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Active [Fae-See] Sleepy Little Lambs (1x1)


Junior Member

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet

The resolution to the battle of Fort bury left Kota quite shaken. Guilt and anger took up most of the real estate within his head. He could still feel the overwhelming power that Luisa had shown, how helpless he was in that moment. He’s decided to take the time to visit the Fae see and clear his mind a bit, it was his first time within the region and he wanted to take in the splendor before heading back.

The fauna within the Fae See were incredible, enhanced and overgrown due to the strong concentration of mana within the nation. What was even more impressive was the overwhelming amount of spirits that Kota had been able to sense.

“Surround the Little runts! Dont torture them too much we need them alive.!” Thanks to [Heightened Senses] he’d hear a voice in the distance. He’d also pick up on another strange presence in that direction, something felt odd. Without hesitation, Kota would move quickly to the location of the noise. Upon arriving at the seen he would find a battle ongoing. A group of bandits surrounding a much smaller and cuter group of..Lambs?The smaller creatures seemed to be on the losing side of things as their numbers dwindled down to only about 5 soldiers and barely holding on at that.


“DO NOT FAULTER, STAND YOUR GROUND SOLDIERS, PROTECT THE PRIESTESS WITH YOUR LIVES!” A lamb with a blue tattered cape shouted. The four soldiers beside them were holding on but just barely.

“Just tell us what we want and we won’t hurt you anymore.” One of the bandits grinned, as he held his hand out, a fireball would begin to flicker within his palms before setting ablaze. “Your wool will surely burn if you get hit with a fireball. Talk unless you want to be turned to ash!” The bandit smirked, though in that moment the priestess would move to the forefront with a determined look.


“We would never turn on our people! We’ll proudly put our lives on the line!” The sheep woman spouted, “Fine! I’ll beat you within an inch of your life!” The bandit shouted as he prepared to unleash the fireball, the small creatures would shut their eyes as though they were prepared to meet their demise but would only hear the disgruntled voices of the bandits.

Kota had entered the fray, making light work of the bandits though he seemed a bit confused. They didn’t seem all that powerful, was his [Sixth Sense] incorrect? Whatever the case was he’d turn to the small sheep’s to check in with them. As he let down his guard the priestess would extend her arm out to call towards the Foxkin.

“WATCH OUT!” The priestess exclaimed,

Kota would attempt to shield himself but it had seemed too late. Though much to his luck he would find himself in a shield of cotton. The explosion would rattle his body to the core while the sound of the explosion caused a loud ringing within his ear. He would find his heart begin to sink as he felt his body in free fall.


“W-Wha, AHHH?” Kota sounded out, it all happened so fast. He would then feel a wash of cool water surround him, it was dark but he could feel his body sinking deeper into the body of water, his brain still befuddled. He’d feel the wool surrounding his body begin to loosen up, providing the opportunity to break free. As he was about to swim to the surface, Kota would see two unconscious lamb knights falling deeper and deeper into the body of water.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

The Forlini would find the cave to be a short repsite, the orange hue from her body combined with the luminescent mushrooms within the cavern proved to be a guiding light. Without warning, the cavern would echo loudly with the sound of an explosion. Followed by the scurrying small fae critters fleeing from the sound with great haste. They would pay the spirit no mind as the walked past and went through the forlini, occupied with the thought of survival on their mind.

Xanzua would be able to make out the scream of multiple voices followed by a large splashing sound coming from one of the caverns segmented paths which the creatures had been pouring out from.
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Xanzua (#f16f1f)
Immediately, Xanzua's first thought was to run.

Ever since her rebirth, the chaotic sounds of battle had haunted her presence here, constantly disorientating her already buzzing head as she floated aimlessly through these endless caverns. She just wanted a moment to clear her head and collect her bearings, but it seemed the land she had found herself on was in the midst of a terrible war. The sights she had seen so far had been unpleasant to say the least, especially once she realized her new form was not as impervious as it seemed.

Hence, why would she willingly head towards the sound of battle and get herself killed?

But she had to admit, curiosity was a damning thing. Though used to having nothing but the company of harmless flora and fauna, a small part of her had long grown curious about the true state of this land. Against her better judgement, she briefly rubbed her reeling temples as she glided forward, gently wading through the little critters passing through her feet. Carefully, she barely peeked one eye round the cavern wall as she cautiously surveyed the scene.

The sight she glimpsed was somewhat strange. Three fluffy balls of cotton were sinking pitifully into the river depths, one of which was quite a bit larger than the rest, but she didn't pay that particularity too much heed. They seemed to be some kind of those beastfolk she had seen on the lands above. Sheep ones. Cocking her head to the side, she didn't feel an urgency to save them, or anyone really for that matter.

But they were very, very cute. She couldn't make out the form of the larger one, as it likely had bigger mass and had sunk farther down, but the other two resembled small fluffy dolls, and that sight vaguely twinged her heart.

Without much more thought, she quite simply floated into the river, her orange glow slightly obscured by the deep blue hue of the water. Watching the pair fall for a moment, she wielded the magic at her fingertips with unfamiliarity, summoning small stone platforms for them to land on to prevent them from sinking any further. She gave up on the larger cotton mass, aware that her lack of proficiency could not save them all. Fidgeting slightly in place as she hovered by their side, she prayed that the little ones would awaken soon, because she was unable to do anything else for them.


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet

The lambs seemed to be sinking much faster than the fox, their metal armor acting as an anchor as it dropped them to the bottom of the lake. Kota would attempt to kick his feet faster but the small creatures were slowly fading out of vision into the darkness of the lake. Kota would grind his teeth as he saw the window of opportunity fading, that was until he would feel a tingle on his neck as his [Sixth Sense ] kicked in, followed by a light emanating from behind.

The cavern would illuminate with the spirit's orange hugh and he would see the sheep pass him by sitting atop stone platforms as they rose to the surface.

Atop of the water , the warm glow that the Xanzua had been providing would bring the two sheep knights to consciousness. The small creatures would begin to cough up water violently before coming to the realization of the situation.



“YOU SAVED ME, YOU MUST BE MY DIVINE SPIRIT” The small creature exclaimed exuberantly in the face of the Forlini. The sheep would bow his head repeatedly displaying immense appreciation. Stratos would notice his much rounder comrade in a look of shock, realizing that he was still unconscious. He would make a number of small footsteps as he looked over to check the knight's pulse.

“He’s still breathing, I know how to wake him.” Stratos exclaimed with a look of assurance, he would toss aside his sword and shield before holding the chubby sheep’s check gently.

“WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP” Stratos shouted as he violently slapped the unconscious night awake with their tiny hooves but to no success. “That didn’t work, time for plan B.” Stratos sighed, annoyed but still determined he would reach into a pouch on the chubby knight's waistband and pull out a vial. He would uncap the vial before wafting it under the nose of the sheep knight. Within a few moments the chubby knight would jolt awake.



“BOY WHAT IS THAT, IT SMELLS GOOD!” The sheep exclaimed as he grabbed the vial and took a swig of the sweet snack. It seemed as though he was completely oblivious to the beating moments before. “Ahh nothing like some Dreamgorge honey to lift the spirits! Thanks for saving me big bro Stratos.”

“I didn’t save you Sylas, this guardian spirit along with the Fox warrior came to my aid. They saw the potential within me. You just happened to be there and they saved you as well too because we’re related!” Stratos exclaimed annoyingly, before turning back to the woman and bowing. “Oh great guardian spirit, you humble this little sheep with your presence.” Sylas would chuckle, “That's my big bro, so strong!” Letting the comment of his brother roll off his wool. He would chug down more of the liquid along with any worries he had.

Kota would emerge from the lake shortly, gasping for air as he dragged his body onto land. “y-you, saved them” he muttered as he struggled to catch his breath. In disbelief at the spirit standing before him, A mix of both grace, delicateness, and beauty that combined to display a divine presence.

“Thank you for your help. I would not have made it to them in time. The beast spoke once more as he coughed up even more water before laying on the ground exhausted. From the hole in the cavern ceiling, the sheep priest, the sheep captain, and another knight would float down slowly to the group within the cavern atop a cloud of wool.



“Sylas, Stratos, are you two alright?” The sheep priest called out as they regrouped with their two other comrades. Stratos would nod his head, “Yes, my guardians manifested themselves and saved me and my brother priestess Shira!” The knight would salute with impeccable stance. Once Shira was on equal ground she along with all the other sheep would bow their hands deeply. “Thank you for saving my kin great guardian spirit and Fox warrior. Words alone cannot describe how grateful we are.” The priestess would raise her head, “My name is Shira, next to me with the cape is Knight Captain Samson along with his squad mates Stratos, Sylas, and Sabin” Shira would point her staff at each one to identify each knight. Sabin would give a silent bow of his head.

Her eyes seemed a bit nervous but after a brief moment she would steel her nerves as she faced the two, “I’m sorry to ask you two this but our kin are in a lot of trouble at the moment. We’ve been on a long and arduous journey, we’re all that is left of our squad as the others have been taken hostage at a nearby bandit camp. To make matters worse these bandits took a relic imperative to the survival of many and we need to retrieve it at once or else Warrior Fox, Great guardian spirit. Would you please assist us in retrieving our relic.” She would get on her knees once more along with the other sheep knights, upon closer inspection it was easy to see that their clothes and armor had been heavily worn and their bodies bruised and battered.

Still, their spirits had yet to be broken, Kota knew that if they were to march into this camp that it wouldn’t end well. Whatever the case was with that last guy, he was wielding some rather strange and peculiar magic. If there were more people like that then these sheepkin would be marching straight to their death. He wanted to investigate this phenomenon even more so his answer was a no brainer.

“I’ll help you” Kota would rise up to his feet and give his body a firm shake, his tails would vibrate aggressively as it rid itself of water before idly swaying behind the kitsune. He would look towards the Forlini next to him, awaiting their answer to the question posed.

Sylas would hold up his vial to Xanzua, “if you help us I’ll give you a sip of my Dreamgorge Bee honey! Not too much though, of course you can have some too Mr.Fox warrior guardian.” Sylas smiled as though he offered a deal of a lifetime.

“Those bandits need to hit you in the head once again, spirits can’t consume tangible things dumb dumb!”

“Stratos, Sylas, Compose yourselves!” the knight captain commanded, instinctually the knights would straighten themselves with unparalleled form.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Xanzua (#f16f1f)
Although Xanzua's face did not move at the small creature's exuberant gratitude, she reached a hand out, as if to pat the little one's head, before realizing such an endeavour was impossible for her. Letting her hand fall idly back to her side, she simply nodded.

Watching as the first sheep ball went to wake up the other, she was mildly relieved that both seemed perfectly fine and well despite whatever had happened to them. The peculiar mention of 'dreamgorge honey' remained stuck in her head for a moment. Briefly, she wondered, if she could acquire this 'dreamgorge honey', could she acquaint herself with more of these little sheep? It was a mere fleeting thought and ambition, but one nonetheless.

Xanzua understood that the 'guardian spirit' referred to herself, but the mention of a 'fox warrior' made her tilt her head, before the sound of splashing behind her caught her attention. To her surprise, the largest white fluffy ball she had seen sinking down below was not a big sheep, but a man with many fluffy white tails, hair and ears. How peculiar. Did foxes not eat sheep? For a moment, she just stared back at him, contemplating things, before just giving another small nod. It was nice to see that they had all survived.

Suddenly, more little sheep descended from the sky. It was very strange living in a world of magic and fantasy all of a sudden. She almost wondered if she was still dead and this was all just a dream, but she tried her best to stay grounded in this new reality.

Somehow, her title had grown from 'guardian spirit' to 'great guardian spirit'. But regardless, Xanzua met eyes with each of the little sheep as if to commit their names to memory.

As they all knelt before her and the fox warrior, she remained motionless, if slightly dumbfounded. Flashbacks of watching a spirit similar to herself get disintegrated to ash not long ago flashed past her mind, but, the lure of befriending more of these little sheep made her quite happy. Maybe they'd even let her travel or live with them in the future. She could not avoid the surface forever after all. And after experiencing it once, death was not that scary.

Staring at the sky through the hole in the cavern ceiling for a moment, she looked back to Shira and nodded her head. Noticing Sylas' little offering, she shook her head, mouthing a silent 'thank you' in response. Though she could not speak, it was still surprising how familiar the common language here was to her, as if she had known it all her life.

Xanzua wasn't sure how much help she would be, but she would see how it goes. If anything, she'd probably just light their buildings or food storage on fire, or be some sort of distraction. Though, perhaps her vision of a bandit camp was too grounded in her previous reality.


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

A smile would permeate from Kota’s face, intrigued by the lamb's cute and rather inviting nature. They all seemed eager to get back at the bandits, even willing to enlist the help of strangers. Kota could only imagine if someone cunning and possessing mal intent would have encountered these lambs.

“No need to call me Fox warrior, my name is Kota. Treat me no differently than an equal please as I don’t see myself above any of you, as for you-“ he would point his words as Xanzua, “it seems like you are able to understand us however you haven’t spoken, for what reason I’m not sure but this isn’t the first time I’ve had a language barrier before.” Kota would smirk as he grabbed a few stones within the vicinity and laid them out in front of Xanzua.

“If I may have the honor, I would like to know who exactly I’m talking to, I saw you manipulate the stones within the waters. Maybe you could use these stones to spell your name out for us?”

Stratos and Sylas would inch forward slightly in, their eyes glued tightly to the small pebbles as they were prepared to burn the name of the spirit into their minds for the rest of their lives. Even Shira and Samson were curious as their eyes followed the rocks mindlessly. If she were to refuse and or something prevented her from sharing her name, the group would understand concealing their curiosity.

“Please lead the way Priestess” Shira would grasp her staff and raise it. “Please everyone, gather around me.” As the group would huddle together, Shira began to chant.

“I humbly call upon the lambs before me , may they assist in reaching the heavens. Wooly Cloud!” Shira would command and from the group's feet they would feel a soft and cushiony cloud that elevated them off the ground. Shira kept repeating the chant in order to maintain her focus as the added weight of Kota placed strain on the priestess. Before long the group was back on the surface safe and soundly without hitch.

The large forest canopies once towered above the group again, though this might be a new sight for Xanzua who had spent a lot of time down below. Kota would look back at the large hole behind him before facing.

“I’ll take the lead from here.” The knight captain would step forward, despite his small size his presence was commanding. “Onward soldiers let us retrieve our comrades, Stratos Sylas! keep a tight perimeter!” He spoke towards his knights, Stratos and Sylas would nod before spacing out the area and keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. They’re figures small yet they took their jobs seriously.

“I’m assuming these bandits are the same ones from earlier. I’ve been having a nagging thought ever since that encounter. Why exactly did that human blow himself up and what exactly are they after?”



Shira would furrow her bushy brows at the sight, “The war between the Eastern Empire and Fae See has caused a lot of trouble here on the border. Since we have been seeing much of the bloodshed there has been an increased amount of spiritual activity. Particular spirits who have been attracted by the concentration of negative emotions produced through the conflict though they struggle to properly materialize so instead they seek hosts of sorts to possess. They wish to acquire a permanent vessel within this plane, though in order to do so they must gather more power. They are attracted to my kin because of where we’ve decided to make our home, the Dreamgorge. A place where mana and emotions live in harmony, at least it did until they took what was ours. Now the Dreamgorge is in danger and highly vulnerable because of these bandits and spirits working together and we must retrieve what was taken at once.”

Kota furrowed his brow and placed a hand on his chin,Shira’s explanation corroborated the strange feeling the bandit had given off. “Are you familiar with any of this, Guardian spirit?” Kota asked looking towards the Forlini for any helpful information. Perhaps as a seemingly good spirit, she might possess some knowledge. Kota would begin to feel a tingle on his tails, aggressive spirits seemed to be present within the area. Xanzua would be able to pick up on the danger as well.

“Careful I sense an ominous presence heading our way. We must be close to the encampment.” Kota would move in front of Both Xanzua and Shira, keeping his eyes peeled for what was about to come.
Xanzua (#f16f1f)
Xanzua flinched noticeably as the fox warrior that was addressing her suddenly turned around to grab some stones. She subconsciously thought he was going to throw them at her, before she recalled that she was now intangible and her instinctive fear was unfounded. Perhaps it was because he was so much more 'human' looking than the others that his presence both alerted and frightened her more. Expressionlessly peering down at the little rocks, it took a moment for her to process what he wanted her to do.

Bending down, she thought for a bit before waving her hand, and the stones vibrated slightly before sliding into formation of the word 'Zua'. She didn't see the need to give them her full name, and saving on the extra syllables may be useful for the little guys. Seeing five fluffy white heads curiously watching the stones intently tickled her heart, but she resisted the silly urge to try to pet any of them again.

Floating up after them towards the surface, the sight of the expansive sky and never-ending canopies made her wistful. Drifting and following after the group from behind, she readily studied them at her leisure amidst taking in the scenery. Although she absorbed Shira's words, a lot of it was difficult to process as the spirit had no other context and the differences between this world and her last were vast, especially in regards to 'magic'.

Musing over the odd new link between 'spirits', 'mana' and 'emotions', when the fox warrior's attention turned to herself, she could only shake her head silently. She didn't even know what she herself was. They called her a guardian spirit, but was she really a spirit? When she accidentally cast some strange spell on herself before, she found out she had the words 'Forlini' and 'Fae' attached to herself, but that was all.

Faintly however, she sensed something that suddenly diverted her attention. A wave of eerie displeasure tugged at the core of her new body, causing her to momentarily halt as her gaze swept her surroundings.

She looked at Kota strangely as he stood in front of the group without fear, including herself. Still, she did not hesitate to also float forward, letting Kota take the forefront as he wished, but becoming the second barrier for the little sheep behind her, slightly obscuring them from view with her translucent body. Faint flickers of flames lit her fingertips, as she calmly readied herself for the threat and to potentially just face her end again.


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai, Delver, Striker, Floating Fox, Republic Adventurer E,
Character Sheet

The lambs were in awe as the watched the rocks float into place, nicely forming the word Zua for all to see

“Zua, that’s a pretty name. Gives off an ancient and mysterious vibe. Nice to officially meet you”Kota smiled. Stratos and Sylas would mutter the name under their breath as they committed it to memory, perhaps even to their souls. Kota would note her initial reaction in the back of his mind. Unsure as to why exactly she would wince though he found it a bit concerning.



An ominous mist would roll into the forest subtly, giving an eerie vibe as silence fell upon the group. Shira would clench her staff tightly as she stood behind Kota and Xanzua. She was attempting to push her fear down, putting on a resilient front


Lamb knight Captain Samson

“Tighten the perimeter! Keep your eyes peeled soldiers just like before.” The lamb captain would speak out as he positioned himself next to Shira. “Captain Samson, This is just like what had happened before right before our ranks were left decimated”. From the mist, the sound of boots hitting the ground followed by red eyes popping up one by one. The group would find themselves surrounded.

“Found some buddies huh little lambs?” A rugged man's voice whispered from the distance, his eyes glowing ever so brightly as it came forward. ”That's fine, they can’t save you or your precious kin.” He would come closer to the group, a pleased smirk sat on his lips as he came into view.


“Apologies for pulling you into our…little game, however now you have to play. If you come along nicely and surrender I’ll make this painless.” Red eyes were still obscured within the mist behind him, adding a layer of intimidation as what or who lay in the mist still had yet to be revealed. The man would look towards Xanzua with a smile, "I'd recommend you put that fire out before someone gets hurt.” He watched as the flames flickered brightly within the Forlini’s palms, yet his expression was unphased, an uneasy calm as though he had something up his sleeve.

Kota would ball his fists up at the sight of the strange man, the sense he had felt earlier more potent than before. Surrender was not an option as he got the strange inkling that they would try to kill them either way.


Lamb knight Captain Samson

“I stand by what I said to your band, We will never surrender, and we’ll be taking our comrades back by force.” The knight captain would be the first to make his move, for his stature he possessed a deceptive level of speed as he closed the gap on the bandit within an instant.

“WIND SHEAR STRIKE” The captain would swing his sword with conviction, as the weapon arced through the air a violent hum would sound off as a scythe of wind would crash into the man knocking him back into the mist. Another bandit would come into view, giving the captain no rest as he engaged in swordplay.


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai, Delver, Striker, Floating Fox, Republic Adventurer E,
Character Sheet

“I see….” A voice from the mist hummed as the footsteps began to close it rapidly. From the side, Kota would sense someone closing in with Heavy stomps, a large silhouette would appear from the mist preparing a heavy swing that likely would cause devastating damage.

Instinctually Kota would retaliate with an attack of his own, launching a [Spirit Wave F] towards the man staggering the brute in his tracks. While he managed to ward off the initial attack this would send the axe bearer into a frenzy.

“I’ll take this one on, Guardian spirit Zua help the lamb priest and the knights!” Kota called out as he and the axe man disappeared into the mist.

Shira clenched her staff tightly as she stood by Xanzua, with Kota occupied and being left with the great guardian spirit. The lamb priest had felt more inclined to prove her worth when it counted.



“Great Guardian Zua, we are here to assist. Perhaps I can combine my wind magic with your flames to increase our fire power.” Shira suggested as she looked around anxiously awaiting someone to come. Xanzua would pick up on 3 ominous entities heading towards her direction. Their bloodlust was so intense that it was giving off their location giving the Forlini a bit of edge within the fog.





Stratos and Sylas would also rally around Shira alongside Xanzua. “And we can act as a line of defense, ensuring that no one comes close to you both.” Sylas smiled, despite being in imminent danger he still managed to maintain his easy going personality.

Within moments the 3 foes were upon the group, two of them wielding spears with one possessing a sword that glinted a light baby blue and possessed a icy coated film.

Stratos would clash with the spear user, catching each of the man’s weapon thrusts with his shield. “You fools! I am no mere lamb for I have been awakened!” He chuckled as he threw in a few swings of his own inbetween strikes.

Sylas would also engage in combat with the 2nd spearman, standing as a bulwark. The lamb barely moved his feet as he successfully defended himself against each attack. The spearman seemed to be expending a great deal of energy as he relentlessly attempted to skewer the lamb. It was questionable how long he would be able to maintain said level of effort.

The Icy swordsman would cry out as he ran straight for Xanzua and Shira, prompting a reaction out of Shira as wind magic began to concentrate within the tip of her Staff. though she couldn’t pinpoint the direction of the man, she would use his voice as a target and take aim.



“Grace this Lamb with a great wind, produce a gust that will ruffle wool!” Shira would call out a strong gust of wind would begin to pick up in momentum, violently disheveling Shiras robes before shooting off in the swordsman direction in a violent torrent.

OOC: Okay combat has started, will be more so focused on narration as opposed to strict rules so feel free to have a bit of fun.

There are 3 bandits (2 spearman’s and 1 swordsman with a sword capable of ice damage) in total surrounding Xanzua, Shira, Stratos, and Sylas. Sylas and Stratos both are handling a spearman on their own while Shira has engaged with the swordsman firing off a wind spell.

Feel free to ask any questions :)

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Xanzua (#f16f1f)


Character Sheet
HP: 1/1
SixSense SixSense
1: Float forward/move
2: [An Ember's Right] F (Magic F, Componentless Magic F, Fire Affinity F)
The subtle mist, the red eyes and the mention of 'ranks left decimated', were all alarming in their own right. But, Xanzua wouldn't have been begged to come here had straits not been dire, so she was not unprepared. Staring emotionlessly at the man that stepped forth, the Forlini did not move to extinguish her fires. Instead, she actually began to juggle the miniscule flames on her fingertips, almost tauntingly.

Naturally, she remembered her own game plan: distract and draw their ire where possible. After all, one of the only uses she had was her intangibility.

Things moved quickly however as each side clashed, and said bandit was temporarily thrown aside by their little lamb captain. With him leading the charge, and then Kota intervening in what was assured devastation with surprising finesse, Xanzua could only nod heavily at his words. She silently watched the fox man take on and lure away their seemingly strongest adversary all on his lonesome, disappearing into the mist in a flash. A part of her could not understand his unhesitant selflessness, wondering if other motives were at play, but now was not the time to deliberate such matters.

Her gaze flickered as she sensed the three bad omens approaching, but still her eyes remained an icy, lavender calm. She had never fought before. She had never needed to. But perhaps with her apathy and usual cool-headedness, it would be quite suited for her. She looked around faintly, both keeping count of and examining the eyes amidst the haze before they made their presences known.

Watching the silly little lambs charge forth to protect them without hesitation, she wanted to remind them that solely physical attacks would not harm her, but her voice would sadly never come out. Although, despite her thoughts, as the only one left unhindered, the shimmer of the swordsman's ice blue blade could likely be of concern.

Watching little Shira make her move, Xanzua did not believe her range was as extensive as the little priestess, so she floated further in front of the little lamb, standing in the center of the growing vortex of wind accumulating and being sent forth.

The Forlini took a quiet breath, half-turning her body and stretching a finger through the mist, and following the direction of Shira's wind straight towards the enemy's battle cry. Zua had to admit, she had more experience since her rebirth practicing her earth magic, because she wanted to interact with the world more than burn it, but regardless, it was now or never.

A blazing ball of heat converged at her fingertip slowly, drawing in flickers and sparks of sizzling embers, before abruptly releasing. A burning laser blazed forth, leaving a trail of flames in its wake to be carried forth and made stronger by her companion's violent storm. Thin shockwaves of heat rebounded from the central point of the cast spell, flickering through the Forlini's body, but she bore it calmly, as still and expressionless as ever as she awaited the aftermath.

Without much thought, she also wanted to use the other half of her magic to try and crack the earth or grow uneven steps to trip the swordsman up, but as she tried to channel her mana once more, she felt a violent backlash pulse at her core, perhaps even at her soul. It seemed this eccentric 'magic' she had gained could only really be used one at a time, for now at least. Coughing briefly, she temporarily held back her ambitious mind, only in favour of trying to last a little longer to protect these little lambs.
The Forlini and lambs' combined efforts would find success as the melding of both Wind and flame scorched their combatant. Painful screams could be heard however only briefly as the flames smothered the swordsman. Xanzua and the lambs would feel the flames' intensity wash over them in a wave of intense heat.

Shira sighed in relief at the swordsman being downed. Sylas and Stratos also seemed to be winning their battles which assisted in the matter giving the priestess a bit of hope.

“AHHHH AHHHHHHHhhh, hahaha, HAHAHA,” the bloodcurdling scream from earlier would transform into hysterical laughter. Shira and Xanzua's joint effort would burn out as a silhouette emerged from the mist. Their eyes would be even redder, and their aura much more ominous.

From the mist they would see a fire flicker, The fire would begin to grow large, expanding in size and ferocity as small embers shot out from the growing mass. The immense heat emanating from the location would cause the surrounding mist to thin revealing a horrific figure behind.


What was left from the swordsman stood a freakish monster who seemed devoid of flesh. Their skin now possessed features akin to obsidian, cracked and oozing with heat. Its eyes, blood red and displaying killing intent would shake the group. The creature took aim with the fireball as it looked to incinerate the lambs, Xanzua, and even its comrades.

“Didn’t I tell you to put that fire out before someone gets hurt?!” The monster would roar.



Shira froze in place as she looked at the monster in fear—the devilish grin on its face casting fear within the lambs soul. Sylas would take notice of this from afar, within this slip of focus, his foe would be able get deliver a strike with the backend of the spear. Blood would drip down the lamb's face, “Brother help the priestess and Zua!” the knight would call out as he began to deliver strikes. His form would become sloppy as his vision became obscured with blood. He’d block a few more attacks however it was clear that his defense was beginning to let up.


Lamb knight captain Samson

From the mist would emerge Samson to heed the call, “Focus on the enemy in front of you, I’ll protect the priestess!” he’d shout as he placed himself between the priestess and the monster. His sword would shine a teal hue as he charged it with wind energy.

“You can all die together!” The monster shouted as it released the attack it had charged up. The raging fireball streaked across the vegetation, setting it aflame as it traveled toward Xanzua, Shira, and Samson, leaving destruction in its wake.

Kota would succeed in luring his foe away, however, he began to second guess if this was the correct move as he heard the chaos ensuing in his absence. He would have to push this thought to the back of his head as he focused on the enemy in front of him. The axeman in front of him would enter a frenzy as he swung the large weapon in short succession, the red in his eyes glowing a deeper hue as his desire for blood grew.

The kitsune would slip one of the axe attacks before closing the distance rapidly utilizing, [Speedburst F]. Once within range, the beast would deliver a powerful uppercut into the man's stomach with [Soulbreaker D] to deal devastating damage to his enemy.

1. Use Speedburst F to get within range.
2. Use Soul breaker (fighting style D)(Natural weapons D)(Vorpal D)(Penetrating D)(Deflect D)Rank E ability 1-post cooldown. Kota charges up ethereal energy within his fist before delivering a punch capable of passing through his opponent's defense. Rank D - 2 post cooldown

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers [/size]
Xanzua (#f16f1f)


Character Sheet
HP: 1/1
SixSense SixSense
1: [Judgement] F (Magic F, Componentless Magic F, Earth Affinity F)

Hm. Was Xanzua's only thought, watching something entirely not human step out from the aftermath of wind and fire. This fantastical elemental battle was already something surreal enough to get used to, and now the dead did not stay dead? For the her used to a far more mundane world, her gaze could only attempt to flicker over the burning monster and his taunts analytically.

Did her fire harm him? Or did it lead to his volcanic transformation? She had to admit, a part of her was very reluctant to harm something so similar-looking to the deity she had worshipped and prayed toward all her life. But she forced herself to remember that this wasn't Ashterus. It would be insulting to think he was anything close.

Regardless, the monster's transformation was a problem. Despite wielding them, she knew she was not immune to the flames' heat, and the idea of her little sheep companions having scorched, darkened wool made her a little sad. Sylas' situation did also concern her, but she had no time to worry with a large ball of foreign flames about to be unleashed upon them.

To fight fire with fire... or... Noticing Samson's wind-charged blade, and without much more time to think, the Forlini scrunched her brows in concentration, quickly materializing the largest earthen boulder she could muster in the air in front of her. Watching it grow in accumulative stages, accompanied by little pebbles and crumbling dust, she forcefully threw it forward to meet the flame barrage, hopefully crushing the enemy or obscuring his vision, or at least to quell the strength of the flame attack for what defence Samson had planned.
The Forlinis boulder would clash with the fireball with great force, if it were alone it might've been overwhelmed however it had been backed by the power of lambs wind granting the boulder greater offensive potency. The wind, earth, and fire would collide, causing an explosive chain reaction. Molten rock would shoot off in all directions followed by a wave of hot wind that managed to disrupt the fog that had plagued the group prior, revealing the location of 5 more bandits who were now converging upon the group. Xanzua's and the lamb's response to the fireball created a fortunate opportunity for them as their increased vision granted them the chance to clean up this fight though they would have to act fast as their enemy grew desperate.


Lamb knight captain Samson

"LAMBS ON THE OFFENSIVE, GALE WIND FORMATION!" he shouted as he raised his sword and shield into the air. The metal would shimmer with a teal hue as the wind focused around his blade. Stratos would grit his teeth as sharpened up his stance. The lamb was in a tough position however he understood that the battle was near its climax and here and now was the moment of victory. The knight would glide his blade across his shield, causing it to hum loudly as it gleaned a green hue before swinging in a spinning motion. As he performed his attack, he would release an explosive gust of wind knocking the spearman prone. The knight would back peddle back to the others as he joined his captain, mimicking his same stance and causing an even greater amount of wind to converge upon their area.

"YEAH GET EM BRO!" Sylas cheered him on as turned back to his foe with a devilish grin, his eyes gleamed as he was now fired up. His attacks grew more calculated just as his opponent thought it couldn't get worse. The bandit was winded, having thrown out most of their heavy attacks at the beginning of the fight. Still, instead of retreating and catching his breath, he pressed forward sloppily, giving Sylas control over the fight. The chubby knight would deflect the attack with his sword before launching the edge of his shield into the man's ribcage, causing him to kneel over in pain.

The knight would join back with his squad assuming the same formation, further boosting the destructive power of the wind around them. A pillar of wind would surround the 3 creating powerful winds that caused the vegetation within the surrounding area would begin to sway viciously as their mercy. The malicious entity would attempt to conjure up another fireball to throw however the powerful winds smothered all attempts of creating flames. "KILL THEM ALL, SLAUGHTER THEM IMMEDIATELY," it shouted as it pointed towards the group, the bandits would attempt to converge on them mindlessly however this would prove a fatal mistake.

"GALE WIND!" Samson shouted as the three lambs sliced the air, releasing a powerful tornado leaving only destruction in its wake as it traveled towards the entity. Any bandits that tried to intercept the attack failed, as they were swept up within the power of the attack, including the two that had been fighting Sylas and Stratos. Their bodies received a multitude of slashes as the strong winds ravaged their bodies. "NOOOOOOOO" the malicious entity shouted as his attempts to counter the attack were snuffed out. As the tornado ravaged its body, a multitude of cracks would appear across his torso and body before crumbling into dust which too was swept away by the attack. It seemed as though the lambs along with Xanzua have seized victory despite a lack of numbers and strategic disadvantage. Shira would let off a relieved sigh as she turned Zua with a bit of worry. "Are you alright Great guardian Zua?" She asked as she attempted to place a hand on the Forlini, she'd noticed her fingers phase right through her body. "whoops! Im so sorry, please forgive my bold action!" She immediately bowed her head apologetically.


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai, Delver, Striker, Floating Fox, Republic Adventurer E,
Character Sheet

Kota's attack would managed to shatter the breastplate of his enemy causing him to kneel over, however, he'd noticed something interesting. As the bandit glared at him with eyes of hatred, the red glow slowly began to fade. "Looks like my attacks hurt you more than just physically huh big guy." It was a good sign, and from the looks of the fog disappearing followed by the diminishing spiritual energy within the area, this battle was coming to an end. However, understood very recently how quickly things could change, when you're on the battlefield it is life or death. This is especially true when dealing with supernatural entities, he had a job to do here and now. Kota pulled his fist back before punching the air, sending a thrust of destructive energy flying towards the large bandit, breaking a good amount of bones within the man's body. His attack would render the man immobile yet still conscious. A secondary effect would be that the malicious energy leaves his body in a puff of black smoke.

Kota stood over the man with a smile, "Now that you've come back to your senses, you're going to be coming with us." hed look up to his battle buddies from afar and waves them down. "You all alright?"

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Xanzua (#f16f1f)


Character Sheet
HP: 1/1
SixSense SixSense
1: Float forward/move
2: [Appraisal] F

Even if she could not physically feel the violent winds, the gentle swaying of her intangible garments remaining as calm as ever, Xanzua marvelled at the feat of magic with twinkling eyes. It seemed the little ones always had the strength to confront their enemy all along. They never needed her in the first place. Still, even if she was just here to reassure or give them courage, she was glad to see it.

Observing as each enemy fell under the lambs' combined might, the familiar term of 'great guardian' being called out turned her head. Although she still did not think the title was suitable for her at all, she looked down at the little sheep-like priestess with placid eyes, recalling her earlier prowess as well. Watching Shira's relieved if panicky actions quietly, Zua could only return a small, gentle smile. There were many things she wished to say, although she could not say them. Gratitude, awe, praise...

Instead, she merely reached out a hand and did what she had been resisting all the while. Even if it was only an illusion, and her touch could not be felt, she gently patted the valiant and kind lamb on the head, her palm radiating a slight, magical warmth as if indictive of her presence.

Recalling their big lamb friend, or well, he was a fox more than lamb even if they shared the same fur colour, Xanzua caught the tail end of Kota's fight with the fog fading, thoughtfully examining the dark smoke that seemed to disperse from the enemy bandit's body. Nodding at his question before noticing the foxman's lack of shock over the matter, she floated on over, subconsciously appraising him for injuries. Unaware of the potential rudeness of her accidental action, she gently waved at Kota to get his attention, before pointing towards the dispersing smoke and tilting her head, as if to ask of what he knew about the dispersing darkness.

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai, Delver, Striker, Floating Fox, Republic Adventurer E,
Character Sheet
Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Her ears would twitch ever so slightly as the guardians had passed through her body, though she faced the floor her eyes were still open and she noticed Xanzua come closer. As she reached out to touch the lambswool, Shira felt a warmth on her face.

Shira would lift her head, “Oh wow, Thank you for your blessing great spirit! I feel great” She expresses her gratitude, confusing the flustered emotions she has been feeling with that of a divine gift as her face turns red. Xanzua would certainly feel 2 sets of eyes fall upon her as Sylas and Stratos. Watching with pouty faces as Shira received a blessing as they two wished to receive a gift as well. However quickly, their captain would come over once more and tap both of their heads with his shield.

“Don’t Let your guard down just yet soldiers, we will need to recover the rest of our group,” Samson replied as he watched Kota make his way over to the group.

“We’re all alive, some injuries to the knights but they’ll come back from it,” Samson replied with a smile.

Kota would feel the appraisal skill from Xanzua be used upon him. She would uncover that the beastkin was unscathed and in good halts. he was unsure why she had used it upon him however her reactions afterward gave off the impression that either.

A. She was unaware of the etiquette.

B. She made a conscious decision to use the skill on him despite it being rude.

Kota would let the thought pass by as she pointed to the dark cloud that slowly left. “I’d like to believe that is confirmation of what the Priestess had told us before. The link between the evil spirit using these bandit's emotions against them. I believe the affinity my punches possessed the ability to sever a connection and relieve them of their affliction.”

He’d walk forward, “still? I wonder what the large Malicious energy you had been fighting off against was...” He pondered as he held a hand up to his chin as he approached the group closer. “Glad to see you aren’t hurt Great Guardian…though there is one thing.”

It was then the beast would make his move, with his pointer finger flashing a yellow hue. He would boop the Forlini on the tip of her small nose utilizing [Vorpal F]. “Some people might take the use of Appraisal the wrong way if you haven’t asked for consent beforehand.” He would exude a playful smile, hopefully, Zua wouldn’t take it the wrong way. Though he was sure she couldn’t touch him back, she could certainly hurl a fireball or a large rock his way which was much more frightening. Sylas and Stratos seemed in awe and enranged, as though they wanted to lash out. Perhaps if it was anyone else they might’ve just attempted however they held their tongues. “We should make haste to your comrades, please lead the way, captain.” Kota would give Samson the reigns.

The group would continue their journey through the forest without interference from the bandits from earlier. It was almost too quiet at times. The group would only be comforted by the various sounds of creatures that inhabited the Fae See and their own feet pattering the ground. However, after a while, Kota would break the silence. “I’m picking up on something to our right.” He relayed to the group, that there was a lingering ominous energy that he could feel reeling him in. The fox would move past a brush and discover large footprints though unlike what he had expected. They seemed rather bestial. He would utilize his [Survival F+Heightened Senses: Smell+Sixth Sense: Spirit] to track the trail. His nose twitched every so often as he moved towards the area of interest.

The smell of blood filled his nose, the odor growing more intense the further along he followed the trail. In the distance, an encampment would come into view near a large rock formation. Various tents were stationed outside the rock formation, each serving a different purpose. However, from afar the group would see no movement within the base camp.

“I smell blood and sense a lingering energy yet no inhabitants.” He placed a chin on his hand as he looked around. Sylas, Stratos, and Shira held a similar face, a look of dismay as any trace of their comrades seemed to be erased. Samson on the other hand took a step forward, his eyes strong and still holding hope. “Perhaps there are clues here as to what happened to our people. We could split up and sweep the village to find some interesting things. Samson replied, as he spoke the other lambs perked up slightly with hope.

“Sounds good, Me and Xua will sweep the left wing.” Kota nodded as he looked towards Xua, waiting for her. “Shira and I will check the tents in the center, Sylas, and Stratos sweep the right wing. Meet back in about 10 minutes with your findings.” Samson replied before moving with Shira towards the right.

The surrounding tents contained a multitude of supplies inside. At first glance, what would be seen are rations, medical supplies, pots and pans, and fire starter kits. Though the occasional oddities stood out, trinkets of sorts such as mirrors, magical crystals, and black orbs, some of which were magically attuned and interactable by Xanzua. These findings raised questions as to what was going on here. It was as though the people who set up camp here had left everything behind. Perhaps inspecting these items would provide some clue as to what transpired within this camp.

[Roll one 1 D10 to see what you find within the tents]

OOC: Investigating time my friend, go ahead and roll and let’s see what comes up. I’ll also be rolling as well.

1-2= Hijinks ensues
3-4= Nothing interesting found
5-7= minor clues found
8-9= major clue found
10= Sherlock

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