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Fantasy FableWood - OOC

I’m looong forwarding to meet him too, it’ll be interesting to see how such a complex character interacts!
I look forward to playing a new character, not an old one. It’s rather boring to me to play an old one again, as it limits character development and opportunities for me as a RPer.
I look forward to playing a new character, not an old one. It’s rather boring to me to play an old one again, as it limits character development and opportunities for me as a RPer.
I would have loved to play Leo again. he was such an awesome character to develop. But I am super excited to play someone new as well.
Oh boy, the OOC's at 3 pages already and the thread hasn't even started yet!
Speaking of which, I'll likely start it in the next day or two. Hang on to your hats folks! Because this is going to be awesome.
Oh royalty. Speaking of, I'm gonna need to find a Nanny for baby Lillian Dx
Drop her off at the palace.Drop her off at the palace.PLEASE let Ward look after her! :3 Well, Ward and the king and queen, and their extensive staff. She'll be treated like a princess.
I was going to ask you about that. Okay! I guess Lillian has Grandparents now! Then Ward gets to spend time with his Niece...wait, did the little one ever get to see him in Gryphon form? I also wish there was more interaction between him and Ashley during her pregnancy, but she stuck closer to the ladies, like Elena, Achyls and Luness.
I was going to ask you about that. Okay! I guess Lillian has Grandparents now! Then Ward gets to spend time with his Niece...wait, did the little one ever get to see him in Gryphon form? I also wish there was more interaction between him and Ashley during her pregnancy, but she stuck closer to the ladies, like Elena, Achyls and Luness.
Aw they're friends. She could also have spent more time in Aerios after the end of FableWood. I dunno if the baby saw Ward as a gryphon, I think he'd be too afraid to hurt her as a big galumphing beast.
Yeah, I really need to figure out how to create that epilogue. Elena's not my character so...I dunno, I wish, but I dunno.
I think Bella is still active, you could always reach out and ask? Though wouldn't Elena have to return with the other humans after the first game?
I think Bella is still active, you could always reach out and ask? Though wouldn't Elena have to return with the other humans after the first game?
I had a plan for that actually, had Bea stayed. It's MarmaladeSkye now, or something. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to reach out.
A question I am interested in is what sort of things do the humans develop?
When the thread starts I will gather all the humans in a group chat to discuss powers, but basically, your imagination is the limit. I'd stick with one type of power though, lest things get too complicated. In the previous version we had someone who could warp time for themselves, someone who could teleport, someone who could summon spirits to help in combat, someone who could manipulate earth and plants. All sorts of stuff.
I mean...technically Elena did propose to Ward, right?..
I believe you are correct.
But I seriously doubt that it would be that big of a deal for them if you followed through with the plan for Elena and Ward. I mean, if they hadn't intended for that to be a possibility, they would have kept the relationship more casual and not gone so far with it.
When the thread starts I will gather all the humans in a group chat to discuss powers, but basically, your imagination is the limit. I'd stick with one type of power though, lest things get too complicated. In the previous version we had someone who could warp time for themselves, someone who could teleport, someone who could summon spirits to help in combat, someone who could manipulate earth and plants. All sorts of stuff.

Sounds cool!
I believe you are correct.
But I seriously doubt that it would be that big of a deal for them if you followed through with the plan for Elena and Ward. I mean, if they hadn't intended for that to be a possibility, they would have kept the relationship more casual and not gone so far with it.
*whispers* I really want to see those two in their happily ever after...

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