• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Faereach: Chaos

Hearing Yavanna's answer, Theruvial was pleased and intrigued. Not everyday you get answers like that, and she felt Yavanna spoke with honesty. Faereach truly was filled with wonders, its people diversed and unique. Theruvial haven't had a casual conversation that she felt the other side was genuine for like forever. She looked at Yavanna with a new found interest, and wondered who or "what" exactly was she. But as always she was prepared for the question. "I don't really have a steady job or anything but, you know those agencies or the wooden board they hang on the walls of pubs? I find request I like, escorts or delivering, or just anything interesting that day and take them. " She took another sip of her coffee. "Gives you freedom. You can have your day off anytime. "
It wasn't a complete lie, but her "board" wasn't a place you find in common pubs. You've got to have intent for violence or dangerous contacts to even see the board. Those request have greater risk, but pays nice.
"How about you?" She noticed Yavanna looking at another man. Were they together?
Yavanna smiled, she didn't really do anything in order to make money. It wasn't important to her. What was important was if the plants of the world were healthy and blooming. It was her sacred duty to look after them. Some lives she worked as a botanist and has gotten money that way but she hadn't gotten her job back yet. She had just finished grooming the plants of the world. "I don't have a job right now but some lives I work as a botanist but I haven't gone to get my job back yet. Currently I have been grooming the plants of the world as it is my sacred duty. Those nature spirits can be so lazy, I swear that if I wasn't around then the world would just wither away because they are so unreliable. Do you enjoy your job, your way of living?"
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Yavanna smiled, she didn't really do anything in order to make money. It wasn't important to her. What was important was if the plants of the world were healthy and blooming. It was her sacred duty to look after them. Some lives she worked as a botanist and has gotten money that way but she hadn't gotten her job back yet. She had just finished grooming the plants of the world. "I don't have a job right now but some lives I work a botanist but I haven't gone to get my job back yet. Currently I have been grooming the plants of the world as it is my sacred duty. Those nature spirits can be so lazy, I swear that if I wasn't around then the world would just wither away because they are so in reliable. Do you enjoy your job, your way of living?"

My, my. She sure knows how to ask the crucial questions. The elf smiled and resisted for it to turn into a smirk. Did she enjoy her work? Well, she didn't choose to do it, but she didn't exactly have someone put a knife on her neck. Honestly it didn't feel too unpleasant since she was quite good at the job. Nowadays even moral concerns were rarely brought up. "I think I do." she answered, "Though it is not like my job is irreplacable. Maybe to the people posting the request, but not exactly me."

"You mentioned 'some lives' and nature spirit. It sounds like you are a long living druid. I hope it is not to rude to ask how long you've lived?" Teresa continued. "Elves have longer life too, and I'm merely a child. It's interesting to know how people live time differently. "

That is, if they managed to live life without interruptions. No indications of what was going in Theruvial's mind showed. Perhaps her job did get to her in some subtle way, that when she thought of some people.... She reaffirmed her thoughts that life is a fragile thing.
Looking at the space that the orc was just at, Vix had a slight smirk on his face. " you hear that fellas? There a quest going on and it seems we just got invited. That should be fun. What do you guys say about joining the quest?"

Before he could hear a response from either hitsugya or Erik, he is was interrupted again about his tails. A girl approach him and went on and on about his tails and other information. That when some guy step in and pulled her behind him. Vix gave a warm smile " no need to apologize, I'm flattered by the way everyone reacted to my form." He replied back to her with a wink. He then turned his attention to the guy between him and the girl. "No need to worry my friend. She was at all a bother. But it seems like from you mannerism, you more worried we will do something to her, then her insulting us. I can assure you I mean no harm." Vix had a huge grin on his face but there was a slight flirtatious glint in his eyes. Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz Saint_John446 Saint_John446 EviSaurus EviSaurus
Nyr and Zachary Nyr glanced at Vix with wide eyes before giving a shy smile in return, waving a bit. "Don't mind him. Someone doesn't think I can take care of myself if I get in trouble. I can, he just doesn't believe it." She huffs, poking her tongue out a little. "He doesn't mean any harm, he might act tough but he's a big softy." She grins, wrapping her arms around one of Zachary's in a hug. The motion seemed to startle the blonde, changing his expression for a fractiong before he was glowering again. His attention was quick to shift back to Vix.

"I don't think I have to worry about you harming her, persay..." He narrowed his eyes a bit before shaking his head. "My problem isn't with you, anyhow." He gives a brief glance to Hitsugya before turning around, ushering Nyr in front of him. He glances over his shoulder, hesitating as if he had something else to say before he shakes his head again, guiding Nyr back to the table with a gentle push. She protested, but a firm glance from Zachary had her pouting, arms crossed as she drops down into the booth.

loyalwolf loyalwolf
My, my. She sure knows how to ask the crucial questions. The elf smiled and resisted for it to turn into a smirk. Did she enjoy her work? Well, she didn't choose to do it, but she didn't exactly have someone put a knife on her neck. Honestly it didn't feel too unpleasant since she was quite good at the job. Nowadays even moral concerns were rarely brought up. "I think I do." she answered, "Though it is not like my job is irreplacable. Maybe to the people posting the request, but not exactly me."

"You mentioned 'some lives' and nature spirit. It sounds like you are a long living druid. I hope it is not to rude to ask how long you've lived?" Teresa continued. "Elves have longer life too, and I'm merely a child. It's interesting to know how people live time differently. "

That is, if they managed to live life without interruptions. No indications of what was going in Theruvial's mind showed. Perhaps her job did get to her in some subtle way, that when she thought of some people.... She reaffirmed her thoughts that life is a fragile thing.
Yavanna again was lost in thought as she had to think of an answer to the question of what she was. She had thought about that before but she didn't really have a race, she was similar to a nature spirit but she knew she wasn't one. "I could not tell you what I am. I am not a druid and I am not a nature spirit but it is my duty to usher in spring every year. I guess you could say that nature spirits were made from my image but I don't know if that is true." She knew that the girl hadn't asked her what she was but she wasn't about to be called something that she was not. "As for how long I have lived.. I don't remember how old I am because it isn't important but I am as old as the earth it's self. You said you were an elf, how old are you?"
White exited the cafe as quickly as the orc had entered it and paused in his steps. Eyes...he felt like he was being watched, something was lurking somewhere...from his years of battle training it was of no surprise he felt this way mostly everywhere but it was a feeling he wouldn't ignore. It had got him out of precarious situations more than once. Turning to his side the Orc eyed a creature in the shadows, a sleek black panther seemingly still with the intent of listening. "Hey kitty," he a huge Orc of the North knelt down with the upmost care towards the animal. "What are you doing outside here eh?" White questioned as he held his large hand out, keeping it low relaxed in the eye of the panther.

It's breath was steady and the Orc's was just as steadier, showing no emotion in his breathing as he edged towards the black panther. The Orc smiled a rough smile but waited besides her in the shadows calmly.

Sluggodile Sluggodile

--Panthera, Faereach Cafe's Alley--
Her whiskers had told her first that she'd not managed to evade elusion for long. Her eyes snapping open, her hazy vision was clouded by the massive form of that gigantic human she'd seen enter the communal den beforehand. Of course. It had to be the giant one, didn't it? And did it think it was clever, approaching her slowly like that? Downwind, lumbering, and from the front? Even an idiotic creature could've sensed his approach. Bristling as he lowered his hand towards her, Panthera brought her head low, and hind quarters up some, as if in preparation to pounce on him, to tear him to pieces, but held her ground. Her bristling fur, her bared teeth, extended claws, all of them screamed for him to "Run away!" from her, leave her be.

However, his tone spoke volumes for him. Her hearing was sharp as sharp as a knife, and pointed as a needle, but this creature, it had no emotion in its movements; its voice, however, was calm, inviting, even. He meant her no harm, it all said: body language, word of mouth, inflection, all of it to ease her, and calm her. And... it was working. She could feel her jaw slowly unclenching, her muscles growing less taut. She was still visibly on edge, but it was clear to see she was more curious than afraid. Still afraid, but her curiosity and nature of trust let her relax some around this giant human. Still, she was ready to bolt. If this human tried to pull anything on her, she'd tear into him as viciously as she could and escape. Better to stay safe than be injured unnecessarily.

Luckz Luckz
The orc smiled as the Panther relaxed, only partially but they were getting somewhere. "What are you doing all the way out here?" The large Orc chuckled as he sat down, one meaty hand still outstretched as he waited for the confidence to brew inside the creature. Many creatures as such as these had been hunted for medicines, pelts, whatever people wanted they believed they could take, it was nice seeing something so wild in such an area. Yet so peaceful as well...

"My name is White kitty, I'm an Orc from the North," he flung this information around like it was nothing, which essentially it was. "I'm going on a Quest and I've got to get to this Emerald place, are you going to tag along?" He questioned as he waited, he wanted to stroke the Panther it was very rarely he'd ever have time to look at animals. He was either eating them or riding them.

"You're quite big aren't you? Adult definitely, where have you been hiding?" The Orc was truly large standing at way above 6 ft he wasn't someone to pick a fight with but the way he showed himself in front of a creature who could potentially snap his green finger off. He was like a dumpling full of sweet stuff, but with muscles. He had a good feeling about today and White didn't hesitate in smiling through his large teeth that curled out of his mouth and look at the World around him.

Sluggodile Sluggodile
While people were walking into the café Yavanna was looking over the specials. A lot of the options were things that she wouldn't eat because she refused to eat any animal products. When the man came she gave him a smile and followed him to her table. "I guess I should ask if what you accept for payment. I don't know how I had money last year but I was able to buy a beverage." As she was waiting for the man's response she looked at the other people who had walked in earlier. She hadn't gotten a good look but there was a one person who got her attention.
Mitchs98 Mitchs98 EviSaurus EviSaurus

Theruvial Gladomain - The cursed elf

The more she sit, the more uncomfortable she was. So many people of different species gathered in this tiny cafe. It would appear beside her corner table, all other tables had people sitting around them. She felt so out of place, and above all, not blending in with the environment. The outside street only got more crowded, and now more guards running around. She shift her feet nervously and blocked her lower face with the coffee cup.

Then she saw the very man that she targetted, walking outside and talking with one of the guards. Even though she was no longer in her layered outfit, she still felt kind of nervous. So, she joined in one of the tables uninvited, without looking at who they are.

"Hi." She brought her best smile with her whilst she pull out a chair and sat. "Sorry to join in, it's kind of lonely there in the corner. I'm Teresa."

(Anyone in the cafe want to talk?)

As Yavanna was waiting for the man to answer her questions a thing decided to sit a her table. She turned around to see that it was an elf. Yavanna gave her a big welcoming smile. "Hi Tessa, I understand. It's to have you join me. So... Where are you from?" The girl looked friendly enough and Yavanna didn't think she would have anything to worry about.
Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Osthavula Osthavula

"Here of course." 'Teresa' said without hesitation. "Perhaps not born here, but raised here. You?"

She was relieved that Yavanna did not reject her. But then at the same time something rushed to her head. It was only a sensation that she was most familiar with --- those weird visions came back to haunt her. Strange visions entangled reality and twist it into something ...... completely opposite. In fact, she was starting to think she had met Yavanna before, but of course it couldn't have been. It better not have been, because in Theruvial's line of job as hired assassins, old people only meant bad news.

She proceeded to sip some coffee, so that her frowning would seem like it was caused by the drink. Still, she was unrest because of how real the vision feel.

Yavanna began to think on what Teresa asked. She had been asked that question before but she was never able to completely answer it. It had become hard for her to trace her life back to the beginning. "I don't know where I am from. It has been a long time and every life I am born again some where new." She looked at the man she had been talking to, she still needed an answer to her earlier question. She would hate to order a drink and not be able to pay for it. "So what do you do for a living?" She asked the elf.

Hearing Yavanna's answer, Theruvial was pleased and intrigued. Not everyday you get answers like that, and she felt Yavanna spoke with honesty. Faereach truly was filled with wonders, its people diversed and unique. Theruvial haven't had a casual conversation that she felt the other side was genuine for like forever. She looked at Yavanna with a new found interest, and wondered who or "what" exactly was she. But as always she was prepared for the question. "I don't really have a steady job or anything but, you know those agencies or the wooden board they hang on the walls of pubs? I find request I like, escorts or delivering, or just anything interesting that day and take them. " She took another sip of her coffee. "Gives you freedom. You can have your day off anytime. "
It wasn't a complete lie, but her "board" wasn't a place you find in common pubs. You've got to have intent for violence or dangerous contacts to even see the board. Those request have greater risk, but pays nice.
"How about you?" She noticed Yavanna looking at another man. Were they together?

My, my. She sure knows how to ask the crucial questions. The elf smiled and resisted for it to turn into a smirk. Did she enjoy her work? Well, she didn't choose to do it, but she didn't exactly have someone put a knife on her neck. Honestly it didn't feel too unpleasant since she was quite good at the job. Nowadays even moral concerns were rarely brought up. "I think I do." she answered, "Though it is not like my job is irreplacable. Maybe to the people posting the request, but not exactly me."

"You mentioned 'some lives' and nature spirit. It sounds like you are a long living druid. I hope it is not to rude to ask how long you've lived?" Teresa continued. "Elves have longer life too, and I'm merely a child. It's interesting to know how people live time differently. "

That is, if they managed to live life without interruptions. No indications of what was going in Theruvial's mind showed. Perhaps her job did get to her in some subtle way, that when she thought of some people.... She reaffirmed her thoughts that life is a fragile thing.

Yavanna again was lost in thought as she had to think of an answer to the question of what she was. She had thought about that before but she didn't really have a race, she was similar to a nature spirit but she knew she wasn't one. "I could not tell you what I am. I am not a druid and I am not a nature spirit but it is my duty to usher in spring every year. I guess you could say that nature spirits were made from my image but I don't know if that is true." She knew that the girl hadn't asked her what she was but she wasn't about to be called something that she was not. "As for how long I have lived.. I don't remember how old I am because it isn't important but I am as old as the earth it's self. You said you were an elf, how old are you?"
Malorn Drakanos
Malorn was going to answer the question but swiftly retreated to the kitchen to retrieve cookies before they burned in the oven. Once that was done he returned only to find the two speaking to each other, so he paused and waited for there to be a break in their conversation. Once there was he cleared his throat, "Apologies, had to run off and do something." He told Yavanna. "As for currency, anything is accepted. There's an exchange office in town, I also have special menus prepared for any kind of foreign currency." He explained. "If you're worried about paying don't be, I'm sure you have something acceptable."​
Mae's hands rested politely by her sides as a Spider-like creature pounced from the shadows. Its clattering mandibles mere inches away from her face. In an instant it was blasted back, a ripple of darkness echoing around Mae. The spider made a horrifying screeching and exploded. A blue flame floated where the spider exploded, as Mae stepped forward it coasted towards her. It orbited around her like a moon around a planet. She approached the portal that would take her to Faereach, and snapped her fingers. Her long dress fluttered away into black feathers, leaving tight black leather pants. She was now wearing a black sleeveless shirt and the pants, with combat boots. She went through the portal and began making her way to her old house.
What an odd pair… even if both of them are adorable. Yet the Zach guy seems a bit moody. That means he could be fun to mess with. Vix waved at the pair leaving and going back to their seats. “Seem like you have a fan Hitsugya. I don’t see why he doesn’t like you, your pretty cool. I mean you have his distant, stoic thing about you, but that can be attractive in the right light.” Vix stated jokingly. Vix mind went back to this quest that the Orc told him about. He wasn’t too sure, it's been a while since he actually used his abilities in an offensive way. “ Damn, I just realized I'm so out of practice when it come to fighting. I might not be much help for that quest after all. Anyway, for being so friendly to me, how about I buy you guys some food and a drink?” Vix had a big ear to ear smile on his face. I had to admit that it's been a while since I have had such a close connection with anyone. Even if it's just on a friendly level. Hopefully this is more than just a moment in my long life. Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz Saint_John446 Saint_John446 EviSaurus EviSaurus
Erik was officially terrified. The upbeat girl he had been watching had noticed him and waved, and if his father had given him an actual heart he was sure it would be beating a literal mile a minute because of that alone. He made to wave, and Vix had busted out his tails, and he had almost screamed. However, falling out of his chair had not been prevented, and as he had scrambled back to his seat, the orc that introduced himself as White had invited them to the Emerald thing. Emerald Enclave, he probably meant, Erik thought. Then the angry blond man and the girl he was with had come over, and Erik forced himself to melt into the background and stare at his feet until they eventually left. Letting out a relieved sigh, he leaned back in his chair and returned his gaze to the white-haired girl. Shy and fairly sure she would be laughing at his display, he waved his hand, and then Vix was talking again.
"How about I buy you guys something to eat and a drink?" he said. Erik nearly bit his tongue at the suddenness of the man. He doesn't get scared, does he? Erik wondered.
Keeping his gaze focused on the white-haired girl, Erik responded, "I-I'll j-just t-t-take a p-pastry. H-how d-d-d-did you g-guys take th-th-that s-s-so easily? Also, w-what d-d-d-did I d-do to des- to deserve that h-heart att-attack?" Erik could feel how his stutter had gotten worse, so he took a couple calming breaths. Too many surprises for him in one day

Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz loyalwolf loyalwolf Happy Red Mage Happy Red Mage (Sorry for taking as long as I did, been a bit under the weather and busy)
Leslie Groth

Taking the average sized glass into her small hand she felt the coldness of it, for a brief moment it reminded her of her travelling around in the North a while back, after her escape... That was a time now past, though. This was a new start for her, she wouldn't let that bring her down. Leslie then raised the glass up to her lips and tilted her head back taking a fairly large swig before setting it back down, three quarters of the glass empty within seconds. As she had just finished she noticed the bartender lean in on the counter as if to ask a question which, evidently, he did. Leslie thought about the question for a moment before deciding to respond. Come to think of it, she hadn't really planned on drinking she just happened to pass by and decided to go in. "I guess you could say I stumbled across it. Looks fairly quiet here as opposed to other places so I thought I'd hang around here for a bit." Replied Leslie, slightly embarrassed. "I'm what you would call "new" around." She finally admitted, her cheeks turning a light barely visible red in unison. She hadn't much else to say, though something told her the man had some slight intent on speaking with her. Even if it was just out of decency she appreciated it, she barely talked to many people these days that she figured she was beginning to slowly go mad from silence.

The Elder The Elder
Hitsugya Udaza

Hitsu hadn't uttered a single word during the duration of Vix's little explanation, that is until he revealed his tails. Everyone in the Café seemed to be staring at him, awestruck by the magnificence of his great nine white tails. All Hitsu had done was raise his brow, intrigued by the man being a Kitsune. If he wasn't before he now was definitely curious to see Vix's power, and better yet what way than to see it up close than to fight? Though it then occurred to him that he too had powers he had yet to reveal, and hadn't intended on revealing either, so that would have to wait. As much as he was curious to fight Vix he felt it would be best to wait. Looking over his shoulder he could sense another approach, three others, that being the girl who had come inside with the blonde man -Hitsu made sure to return his glare as he spoke to Vix- who had hurried over to the young lady blabbing on about Vix's tails only to bring her back to their booth. Hitsugya had half a mind to ask the man just what he damn problem was but being the lazy person he was he remained in his chair with his arms crossed. At hearing mention of Vix saying something about a 'quest' in the Emerald Enclave. "A quest, eh?" He muttered under his breath, not speaking to anyone in particular. It was anything but odd that they had a quest there of all places, tons of people tended to have events there and races or challenges, etc. He'd have been lying had he said he didn't participate in a couple of them, mostly just fighting off monsters alongside some others in the combat classes at Edgewater but aside from that he hadn't gone there much.

Looking back over at Vix he scoffed at the idea of having 'fans'. "If anything it seems more out of spite if anything. I don't even know the guy." He grumbled, "As for this quest, I have my day off today so I suppose I could go. A little too much smelting is anything but good, hey Erik." He stated, looking over at Erik who had just been getting back up in his chair. Sigh. The guy didn't seem to know the meaning of chilling the hell out, he got worked up just by being around other people which made Hitsu chuckle a little but it was understandable. He remembered back at Underworld Academia he had been quiet the first few weeks of the semester. It seemed so long ago yet in reality only 3 years ago. "You sure you don't want me to go up and get the drinks? And for the record, it's a little thing called: not really caring." Explained Hitsu, his expression unchanged.

loyalwolf loyalwolf Saint_John446 Saint_John446 @Whomever
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[Alabaster Der Cinn]
Alabaster giggled as she watched the boy fall out of his seat. 'What a strange group of people...it must be nice to have that many friends...' She thought as she looked down at her now empty cup. She was still reeling at how bitter her drink was, although she did feel very energized, maybe she should ask for something sweeter next time. Feeling the man's gaze at her again she sent another smile his way. 'Why does he keep looking here? This is...getting kind off weird...' She thought. 'Maybe I should approach him?' She moved to stand up and walk towards him. Saint_John446 Saint_John446 @CafePeople
Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap reeled through Erik's head. He shouldn't have started focusing on people, they always got weirded out by his observing. Maybe he could play it off as a joke? No, that required people skills. What about running? No, she was closer to the door than he was, and something told him jumping through the café's window, now that the large proprietor had made his presence known, could very well get him killed. Or whatever approximation his kind had to it. Smashed to pieces? He shook his head.
"Y-you know, I-I'll go and- go and get those snacks," Erik said, jumping up quickly before the other two could comment. Something like this was heavily out of his usual patterns with people, but he figured it...might... be easier to meet her this way than having to interrupt the nice conversation Vix and Hitsu were having. Oh, crap.
"Uh, y-yeah, if- if you g-guys are- you guys are up to it, then I-I'll come al-along to that Emerald quest," he called to the two. "M-my sword's at my- at my place, though, I-I'll have to- have to go get it." He turned back in his path to get what they wanted with his slight planned detour
Wait, did they ever tell me what they wanted?
Happy Red Mage Happy Red Mage
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Vix let out an audible laugh. Erik was dlowily becoming a fun and amusing person to be around. The fact he wanted to get there order, even though he didn't know what they want was a riot. He theb notice a girl sitting no to far away and put the pieces together. Seems like that girl scared Erik. Vix smiled and yelled out loud "hurry up Erik. We don't hurry we might miss our date!" Vix let out another big laugh but turned his attention to hitsu. "Alright so once we eat..we can get eriks sword. Then I can teleport us to the area." Saint_John446 Saint_John446 Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz Happy Red Mage Happy Red Mage
--Panthera, Faereach Cafe's Alley--
Though wary, Panthera allowed herself to get a little closer to the huge human, his hands fat with muscle: meaty, in a word. Though she heard his words, understood them, she couldn't reciprocate a thing, she hadn't the right biology; biology being her forte, she could tell quite a bit about this huge human named "White". He would bear wonderful children, something in the back of her mind thought, while the rest of her was focused on his little movements, what his body language portrayed.

An "Orc"? Not a human, then? She looked up from his palm, which she'd been memorizing the scent of. Her look was as quizzical as an animal's face could replicate, and a bit of it held anger. She was no "kitty", and she hadn't been a kit for a long time. And what was this about a "Quest"? "Quest"? She had no idea what that was. Drawing back, she began to pace in circles about the alley, before settling herself, resting her head her fore-est paws while the second fore paws settled beneath them. She appeared regal, but innocent; interested, yet detached. She clearly wished him to keep talking. Entertain her more, even if his bared teeth were setting her instincts alight, telling her to run.

Also, hiding? No, not quite, she thought, observing, if anything. Eavesdropping, really. She smiled as best she could, at that thought, though she did little more than bare her fangs in a friendly manner to anyone looking. Clearly, now, she was relaxed around "White".

Luckz Luckz
Yavanna again was lost in thought as she had to think of an answer to the question of what she was. She had thought about that before but she didn't really have a race, she was similar to a nature spirit but she knew she wasn't one. "I could not tell you what I am. I am not a druid and I am not a nature spirit but it is my duty to usher in spring every year. I guess you could say that nature spirits were made from my image but I don't know if that is true." She knew that the girl hadn't asked her what she was but she wasn't about to be called something that she was not. "As for how long I have lived.. I don't remember how old I am because it isn't important but I am as old as the earth it's self. You said you were an elf, how old are you?"
Malorn Drakanos
Malorn was going to answer the question but swiftly retreated to the kitchen to retrieve cookies before they burned in the oven. Once that was done he returned only to find the two speaking to each other, so he paused and waited for there to be a break in their conversation. Once there was he cleared his throat, "Apologies, had to run off and do something." He told Yavanna. "As for currency, anything is accepted. There's an exchange office in town, I also have special menus prepared for any kind of foreign currency." He explained. "If you're worried about paying don't be, I'm sure you have something acceptable."​

" I have lived 90 years. Still a child. Worse now now that I'm talking to a ever long-lived being. " Theruvial answered witha chuckle, and looked around when Marlorn approached them. She was listening and she heard the people near them. It would seem like everyone was talking about the quest. She now remembered that cursed black bird that interrupted her work mentioned something about recruitment. Was it "the quest"? What would people get from it?

"Say." She turn to Marlorn, "Can I see what you have again? And what do you know about this 'quest' everyone is talking about?"
Malorn Drakanos
Malorn was going to answer the question but swiftly retreated to the kitchen to retrieve cookies before they burned in the oven. Once that was done he returned only to find the two speaking to each other, so he paused and waited for there to be a break in their conversation. Once there was he cleared his throat, "Apologies, had to run off and do something." He told Yavanna. "As for currency, anything is accepted. There's an exchange office in town, I also have special menus prepared for any kind of foreign currency." He explained. "If you're worried about paying don't be, I'm sure you have something acceptable."​

" I have lived 90 years. Still a child. Worse now now that I'm talking to a ever long-lived being. " Theruvial answered witha chuckle, and looked around when Marlorn approached them. She was listening and she heard the people near them. It would seem like everyone was talking about the quest. She now remembered that cursed black bird that interrupted her work mentioned something about recruitment. Was it "the quest"? What would people get from it?

"Say." She turn to Marlorn, "Can I see what you have again? And what do you know about this 'quest' everyone is talking about?"

Yavanna was greatly please with the man's answer, she would be able to pay no matter. Of course the man would be getting rare flowers in exchange for his services. Addressing Malorn she made her order. "I would like a herbal tea." She then listened as Theruvial began to speak. "Don't worry, there are very few people who are around as long as I am. Humans only live for a short number of years before they pass on and there are other races that live even shorter lives then they do." Yavanna hadn't heard anything about the quest yet but she wasn't planning to go on any sort of quest. She wasn't a fighter. She was interested I what everyone had to say about it.
The orc gave a huge grin towards the panther and chuckled a light of playfulness in his eyes. The animal looked angered when he had said kitty and this made him laugh a little more. "Not a kitty then? What can I call you then, Panther?" White knew an animal would not be able to talk but nonetheless he had nothing else to do than entertain himself for a few hours besides he was relaxing with a Panther, what's not to love? White looked at the animal as she paced then sat down, so relaxed and so regal, clearly an adult, perhaps with children? She looked old enough for a Panther.

"A quest, is an exciting adventure, fighting for your life and meeting people along the way, it's truly amazing, away from home for up to months at a time, earning money and tasting the tastiest meats as well, staring at the stars under a clear night," White chuckled reliving some old fun days out of the War when he'd wandered as a traveller, enjoying his life.

"Where've you been feline?" he asked holding his hand above her head as he moved closer, waiting for permission to stroke the feline, White could pick her up, have her sit upon his shoulder, if that didn't give you a hint for his size then compare him to, whatever is tall!

Sluggodile Sluggodile
Leslie Groth

Taking the average sized glass into her small hand she felt the coldness of it, for a brief moment it reminded her of her travelling around in the North a while back, after her escape... That was a time now past, though. This was a new start for her, she wouldn't let that bring her down. Leslie then raised the glass up to her lips and tilted her head back taking a fairly large swig before setting it back down, three quarters of the glass empty within seconds. As she had just finished she noticed the bartender lean in on the counter as if to ask a question which, evidently, he did. Leslie thought about the question for a moment before deciding to respond. Come to think of it, she hadn't really planned on drinking she just happened to pass by and decided to go in. "I guess you could say I stumbled across it. Looks fairly quiet here as opposed to other places so I thought I'd hang around here for a bit." Replied Leslie, slightly embarrassed. "I'm what you would call "new" around." She finally admitted, her cheeks turning a light barely visible red in unison. She hadn't much else to say, though something told her the man had some slight intent on speaking with her. Even if it was just out of decency she appreciated it, she barely talked to many people these days that she figured she was beginning to slowly go mad from silence.

The Elder The Elder
The woman answer Crimson rising further curiosity about her. It's early in the morning and she just stumbles into a bar plus she's new. Well you can hang out here as long as you want as long as you don't cause any problems. The main reason why it's quiet is because I'm here. They know not to piss me off. He says looking around at the drunks within the building. He pulls out a small glass and makes himself a glass of whiskey. My name is Crimson, and you are?? He holds his glass up as if toasting.
--Panthera, Faereach Cafe's Alley--
A quest, hmm? Humans often talked of those with great reverence. They seemed to be things of the highest esteem, like the pilgrimages she'd often see humans go on to visit their sites of worship. At the mention of great meals, Panthera perked up from her lounging, regal position. The orc had her interest, now. She could use more food in her belly, after all. She wasn't simply eating for one anymore. Thinking of her soon to be children, Panthera felt some trepidation. She needed to care for them, she knew, and going on this "quest" sounded dangerous. Very dangerous.

That line of thinking was interrupted as Panthera noticed White approaching her unannounced. Unprepared, Panthera shot back, bristling, haunches up, teeth bared, a low growl growing in her throat. Her back rippled, the fur parting some, as her Obsessors made themselves just barely known. Two nodules stretching from the crease between her shoulders and her neck to the end of her upper torso, their length was mostly thanks to the heads of the organs' stems, which could be stored within her, mostly, but some space beneath her fur was saved to keep them out and prepared at all times.

Her teeth weren't as white as her eyes, which were opalescent, but screwed up into a fearful, feral, angry fear. It spoke volumes for her, since she herself couldn't speak. Look, but DON'T touch.

Still, for all her anger, she'd kept her claws drawn in.

Luckz Luckz
Just entering the city, Ren, found the smell of all the races to be an interesting scent. He walked along the streets, not really knowing g where he was going. The one thing he knew was that he stood out among the other creatures here. He very elegant attire and his red tail stood out among the other people. Soon he found himself upon a strange place, he wasn't sure where he was. That's when he caught the scent on an Orc and heard the faint noise of talking. That's when he caught the sight of a panther and an Orc communicating. "Well, that isn't something you see every day." He spoke interrupting here talk. Ren wasn’t use to seeing different creature, other than kitsunes. He was very much intrigued by these two and wondered what they were talking about.
Luckz Luckz Sluggodile Sluggodile
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White Letfenheim​

"I have a deep respect for the unknown"

[Alive for now, speaking to a panther ]
[Happy but cautious]
[Outside a Café]
[Loyalwolf and sluggodile ]

White chuckled. "Ok girl, that's fine not everyone enjoys being touched," he chuckled and brought his hand back before smiling. "Your eyes are very bright," he noticed as he stared into the whiteness of her eyes. He stared however, at the things that protruded from her back, she wasn't a complete panther. White had a run in with a few of these on the battlefield, or in remote places where he had travelled. He furrowed his brows before tapping on a relic upon his arm that connected him to the dragon friend. "Ah White what is it you need?"

"The beings, that have protrusions from their bodies, they are animals, I'm with a panther who has created large splicers from her back,"

"Displacer Beings, White, we came across them on our travels, be careful, when they kill you, they evolve into that species, be careful," The dragon, Malthus, said as the relic glowed with his voice. He was about to continue the conversation but ended it instead before seeing a Kitsune approach out of the corner oh his large eyes as he spoke about the strangeness of it. "Indeed but this Panther is not to be touched, I have made a friend, now two, I am White, an Orc as you can tell," he looked down from his towering height as the Orc stood up fully, his hand the size of the man's face and more. He didn't trust the man of course but however he didn't look like the sort who would try anything towards him.

White wasn't exactly looking like a princess.

Code by Aukanai Aukanai

-Tags not working, therefore I have just written your names-
--Panthera, Faereach Cafe's Alley--
Pathera loosed a long breath, exhaling from her nostrils as the hand retreated. She shook herself, before settling down again, relaxed. That was all that she wanted, just a little space. She trusted this "Orc" some, after all, and his presence was enjoyable enough to her. It was just that, with hands like his, he could easily crush her skull, and she wasn't risking him wrapping those meaty fingers around her head. She'd not planned to attack him, with that kind of strength. She'd be better off fleeing.

She gave him a curious look as he praised her for her eyes' beauty. What a charmer, she thought to herself, and rumbled a short series of roars. It was as close as she could get to a laugh, given her biology. She was intrigued by this "Orc". He was kind, and quite talkative, it seemed. He made for good company. This train of thought, however, was interrupted when another joined their conversation. Whipping to her feet, Panthera glared down the alleyway at the newcomer. She didn't recognize him, nor did she sense him coming. She must've been too focused on White, then. Damn. She needed to be more careful.

Thankfully this newcomer didn't seem to want to do her harm, but with his nonchalant attitude and lack of expression, anything could be going on in his mind. Panthera growled lowly at the newcomer, bristling. She didn't like how she didn't recognize he was coming. It made her very uneasy. And she'd only just gotten used to being around White, too.

Luckz Luckz loyalwolf loyalwolf

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