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Fantasy FableWood - OOC

MoltenLightning MoltenLightning I'm sorry it took me so long to reply, I didn't realize you had to scroll on the pics to get down to the info. The background colour is also too light. I'm having trouble reading the text. Please change the format and the background colour and I will review your CS.
It's great to be back. Also SilverFlight SilverFlight , I have been considering on Ashley being pregnant again. Only this time, I was wondering about the paternity of the child. Of course, before I go forward, I wanted to ask if it was okay at all. If not, I'll place the idea on the shelf and run by it another time. Just thought I'd ask you for permission first instead of dropping a bomb when the RP starts.
It's great to be back. Also SilverFlight SilverFlight , I have been considering on Ashley being pregnant again. Only this time, I was wondering about the paternity of the child. Of course, before I go forward, I wanted to ask if it was okay at all. If not, I'll place the idea on the shelf and run by it another time. Just thought I'd ask you for permission first instead of dropping a bomb when the RP starts.
I would rather not have your character pregnant, it really doesn't make sense with the amount of danger the team will be exposed to.
Just waiting to sort out the Monkey King's final details and then I will be ready to post his CS. :)
I would rather not have your character pregnant, it really doesn't make sense with the amount of danger the team will be exposed to.
Fair enough. In any case, I do look forward to seeing how everything is going to go!
By the way, I haven't formally introduced myself to the new crew here. I'm an old-timer in FableWood and was in the original RP, as well as a sequel. In the original RP, I played Luness, who was the daughter of the big, bad wolf. She was an exceptionally moody character and to balance her out a bit, I later on made a human character named Larassa (I think?). Either way, she got beautiful angel wings and was a sweetheart, and thankfully a healer for our poor team that often got hurt in fights. I like to think the positivity from her balanced out Luness' negativity. Some friendly advice for anyone new to this RP, do try to avoid excessive negativity. This can be a very fun environment and full of wondrous character development, but too much negativity will soil the mood. Trust me, I soiled the mood quite often with Luness in the past.

I look forward to returning to this story world and meeting new RPers. I do want to go ahead and extend a friendly offer of help. I know in the past RPs, we sometimes had issues with minor grammatical errors or some people did express concern that they felt like they weren't keeping up with others in skill level. Now I know I make plenty of mistakes no matter how highly I think of myself in writing skill, but would like to offer to help give advice in conversations or point out repeating mistakes if someone asks me to. Just to reiterate, I would only do this in conversations. I understand most people do not like discussing these issues in public for a number of reasons. Based on previous experiences, I simply would like to offer this aid in case someone would like to ask for advice. This way, hopefully nobody should feel the need to leave the RP solely because they feel like they are inadequate.
Nope, I just like 'em a lot... Wish I could though, hehe...
I gotcha! They are very cool little critters. My favorite is the Glaucus ^^

By the way, I haven't formally introduced myself to the new crew here. I'm an old-timer in FableWood and was in the original RP, as well as a sequel. In the original RP, I played Luness, who was the daughter of the big, bad wolf. She was an exceptionally moody character and to balance her out a bit, I later on made a human character named Larassa (I think?). Either way, she got beautiful angel wings and was a sweetheart, and thankfully a healer for our poor team that often got hurt in fights. I like to think the positivity from her balanced out Luness' negativity. Some friendly advice for anyone new to this RP, do try to avoid excessive negativity. This can be a very fun environment and full of wondrous character development, but too much negativity will soil the mood. Trust me, I soiled the mood quite often with Luness in the past.

I look forward to returning to this story world and meeting new RPers. I do want to go ahead and extend a friendly offer of help. I know in the past RPs, we sometimes had issues with minor grammatical errors or some people did express concern that they felt like they weren't keeping up with others in skill level. Now I know I make plenty of mistakes no matter how highly I think of myself in writing skill, but would like to offer to help give advice in conversations or point out repeating mistakes if someone asks me to. Just to reiterate, I would only do this in conversations. I understand most people do not like discussing these issues in public for a number of reasons. Based on previous experiences, I simply would like to offer this aid in case someone would like to ask for advice. This way, hopefully nobody should feel the need to leave the RP solely because they feel like they are inadequate.
Same here. OG Fablewooder played the Cowardly Lion. If I can help in any way, feel free to ask ^^
By the way, I haven't formally introduced myself to the new crew here. I'm an old-timer in FableWood and was in the original RP, as well as a sequel. In the original RP, I played Luness, who was the daughter of the big, bad wolf. She was an exceptionally moody character and to balance her out a bit, I later on made a human character named Larassa (I think?). Either way, she got beautiful angel wings and was a sweetheart, and thankfully a healer for our poor team that often got hurt in fights. I like to think the positivity from her balanced out Luness' negativity. Some friendly advice for anyone new to this RP, do try to avoid excessive negativity. This can be a very fun environment and full of wondrous character development, but too much negativity will soil the mood. Trust me, I soiled the mood quite often with Luness in the past.

I look forward to returning to this story world and meeting new RPers. I do want to go ahead and extend a friendly offer of help. I know in the past RPs, we sometimes had issues with minor grammatical errors or some people did express concern that they felt like they weren't keeping up with others in skill level. Now I know I make plenty of mistakes no matter how highly I think of myself in writing skill, but would like to offer to help give advice in conversations or point out repeating mistakes if someone asks me to. Just to reiterate, I would only do this in conversations. I understand most people do not like discussing these issues in public for a number of reasons. Based on previous experiences, I simply would like to offer this aid in case someone would like to ask for advice. This way, hopefully nobody should feel the need to leave the RP solely because they feel like they are inadequate.

Awh, that's so sweet of you. Would love if I make any mistakes if you could help point them out, I've been on RPN for nearly a year and have come a long way in my writing, but would love to have more help if you're willing!
Sorry 'bout that! I edited it; is that better?

The colour is better but you didn't quite change what I needed in terms of content and format.
The format needs to have all sections easily seen, I found your info, but others might not, please make tabs or drop down buttons. Also you are missing a few sections, your character is going to develop powers, this section needs to be in place even if its mostly empty for now. You are also missing character flaws and weaknesses. Please check the outline on the first post and make sure every section on that list is in your character profile.
I'd say we grew as writers together in the first FableWood, for those of you who don't know, FableWood lasted over a year when I first brought it to Rpn. It was one of the best experiences I've had rping. I really hope we can pull that off again!
By the way, I haven't formally introduced myself to the new crew here. I'm an old-timer in FableWood and was in the original RP, as well as a sequel. In the original RP, I played Luness, who was the daughter of the big, bad wolf. She was an exceptionally moody character and to balance her out a bit, I later on made a human character named Larassa (I think?). Either way, she got beautiful angel wings and was a sweetheart, and thankfully a healer for our poor team that often got hurt in fights. I like to think the positivity from her balanced out Luness' negativity. Some friendly advice for anyone new to this RP, do try to avoid excessive negativity. This can be a very fun environment and full of wondrous character development, but too much negativity will soil the mood. Trust me, I soiled the mood quite often with Luness in the past.

I look forward to returning to this story world and meeting new RPers. I do want to go ahead and extend a friendly offer of help. I know in the past RPs, we sometimes had issues with minor grammatical errors or some people did express concern that they felt like they weren't keeping up with others in skill level. Now I know I make plenty of mistakes no matter how highly I think of myself in writing skill, but would like to offer to help give advice in conversations or point out repeating mistakes if someone asks me to. Just to reiterate, I would only do this in conversations. I understand most people do not like discussing these issues in public for a number of reasons. Based on previous experiences, I simply would like to offer this aid in case someone would like to ask for advice. This way, hopefully nobody should feel the need to leave the RP solely because they feel like they are inadequate.
Will Luness be returning? So far the only two returning Characters I have seen are Ward and Ashley. Correct me if I am wrong.
Will Luness be returning? So far the only two returning Characters I have seen are Ward and Ashley. Correct me if I am wrong.
I don't think Ward is returning. I think he was just an example. You might be the only one who is bringing back an old character.
Leo may make an appearance at some point, should the occasion arise. but he wont be around a lot.
Luness wont be returning from what I know though.
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The colour is better but you didn't quite change what I needed in terms of content and format.
The format needs to have all sections easily seen, I found your info, but others might not, please make tabs or drop down buttons. Also you are missing a few sections, your character is going to develop powers, this section needs to be in place even if its mostly empty for now. You are also missing character flaws and weaknesses. Please check the outline on the first post and make sure every section on that list is in your character profile.
Oh, alright... I'll fix those things right away, to the best of my ability
Sorry about this haha...
I don't think Ward is returning. I think he was just an example. You might be the only one who is bringing back an old character.
Leo may make an appearance at some point, should the occasion arise. but he wont be around a lot.
Awwww. So much for the reunion I was hoping to have. Now I'm sad ?
I'm very excited to meet all the new humans. It will be nice for Jekyll to learn what the world has changed into since he left the real world.

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