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Fantasy Fables


✯ Raccoon Catcher ✯
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a host of magical and mystical creatures known to the Mundane World as Fables. Some were known for their interesting adventures while others boasted terrifying abilities. Then, of course, there were the lesser known Fables that went about their lives with little recognition. And everyone lived happily ever after.

That's not entirely true. It never was. But now it's no longer "once upon a time" and that land "far, far away" is much closer to home. Fables, famous and infamous alike, have been uprooted from their homes in the Old World and transported to the Mundane World. No one knows how. No one knows why. In fact, no one knows when. The memories of the Fables were shrouded in a strange spell that replaced them with memories of a Mundane life. The town, presumably protected by the same spell, was kept in a bubble from the rest of the Mundane World. Now, the spell is broken and a new story has started to be written. And, for once in their lives, the pen is in the hands of the Fables.


Characters can be either a Fable or Mundane. A Fable is a storybook character whereas a Mundane is a regular human. Fables might have a history with other Fables due to events in their stories. For example, no one is too fond of the Big Bad Wolf (for obvious reasons). Mundanes are unaware of the actual existence of Fables, believing that they exist only in storybooks. Further, it takes a lot of effort to kill a Fable.

This is the minimum I'm looking for to consider a character for application. If you want to provide a more complex, prettier version then go right ahead. I love reading character sheets! Let me know if you have any suggestions, questions, or concerns.

Character Application

  1. Character Name
  2. Gender
  3. Age
  4. Mundane or Fable?
  5. Further Role Info
    • If Mundane: Why/how did they stumble across the town, etc.?
    • If Fable: What is their story, etc.?


  • 1+ paragraph of description


  • 1+ paragraph of description

[*]Further Information

  • Any other details you want to add


  • Written description and/or image(s)
  • Realistic images preferred, but all are accepted

[*]Writing Sample

  • 2+ paragraphs (an extensive version of a Fable's story can qualify for this)


If you have any concerns regarding these or any other details, feel free to pm me!

Proper grammar is a must

English doesn't have to be your first language but you must understand how to write it. A few mistakes every now and then are okay but if you write in "txt talk" or just have terrible grammar, you will not be accepted into the roleplay. This is absolutely non-negotiable.

A minimum of one response per week

You're more than welcome to reply more often than this.

A minimum of two paragraphs per response

A paragraph in this case is defined as at least four lines of solid content

Being rude out of character is unacceptable

Your partners are your friends. You should bond over the RP, not bicker and argue. In character, there are no restrictions as long as your character has good reason.​


None yet! You can put a hold on a character before you post your CS. Let me know and I will post it here as requested.


Our story would begin just before the Fables began to regain their memories. They were have a Mundane version of themselves that may be entirely different from their true character (i.e. A Snow White character that was a total asshole as a Mundane) or identical. The Fables will regain their memories as varying speeds which depend on the individual writer. (Maybe said Snow White character is troubled because her Prince Charming has yet to remember her) Fables will not forget their Mundane memories and experiences as they recall their actual ones.

Loosely based on the characters and environment of Once Upon a Time and The Wolf Among Us

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This has gotten my interest for sure, but there are a lot of questions that would need to be answered before I would join.

Let me know if you do decide to elaborate more~
YES. I love the Telltale games, haven't gotten around to reading the comics, but hopefully someday!

Also watch OUaT but I'm only on season 2 u-u
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SassyLlama said:
YES. I love the Telltale games, haven't gotten around to reading the comics, but hopefully someday!
Also watch OUaT but I'm only on season 2 u-u
That's okay. It's going to be very loosely based on both. If you want to play a character straight out of either, feel free. But the extent of my knowledge is strictly the Telltale version of Fables and part of the first season of OUaT. I personally favor playing OCs anyway so I don't require a deep knowledge of canon material.
Interested but I'll have to see if I have time when this starts. Keep me posted :)

I plan on getting a thread up soon if y'all need one for posting your character sheets
Hello!! I'm interested in your idea, but tell me-- would it be chill if a Fable-type character was to be a character from myth, rather than a fairytale? (I'm assuming you're taking 'fairytale' to mean more Brothers-Grimm style stuff.) I wouldn't include any gods or anything, but a hero-type character like Sir Gawain or somebody might be fun!!
hyakinthos said:
Hello!! I'm interested in your idea, but tell me-- would it be chill if a Fable-type character was to be a character from myth, rather than a fairytale? (I'm assuming you're taking 'fairytale' to mean more Brothers-Grimm style stuff.) I wouldn't include any gods or anything, but a hero-type character like Sir Gawain or somebody might be fun!!
Any fictional character is fine by me as long as they aren't insanely overpowered.
GraceAndFrankie said:
Hey, I love this idea! Are you getting a thread up for character sheets? Or should we post them on here?
I'll probably get it up tomorrow. Feel free to post here in the meantime.

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