Fae Hiding

Nadeya groaned one last time before rolling fluidly away, up onto her feet, stray twigs and such sticking out fo her hair, "I am up.." Her purple eyes glared softly at him after taking in the position of the sun before going back to glare lightly at Roarke, smiling impishly, "And as you know...I have to pray." She grinned full on that time, turning to run off, seeing if Roarke was going to follow her to the glen.
Lily groaned and covered her face "let me sleeeeeeeeeeep" she moaned putting her head in his neck "I'm pregnant I need sleep " she moaned before trying to settle back down
Zane pulls the blanket back up to cover Lilly "Fine." he pulls her close and kisses her forehead "I hope he is born soon, I liked energetic Lilly better"

Roarke smiles and just lies there for a second "I'm going to go cook breakfast." He walks towards the house and opens the door, he walks into the kitchen and starts gathering ingredients to make pancakes
Lily grinned into his shoulder and said, half asleep "I am still energetic, just not in the mornings" she smiled and she got up and said "Oh god" she threw the blankets of and ran to a bathroom, spilling dinner into the toilet. She groaned and then she said "You called it a he? I though you wanted a girl?" before promptly puking again
Nadeya stopped in the glen and slowly moved into the first position of prayer, her eyes closed in blissful concentration. She was somewhat glad Roarke had not followed her, she preferred to do this alone anyway. Her arms moved up, towards the rising sun as she continued with her prayer. She added a prayer for Lily and her child to them this morning as well, wishing for good health and fortune.
Roarke sits down with two plates with huge stacks of pancakes on them "Food!"

Zane smiles " I do, I just used he. She is going to be beuatiful like her mother." He frowns as she gets sick
She finished vomiting and got up and made a face "Okay. That.Tasted.Horrible" shesaid and quickly brushed her teeth and kissed zane. "She will be loving like her father, hopefully not as tortured" she said kissing his nosse
Nadeya rolled through the last set of her prayers, light sweat running down her skin. She sighed, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand as she slowly turned back towards the house nand slowly started back.
Roarke looks at Zane and frowns muttering something to himself.

Zane smiles and hugs Lilly "You still tired?"
Lily shakes her head and giggles a little when she feels a shifting in her tummy "no, I think the little one is hungry though" she said taking his hand and pulling him to the kitchen "morning" she said to Roarke then she dragged zane past him to they didn't attempt to kill one another over breakfast
Nadeya walked into the room, looking over the scene grinning as she saw the food. "Aw for me? You should not have." She sat down and pulled some towards her, gently eyeing Roarke, "Morning all."
Roarke smiles and scoots closer to Nadeya "Morning."

Zane goes to sit down but Roarke kicks the chair out from under him Zane stands up clenching his fists
Lily glares at Roarke "I don't care if Nedaya disagrees do that again and you won't be able to have kids." She kissed zanies head and handed him an apple, eating one herself
Nadeya growled suddenly, the sound low and feral. Somewhat because of her frustration from the two of them, Zane and Roarke, and somewhat because Lily had just threatened her mate. She suddenly looked far more inhuman, her skin seeming more porcelain, hair more wispish and floating around her, and her body seemingly thin and yet regal, a aura of authority rolling over her, "Enough." The word was spoken simply enough, her tone calm, but it commanded respect and that it be followed. She remained seated, her eyes focused on her plate, "Enough. This is ridiculous."

She returned suddenly to her normal looks before standing suddenly, "Nevermind, I'm not very hungry actually." She grabbed a short sword she had strapped to the bottom of the table and headed outside to train..alone.
Lily sighs and she looks down "sorry." She put one of her hands over her stomach and the other held the apple to her mouth. She walked out of the room and sat on the couch. She was so pissed off. She didn't want to get in trouble for protecting zane and she wasn't joking about the making sure Roarke couldn't have kids.
Roarke looks at Zane and lets a slight smile touch his lips for a second it was like when they were kids, always fighting eachother.

Zane looks at Roarke and sighs "Go talk to nadeya."
Nadeya was already farther away from the house, near the cliff edge but still in the forest. She was currently hacking away at a tree, training. Her purple eyes were alight with anger, the irisis turning a deep violet as she swirled, feigning dodges, and working her parries. The short sword sung as it flew through the air. Her blue tunic flapped around her legs, her mid-thigh lenght hair braided.
Nadey didn't look at him, her hold on her blade not loosening, "No Roarke." She softly pulled her wrist from him stepping back and turning her back on him again, digging the tip of her silver blade into the tree in a bit of frustration. She turned back to him, "There is no sorry for this this time." She glared softly,finally raising her eyes to his, "This time, I have had enough of this." Her voice held something, sadness or finality, it wasn't sure.
"In an odd way it makes me happy, it's like when we were kids, fighting for our parents love, or maybe a chance of them being proud of us." Zane laughs lightly and looks at Lilly

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