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Graded [Fae See-East Empire Border] Operation: Fort Bury Part 2

~Luisa O'Sullivan~

It was Luisa, her eyes blazing with intense disgust and hatred. She took in the scene before her, her expression blank.

Then with a sudden, fluid motion, Luisa raised her arms. A ripple of energy surged through the air as her [Queen's Regalia Armour] began to envelop her body. The transformation was spectacular; metallic plates emerged from thin air, aligning themselves perfectly with her form. The armour clamped down with a series of sharp, resonant clicks, each piece locking into place with precision.

Her helmet, the final piece, descended over her head, leaving only her fierce eyes and lower face visible. The moonlight gleamed off the polished metal, making her appear almost otherworldly. Fully armoured, Luisa radiated an aura of formidable power.

"Enough!" she roared, her voice amplified by the armour, cutting through the chaos like a blade. The constructs paused, their mechanical heads swivelling towards her. "Rooks, lock down the Trent, the rest of you rally to me and follow my lead.".

Just like that the constructs followed her command, with the rooks splitting off to deal with Petrian and the others moving to support their 'queen'.

Turning to the remaining stragglers, Luisa's eyes fell on Yukan. "You've done us a service here today, not too shabby for one who evolved from a trash-eating rodent. You played your part masterfully, beastmen are as easily manipulated as they say it seems. As a reward, let me offer you my name before I take your life. Luisa O’Sullivan, Optio in service of the Emperor. Any final words?".

As she finished a wicked smile took over her face.

HP: 3 (D Grade Character)

Actions: 3/3

1. Equips Queens Regalia Armour
2. Orders Rooks to lock down the Trent
3. Orders remaining Minions to assist her actions

F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[The O'Sullivan Grimoire]
F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain
D- Active (Summoning Minions 1 day duration)

[Queen's Regalia Armour]
F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain
D - 0 Posts Remain
C - 0 Posts Remain
B - 0 Posts Remain

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - F

Barrier F
Heavy Armour D

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F
Heal E
Selective Magic F

Magic Catalyst E

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Heavy Armour E

Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Steel Knuckles C

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Blinding light. Deafening sound. Eerie heat. Adrenaline makes it hard to tell just how quickly time is passing. Could’ve been seconds, but it sure felt like the earth had been shaking for minutes. But, eventually, all of the cacophony came to an end and Yukan’s voice broke the chaotic monotony.

The Ronin slowly rose to her feet and surveyed the scars left upon the land and her comrades. But, before she had a chance to relax or answer his call, the sound of another approaching threat caught her ear. The familiar, rhythmic drum of an army marching as one. A blitzkrieg descending upon them. The tanuki’s concern for survivors would be a short-lived one as the metal men snuffed

Okami found herself chuckling as she bore witness to the arrival of their new adversary.

A little late to this party, aren’t we?

“That’s way too many…”

Any fool could tell from a glance just how oppressive the sheer numbers of this strike squad were compared to the few standing men they had left. Didn’t matter how many Okami might have cut down in the following skirmish, she definitely wouldn’t have been able to cut through them all. And that wasn’t even considering the woman leading them all who might’ve actually been a challenge all on her own.

And yet, none of her comrades would notice any anxiety in the Ronin. Not a single step was taken to distance herself from the encroaching force. And not a single one would be taken if the others had.. See, what we had here was a golden opportunity. An opportunity to see how these comrades handled themselves under pressure. But, more importantly, it was an opportunity to see the character of the man she’d chosen to follow and if he was worthy of his ambitions.

“Cavalry’s here, Yukan. It’s time to make a call. Do we stand and fight, or do we retreat? It’s your call, but I wouldn’t waste too much time making it.”

The Ronin's back would be to Yukan as she spoke. Her eyes would remain locked upon the encroaching force the entire time. But he would undoubtedly have her ear. The role she’d chosen him for- that everyone here had chosen him for- was to act as their leader. His wisdom would be his greatest power. But rest assured; despite the conviction that radiated off of Okami as she awaited Yukan’s command…

…Luisa definitely wasn’t the only one here to form judge on the character of the up-and-coming Tanuki warlord who’d just sacked Fort Kanna.

She turned her head slightly, just enough to meet Yukan’s eyes over her shoulder.

“Fight, or Flee?”

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Uasal Uasal TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

The tremor from the nearby explosion would rattle the Kitsunes core, if it wasn’t for Yukan’s warning he’d probably be a blood splatter on the floor right about now. The beastkin would sit up, frantically patting down his chest and legs to assess if any damage had been sustained in the blast, a sigh of relief would escape his lips as he stood up.

“I’m good.” Kota would reply to Yukan, brushing off some dirt from his robes. He’d scan the surrounding area which had been unrecognizable to the Kitsune now. The smell of iron and rubble penetrated his keen senses relentlessly as he surveyed the carnage that took place. Bodies were everywhere, the faces he once knew were now mutilated and unrecognizable.

So this is what War is the amount of sacrifice that was made in order to fall Fort Kanna was admirable. Kota would watch in the distance as the fortress crumbled. Graced by the opportunity to witness what they had been fighting for.

Yukan would remind them that there were others who could be in need of assistance which managed to break Kota away from his moment of thought. He’d nod, his thoughts aligning with the Tanukis, choosing to prioritize the living over the dead.

As he turned to follow Yukan his ears would twitch, the mechanized marching rang loud and clear in the Kitsunes ears. Before he could react, the other remaining beastkin and Fae were mowed down like lambs to the slaughter.

“Constructs?” Was all Kota managed to make out of the situation. What seemed to be a decent sized group had now been reduced to 5 fighters.

The one behind the annihilation of their remaining forces would show herself, Luisa O’Sullivan would be a name etched into the Kitsunes brain. Her power was formidable, she was essentially a one man army.

Minashigo’s eagerness would spread to the Kitsune, despite her cloaking it behind following Yukans lead. Her chuckle, her body language, how she stood there facing the enemy. “Those constructs cleared out multiple fighters in an instant, if we ran I doubt we’d make it far.” Kota said, cracking his fingers, all there was to do was stand their ground. There was only one option. The enemy possessed a numbers advantage and likely a ranged advantage too.

“It’s do or die.”
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🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴, 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 [𝙴]
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal
“Oh have got to be kidding me.”

Griffin mumbles. Of course, he should have figured the next time he saw Luisa they would be opposing each other. They both held different views and values. They only worked together once and that was because he accepted a job with the Ryken Adventurers guild to help deal with a mutant bug problem. Now it seemed she had more chess pieces than she did before. Last time he saw her, though she was only a Cadet. Griffin prepares his bow and arrow, saying.

“The Rooks are kind of like barricades, the Bishops are healers, The Knights are fighters. the Pawns…I can’t remember what they do.”

That was how he thought he recalled them being used. Griffin then asks Yukan.

“What’s the order?”


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Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Mentions: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Uasal Uasal

Time: Late Evening

Weather: Supernatural Stormy, Thunderstorm

Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

Yukan Koyake

Yukan had been relieved at first to hear that everyone seemed to be okay but that relief was short lived.

Lightning crackled across the sky as heavy rain pelleted the battlefield before the group. Just like that the hell picture scroll had unfolded as many of their allies were fell in a violent show of power from the East Empire woman and her unnatural mechanizations, crimson littering the area from their bodies, as well as crushed from the Earth casters who had been slain.

Yukan knew full well upon seeing the number of enemies, and feeling his own condition that there was a very real chance that he would not live to see beyond this day. But he had so much to live for, he wasn’t done yet. Every battle he’d had joined to support the Fae See in their crusade against the humans who enslaved beasts, had resulted in some sort of do or die situation for him, yes this was war.

He needed to grow so much stronger if he wanted to stand a chance against his enemies, that much was made clear, before he could even react properly..all dead. But Petrien had somehow survived, unfortunately the treant looked dazed like he was recovering from what just happened, as the rooks successfully stopped him from moving to intervene. However there would be an inkling of a slight green spark from the treeman’s staff.

Yukan listened to those who spoke. He heard Ōkami speak first, and then there was Kota’s words. Kota was correct as he imagined the beast would be, running was not going to be an option, not that Yukan had even considered it. The only time he let his back face the enemy is when he was leading them into a trap. He did not plan on showing it this time around. it was stay and fight, do or die.

Griffin also had some useful information from the looks of things of explaining what each unit did and how…

Yukan would give a nod to Kota, while he brandished his Yari.

“<Us beastmen must never turn our backs, Charge on for our conviction even if it means we do so as ghosts..>”

He glared back at Luisa looking through the sea of constructs.

“You may think you can break our bodies, torture..and enslave us, exterminate our culture..our beliefs and use us as you see fit..but I am telling you now tool of the empire..you will never extinguish our indomitable spirits! My ancestors will look down on me proudly today! Will yours do the same?” He'd wince a bit after that as a bit more blood leaked down from his mouth, caused from his prior engagement.

Yukan appeared to building up some sort of bluish aura once again his eyes regaining those strange ethereal whites as energy crackled at them, the ground beneath him sort of looking like a mini crater was forming at his feet, traits evident from his recent evolution and strong lingering connection with his ancestor.

“Should I fall today, I'll be taking you across the Sanzu River with me!” He called out defiantly.

“ To those of you who will stand here and fight along side me! Focus on breaking through! The sooner she falls the better! Give it everything you got! Coordinate your attacks! Use what Griffin told you!” He’d give out a rallying call.

Yukan looked like he was building up some sort of energy before he rushed forward with his Yari, his back flag moving in the wind, after giving the signal for the assault. He’d rush forward in a line attempting to unleash one of his more powerful moves out the gate before the constructs had a chance to block his attempted blow on Luisa, so he’d attempt a [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Greater Transcendent Transpierce, on her as quickly and forcefully as he could muster the energy gathering at his Yari as he thrusted forward.

1. Move into range if need be target(s) is at least 7 ft away from Luisa.
2. Use [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Greater Transcendent Transpierce - Reach, Penetrating C, Hot Shot C Grade Ability - 3 round cooldown.
Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 10 ft away with a great penetrating force ignoring up to three grades of opponent's defensively used item, dealing double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot.
attempting to impale Luisa
C: 3
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There was nothing more beautiful than a spirit standing resolute with unwavering conviction even against insurmountable odds.

Nothing sweeter than a group of comrades who fought by your side through thick and thin.

And at the darkest hour Yukan howled, defiant, against the new army with a valiant three at his back.

The Ronin would smile an unmistakable smile. A fire raged ever-hotter within. The decision had been made. A joy in the simple focus of what came next. There was nothing left to do but fight with everything they had. Okami began to lower her stance. Her hand slowly slid over to the tsuka of her blade. Her breath grew heavy and slowed. And her eyes sharpened upon the one they called Luisa.

"Onward, then."

This body paled in comparison to her last. But this body would move with just as much purpose. Right as Yukan took off, Okami would race forward at his side. Her blade would leap from its sheath as Yukan's spear shot forward. And the sound of thunder would echo over the battlefield as The Wolf's Blood Red Fang joined Yukan's Yari in pursuit of Luisa's head.
Actions (2/3)
1). Race towards Luisa alongside Yukan.
2). Perform
[Red River Flow] to try and cleave Luisa in two.

Red River Flow- Specialized Fighting Style [Wolf's Blood Red Fang] D, Range D, Deflect (1) D- The Wolf draws and sheathes her sword with such speed so as to leave her blade unseen by untrained eyes as she attacks. The thunderous shockwave released from performing this kata acts as an extension to the strike, allowing Okami to cleave a man in two from distances far beyond the edge of her blade. The name of the form comes from the ominous spray of blood that often follows a successful strike.- Grade D- 1 Action- 100ft range- 2 post cooldown.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense

🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴, 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 [𝙴]
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal
Griffin knew that their chances were slim, he was not yet prepared and should he make it back out he would dedicate time to bettering his skills. He needed to, but for now he had to hope that he made it and had to do his best. Not that he could complain if he died, at least dying on a battlefield for a cause was better than dying sickly in a hospital bed. He grabbed an arrow and pulled back his arrow [Fighting Style: Wind Archer] and released it. He debated a follow-up of two more mundane shots but decided he could not do it against Luisa, unsure of how he could keep more arrows from hitting Yukan and Ōkami. Instead he opted to shoot two [Mundane] shots at the Bishops.

E 0/1

Skills used
Fighting style [E]- Wind Archer- E - Selective F + range F- allows Giffin to shot regular arrows at selected targets with precision that are within 10ft

Action 1: Shoot Luisa with [Fighting Style: Wind Archer]
Action 2: Shoot bishop with a mundane shot
Action 3: shoot Bishop with a mundane shot.

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Uasal Uasal Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Together We Ride

Kota could feel his heartbeat began to pickup in pace as Yukan spoke to him in beastial. The anxiety of what will happen next began to fill up inside, still he would smile. An attempt to push aside the negative thoughts and lean more into the positive. With that, Yukan lead the charge, his words invigorating the beastkin with power as he charged at the enemy.

He could feel it, the instincts that this world had blessed him with. The thrill of battle slowly caused his lips to curl even more as he went on the offensive side by side with his comrades. The adrenaline slowly began to kick in as color in the world slowly faded, the stench of blood slowly would dissipate as his flight or fight response began to kick in as the only thing on his mind was now survival.

His arms were now set ablaze a bright yellow as the ethereal energy swelled up within each fist as he began to close in on the enemy. The energy would become concentrated at the tip of his fists as he pointed both arms at Luisa, once within range he would release the attack alongside Yukan and Okami.

1.Get within range of Luisa (10 Ft)
2. Use Spirit Wave [E] alongside Yukan and Okami

Abilities Used
Spirit wave (Fighting style E)(Natural weapons E)(Vorpal F)(Range F) Kota punches the air in a direction of his choosing, sending a wave of compressed spiritual energy towards a direction. Rank E - 1 post cooldown

~Luisa O'Sullivan~

As the four-man team began their assault on Luisa, a strange sound filled the air: a low, throaty chuckle. It started softly, almost imperceptible over the din of battle, but grew louder, more resonant. Luisa was laughing, a chilling sound that seemed to echo through the night. The chuckle became a full-fledged laugh as she turned her gaze toward the advancing trio: Yukan, Okami, and Kota. Their eyes were filled with determination and fury, but Luisa's were filled with something far more terrifying: a cold, unyielding confidence.

The three warriors closed in, their weapons gleaming in the moonlight. Yukan led with a powerful strike, Okami flanked with a swift, precise attack, and Kota lunged at her with his fists, aiming for a vulnerable spot in her armor no doubt. Then, as if to seal the deal, an arrow from Griffon sailed through the air toward her vitals. Four against one, a seemingly insurmountable assault. But Luisa remained unfazed.

"You should have run!" she cackled, her voice dripping with sadistic glee.

As blows came at her from all sides, Luisa met them head-on with a flurry of her own. Her fists moved with terrifying speed and precision, countering every attack with devastating force. Her bloodlust was palpable, her laughter echoing in the night as she taunted her attackers.

"Come on! Show me how you're so much better than we say! Prove to me your lives have value equal to my own! COME ON! SHOW ME! HAHAHA!"

Her armored fists collided with weapons and bodies alike, each strike resonating with bone-crushing power. The air around her seemed to thrum with an ominous energy, and even Griffon in the backline could likely feel the raw, unchecked ferocity radiating from her.

As the battle raged on, the clash of steel filled the air. Luisa's minions joining the fray, overwhelming the trio with sheer numbers, as Luisa remained the center of the storm. Backing up their leader with her counter as ordered.

Following the Counter her eyes locked onto Yukan, and with a sudden, explosive motion, she lunged forward, her fist aimed directly at him.

In a blur of movement, she closed the distance, covering ten feet past his spear. Her eyes, glowing with an intense, otherworldly light, bore into his from beneath her visor. The ground beneath her feet trembled as a faint hum resonated through the air. The very fabric of reality seemed to ripple as an aura of psychic energy began to emanate from her armor, distorting the space around her with a shimmering, almost ethereal quality.

The psychic aura expanded, crackling with raw, invisible power. It pulsed and undulated, creating waves of energy that distorted the air and caused the hairs on the necks of those nearby to stand on end. The air grew heavy, charged with an oppressive force that pressed down on the battlefield. Yukan, Okami, Griffin, and Kota, as well as all minions within range, felt the psychic pressure bearing down on them, their minds assaulted by the sheer intensity of Luisa's power.

Then with a roar of unleashed fury, Luisa's fist was sent hurtling toward Yukan's gut. The force behind the punch was nothing short of cataclysmic, the peak of human ability augmented by her psychic might. "Aren't you gonna show me?!"

HP: 3 (D Grade Character)

Actions: 3/3

1. Counter Attack - A flurry of blows to counter the incoming attacks, assisted by her minions.
Strenght A + Item B = 11 Base effectiveness + Teamup Bonus (45) = 56 Effectiveness

2. Movement 10ft toward Yukan

3. Regal Beatdown - A powerful punch, empowered by psychic energy, that impacts everyone in a 15ft AOE. Inflicts both serious blunt force trauma and mental damage. - (Fighting Style B [Regal Beatdown]), (Enervation B), (Blight B [Blunt Force]), (Penetrating B), (Aura [Psychic] D), (AOE E) - B Grade - 4 post Cooldown.
Strenght A + Item B + Ability B = 16 Base effectiveness + Aura + Penetrating + Blight + Enervation = 16 Effectiveness + 3 true damage. On hit effects: +5 damage, place B and below abilities of those hit on cooldown. - 5 to defensive item effectiveness contest. 15ft AOE.

F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

[The O'Sullivan Grimoire]
F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain
D- Active (Summoning Minions 1 day duration)

[Queen's Regalia Armour]
F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain
D - 0 Posts Remain
C - 0 Posts Remain
B - 4 Posts Remain

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - F

Barrier F
Heavy Armour D

Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - G

Magic E
Magic AOE F
Heal E
Selective Magic F

Magic Catalyst E

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F

Heavy Armour E

Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Steel Knuckles C

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
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Location: Border of the See of Fae and East Empire, Near Fort Kanna

Mentions: Uasal Uasal Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Time: Night

Weather: Thunderstorm

Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%" "[Terran]"

Yukan Koyake

Yukan’s conviction stayed true during the encounter, as he heard Okami join in using her blade with great skill, even if she was a human she was acting like a true beast in that moment he had to admit.

Griffin also stayed to fight his wind archer ability going forward along with Yukan and Okami’s attack, the spear, sword, and arrow flying, the other two shots hitting the bishops since they had not been given orders which allowed them to respond, then there was Kota who had done so well so far, Yukan knew he would charge on with him as a ghost if need be just as he had said, a true warrior.

A look of steely determination on his face, even as Luisa cackled, clearly relishing in how much power she had in comparison to them…If Yukan could show her something just by not dying..immediately that would surely show her that there was something else to his kind than she would be willing to admit openly otherwise.

All of their strikes would go against Luisa, but her armor would eat the damage up as would her superior attack, their best efforts..

When Yukan saw the fist flying at him and her proclamation, he felt inside ..a great killing intent radiating off of her not to mention the immense psychic power , he knew full well that if that fist collided with his already worn body there was no way he was going to survive the hit..and he wasn’t fast enough to move out of the way,

He looked to his allies, his back flag with his clan’s logo sailing in the wind and the storm and just as her fist was about to strike him full on, the blueish see through avatar like projection large arm seemed to come out of Yukan’s chest and use it’s ethereal like Naginata to adsorb some of the impact of Luisa’s blow, just enough before disappearing that Her fist didn’t shatter his bones and ruin his organs like might have otherwise happened, but instead Yukan found himself immediately smashed to the ground from the impact, more blood spewing from his mouth as the whole world around him started to go completely dark…one of the last scenes he remembered was his Yari breaking and the visage of Luisa…

Okami in particular, also being a human would have found something strange and concerning about Luisa like she was on a different level of humanity on account of her being [evolved].

While the others joined in a united attack front by Yukan’s side they quickly found their senses, and bodies being completely overwhelmed by the pure psychic shockwave which radiated from Luisa’s punch. If they still had armor left it was quickly broken, extreme pain shooting through their body all over as if they had been struck severely to the point where it would be unbearable, bones feeling like they were breaking, and just like that, Kota, Griffin, and Okami would find their consciousness quickly slipping away too, like they were on the verge of slipping away, just as Yukan had been earlier, the crackling energy, the whites of his eyes returning to normal and looking a bit glossed over now..


Thankfully for the treant, Luisa hadn’t had him killed but contained him and stopped him from intervening immediately, perhaps knowing to be wary of his great abilities should he counter, but during the fighting, he had actually been subtly preparing a magic spell, his large smaller tree like catalyst glowing green, the same green as the sigil had been, whisps floating around his catalyst, as he was very focused, a smaller scale sigil starting to envelope him and those who had been knocked out.

There stood the East Empire soldier, accomplished, looking like she was set up perfectly to finish the job easily on all of them so that they could never transgress against the empire again..but suddenly there was a bright green flash of magical energy, and all of those who looked like they had been dying suddenly disappeared, as did the large treant.

It was soon after that point a nearby familiar voice called out.

Centurion Aliquem

“[Well I am certainly pleased to have you as my Optio! You have come a long way in developing your skills. You have done well by incapacitating the saboteurs, now let them go! The Fae see front has been greatly weakened by their push to ruin our fort and surrounding lands. Their weakness will change the tide of this battle in our favor! You will be essential in our counter attack, join me and rendezvous to the front lines! Fort Kanna may have fallen but with the gods as our witness, those who have transgressed against our great Empire will feel it’s wrath! We will cull the vermin! For Emperor and Empire!]” Aliquem called out to Luisa. It looked like a slew of East Empire armored soldiers had rallied behind her with the formal flag designation of a unit, the group likely getting assisted by some sort of magic technique to transport them stealthily and more quickly than any mundane unit could just by foot.

At her words some rallying nationalistic cheers could be heard from the group, “[For Emperor and Empire!]” it was clear that morale was high and it was only bolstered at the prospect of Luisa regrouping with their numbers with her sizable number of units.

Should Luisa accept, they would begin to head toward the front to make a counter push and finish off any weak would be stragglers from the front, and would make an attempt to stop the Fae See before they had a chance to regroup and push further.

As for Yukan and company eventually still all in a good deal of pain they would slowly fade back into consciousness laying on the floor on what only could be described as plant fiber mats, Plant fiber sheets on each of them.

They were in an underground discreet bunker-like space with lighting coming from large bioluminescent mushrooms on the ceiling where it would become clear after looking around a bit many other wounded were being treated. They were currently a decent distance away from the border where the main fighting was taking place, back into the safety of Fae See controlled territory.

The large treant man looked relieved when they gained their consciousness, his staff finally dying down once again.

“Thank the Spirit King you all survived! When you didn’t wake up after my initial healing spell I wasn’t sure if I hadn’t been too late..you’ve all been out for many hours.”

“I know that we suffered heavy losses and my heart goes out to those who died in service, but It was a just cause, it is important to remember that it is because of all of our efforts that the East Empire could not rain down hell fire from Fort Kanna upon vital targets within the Fae See from afar.”

“Unfortunately I have heard that the East Empire has carried out a counter attack in a bid to retake the control of the land we had pushed into, but even if this is true, sinking their strategic defense and weapon was essential.”

“I also wanted to thank all of you for saving my life, that..human, no monster, she would have killed me had you not worked together which gave me enough time for the teleportation spell..”

Yukan would speak a bit weakly,

“You..did your part well Petrien..I am thankful I got to work alongside someone so brave… However I apologize for your comrades..and to those of you who stayed with me....” Yukan would pause wincing, clearly still in some pain before continuing,

“I..regret I was not strong enough to keep you all safe..If the Empire has soldiers like her at their disposal I must get much stronger.” Yukan would sit up a bit before continuing,

“ I ..commend you all for your bravery in the face of insurmountable odds..thank you for staying to fight for what is right.” Yukan finally articulated.

So it seemed he would get to live another day..thinking back to Kaito Koyake..he had saved him, realizing that he had been spared Yukan only felt a deeper conviction to actualize his vision..he could not allow people like Luisa to oppress the weak and use her power for such evils…no he would get much stronger, as strong or even stronger than her, so that he could prevent something like this from ever happening again..and continue to fight in the name of justice in a world which could be so cruel.

The Ronin's eyes slowly opened to an unfamiliar scene.

A dank cave lighted by growing mushroom with foreign tatami mats laid out beneath them. Okami glanced over at the treant for a moment when his voice graced her ears, then down at her own aching body. The armor she'd been wearing was nowhere to be seen; likely shattered against Louisa's psychic blows. There were bruises dotted all over, but nothing was missing. After that brief assessment, she chortled to herself.

That definitely went better than the last battle she'd lost.

"That empire soldier's not one to finish her food, is she?"

Okami surveyed the room with a light smile. Despite her oddly upbeat demeanor, she didn't have too much of a response to Yukan's gratitude. Staying and fighting beside one's lord was simply the duty of a samurai. And a lord expressed his gratitude in ways other than words. And, to his words, she only had one reply.

"I only intend on dying one-" a brief pause as Okami considered the irony of her situation. She nodded to herself and continued, "-one death. Only one death in this world."

To that end, she decided to look forward.

"So, what's our next move? We won't be getting any stronger down here in this cave," Okami inquired, "And I, for one, would like to see the estate of the Koyake clan with my own two eyes."

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Uasal Uasal SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Uasal Uasal Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

It all happened so quickly, once a second they were charging Luisa with an unstoppable power, the next on the ground barely managing to keep their body upright.
The image of Luisa’s smile as she decimated them stung deeply, all he could do in that moment was glare daggers at the Eastern empire woman, as much as he loathed her he equally loathed his own weakness. They were outclassed, so much so that they couldn’t even reach her physically if they wanted. Her psychic powers were enough to render them harmless.

The Kitsune would slam his fist into the plant fiber mat , reopening some of the cuts on his hand. Despite the limb throbbing in pain, Kota would grind his teeth through the uncomfortablity. As his gaze fell to the floor he would notice his clan robes in tatters, heavily damaged, his clan named, disgraced.

As Yukan would get to apologizing, Kota would visible shake. “We all put our lives on the line for the same cause. An apology like that only rubs salt on all of our wounds.” He would snarl at Yukan, “it’s not just on you. It’s on everyone here to improve.” He’d look at Okami whom seemed to be in comparatively higher spirits, “And you, We still don’t know you all too well, you wear the Kuridan garbs, wield weapons with Kuridan resemblance, yet we’ve never seen or heard of you. You arrived on the battlefield wishing to serve Yukan.” Kota was suspicious for sure, especially considering the recent turn of events.

“What’s your business with Yukan? Do you have some strange attraction for beastkin
Or something? You seem awfully excited to join Yukan and go to his estate.”
Kota squinted his eyes and pointed at her with heavy judgment. His fiber mat was relatively nearby her’s, instinctively he wanted to scoot away but the pain was too much.

🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴, 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 [𝙴]
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SixSense SixSense Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Waking up, reality slowly dawned on Griffin as he opened his eyes. Dread and pain felt like it seeped into his soul. He tried to sit up but could hardly hold himself up. He failed, he didn’t need to be told to remember that much. And his failure cost lives. He told Petrien.

“I apologize for failing to protect everyone.”

Protecting did not just seem to be a part of Aurora, originally being so sick in a past life, then being able to protect and what could only be assumed was another. It became more instinct the more she was in the Griffin construct. It seemed he was the only one who noticed Ōkami’s slip up when it came to the topic of almost dying, when she had made that slip up he asked.

“Are…you like me?”

It was vague. And he hoped that was all he needed to say. When Kota spoke up, Griffin told Yukan.

“Hate to say that Kota is right, we all need to be stronger. My failure today cost the lives of many. If I am going to be a protector, I must make myself strong. This outcome is not your fault alone. All we have is the sinking of Fort Kanna that succeeded and while it may be a good thing for now…”

He didn’t like how many people have died today. He would never forget it either. He had to be stronger, he had to. When hearing Kota’s judgment towards Ōkami, Griffin tried to get him to settle down.

“Kota, I am sure she has a reasonable explanation. Please don’t make assumptions before giving her a chance to explain. She aided us against Luisa. She has the right to be heard out before being judged this harshly.”

That was what he’d say and to an extent it was true. But it was also the fact that such judgment after they themselves had barely made it out alive that bothered him as well.


"If this isn't your first ride, then yes. I suppose I am," she replied to Griffin.

And maybe it would've explained her demeanor a bit. The scariest part of death is that you didn't know what came after. Once you lost that, what was there left to fear? For a moment there, Okami thought that the group would've had a nice pleasant chat to discuss their next moves.

But it would seem that one of her comrades didn't like having a human in close proximity.

In response to his shouting and pointing, Okami merely met his gaze with a raised brow. Her eyes then swiveled over to Griffin as he spoke up in her defense. Then, slowly her eyes would return to the accusatory one. She was slow to reply; contemplating her own answer for a moment before she spoke.

"I've killed more people than I can remember, Kota. I can't say I regret a single moment of it. I think fondly of the journey. Fighting desperate battles alongside comrades and the festivals that follow for everyone who made it back alive. We would laugh about such horrid, awful things. I certainly don't harbor any hatred for the East like I'm sure you all do. And yet, I see no reason to hide any of that from any of you."

A piercing gaze lingered on Kota with every word. She leaned closer towards him. The Ronin was aware of just how reason the others had to hate everyone and everything that looked like her. But she would not feign emotions that she simply did not possess for them. Her comrades would know her as she was.

"I'm not going to try to convince you to trust me. We have simpler ways of doing that. Watch my actions. We all know of the black balls that read one's soul. And we all know that I'll be made to touch one before getting anywhere near the Republic... let alone Yukan's home. It will find the rivers of blood caked onto my hands. There's nothing to be done about that. But it won't find an adversary in me. And you can save the animosity for the moment I'm proven wrong."

She sat back up straight.

"But, to answer your question, I'm not enamored with Yukan. I respect Yukan. But I am enamored with the culture of The Republic. The people. The food. The value placed in simple things like bravery, loyalty and strength. It fits me far more than the East ever could..." she explained, "I am a warrior. A blade. It's all I've ever been and all I care to be. And I've spent months searching for a nation worth serving. For a lord worth serving. And I think I've found just what I'm looking for here."

Okami doubted that her words would instill trust in those who lacked it. But, she also couldn't have cared less if i didn't. They undoubtedly had ways of sniffing out the unloyal, and she had no reason to fear any of them. Then, she would point a finger of her own back at Kota.

"I would ask you why you're here, but I think that pink-haired soldier's already answered that question pretty thoroughly," she turned to Griffin, "You, however? I am curious why you're here. I would think that you'd have a much worse time in The Republic than any of us."

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴, 𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚌 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 [𝙴]
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SixSense SixSense Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Griffin nodded to her question. Ōkami was right he would still face sever prejudice in the Republic. But truth be told it wasn’t something he had to think on. During his journey he has had plenty of things to think on and consider. He answered.

“it is true that the Republic is prejudice against constructs. And I doubt being an apprentice in their adventurers guild changes that. Yet it is one of the things that matters less. I can be disrespected but it won’t stop what I have been and what I wish to continue to be: A protector. It’s a job I’m half convinced this body was made for, and a duty my soul is willing to take on. See in a way I have already died in a battle, but it wasn’t a battle against another person. It was against an illness. Like you seem to be and from what it sounds I am not from this world either.”

He took what could be considered a ‘deep breath’ it was his first time admitting something, something so bizarre but he’s made it to a point where he has meet more than capable and in his opinion trustable comrades.

They all almost died together. The three of them deserved to know. He continued.

“At least my soul…is not. In my past life I was human girl named Aurora. I died at 16 after loosing a battle to a disease called ‘cancer’ My memories of that life on earth are vague. I mostly remember the good memories most vividly. But they easily grow dim themselves. But despite my odd case of amnesia I still remember my family and… the moment my heart flatlined. When I woke up so to speak. I woke up in this body, unfamiliar to me something artificially made in an abandoned warehouse. Of course that is all I could gathered from what seemed to be scattered torn documents. Who the creators of this vessel were means little to me and don’t influence the fact that I wish to protect who needs protecting.”

Admittedly it felt nice to get that off his chest.


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi


Kota would look away in annoyance, annoyed that Griffin had a point. Though what was said next by Okami would break him out of his mood. His tail would swish in surprise as he also realized what she had been responding to. Bringing him back to rationality a bit.

Kota would maintain his silence as Okami gave her response, a bit of insight into her past. Coupled with past entanglement, Kota was more inclined to believe her.

“Sounds like you’ve had quite the eclectic past, which explains why you seem rather unfazed by recent events. I apologize if my questions offended you in any way. The circumstances of your appearance in this place and time are abnormal. If we are to be traveling together then I want to know your motives.” He replied before taking in a sigh, “I share no animosity towards you, we are more alike than you think…the same goes for you Griffin.” Kota would smirk at his winged friend.

Griffin’s story was rather captivating, the kitsune could feel his heart begin to beat rather fast as the strong emotions he harbored for his past life begin to rise. “I’m sorry to hear you passed that way Griffin…I could imagine it must’ve been difficult.” It felt a bit awkward referring to him in that way after learning about his past life. “I died to good ole truck-Kun while running from some thugs. When I came to this world I starte from ground zero, infant , I was born to a principled tribe of warriors with strong beliefs. I also acquired cute fluffy ears and poofy tails.” [/color] Kota would playfully point to his beast appendages. “I was once human as well, I care the old me’s regrets and Kota’s newest desires. Ensuring that I don’t repeat mistakes.” He’d take a moment of silence before looking at Okami, his gaze containing respect for the Ronin. He was less defensive now and more so intrigued.

“I’m going to assume you passed in battle, I think you’re a bit too crazy to go out any other way. Still I’m curious, why when given the choice to reinvent yourself you still pick the same path as before?”
Location: Fae See, undisclosed location.

Mentions: SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Time: Morning

Weather: Clear

Language Key: "Common" "{Sylvan}", "<Beastial>" "%Analog%" "[Terran]"

Yukan Koyake

Yukan found Ōkami’s phrasing of dying once ‘in this world’ most curious to say the least. But he did agree, sitting around passively recovering wouldn’t do much. He had met his objective and wasn’t too intent on going back to the front lines when he had no idea how far away he was from them even, just being lucky to get away alive at this point.

Upon hearing her interest in seeing the estate, he would have responded, but it seemed Kota wasn’t the most pleased.

He would know quickly after what he said wasn’t the best for someone in his position to say among other beasts, they didn’t need to hear an apology like that, even if he couldn’t help but feel responsible since they decided to follow him, Kota was correct they didn’t need to hear it, or to be made to feel like they needed his protection to begin with.

“Right you are, I did not mean any disrespect, you all put your lives at risk for a most just cause independently and fought as true warriors charging against our enemies, for that I am truly grateful.” Yukan would speak very formally and seriously in tone.

Kota however did raise Valid points about Ōkami, that it was most curious for a human to dress the way she did and why she had sought him out?

Yukan would nod at Griffin, wincing a bit in pain from the movement.

With what Griffin said, Yukan would listen to what Ōkami had to say in response.

“...Such is the life of a warrior.” Yukan would reply to Ōkami after she explained how many she had killed, that wasn’t a surprise, but this mutual hinting between her and..Griffin was most curious.

What did she mean Griffin would have a harder time in the Republic than any of them? Yukan raised a brow at this statement, listening to Griffin’s response.

What Yukan really wasn’t expecting next, his eyes widening a bit when Griffin admitted being a construct. A construct which looked like a beast had joined him on the battlefield on his side…

What shocked him even more was hearing that Griffin was a female human in his past life.

When Kota connected and explained his past life, apparently he was a human too in it, “<Truck-Kun..?>” Yukan repeated softly, some beast equivalent which was probably more like cart with kun attached at the end, not having a word for truck.

“Very..well then. I have heard some from the West speak of reincarnation in their religious texts..and so have those here..but to think that three people are all saying they have had past lives they recall..nor being beasts in them at that.

“While I may find it all peculiar, and to some of you I am sorry too that you met unfortunate ends in your past lives, I do not judge who you all were in your past lives, what matters to me is what you showed me here today here and now, that you are brave, that you have strong moral compasses and are not afraid to fight even with great odds against you. Whether you are originally from this world or not..we need more people who have the will to fight for what is just, for selfless means, not only for the future of your and my own lives but for those who cannot fight for themselves, The impoverished, and weak, peasants, and those who have nothing. It is my desire to spearhead a new age of prosperity and work toward purging the evil of beast slavery from this realm..if I were to find any of you fighting on my side again, I would certainly be most honored.

With all of this said should any of you desire, I would be more than agreeable to the idea of having you come see The Nara No Nox Shogunate with me."


Petrien meanwhile would have given Griffin a knowing nod. “While I assume your party already knew of your origins, I did not wish to expose you if that was not the case, I hope you do not mind but I had one of the gnome mercenaries from Widersia repair your body, it had been badly damaged..as for the rest of you you are welcome to stay here and recover as long as you need too, the East Empire hasn’t been making border gains and we are a distance back, so you should be safe here."
Petrien did not appear to be particularly bothered or surprised by the group sharing their various backstories.

For now at least they were safe and would live another day.

With that the group would stay as long as they felt they needed too, having just survived the battlefield and meeting their objective they would be compensated, now that they were safe back in Fae see Territory, they were free to go on their ways, whether that was together or on their own business.
Narrator Note: Thanks for joining this RP of mine! Hope you all enjoyed it. Hope we can get the group back together for future rps.

(Do not add these to your character sheet until approved by a grading mod)

All: Optional title acquired - [ See of Chearon Battle of Fort Kanna Veteran]

Character fought in and survived the battle of Fort Kanna on behalf of the See of Chearon against the East Empire. A battle where the East Empire’s Fort Kanna and their large cannon was buried. Character is more likely to have military service recognized whether positively or negatively.

Minashigo no Ōkami:

Optional title acquired -[Quick Blade]
Character is impressively swift in unsheathing and using their blade to strike their opponents.
Character is more likely to come off as skilled at using bladed weapons effectively.


Optional Title Acquired - [Valorous]
Despite facing dangerous and unfavorable odds on the battlefield, the character stayed and fought. Character’s valor may inspire their allies in battle.


Optional title acquired - [Field Exorcist]
Character defeated a malevolent spirit on the battlefield. Title proves that the character knows a thing or two about fighting and defeating spirits. Character will have an easier time speaking authoritatively and being taken seriously on the topic.

Yukan Koyake: (As Per RP goal)

Optional Title Acquired - [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
Isekai Hell Grade

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Uasal Uasal

Not often we get some pvp action. Probably coulda been more interesting as an invasion with stakes, but seems to have fulfilled its purpose. I wonder if the battle had enough narration going on in the background to make it feel like a full on battle though. Spiffy use of ih game mechanics. Combats are typically best place for them.


Fort Kanna, like much of the region along fae/east empire border, was reduced to pock marked ruins due to the events of the battle.



Yukan Koyake - 88pts
  1. Perk 1: [Evolved] - gain the title evolved. Something about your physiology or aura identifies to others you are of a higher species than your peers. Gain a +1 to social exchanges with others of your racial tree.
  2. Perk 2: Choose 1:
    • [Pack] - Animal/beastkin companion F or minion E
    • [Predatory Insight] - Beastmen can always sense the weakness in their target. No additional actions or skills required to meet prerequisites for hot shot abilities.
    • [Sudden Adaptation] - choose 1:
      • Superstrength upgrade or acquisition
      • Sensory upgrade or acquisition
      • Movement upgrade or acquisition

Griffin - 21pts
optional title acquired [See Empire War Veteran] - character has fought and survived battles in the war between the fae see and east empire.

Kota - 62pts (attentive student)
optional title acquired [See Empire War Veteran] - character has fought and survived battles in the war between the fae see and east empire.

Okami - 24pts
optional title acquired [See Empire War Veteran] - character has fought and survived battles in the war between the fae see and east empire.

Luisa O'Sullivan - 10pts
optional title acquired [See Empire War Veteran] - character has fought and survived battles in the war between the fae see and east empire.

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