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Realistic or Modern Fairbank High

"Maybe we could start working on the music" she dug in her backpack and pulled out an old tattered yellow notebook that had "erins songs" written on the front along with old scribbles. "could we work outside?" she looked at him then all the singing musical kids around.
Natrix waited until everyone was paired up with a partner except him and blondie, and looked up as the teacher stated: "Tyler, Natrix, pair up." Secretly a little pleased, Natrix kept the expression of boredom plastered on his face, he stood up and walked over until he was sat next to the girl, leaning back in his chair without saying anything.

I shot a small, nervous glance at the boy now seated next to me, trying to keep calm. For some reason I found him very intimidating. My eyes locked back with the desktop in front of me, and the book, 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'. I had already read it once before, being the nerd I am.

"We're going to be reading aloud," The teacher told us, picking some girl at the front of the class to read. My eyes kept snapping to the boy beside me, and making sure the space between us was big enough for comfort. It wasn't but I could pretend.
Natrix had never read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It was one of the few books that he should have read but never did. He looked at the girl, Tyler, and he didn't fully understand what they were supposed to be doing. His attention now on the girl reading, but he kept seeing Tyler looking at him and then looking away. He kept his eyes on the front, but the next time he saw her eyes linger on him for a moment, he smiled slightly.

I caught sight of the boy smiling a bit, and confusion rushed through me. I was tempted to ask why, but kept my mouth shut. What if he was one of those kids who imagine murder? Or worse, murdering me? The anxiety filled thoughts infected my mind, and I sucked in a long breath, trying to focus on the story the perky girl read aloud at the front. Now I was just nervous, hands in my lap, and hair shading the sides of my face as I stared down. The class was dragging on longer than I expected, and I knew I'd already dread being here this year. I just wanted to escape to the library and drown myself in stories so much better than mine. I sent one last glance at the boy, before the teacher's voice made me jump. She had picked some guy across the room to read the other half of the first chapter. I was just silently praying she wouldnt call on me, and folded my hands together tightly in my lap.
Natrix listened to the guy read, and adopted his bored expression again, he didn't think he could lean back in his chair any further, and he was just so bored. Tyler looked tense, worried, nervous, and Nate didn't know what to do. He knew he was intimidating but, he didn't know how not to be. He relaxed his posture a bit and ran his hands through his hair. Being in school again after the summer was already draining the life out of him. All he wanted to do was just go home and watch some horror film that he'd seen thousands of times, but instead he was stuck here.

I watched the clock, and saw that we had about a minute before the bell rang. I tried to be discreet in packing my things back into my rucksack, but the teacher saw. We were done reading by now, and I realized I hadn't heard a thing anyone said.

"In a rush Ms. Westbrook?" The teacher asked me sarcastically, and I felt the eyes of the whole class on me. My face turned a shade brighter, and I tried to keep from panicking.

"No, but we weren't-"

"That's not the point," She interrupted me, crossing her arms over her chest. "I dismiss you, not the bell." I hated when teachers said that. A few kids chuckled, and I felt like someone had dropped a boulder on me. Instead of arguing my case, I muttered a small 'yes ma'm' and heard the bell ring. She dismissed us, and I stood slowly, waiting for the class to clear out.
Natrix walked out of the lesson, walking behind Tyler. He whispered, loud enough for her to hear, "She seemed like lots of fun." He smirked slightly, and looked in his timetable for his next lesson, figuring that he had science. When this was deemed correct, he walked that way, using a little map to guide him. He used his fingers to brush some of his hair away from his eyes, and stood outside of the lesson waiting until everyone else had gone in so he didn't have to pick a seat.

I jumped a bit when Natrix spoke to me, and only nodded in response to his little comment. His voice didn't sound half as intimidating as his demeanor let off, and I felt my nerves calming slightly. With my schedule in hand, I glanced down at it and saw that I had a free period. Since the library wasn't open to students without a teachers note or during lunch, I explored the campus a bit. It was a big school, and I found myself a bit confused as I walked down numerous halls. Although I had gone here for about three years, I'd never had the opportunity to explore. There were always too many people, or I didn't have a free period. A few kids were still scattered about the halls, and I tugged my gray beanie farther down my head. The blonde waves were pushed against my cheeks, acting as curtains, and my bans swept neatly across my forehead. A few people noticed my odd actions, but they ignored me. I was fine with that, as long as they didn't say anything.

((I know other people are online >.< Seriously. They need to respond.)) 
((Really? No one?))
[QUOTE="Lost Girl Maddie]Tyler~
I jumped a bit when Natrix spoke to me, and only nodded in response to his little comment. His voice didn't sound half as intimidating as his demeanor let off, and I felt my nerves calming slightly. With my schedule in hand, I glanced down at it and saw that I had a free period. Since the library wasn't open to students without a teachers note or during lunch, I explored the campus a bit. It was a big school, and I found myself a bit confused as I walked down numerous halls. Although I had gone here for about three years, I'd never had the opportunity to explore. There were always too many people, or I didn't have a free period. A few kids were still scattered about the halls, and I tugged my gray beanie farther down my head. The blonde waves were pushed against my cheeks, acting as curtains, and my bans swept neatly across my forehead. A few people noticed my odd actions, but they ignored me. I was fine with that, as long as they didn't say anything.

((I know other people are online >.< Seriously. They need to respond.))

(S0rry, hard to roleplay on an iPhone)

Today, Selena came to school a bit late, barely making it on time. Because it was her third year at Fairbank, she knew her way around. Normally she would be social and interactive with other students, but she wasn't. Although not very many people seem to be aware, Selena was currently in the early stages of depression. Why? Her Father killed her boyfriend over the summer. Since she got to school, Selena's had her head down, avoiding eye-contact, everything she could to avoid others. She just missed her boyfriend, whom she loved very much. Even though teachers knew there was something off, they didn't know what it was.
( Sorry I just wake up from my slumber)

Benett hated it when Ms.Westbrook asked the student to pair up, he always think that other student are a burden to him. Benett always think the most radical and the simplest answer for school work yet his partner wanted the other way. "Damn, this is the worst" It's the words that Benett wanted to said but he had enough creating a mess on his first day. Before the bell rang, he saw a pair of student were dismissed, the other student were laughing at them but Benett keep his poker face going.

The bell soon rang, from student and eventually the teacher left, leaving Benett sitting at the back of the classroom. He stood up after sometime they gone and directly went to library to continue his comic book, Benett became a comicbook artist as a living, he left his parent 3 years ago and end up in the street (not going to details). Benett went into the library and directly find a place to sits down and started to ink his work.
Although it did not seem likely, Selena did look forward to class more then anything else because she would be able to sit in a place and not look like a complete loner. Although right now, she looked forward more to lunch because at the moment she just wanted to be alone. When it came to working in groups, Selena would still proceed to work on her own, only helping her classmates if it is in her best interest, which did make her seem a bit self-centered. Although attentive, she didn't speak much in any of her classes, which surprised all the teachers she had so far.
((Since apparently no one wants to reply -my guess is this got boring- I'm gonna write a long ass paragraph and hopefully you guys will get inspired. If not, at least tell me you're done with the damn rp.))


Lunch rolled around, and I made the mistake of entering the cafeteria. Cliques of millions of kids swarmed around the lunch line, and at tables. I felt my chest tighten, and my eyes fall to the ground. Why didn't I just leave campus for lunch like normal? Slowly, I entered the packed room and it felt as if all eyes were on me. At the same time, I knew they would never even glance in my direction but the nervousness was taking over. All the tables were filled, so I decided to sit in the back at one that had just a few people at it. They didn't seem to notice me as I sat down, and they didn't look familiar. Keeping to myself, I pulled out a few dollars form my bag and let my eyes scan the room for a vending machine. I spotted one on the far wall, next to the table full of cheerleaders and preps. I was already nervous, just thinking about walking over there, but my stomach was growling and my mother would be mad if I came home starving.

Sucking in a breath I pushed myself to my feet and slowly made my way across the cafeteria. I passed people, and got shoved a bit, but I tried not to let it me bother me. Once standing in front of the two vending machines, one with soda and one with snacks, I took my time deciding. They had a variety, and I was so insanely indecisive. Everything looked appealing, but I still couldn't decide.

"What are you doing, freak?" Someone snarled from behind me. I spun around and saw one of the cheerleaders, decked out in her uniform glaring at me. "Just get something, other people want to use these." But, she was a cheerleader. I never thought cheerleaders ate junk food. Weird. Maybe things weren't like all the books I read.

"Earth to blondie," One of the girls snapped, shoving her red curls over one shoulder. "Move."

"Uhm- Uh- okay," I stuttered, stumbling back. I just happened to run into this super tall, football guy. His tray went flying and I felt my whole world come crashing down. The schools lasagna was splattered onto his blue and white jersey, and he was glaring at me with scary, dark brown eyes. If I were a guy, he'd probably have punched me in the face. "I'm so sorry!!!" I exclaimed, the group of popular kids staring at me with wide eyes. I was completely screwed. To my surprise, the guy shoved me away, and it was a miracle I could keep my balance.

The preppy girls were now laughing, and I was quickly trying to retreat from the cafeteria without crying like a loser.
Sean walks into the lunch room and sees all of this. He ran after Tyler thinking he could help her "Hey Taylor!" He yelled as he ran after her. He grabbed onto her arm"Hey don't let them get to you, I know how you feel. It's happened to me before" he said to her looking at her "They just pick on people to feel better about themselves so don't worry about it" He said letting go of her arm
Erin was surprises by how quickly he left for lunch without answering. She sighed and stood up, grabbing her backpack then heading to look for her locker number. After she found I she decided the lunch room wasn't an option,to go to so she went outside and sat under a tree, took out her sketchbook and looked around for inspiration. She picked out a boy being picked on by a bunch of bullies and decided she was going to draw that.

I wiped at my eyes a bit, hoping the makeup I had applied that morning wasn't running down my face. Sean's words were a distant thought as I tried to calm myself down. We were now standing in the hallway just outside the lunch room. "Thanks..." I murmured eventually, the rumbling of my stomach now bringing me back to reality. I felt so embarrassed for looking like a complete emotional wreck.
He smiles "No problem Tyler" he said as he looks at her "You hungry? I can get you something if you want I don't mind" he said as he waits for her response

I bit my lip nervously, staring at the ground. "I... sure." Why was I agreeing? I wasn't good at conversation and the boy was most likely to get annoyed with me eventually. "Although, I don't think I want to go back in there." I pointed towards the cafeteria as I said the last part.
He smiles "Don't worry about it, I'll go in and get what you want just tell me what it is and I'll get it" he said smiling

"Anything without meat..." I said slowly, eyes panning the hallway. There was a small stairwell we could sit in once he came back. "I'm a vegetarian."
He smiles and nods "Alright" he said as he went back in and got her some Trail mix and got himself a bag of chips as he walked back out and her the trail mix "Here you go" he said smiling
At lunch, while everyone seemed to be socializing and mingling with one another, Selena just kept to herself. In fact, she just left the cafeteria because there was no place that was empty. Because her Mother brought her to school, she couldn't exactly go off campus. Because she wasn't hungry, she just sat out in the school commons by herself, just waiting for class to start.

"Thanks" I told him, and then gestured towards the stair case. "We could sit over there, unless you want to go sit with your friends..." I saw a few more kids in the hall(open for interactions people), just wandering about. I watched a few of them, but kept my attention on Sean.

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