few wrinkles though not so worn out from age with a darker complexation. His hair was nicely combed back brown though with some small signs of greying in his hair. A thick busy mustache hung over his lips. A regular at Fairy Tail who was more aware of Eliana at this point. She could be quite predictable.

"That little brat was using trickery to win and..." She paused biting her lip glancing away slightly flustered knocking her hand at the table. A light puff of smoke seeming to spill from her nose as the little horns on her head grew slightly larger. She clearly was a bit worked up, something that due to the curse and her demon slayer magic it caused such a trait to manifest.3 Perhaps not the best trait to have when trying to be more subversive, not that it would help her at all given her personality.

"... I mean... you.. it... ARRRGH come on! Just a little coin! I was so close to winning, I know it! I had it all figured out I just need a little coin and I'll win back it back easy! I'll even pay you back double!" She spoke looking to the man speaking though glancing at the others nearby who were being more evasive on purpose to avoid her focus. She was a rather head strong girl and it was better to not engage if you wanted to not have your ear talked off. It was far better to ignore her when it came to situations like this.

"Double what? The coin I give now, or you mean all the coin I've given you before you never paid back? Sorry missy, banks closed. You need to learn not to gamble away everything you earn or you aren't going to go anywhere quick." The man spoke with a sign shrugging at her. He had given her a little coin to amuse her given how comfortable he was but he only had such a limit. You didn't want to enable a bad habit, and Eliana clearly was the type who was too stubborn to simply stop while she was ahead.

"I... well that... I mean that too and all but.... gaaaah! Come on! I swear I had that kid's game down! At first I thought he was just quick with the ball and cup but then I noticed he was using magic but when I figured that out it seemed like he was just doing some party trick to distract me! He is on thin ice and just a few coin more and I'd catch on and be able to rake him over the coals for all his coin and get my revenge and my money back!"

"Closed means closed. You need to let up on your gambling, in the end you will always lose. It's not some get rich quick scheme or a game of skill. It's designed in a way the house will always win... and even if it is a fair game with friends someone always ends up losing... and your the type who is too impulsive you will rarely ever come out on top. Now go sit yourself down for a bit and relax a bit, you are working yourself up too much."
He shook his head brushing his hand up to wave her off.

Eliana growled almost like a wild animal before crossing her arms and puffing her cheeks. The red head shuffled her way over to one of the tables that were empty, clearly taking the lack of aid as a sign to sit on her own. As much as she wanted to fight back more, she could feel the horns on her head. She needed to settle herself down a bit emotionally. She was out of Cryo-grenades, not because she had used them on the job. Being a low ranking mage kept her on boring and dull work mostly. Even when there was something exciting it always felt too easy. No... she had used them in place of coin to gamble with. Not only did she come out of the job with no cash, but she had made herself even poorer still.

"Oy.... strongest drink you have! Also water... a lot of water!" She lifted her hand up in the air waving it about in a slightly obnoxious manner. Her eyes glancing over as if to draw whoever might be bartending's attention. A natural tough girl act on her part. What she meant by strongest drink probably very much left up to interpretation. It was just more her way to stand out if she could. Given she lacked much as far as coin... also not a wise choice to serve her such a thing as well.


Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall (Magnolia Town)
Interactions: Being loud in the Guild HQ.

Mentions: None
Elijah E Fiore[ Eli]
Tags: ~ Location: sabertooth guild hall


Eli sat at the table, his expression a mix of concern and anxiety as he repeatedly scanned the newspaper. The weight of the news seemed to press upon him, evident in the way his hands trembled slightly. He glanced over the paper once more, his mind racing with thoughts and worries.

Gao, his loyal celestial companion, sensed his distress and perched beside him, peeking over his shoulder at the newspaper. The dog spirit's concern was noticeable, expressed through a worried whine and a question that hung in the air."Oh no Eli, They're going to start sending search parties now? do we have to move? I DON'T WANNA GO."

A faint chuckle escaped Eli's lips despite his unease, though it was filled with a hint of nervousness. He hastily gulped down the glass of water before responding to Gao's own uneasiness "No, no, Gao, we're not going anywhere. And shh, let's keep our voices down" He reached out, gently patting the celestial spirit's furry head, a comforting gesture .

Leaning back in his chair, Eli let out a soft sigh, running a hand through his blonde hair as he tried to collect his thoughts. "We just need to be cautious, that's all. It's best not to draw attention to it," he murmured, rolling up the newspaper and placing a finger to his lips, indicating the need for silence about the situation.

With a determined look in his eyes, Eli turned his attention back to Gao, his voice carrying a reassuring tone. "We'll figure this out together, buddy. For now, let's keep this news to ourselves, alright?" He offered a warm smile, hoping to ease some of the worry that his companion's had, while internally thinking about the next steps to avoid this.."news" he just read about

Last edited:
Lyra Everlong
(Lamia Scale)
Lyra had been peeping over as her curiosity had gotten the better of her. Toji approaching almost out of nowhere crossing path's with her vision as he spoke complimenting her music. The glow on her face intensified looking on not quite expecting to be ambushed by someone praising her music, never mind a 'brute' like him. Perhaps it was bit more of a harsh way of putting him in her mind. She didn't have ill feelings with him, it was more so a case of how his demeanor came off to her. It was a bit intimidating to see even if he wasn't mean to her. In fact, she could only recall nice exchanges with him.

She flailed a bit her cheeks red shaking her hands almost as if thinking her thoughts had somehow seeped out of her head. The shy girl slipping back behind the behind the piano as if to seek a moment of respite. It wasn't as if she wasn't happy for the compliment, she had mostly been peeking her head out after all to make sure people were happy with the music. Praise was just something she was a bit shy about receiving. The mousy girl fumbled with her fingers seeming to try and find a little courage feeling she was a bit rude for not saying something at first. Her little head peeking back out glancing out and then over.

"Th... thanks I.... I appreciate it..." She spoke softly. The girl blinking seeing he wasn't standing where he had been walking past. Not exactly unexpected given he was walking past when he had spoken. She glanced over quietly seeing where her had venture. The girl bit at her bottom lip looking on feeling a bit bad. Her head turned glancing out quietly. She had been playing for a bit, a little break wasn't really an issue. It did give her fingers a bit of a break. She could play for a long while before getting tired out, but she knew it would eventually take it's toll if she didn't.

Lyra slowly stood up, her long hair falling down into place as she sheepishly glanced over at Toji. Her eyes glancing over as she approached slowly finding it strange as he had a bunch of books scattered on the table. He didn't seem to be the type who was much of a reader. Her eyes lingered on him standing from behind partly debating to approach nervous even after having built up a little courage to thank him. She slowly approached biting her lip the girl parting her lips as she tried to work up the courage to speak. Her eyes lingering on him uncertain what he was doing though he seemed to be focusing.


She cried out jumping as he shouted suddenly taking her by surprise. The girl blushing heavily trembling a bit. Her hand lifted up gently tapping at her chest as her heavy breath escaped trying to regain her composure. The girl blushing as she lifted her hand up looking worried at him not wanting to come off rude.

"S... sorry! Th.. thank you f... for the compliment! B.. before! When I was on stage and.. thanks!" She spoke bowing her head as if to be a bit apologetic. Lyra glanced at him looking timid. Her eyes drifting away and back to him.

Come on Lyra... you need to be more social... talk... be nice... friendly... it's a guildmate after all. I need to... be social... alright... alright!

She nodded to herself taking in a deep breath.

"Are... you doing alright? Um... I mean you like reading?"

Location: Lamia Scale Guild Hall (Margaret Town)
Interactions: Toji Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Mentions: None
Lyssa Magpie

Interactions: Toji Guppy Franz Guppy Franz , Lyra Hanarei Hanarei
The museum closes at 20:00 and reopens at 10:00, it'd be foolish to commit such a crime under the light of day, so there's around a ten-hour window of opportunity for the thief. As long as the information was correct, this should be it. All signs indicate this should be the phantom thief's next target, the grand marbled museum of Hargeon. It was around 1:00 when the thief made their appearance. Nothing about them seemed unique or particularly dangerous, denoting another disappointing job.

The thief carefully stalked the museum, skipping past the mundane historical items in favor of the museum's higher-value objects. The criminal used a specialized but painfully basic form of spatial magic to carry far more stolen goods. The fact they were avoiding the rotating guards indicated some higher knowledge, perhaps an insider source, or do they have more tricks up their sleeve? Watching the little rat scurry around was surprisingly fun. At the same time, watching a creature that has already fallen for a trap without realizing really spoiled that fun with a tinge of pity, or maybe it was disappointment. The thief gathered the most expensive items they could and quickly exited with ease. Slipping past the guards and any other security systems like it was child's play, the phantom thief got away with another successful heist.

Lyssa watched the thief escape into the night as she finished enjoying her cup of tea. The limited seaweed tea didn't exactly suit her taste, but she'd be damned to let good tea go to waste; plus, it's not like she'll lose track of her own magic. After all, in all that fool's preparation, they couldn't have accounted for Lyssa's interference. Watching the moon, Lyssa took one last long sip from her tea. She set the cup down before starting her pursuit of the thief. From what she could tell, they've stopped moving, so they're probably at the stash by now. The same stash Lyssa was tasked with finding for the job. Sure as the daylight, the stash was hidden in an old well with an excellently crafted cover to avoid detection. Easy for her though, as her own magical energy made it very easy to find. Planting her own conjured gems amongst the others made this far too trivial. Lyssa peered down the well, seeing an organized treasure trove of paintings, gold, and silver, but most eye-catching was the gemstones embedded in jewelry they had stolen. They look so delicious, if only she didn't have a duty as a guild wizard. Lyssa sighed, why couldn't she get a job to test her skills already? No matter. She had completed her job. It was time to leave.

Though... she couldn't help but notice the careless tracks left behind by the thief. Lyssa shook her head, wondering why someone would stash their goods in the forest without the ability to properly cover their tracks. Well, it wasn't her problem.
"Damnit" they groaned as they took a sharp turn into the alleyway, hoping to lose their pursuer. But that thing was relentless, with no remorse. It encroached on him with an agonizingly slow speed and taunting demeanor. His body had been in overdrive for at least ten minutes, which was now beginning to wear down. His breath slowed, and the adrenaline was dulling. And, upon seeing the dead end they just turned into, what little energy left came crashing down. They heard light laughter from behind them, turning around to see their pursuer, the crazed gem girl who had been chasing them. The blonde girl raised her refined black dress in a curtsy, allowing him to see her unique gem pattern inside the dress and her Lamia Scale guild mark on her right thigh.
"Allow me to introduce myself, Lyssa Magpie of Lamia Scale. Now, I've actually already completed my job here. Yet, I have a little theory that someone's leaking your information, and if I get a name, I could earn a bonus." Lyssa grinned her hollow, crying purple eyes actively burrowed directly into his own. His spine reflexively shivered as he desperately crawled away, though only backing himself further into the wall. "And, something tells me you won't be tough to crack. Ready or not~" Lyssa raised her arm up. With a snap, she conjured gems from her fallen tears, which shot towards the thief.
Lyssa counted the money. That bonus was definitely worth the extra two gemshot spells she had to use. Seriously, she should stop expecting to be challenged on these missions. While this paycheck should take care of essentials for a fair bit, she still wanted extra spending money, especially after seeing those delicious gems at the museum. It should be illegal to taunt people like that. Either way, Lyssa's current plan was to pick up a fresh job from the guild, so the guild she went.

The fanciful parts of the guild were nothing less than normal for Lyssa, as her upbringing had placed her in far more luxurious places before. However, the liveliness and expression of the guild definitely was an odd sight whenever she entered. It was rather anxiety-inducing, though she definitely preferred it over having to work in a place akin to her childhood home. She shook her head, brushing the thoughts off before opening the door to a prime example of her earlier thoughts. Lyra was nearly as new as Lyssa, but she clearly should've chosen a different profession. She was a blatantly flustered mess just trying to talk to Toji. If she finds him scary, she better stay with low-ranking missions for the rest of her time here. As for Toji, he was reading some rather basic books, but by the look on his face, she'd think he was fighting for his life if she didn't know any better. Hopefully, he doesn't burst a brain cell and die.

Lyssa moved up, looking towards Toji, "Hey, Iron Maker, I overheard some town gossip on my way back here. Were you really having an argument with an old lady in the middle of the street? You do understand the concept of consequence, correct? The guild will in turn get fewer jobs if we earn a bad name from actions such as these." Her tone was a mix of condescension and genuine concern. She examined the job listing for anything that stuck out. Nothing stuck out at first glance, so she'd have to read each individually to decide the next job. Steadily combing through them, her brain started to drift without her realizing it.
Issac Toshi
Blood Dragon Slayer
With the job completed and his pay rewarded, Issac proceeded to head to the train station in town to return to Magnolia. There was nothing left to do in Hargeon and with his job done the last thing he wanted to do was spend any more time in the port town than he needed to, afterall, he needed to get back to Magnolia so that he could pay this month's rent. Aside from that, he was sure enough that Yumi had been lonely without him while she waited for him in the guild hall to return. During his walk towards the station, the sound of the whistle blowing from the train was quick to bring shivers as the thought of getting on the locomotive was sure to make him feel uneasy, but the thought of walking back to Magnolia was going to make the trip twice as long. With a heavy sigh, he swallowed the lump in his throat as he made his way into the station before purchasing a ticket back to Magnolia town.

As expected, the moment Issac had found his seat, the slightest jerk of the locomotive had caused his eyes to widen as he brought a hand over the mask around his mouth to attempt and hold in his vomit. 'I hate this...so much...just..hold it in..its only an hour ride..hold it in--' Constantly repeating the same words to himself in his head as the large vessel moved along the tracks, every bump on the tracks making it feel as though his stomach and heart had switched places consistently. Moments passed and right as Issac felt as though he motion sickness was slowly passing, the sound of the intercom buzzing with the conductor speaking caught his attention.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Unfortunately due to some high winds, we will be arriving at our destination at a slightly later time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Our estimated time of arrival will be another two hours. Please, until we reach our destination, we advise you all to remain seated. Thank you for your cooperation."

As the intercom turned off, all the color in Issac's face had left while leaving his expression horrified that the once short trip between destinations was just extended by another hour. 'I'm going to die on this train...' With the doom setting in and disbelief of how long he was going to have to suffer the train ride, mere seconds passed before he ended up passing out on the cushions of the seat for the rest of the ride back to Magnolia.
By the time the train had arrived at the station in Magnolia, Issac had been a drooling mess on the train floor, as passengers left the compartment one after another, they all passed by him only giving questionable looks, yet doing nothing to help him off the ground. Luckily, as one of the employees of the train did a walk through the different compartments to see if any passengers left any unclaimed baggage, they noticed Issac on the floor only to attempt and wake him from his passed-out state. No matter how much the male employee shook or slapped Issac, he could not seem to have the passenger wake up from his dazed state.

Having no other choice but to carry Issac off the train before setting him down into one of the benches in the train station, as he set the male down, the sudden sight of the Fairy Tail guild mark on the back of the male's neck had caused the employee to gasp before realizing that this person was a wizard from the guild. Knowing this information, they sent out word to one of their fellow employees to go get someone from the guild to come pick up one of their fellow guildmates at the train station.

With Fairy Tail's guildhall being as close as it was to the station, it would take a matter of minutes before an employee from the train station would come practically barging into the guildhall. The moment the stranger stepped into the room, many of the members of the guild continued to go about their business as though they were ignoring the stranger entering, only turning a few heads once the station employee had spoken up. "Excuse me! Um...I was sent here from the train station. I believe one of your guildmates is uhh.. incapacitated at the station. I was told to come here to ask if someone could come pick him up?"
Location: Hargeon Town -> Magnolia Town (Train Station)
Time: Mid-day
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: Whoever is in Fairy Tail guildhall
coded by natasha.

Toji Abiko

Location: Lamia Scale guild hall
Interactions: Lyra Hanarei Hanarei , Lyssa AzaleaWonderland AzaleaWonderland

Though Tojiโ€™s roar of determination to see through the pile of books before him had quickly pumped him up for the challenge, a startled shout from behind him made him flinch and accidentally tear one of the pages of the book in his hands. The sound of the page tearing made him wince in pain, knowing heโ€™d have to answer for the damage to the bookstore owner the next time he met him. โ€œDamn,โ€ he muttered under his breath, a slight irritated huff escaping him before turned to face the source of the startled shout with a small frown. Upon seeing Lyra though his brows rose a bit in surprise and his frown disappeared, the irritation of the disturbance being replaced with curiosity as he closed the damaged book. The poor girl was flustered all to hell, still obviously overcoming the scare he gave her as she tapped away at her chest to get a hold of herself. Even when he didnโ€™t try he still managed to scare the girl. This was rare though for her to come to him and try to interact with him.

Finally, as she managed to regain her composure and speak, Toji arched a brow as she stammered out a quick apology before thanking him. It took him a moment to recall what she was referring to, but it quickly clicked, and a small ghost of an amused smile came to his face, raising a hand to hide it and force it to disappear before leaning his elbow on the table and resting his chin in the palm of his hand. โ€œOh, sure, no problem. Donโ€™t need to bow though, I ainโ€™t no royalty,โ€ he replied with a quick shrug, doing his best to not show his amusement at her struggle to speak, knowing itโ€™d be rude and put more pressure on the poor girl. It looked like she made it hard enough for herself the way she fidgeted and kept struggling to keep eye contact with him. For a moment he thought Lyra froze before she suddenly nodded her head, making him cock his brow again before she spoke up. Her sudden question followed by another separate question took him off guard, his eyes briefly flashing to the books spread about the table before back to her with a slightly confused frown.

Swinging his leg over the bench and turning to face her, he sat up straight and rubbed the back of his neck. โ€œUm, Iโ€™m okay, I guess? Got whacked by a crazy old bat on my way here, but fine I guess,โ€ he answered the first question before a heavy frown came to his face as he glanced at the books like they were filled with venom he needed to drink. โ€œAnd nah, I donโ€™t like reading. Hate it n fact, I have to though since Iโ€™m, wellโ€ฆโ€ he paused for a moment, his hand once again rubbing his neck as he glanced away slightly embarrassed by his weakness within the guild. โ€œNot exactly Booksmart to begin with. Gotta work harder since the guild master gave me an earful a few days ago,โ€ he muttered towards the end before letting out a long sigh. โ€œWhat a pain,โ€ he complained to himself before looking back to Lyra, taking a moment before letting a confident grin come to his face and raising his arm, flexing his muscles in a show of his confidence. โ€œAinโ€™t no problem though, just gotta power through to get her off my ass then get back to taking jobs on the board,โ€ he declared with a chuckle before a new voice caught his attention, making him look over to see Lyssa approaching.

A heavy frown came to his face as she seemed to have heard about his run-in earlier in the street, resting his elbow on his leg and bouncing his knee as she questioned if he understood what the consequences were. Toji may have been a bit dumb, but he wasnโ€™t that dumb. But that didnโ€™t irritate him as much as the fact the people were already talking about him and that old bat. As the bounce in his leg intensified to rapid speed he slapped his knee with a groan. โ€œCome on! I didnโ€™t even start that!โ€ he barked in annoyance as he leaned onto the side of the table, his head resting on his clenched fist and his other hand gripping the knee of his still-bouncing leg. โ€œI was just picking up some books and that DAMNED, FAT, old bag of a woman came out of nowhere hitting me with her damn cane and calling me a thief!โ€ he explained, a heavy frown on his face growing as he stared at the ground, slight worry starting to build up from Lyssaโ€™s words of it affecting the guild. He already had issues fitting in, the last thing he needed was to be a source of issues for the guild and everyone. With a final groan of frustration, he clasped both his hands behind his neck, leaned back, and stared at the ceiling, silent for a moment before speaking up.

โ€œAny good jobs on the board today?โ€ he asked, his glare still directed upwards as he asked Lyssa about the board. With any luck, heโ€™d get a job in the middle of nowhere so he canโ€™t gather any more bad rep for the guild, or at least bring in some money to make up for his messes. Besides, at this point, his frustration denied him any hope of actually getting his studies done.
Lyra Everlong
(Lamia Scale)
Lyra looked a little sheepish at first. His comment about not bowing only instinctively made her bow a little again before blushing more shaking her head straightening up looking a little bit awkward as she gave a nod resisting such a gesture not wanting to come off rude. Still, even as he turned around minus a little flinch she had eased up a bit. Coming out to talk to him had perhaps been the hardest part. Actually talking, while still a little nerve-wracking wasn't as bad, at least not with him being over-all rather nice to her. In some part her social anxiety likely came in part that she didn't want to upset someone.

"Oh... oh... sorry... I... I didn't mean to assume... I... I see! That's good! I... I mean... I'm sure you can! You might... I mean you will..."

Her words fell silent jumping a little bit in her fumbled attempt to speak glancing at Lyssa who approached. She wasn't quite as meek and intimidated by her, granted it didn't exactly change the fact she was shy after all. Her words ceased as she bit at her bottom lip. In some part she shrunk away as much as she could possibly do so. It was as if she was a turtle as she tucked her head slightly in not really having much with cover with her sweatshirt on the hood left off. She was half tempted to lift it up as if to try and hide away though resisting such an urge. Trying to become less timid around others really an ongoing process for her.

The words targeted at Toji caused her to blink hearing about such a thing. Naturally she didn't want to look to interested in such gossip. She didn't want to come off as if she was there to take one side or the other. In some part her skittish nature around Toji had perhaps taken some hold due to hearing about it. Still, from what she saw and interacted with him in the guild as limited as it might be he didn't seem all that bad. It had been enough to make her feel bad and approach him after all. As far as she saw it she only assumed it was more of a misunderstanding or perhaps just some harsh rumors...

Lyra shimmied a few little steps back as Toji went off. Her arms just tugged at her sweatshirt pulling it up slightly as if to turn it more into a high collar. Her eyes lingering as he spoke rather annoyed about the woman Lyssa had mentioned. Still, she kept nearby perhaps trying not to run away despite her natural desire to want to run back on stage to duck back behind the piano. She felt it would be of a rude gesture on her part. The girl taking in a deep breath and nodding a little clearly trying to keep the courage to stay around over running off. It seemed as if any temper Toji did have at least settled down as he spoke in a less aggravated manner.

"i'm... sure there must be many good jobs to do... f... for both of you... really... not that it has to be together... but.. you know... it's... I'm sure there is always something for a guild like this..."

She couldn't help but feel a little awkward trying to insert herself into a conversation making a comment like it. The girl's eyes darted away blushing a bit more feeling as if she had interjected into a conversation even if she hadn't really been the one to do so initially. Hopefully she didn't come off rude or anger either of them. It wasn't exactly as if what she said had much as far as value she felt.

Location: Lamia Scale Guild Hall (Margaret Town)
Interactions: Toji Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Lyssa AzaleaWonderland AzaleaWonderland
Mentions: None

IMG_9081.jpeg Jasper Greenwood
Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall, Gazania

Interactions: Mont ( Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu ), Pravella ( Peckinou Peckinou )

Mentions: Belladonna ( Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu )

Unfortunately his daydreaming was cut short by a somewhat condescending voice from above. He looked towards the roof of the guild hall to see one of his guild mates, Pear. The two havenโ€™t directly interacted during Jasperโ€™s time in the guild. Only passing by each other in the library a few times, maybe exchanging nods a few times, but never getting into a full conversation until now. โ€œOh, itโ€™s you.โ€ He said with a sigh as he got up. โ€œCanโ€™t a guy daydream without being watched? I wasnโ€™t waiting for anybody. I was justโ€ฆlost in thought. Besides, eating dirt is my thing. Kinda. After youโ€™re done eating, maybe we can spar for a little. If youโ€™re up to it.โ€ He chuckled slightly. โ€œIf only Belladonna was here, Iโ€™d fly up there and give him what for.โ€ He thought to himself

Before they could continue their conversation, a familiar voice was heard by Jasper. He turned to the source of the voice, Pravella Sol. Unlike Pear, Jasper was more acquainted with Pravella, usually reading with her, mostly to help her learn new words. As she wasnโ€™t accustomed to the modern world and stuff. โ€œHey Pravella! I was just training. Youโ€™re more than welcome to join me or you you can wait so I can teach Mr. Levitate up there a few manners. He then notices that Pravella was holding a pastry. โ€œHey uh, do you have a spare pastry? Eatinโ€™ rocks is fun and all, but I want some actual food. So can you spare some, please? I promise to pay you back once I find a good paying job!โ€
Mont Paradox
Guild: Sabertooth
Interactions:Jasper,and Pravella

As he sat on the roof, enjoying his meal. He heard Pravella interjecting and bringing up if they were going to have a private discussion, with him. remembering that he often sees her around the guild, or sometimes around the city. He doesnโ€™t exactly know a lot about her but he does know that she is another one of the slayers the guild has.โ€I kind of just got here and started enjoying my meal here. Trying to have a nice chat with this guy with this guy who seemed like he was thinking hard about something so I asked about it. But donโ€™t know if thatโ€™s what he has in mind but I do agree with you on taking it somewhere else.โ€ Then Jasper speaks up to him. asking him for a sparring match. The thought of a after meal work out sounded good.โ€ I donโ€™t mind responding with you for a little bit. Itโ€™ll be a nice warm -up before I actually get the day started.โ€

โ€Mr. Levitate well Sir eats dirty a lot Iโ€ฆโ€ Then he heard Jasper say one of his keywords towards Pravella. He immediately looked down from the roof at Pravella he saw that she had some kind of pastry in her hand. seeing this, he jumped down from the roof of the building, leading softly next to her taking him with the rest of his meal. Placing the basket down on the ground next him. โ€ I too would not mind having one of those pastries after I'm done with warming up with this guy.โ€Looking to Jasper, and walking to him but still keeping a good distance from him.Looking back at her. โ€œ But if you want, we could all have a little match together if you are limited on those.โ€

Pravella Sol (Sabertooth)
Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall
Interactions: Jasper, Mont
Mentions: Stern LuLuLu Stern LuLuLu JuniperBoi JuniperBoi
1705215006422.png Pravella watched as the conversation unfolded, with Jasper now acknowledging her presence, his attention turned to her Pastries, she really liked the Pastries too though, so the idea of sharing them wasn't exactly on her mind. But then he offered to pay her back, she thought about it for a moment but Mont soon spoke up explaining the situation, though it didn't take long before he took expressed interest in gaining a pastry from her. Pravellas eyes narrowed for a bit, before she decided to speak "Alright, but you guys will owe me two double the amount you take later on." she was a bit greedy with that, but if she was going to lose something now then she wanted to gain something for later on, while bargaining was something she was willing to do, she wanted something in return as well.

But then Mont continued to speak issuing her a challenge, Pravella looked at him in contemplation for a moment before opting to respond "I won't say no I suppose." she wasn't exactly willing to back down from a challenge or getting a little practice in, figuring it might be a decent training opportunity at the very least.
Lyssa Magpie

Interactions: Toji Guppy Franz Guppy Franz , Lyra Hanarei Hanarei
Rubbing her temple as Toji spoke, she realized her eyes had started to tear up again. Hopefully, those two are unobservant. It's always a pain when someone sees her crying and starts to pry. To be safe, Lyssa only stole glances at the two, focusing on the job board to hide her face. Well, she needed to examine the board a little further either way, and this was a good enough excuse to do so. She scanned the board and vaguely listened to Toji's reply. His words were not too different from the response she expected anyhow. Lyssa realized she should clarify she didn't think he'd be dumb enough to randomly harass an old lady, but rumors are nasty, and it'd do him good to avoid attracting any more attention, not just for the guild's sake. After a brief pause, Lyssa grabbed her hand, acting like she was readjusting the glove to hide that it had started shaking.

After calming it, Lyssa thought about what she wanted to say, then took a deep breath before releasing her words, "I understand you wouldn't pick a fight with an old lady. You're capable enough to have gotten into the guild, after all. Nonetheless, avoiding conflicts is essential to avoid nasty rumors sprouting up. I personally..." Lyssa paused, cutting her sentence short. Whatever she was going to say next, she didn't want to say aloud. She decided to quickly move the conversation forward, before questions could be asked. "Anyway, I must commend you on at least studying to get better. I'm well-versed in those books, so if you have trouble with them, I'm willing to help whenever I'm available." Hopefully, that compliment sandwich gave the correct message. She tilted her head at the board, looking closer and lifting some of the posts with the back of her hand. This one didn't look half bad.

Scouring the job board took a bit longer as hearing Lyra stumble over her words ended up distracting Lyssa. Enough so, she caught the entire conversation. Stealing a glance, Lyra and Toji looked like complete opposites. An audible chuckle forced her to quickly cover her mouth and promptly turn back towards the board. She coughed, trying to cover up the slip. "Lyra... I believe this is the first time I've even heard your voice. I guess Toji isn't the only one working on self-improvement today, huh?" Lyssa ended her sentence by examining one last flier. This one was also quite good. She checked her eyes once more. Luckily, her odd tears had run their course. Wiping any trace with a yawn, she turned around to the two of them. "Well, as for jobs, I did find a few gems in the rough. But you should really focus on your studies, shouldn't you~? It's nearly three days of reading you got there."

Lyssa snatched a paper from the board, re-reading it one last time before walking to Toji's table with a slight grin. She placed the job paper on the table, declaring the answer to her earlier question. The job came with good pay and whatnot, but that wasn't why Lyssa brought it over. Its location would require a three-day trip to get there, and Lyssa figured, what else other than read could one do on that long train ride?

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