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Fantasy Faereach: Chaos

Happy Red Mage

Red Mage Extraordinaire
Faereach, a great city of magic and progress. A large city holding the world's highest population of magical beings, the city prides itself on the arcane. Thousands and thousands come daily to visit or live in the city. Ruled by the wisdom of the Queen Alio and policed by her infamous legion of knights in dragonesque armor, the city is truly a paradise to behold! There is much to explore, like the massive gates around the city, each one leading to a different part of the world, the various facilities and services in the city that can handle just about any business, to the annual dueling tournament.

Please be warned, there have been reports of some unfriendly people roaming dark streets late at night. Visitors are advised to report anyone seen and to distance themselves from them as to avoid possible injury

Faereach is a city-based fantasy world originally made by Kihara. I enjoyed it so much back then that I decided to remake the RP. I hope you have as much fun as we did back then.
Blossoming Grasslands

Blossoming Grasslands is a peaceful meadow just outside the city. It is a common place for people to meet and spar against each other or simply have large gatherings and conventions. There are very few who haven't been to the Blossoming Gardens multiple times throughout the year.

Crystal Pond

Crystal Pond is a peaceful place well known as a gorgeous location in the city during autumn. Many memories have been made here and some even call it "A Place to Remember Forever" Those who haven't seen the glorious pond often visit shortly after knowing of it.

Edgewater Academy

Edgewater Academy is a Prestigious Academy known for its expertise in training its students in magicks and combat. Students of highschool age may attend and are gladly welcomed. All who attendare required to be on time and are pushed to their limits and beyond. Ancient beings are the teachers for the most part due to their ability to teach even the oldest magicks and combat capabilities.

Icewater Park

Icewater park is a calm place for students to retire after their classes in Edgewater Academy or simply waiting for their next class to begin. Though many other people pass through the park students of Edgewater virtually dominate the park during school hours.

Paragon Square

Paragon Square is the most well-known location in the city. Many groups meet here and some adventurers who are willing to risk it can walk to take one of the many Gateways and travel to The Emerald Enclave. The Paragon Square is also a very well-known location for people to combat each other with an audience.

The Emerald Enclave

The Emerald Enclave is a dangerous island in the skies near Faereach City. Adventurers who are willingto risk their lives tend to go there in parties and combat the creatures that live there. The Emerald Enclave has been scarcely explored and the most well-known of its inhabitants are the feral creatures that have lost their sanity and reverted to animalistic behaviours rather than the civilized races that live in Faereach.

Ancient Coliseum

The Ancient Coliseum lies below Faereach and very few ever deign to visit it. Those that do are either very brave or stupid. It looks like the ruins of some arena used by the old denizens of Faereach. The place itself feels old and reeks of unknown magic but there are some things and images that are out of place for its rumoured time of origin. In the centre lies a curled up skeleton of what could possiblybe the largest dragon to have existed.

The Lost Caves

A complicated network of caves and tunnels that go beyond The Ancient Coliseum. The deeper one goes the darker, no, the more light the darkness seems to eat. Those who have attempted to go beyond any previous attempt at exploring the caves have never returned.

The Sapphire Palace

The Sapphire Palace houses the royalty of Faereach. A tall crystalline fort, this structure is home to many of the strongest and brightest minds and is a meeting place for various representatives to hold audience with the queen. The gardens and roads around it are patrolled by Scale Knights, an elite fighting force dedicated to protection and law.

New Locations can be created when needed but don't get too crazy about it~
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The Start Of Something Old-New
It was here, finally, the villain that she had spent all her lives to defeat was now sitting in front of her. Amareus, The Demon Dragonlord, looked down on her as she readied her sword. As one they moved to an unseen signal, steel meeting claw, a dance of death. She couldn't lose here, so many were cheering her onward as she dodged to the left and prepared to swing her sword only to be caught unaware by a sudden claw ripping her in half.

Alabaster bemoaned her defeat as the words 'Game Over' flashed to life in the screen before her. Behind her the crowd of people had begun to disperse upon her defeat. She gathered herself and left one of Faereach's few arcades. Game machines that incorporated actual magic were a rare sight to behold and they were as equally fun to use. "Hm...I still have plenty of time before anyone notices I'm gone, I wonder where I should go next?" She said mostly to herself. This was her first time outside of the Sapphire Palace so she was excited with what the city could hold for her.

"Maybe something to drink?"
--Panthera: Faereach City Zoo--
Panthera's white eyes snapped open as the light of day peeked in from above, slinking in through the crooks in the tree's branches, its leaves barely catching the light before it shone through. Soft greens and startling yellows mixed together, and though the day was hot, the shade her tree provided kept the animal contented.

Her mate slept soundly beside her, him not being woken by the light shining on the both of them. She and he were new to one another, having only known each other for the night, but she was quite pleased with him. He was strong, and durable, and she was sure his children would be too. If a panther was capable of smiling, Panthera would be then, as she nuzzled him in his sleep. Leopards could sleep deeply when exhausted, and given the energy he'd shown her the night prior, she was sure he'd sleep until midday.

She, however, followed a strict schedule that her body refused to allow her to disobey. Rising to her feet slowly, she shook free the dirt and leaves that'd settled on her pristine black coat the night before. Lowering her head to the earth, and leaving her haunches high, like a common house cat Panthera stretched her back and stomach muscles, before batting the flies away from her head as she righted herself. After flexing each of her six limbs freely, she stalked to the back of her glassed-in enclosure, away from the prying eyes that would be coming in less than half an hour, when the 'Zoo' she was in formally opened. As silent as ebbing darkness, her Obsessors freed themselves from her fur, arching upwards almost two and a half feet above her shoulder. They had a kink in them about halfway up, but if you could compare the twin claws to anything, it'd be a scythe, or sickle. Panthera wracked her mind for a moment on where she wished to be, and swiftly decided upon that back alleyway she'd slept in the first night she'd been in this city-- Faereach. And, in the blink of an eye, the Displacer Being was gone, its power of displacement requiring no words, no fancy gimmicks, nothing. Just a single moment of thought, and she was whisked away from the zoo, not a trace of herself left behind.
Nyr Frostbane and Zachary Widowfeld Nyr had settled into a moderately comfortable life here in the city after the accident. She had taken up residence with an odd fellow who refused to speak to her at first, but now the two were closer than, what was the saying? Peas in a pod? Nyr giggled a little to herself as she tended to the rows upon rows of plants in front of herself. Finishing up with her daily work, the shaman brushed the dirt off her hands and made her way to the stairs that led up to their shared apartment. She wasn't surprised to find Zachary lounging on the couch with Aquios in his lap. They had rigged a doorbell that would tell them anytime someone entered the flower shop. Dropping down next to him, she locked her fingers behind her head and laid back.

"For this being an 'equal partnership', I sure am doing all the work, you know." She teased lightly, grinning over at him. He snorted a bit and rolled his eyes.

"Last I checked, you were the only one with earth and water powers, missy. Don't come crying to me cause you volunteered to help." He huffed, crossing his arms and turning his attention back to the tv. He saw Nyr roll her eyes, but that was the end of their conversation. He grumbled a bit, feeling his stomach growl. How did humans deal with hunger? It was an awful feeling. He sighed, turning the tv off. "I'm gonna go to the café." He got up, pulling his jacket on and checking for his wallet before walking out. Zachary had no doubt in his mind that Nyr would follow him.
Erik, Faereach Smith
Erik pulled the white-hot blade out of the forge, examined the edge he had beaten onto the new blade and, deeming it satisfactory, plunged it into the ice bath he had prepared to cool the metal. He was fairly sure water this cold shouldn't be used to rapidly cool the blade, but it had always worked for him. He set the blade on a rack and pulled off his apron, observing the other workers around him. He supposed then that being what he was definitely had its advantages- he didn't have to frequently wipe sweat from his brow. He looked over at a co-worker of his who, he didn't want to say was explicitly a friend, but they could talk to one another, at least. "Hey, Hitsu," he called, "I'm thinking of hitting the cafe. If you want to catch up with me, I'll be there," and with that, he hung his apron on a hook by his forge and headed for the door
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It was once believed that this dark and shadowy reprieve was a embodiment of evil,
A place that evil things are made, and a place for the wicked.
Nevertheless it always has been silent and comforting to me.
The night is an untapped raw source, all it needs is a conduit.
Carpe Noctem

The sun glinted happily off the Crystal Ponds still waters, creating an almost mirror image. Within the pond the reflection rippled and the sun above the pool seemed to stop shining. From the pool a darkness emerged, and hovered gently above the ponds surface. The cloud contorted and whirled rapidly. It took the shape of a elegant and petite woman, her hands clasped in-front of her lightly. Beside her a candelabra floated silently, one of its candles burning a dark blue. She stepped forward, her full length dress settling just above the waters still surface. She seemingly floated to the ponds edge, and the lights that stood on the street adjacent to the park flickered out. Her candelabras candles flickered to light, leaving 4 of them now burning the same dark blue as the first. She stepped onto the shore, and the air around her grew cold. She stalked towards her destination, streetlamps flickering out as she approached. Anyone who gazed upon her fell over asleep. She approached a sun dial, its weathered stone and gold lining awaited something. She placed her hand upon the dial, and the ground shook. A distant sound signaled his coming, across the sky a bolt of fiery light shot. It collided with the ground directly across the dial from the woman. From the smoke from the collision a man stepped out. He look at the woman coldly, and frowned. "Maeanna Belladonna Bellatrix Cu'Fay, Why have you summoned me?" She shifted her weight, and spoke back in a voice soft as night. "To warn you, The creatures of the night grow restless. It will not be long before they lose upon the Solaris city." The radiant mans composure flickered. "Mae..." His voice broken and defeated. "I have tried Helios, they will not see my reason. The council has spoken." She said, almost as sad as him. Helios gazed to the sky, his eyes dark. "I will see you when the war begins, be strong." Mae nodded, her composure never flickering. She turned to leave as Helios dissipated in flash of white light. She raised her head to the sky and spoke the words "Carpe Noctem"
in a instant she was gone, the pond returning to normal. Ravens flew over the city, landing near people and Speaking the words. "Come to the Emerald Enclave, Heroes are needed for an important mission." The ravens would be near anyone in the city, screeching those words.

Everyone Everyone
(This is for people who don't really have a direction)
--Panthera: Alleyway--
Panthera's eyes alighted upon movement at the mouth of the alleyway: a small, black bird with glinting obsidian eyes. Food, she figured, as she ran her tongue along the inside of her mouth, wetting it. The best part was, that the stupid little bird was flying her way. This would be easy.

Hunkering down, Panthera pressed herself low to the ground, tail flat against the cold pavement. It was a little wet here, but nothing too uncomfortable. She'd grown used to the hardness of the earth here being much worse than out in the wilderness. And though the red spot on her forehead was inconspicuous enough to be confused for a little blood on dark ground, her white eyes, which practically glowed in the dark, weren't. Thankfully for her, hunting was one part seeing, and ten parts feeling. Her whiskers twitched in the air as they followed the flow of air that the crow or raven displaced as it flew, and her ears perked up, following the sounds of feathers beating against wind as the bird made its way towards Panthera.

A second later, she pounced, practically bursting forth from the shadows, one paw raised overhead, claws extended. The bird's death was swift, as the paw was brought down hard on its neck, breaking it instantly. Though the bird wasn't all that delicious, it was a neat little snack she could enjoy as Panthera settled in the mouth of the alley, watching the steadily growing to be busy street it bled into. Humans were picking up pace as the day moved ahead, and though she didn't know it, Panthera was staring across the street at a small human hub-- a cafe of sorts. Crunching on the bird's hollow body, its sustenance running down her maw, Panthera sat, and watched, as humans and monsters drifted by, their lives obscuring her from their sight.

The Imperial Flame The Imperial Flame
Walking through large crowded streets was not Erik's idea of fun, so he decided he would cut through some back alleys and side streets to avoid the larger crowds on the main streets. Coincidentally, smaller streets were much more difficult to navigate anyway, and when he passed one suspiciously dark alley, he opted to chance the main street instead, moving completely around it and emerging on the more crowded streets.
While he wasn't the greatest with people, Erik had always found observing the large, interracial crowds fascinating. Orcs, fairies, elves, even creatures he hadn't heard of all shared this same road. It really was a sight to behold. Faereach was definitely something else as far as cities went- he guessed. It was the only city Erik had ever been in for very long. Spotting the café, he darted through the crowd, slipped inside, and approached the clerk. After buying a pastry, he took a seat by the window to observe the streets once more, this time noticing a large amount of dark birds all flocking around the different passersby. Thinking nothing of it, he leaned back and decided he'd relax here a while
It was once believed that this dark and shadowy reprieve was a embodiment of evil,
A place that evil things are made, and a place for the wicked.
Nevertheless it always has been silent and comforting to me.
The night is an untapped raw source, all it needs is a conduit.
Carpe Noctem

The sun glinted happily off the Crystal Ponds still waters, creating an almost mirror image. Within the pond the reflection rippled and the sun above the pool seemed to stop shining. From the pool a darkness emerged, and hovered gently above the ponds surface. The cloud contorted and whirled rapidly. It took the shape of a elegant and petite woman, her hands clasped in-front of her lightly. Beside her a candelabra floated silently, one of its candles burning a dark blue. She stepped forward, her full length dress settling just above the waters still surface. She seemingly floated to the ponds edge, and the lights that stood on the street adjacent to the park flickered out. Her candelabras candles flickered to light, leaving 4 of them now burning the same dark blue as the first. She stepped onto the shore, and the air around her grew cold. She stalked towards her destination, streetlamps flickering out as she approached. Anyone who gazed upon her fell over asleep. She approached a sun dial, its weathered stone and gold lining awaited something. She placed her hand upon the dial, and the ground shook. A distant sound signaled his coming, across the sky a bolt of fiery light shot. It collided with the ground directly across the dial from the woman. From the smoke from the collision a man stepped out. He look at the woman coldly, and frowned. "Maeanna Belladonna Bellatrix Cu'Fay, Why have you summoned me?" She shifted her weight, and spoke back in a voice soft as night. "To warn you, The creatures of the night grow restless. It will not be long before they lose upon the Solaris city." The radiant mans composure flickered. "Mae..." His voice broken and defeated. "I have tried Helios, they will not see my reason. The council has spoken." She said, almost as sad as him. Helios gazed to the sky, his eyes dark. "I will see you when the war begins, be strong." Mae nodded, her composure never flickering. She turned to leave as Helios dissipated in flash of white light. She raised her head to the sky and spoke the words "Carpe Noctem"
in a instant she was gone, the pond returning to normal. Ravens flew over the city, landing near people and Speaking the words. "Come to the Emerald Enclave, Heroes are needed for an important mission." The ravens would be near anyone in the city, screeching those words.

Everyone Everyone
(This is for people who don't really have a direction)
Hitsugya Udaza

Black flame shot from Hitsugya's fist aimed to the side of the smelter where there was a small little hatch just big enough for him to fire a stream of flame into it. It made things a lot quicker using his ability to speed up the process of smelting the ore that would go on to be used by the rest of the other smiths. It was hard work, being around a constant influx of heat and having to wear thick padded clothes as to avoid being burned, especially by black fire which could burn through just about everything and anything while also being inextinguishable. What struck him as odd was he still found that apart of him disliked the fact that he had this hellish power, nonetheless he lived with it and didn't complain becoming slightly more used to using it and after better controlling it he could somewhat keep it in check. After using the last of his energy to muster the last stream of flame from his fist he stopped, hearing the bell above ring to signify his shift was done. Taking off his work clothing he was still wearing his casual wear underneath, taking in a deep breath and stretching his back. Just as he was getting ready to leave, finishing up the last of his work, he looked back over his shoulder only to see Erik informing him of his plans, even inviting him to join him. "Lucky bastard," He replied jokingly "I'll catch up in a bit I suppose, I could go something to drink right about now." He stated but by the time he had done Erik had already been gone. Sighing, he resumed finishing up the last of his quota of ore before heading out.

No doubt, Erik had likely already arrived at the café in the time it had taken him to finish but he hadn't cared. All that meant was he could have the self satisfaction of trying to get there within the next few minutes. As he walked down the street he readjusted the electric guitar on his back and turned down a long yet fairly wide alleyway Hitsugya let his wings stretch out from his back, flapping them a few times just to get the blood pumping and within seconds he was already in the air. Grinning, he looked up at the sky between the two immensely tall constructs and jumped off of the side of one, propelling himself even farther then using his wings to gain more altitude. He'd never been one for walking, preferring to fly when given the chance. What was the point of having wings if not to use them? Besides, walking was overrated and slow. As he flew upwards Hitsu kept going even after he passed over the top of the two buildings and kept flying, determined to see just how high he could go this time. The higher he went the more he could feel himself slowing down until he found he couldn't go anymore, allowing himself to fall back down. Sighing, he opened his eyes only to see just how high he really was, shouting out "HOLY SHIT!!!" letting his wings spread out to their full span of 11 feet as the wind caught him and he began to slow down a bit. Rotating his body so that he still remained hovering in the air, not moving, his feet and hands began to be engulfed by flame as he kicked his right foot up and began doing a front flip in mid air until he figured he had enough momentum and used the black flame to propel him in the direction of the cafe. Flying through the air he landed on the top of yet another building, jumping off of that one and resuming flight.

Landing at the side of another medium sized building, Hitsugya folded up his wings against his back and walked out around onto the main street, cramming his hands into his pockets as he walked down the sidewalk. He knew he was close to the Café now, being more than familiar with the street since he went there frequently, aside from the bar. Walking up to the small Café, Hitsugya walked inside and let his gaze scan the room as he looked for Erik, noticing his black hair he walked over casually "Hey, sorry I took so long. Had some stuff I needed to take care of before I left." Explained Hitsu as he pulled up a chair and sat down, finally having the chance to sit for the first time in the past few hours, glad to be able to lay back for a bit.

Saint_John446 Saint_John446 & Mitchs98 Mitchs98 (implying the Café is Malorn's, if that's alright?)
Faith would wake up, "Where am I?". The place was beautiful, trees, lakes, everything you dream about, coming true. She looked around, no one was there but some animals. She was too tired to fly, apparently she crashed into the floor. This wasn't her usual world, this was another world, probably the one beyond the portal. Her family must've knew this place, or else they wouldn't have set up the portal to come here. She wanted to search around, maybe she can find someone to inform her about everything. Faith got up, she looked around, just wilderness. She looked at the animals, they were looking at her strangely, maybe they were made up of magic too? Faith tried to speak to the animals, no luck. They would just look away and ignore her. Until this one raven spoke, it said "Come to the Emerald Enclave, Heroes are needed for an important mission.". She was confused, maybe they could tell her where the Emerald Enclave was? She asked if they could possibly show her where the place is, the raven started flying into the wilderness. "I guess I'll follow, maybe it's leading me to the Emerald Enclave." She mumbled.
The gentle morning breeze felt good on Yavanna's skin, it carried a welcoming warmth. She loved the warmed of summer and the rains it brought. As long as it was warm she would live but when the days began to grow short and the nights longer, her days were numbered. She ran her fingers threw the grass still wet with morning dew. The grass felt healthy and she knew that it no longer needed her attention. She had been in Blossoming Grasslands for a day looking for every excuse to admire the beauty of the meadows for before having to enter the wretched city known as Feareach. Yavanna hated every city, they were filthy and they lack natural beauty. However, she was still required to go there and check that the plant that was there was healthy and growing properly. She stood up from the cold ground and allowed her self to disappear before reappearing in Faereach. She took a quick look around and everything seemed to be in order.

Yavanna walked around the streets of the city making sure that everything was as it should be. After walking through most of the city it appeared as though most plants were healthy, there were a few that she had to heal. She noticed that the side walks looked a little bare and she allowed weeds to go through the cracks. Once she was done with her task she began to head to the café she had visited the year before. She enjoyed the beverages. It didn't take her long to reach the Café and she had she waited to be seated.
Erik nodded to his coworker, largely unsure as to what he should or could say- it wasn't like he had been raised with the greatest example of human interactions. Looking to the door, Erik spotted what appeared to be a nature spirit and quickly ducked his head, looking out the window again. Being artificially made, he wasn't exactly sure how she might react to him, so he figured avoiding her attention was safest for him. Instead, he focused on the black birds that seemed to be pestering a large amount of the populace.
"Hey, Hitsu," he said, "what kind of birds are those? I mean, I get birds do different things under different circumstances, but that doesn't seem like usual behaviour, does it?"
Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz
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Vix was peacefully sleeping on his very affordable bed. Dreaming of peaceful times and of happy time drinking. That’s when his alarm went off and woke him from his peaceful slumber. Sadly, it seems that his nap was over. He sighed and stretched out his body. Scratching his toned stomach, he walked towards his bathroom where he washed his face and brushed his teeth. Hmm, I don’t have any jobs today, so that means I get to do whatever I want. I could go out and find a job or I can get food and a drink. After thinking it through, he decided that he could just do both at the same time. He went to his closet and looked for an outfit. “Now what should I wear today. I think causal and flexible will be best for tonight.” Talking to himself was common considering he didn’t have many friends. He changed into a white and black Japanese yukata, with a blue tie. He then looked around for his Katana and quickly spotted it. He decided it would be best to no carry it around with him and simply put a transportation seal. In case he needed to summon it quickly.

Making his way out into the city, he had a big, warm smile on his face. He greeted anyone that passed him and even flirted with a few people he found attractive. This severed two purposes, one was to express his happy-go-lucky personality, but the other was to see if he could gather any new information or potential clients. The first objective was successful, but the second one wasn’t. He made his way to the café that was rather good and not that expensive. As he entered, he caught the slightest smell of fire. It almost lingered and was faint but he was sure it was fired, but it wasn’t normal, it was more demonic in nature. That is when he noticed a guy with black wings and the realization hit him. “Not every day you see a fallen angel. He kind of looks familiar?” he approached the part of two and figured he would see if they knew each other, but more importantly, he was curious about this fallen angel. “Hello you two. I hope I'm not intruding but It’s not every day you see a fallen angel in a café.” He spoke with a cheery and happy tone. Saint_John446 Saint_John446 Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz
Erik tore his gaze away from the flock of birds outside and instead looked to the stranger, nearly jumping out of his skin at the sound of this new man's voice, despite its underlying kindness. Or, not so much a man, Erik guessed, noting the multi-coloured eyes almost immediately. "N-no," Erik stammered, "T-there wasn't really- there wasn't really much of anything going on. M-might I ask what brings you here?" Erik mentally kicked himself for that show of awkwardness. Hadn't this newcomer already explained he was curious about Hitsu? Better him than me, a part of Erik's mind- the large part that was largely scared of people- intoned. He awkwardly raised his pastry to his mouth and took a bite to keep himself from stutteringly rambling
Turning his attention to the other man that seemed to begin a conversation with him. He seemed very skittish, kind of like a little kitten. With a slight chuckle “wow you really adorable. I’m pretty sure I have already stated why I came over but I guess I could be blunter. I came here because I was looking for work and for something to eat. That's when I caught the hint of fire, but fire that wasn’t natural. That is when I laid eyes on your friend over here and thought he let see if the fallen angel wants to be friends. “As he was speaking with the guy, he took in the guy’s scent. He seems human, but his scent is slightly off. I can put my finger on it, must be a race I haven’t encountered yet. “Where are my manner! I haven’t even introduced myself. My name is Vix Kasai and I am a local information broker. Now do I have the honor of speaking with?” he pulled seat next to the men, seemly inviting himself to their company. Saint_John446 Saint_John446 Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz
Erik didn't know if it was good or bad that the stranger- no, Vix, he had said- decided to invite himself to the table, but what was done was done, and there was nothing he could do aside from jumping through the big window and running- which somehow seemed like the dumb idea here. So, Erik took a deep breath. "Y-you can- I-I mean, my name's Erik, Mr, Kas-Kasai, you said? I, alon-along with my, my co-worker, H-Hitsu, work as s-smiths up- er, over on St-Stonebrick Street." Hint of fire? As in smell? I can't smell anything, flamey or even cologne, coming off of Hitsugya. His race must be related to an animal. Oh, damn, that means he probably knows I'm not human. Erik looked at Vix a little closer this time. Despite being in Faereach for seven years, didn't have much experience with most supernatural beings. "Y-you said you were- you were an in-information broker? W-what does th-that, uh, entail, precisely?" loyalwolf loyalwolf Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz
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Vix ordered himself a drink of water, completely ignore the fact that Erik seems uncomfortable with his sudden intrusion. That’s when Erik introduced him and his company, who he had yet interacted with. “It’s nice to meet you both. And Erik no need to be so formal, please call me vix. After all, I still have 300 more years before I would consider myself a mister.” He had a cheeky tone in his voice and wondered what he should have to eat. So, they work as a blacksmith, how interesting. I guess that’s honest work, but that Hitsu guy seems more like a fighter than a blacksmith. He sensed Erik increase his gaze, but kept a neutral smile on his face. Well, it’s a good thing that he had his tail hidden for now. Wonder how he would react if I showed one of my tails. “Well, it depends. I gather information and then auction off that info to the highest bidder. But also, I get hired by private clients to find specific information on people, items, creature. For an added fee, I can retrieve things for people or moonlight as a bodyguard, tracker, or guide.” Saint_John446 Saint_John446 Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz
Nyr and Zachary Nyr had made sure to close and lock up the shop before heading after Zachary. She didn't want the short-tempered fallen-angel to go get himself in trouble as they made their way down the street to the cafe. She felt a familiar tap against her leg, and smiled a bit as Aquios, her familiar, appeared at her side. Scooping him up, she jogs to catch up a little to Zachary as he pushes open the door to the cafe. She makes a small noise of surprise when the door swings back and almost hits her, but she couldn't be surprised that he didn't hold the door for her. His attitude always did change when they were out in public.

Zachary had seen the man with the black wings, and he had a sudden pang of longing for his own to he returned to him. As if on queue, a dull throb started up where the stubs would be if he wasn't trying to hide his shame. Mood suddenly soured, he didn't even think about the undoubtedly bubbly girl following him as he entered the cafe, tossing a glare in the direction of the man he had seen. Gritting his teeth, he made his way over to a booth in the corner, not looking anywhere but at the table when he sits down.

Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz Saint_John446 Saint_John446 loyalwolf loyalwolf
Erik blinked at Vix. Information... auctioning...among other things... Erik dashed those thoughts from his head. "300... years... until you're a-a mister? T-that's... you're, uh, real lo-long-lived, huh? And, th-that, uhm, information brokering, as-as you say, c-can't possibly b-be a... safe, uh pro-profession. I, uh, mean, I wor- I work as a s-smith with little pr-protective gear, a-and my job sou-sounds m-much safer..." Erik trailed off as he realized what he had just said. Yup, smart, while pretending to be a human you mention you do the one thing no human is dumb enough to do. I hate you, Erik. Instead of dwelling on that, Erik turned to Hitsu briefly, trying to send a "come save my stupid ass" signal subtly, while passing it off as collecting the last of his pastry before turning back to Vix. Of course, at precisely that moment, he noticed a particular blond man eyeing Hitsu with... contempt? Jealousy? He didn't know, he was currently looking for an excuse to sit back and recontinue his people-watching, despite the amount of questions the newcomers raised loyalwolf loyalwolf Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz EviSaurus EviSaurus
[Alabaster Der Cinn]
"Oh my! What a pretty little place." Alabaster exclaimed as she walk through the cafe's doorway. She looked around in excitement, she had never been to a place like a cafe so she didn't know what it was called. "What is this place...oh look they sell stuff!" She hurried over to the counter and perused the menu. "Oh, what's this es-press-oh?" She pointed to the word. "I want one!" Paying for her drink she sat down onto a table excited. She had seen so many new things today and now she was going to try her first drink outside of the palace.
loyalwolf loyalwolf Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz EviSaurus EviSaurus Saint_John446 Saint_John446 (Who are all there)
First arc will be starting in 1-3 days giving ample time for everyone to get their posts up and for characters to get friendly with each other. Suggestions for a new arc can be submitted via PM and will be chosen at random, so for now have fun!
Crimson Redd
Within the "Faereach And Lounge", the rageful lycan Crimson Redd was working the morning shift. He was wiping down the bar counter, and looking at the few customers that were inside. Some were people who spent the night in the bar after passing out from drinking too much, while others were basic alcoholics who likes to start their mornings off with a few drinks. Crimson reached under the counter and grabbed his whiskey bottle and drink some from the head. He just started drinking but he knew by the time he's shift was over that bottle would he gone along with two others. He reached into his pockets and pulled out a cigarette from the pack in his pocket. He grabbed his lighter and lit the cigarette, feeding into his nasty harmless habit. He looks over at Zedd who was asleep in a corner. He and Crimson both needs the rest after their night within the Enclave. Crimson yawns and leans against the counter waiting for the next customer.
--Panthera, Faereach Alleyway--
There she sat, amused. It was always interesting to watch these different creatures' interactions, how they bounced off one another, how others built bridges, tied knots. Even if they weren't aware of it, the Displacer Being thought sagely, each one of them in that cafe, now, were connected. Either by a loose knot, an unsteady bridge, or something else of the like, they were all connected, somehow. Panthera almost wished she could see those very connections, see who valued whom most. A soft rumbling from her stomach reminded her she still hadn't eaten.

She was tempted to simply stroll out of the alleyway, see if she couldn't simply take a human's food for herself, perhaps some raw, salted meat they were taking back to their den. A feeling of unease settled over her, though, as her pure white eyes slid back to watching the cafe, rather than the people passing the front of her alleyway. She felt a sense of... trepidation now, connecting the feeling to watching not one, but two winged humans enter the cafe. Though, she did notice that one of the humans had lost their wings. Disconcerting. To have lost their wings and still live... strong. And worse: humans' senses of right and wrong were very much not in her favour. Mewling unhappily, Panthera padded in circles, looking like she was chasing her own tail in the darkness of the alley, when in fact she was simply trying to get her thoughts in order.

And it wasn't even those winged humans, either, that she was worried about. The human that smelled like the hundreds of types of grass that Panthera had lived in, walked through, and slithered past, was there too. She hoped that that human wouldn't interfere, but humans were like that: interferes. Self-righteous and yet destructive. Protecting of their own kind, but merciless to others, and that's what made her anxious. Though her sight wasn't amazing, she could smell her own fear radiating off of her in waves. Her heart was racing at a hundred miles an hour.

The humans with wings, the human that smelled like grass, the human with the living water, the human that smelled like fox, and even the human that smelled like human, but couldn't be: she doubted a single one of them would just let her steal another human's precious food. Humans were pack animals after all, she bemoaned in her head, that translating to a soft growl that escaped her grit teeth, the canines and molars grinding against each other tightly. She didn't have a choice, she figured. She'd return to the zoo, for now. Food before death. Her life before any exhilaration. And, with a flick of her Obsessors, she disappeared, reappearing within her and her mate's enclosure within the zoo. Observing the humans would have to wait.

Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz Saint_John446 Saint_John446 EviSaurus EviSaurus loyalwolf loyalwolf Elffri3nd Elffri3nd - The "humans" she was observing.
Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz Saint_John446 Saint_John446 loyalwolf loyalwolf Elffri3nd Elffri3nd Anyone Anyone I missed

Malorn Drakanos
It had been a rather uneventful day thus far for the Grand Demon. He woke up, showered, got dressed, and cooked himself some breakfast before heading out and down the street for work. For a powerful demon his life was rather menial, just the way he liked it really. He wasn't entirely lazy, no. Just the whole terrifying demon razing villages and eating people didn't appeal to him much anymore. Not that he had ever actually ate a person...but that did happen to be a stereotype a lot of times.

He had made it to his shop early this day, around 6 AM and he was already setting up. Running stock, organizing things, and otherwise making sure everything was in place. It was a small cafe with only a minimal staff team, however it was always fairly busy due to the cheap prices he offered. He was already a rich demon, why would he need to charge higher than competitors? He would much rather have a nice popular place for it's cheap prices than barely have anyone and charge an arm and a leg.

He wasn't in it for the money regardless, the work simply relaxed him and he found joy in it. He opened at seven, and as usual was busy through-out the day. He sighed gently and smiled a bit to himself over what was essentially his small Cafe empire, perhaps he would actually open more...who knew. Soon though things started picking up more, multiple people, a few he recognized, coming into the place. Hitsugaya specifically was one of the regulars he made note of. Though the others didn't go unnoticed by a long shot he mostly looked to them to make sure they didn't cause any trouble for the other patrons, especially the Kitsune who looked rather suspicious.

One person in particular stood out, and that was the one waiting to be seated and order. Malorn made his way over to Yavanna with the same smile on his face. "Sorry to keep you waiting, right this way." He told her, escorting her to an empty smaller table. He put a menu on the table and waited, "Do you know what you want?" He asked, studying the other briefly.
Hitsugya Udaza

He'd had half a mind to go get himself a coffee or pastry just so he wouldn't stand out awkwardly in the small Café, but as he rose up from his seat to do so Erik began speaking about all of the birds that miraculously appeared. Slightly annoyed that he couldn't get a drink, he sat back down. It did struck him as odd since he had not seen any birds whatsoever during his flight to the Café but just shrugged it off, about to reply before he was interrupted by a man approaching them. Hitsu glanced over at the averaged size man, noticing his fox like ears and mismatched eye colours. He felt like he knew the man from somewhere before, kind of like déjà vu, but again chose not to question it. It seemed as though that the newcomer -Vix, as he had stated- and Erik were becoming aquainted, pulling up a chair and beginning to talk about their professions and so at this point he just sat back in his chair, crossing his arms as he looked around at the interior of the Café. He had still paid attention to everything they had been talking about, word for word, but his attention was now reverted to the several other people waltzing into the local Café. As the others walked inside he noticed one in particular; a blonde haired man staring, no, glaring at him by the look of it. He couldn't say he cared what the man thought of him, he was well aware Fallen Angels were hated throughout the city but that didn't stop him from most things and so long as it didn't he would continue to do so.

Turning his attention back to Vix and Erik he managed to catch their current topic, chuckling slightly at how shocked Erik was by how old Vix was. He couldn't really judge the man since he had immortality as well, no being able to age, but that had been about it. He was more interested in just what the man even was because as far as he could tell he sure as hell wasn't human. Still being silent he glanced over at Erik, sighing at how much the kid talked. Eesh, he's really not good with people is he? Thought Hitsu, taking the hint and then opened his mouth to speak to Vix. "Anyhow," he began, to break the awkward moment, "It seems you've got your work cut out for you. And I'm only a part time worker in the smelter sect due to my ability of fire, I still have my last year of school at Edgewater." Stated Hitsugya, not really caring whether the man knew his ability or not. Of course that wasn't the only ability he had but that's not something anyone needed to know, or something he wanted other people to know. Sitting back in the chair he returned his attention back around the Café and browsed the different pastries on display.

Saint_John446 Saint_John446 loyalwolf loyalwolf EviSaurus EviSaurus Elffri3nd Elffri3nd Happy Red Mage Happy Red Mage Mitchs98 Mitchs98 (anyone else I missed currently in the cafe. Sorry for taking so long.)

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