thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

It took a while for Kazuma to process what was going on around him. A girl fell from the sky, and another (prepubescent) girl was... Trying to flirt with him? What the heck? Normally, a shut-in virgin NEET like himself would be easily stimulated, but she didn't exactly have any 'womanly' charm to speak of. Rather, he took note of her clothes, quickly recognizing how strange but undeniably modern her outfit is. Still, since she was a youngster who was yet to realize the true horrors of the adult world (in Kazuma's mind), he decided he probably shouldn't be his usual a-hole self.

Kazuma leaned over and extended his hand to help her up the rest of the way, taking the 'generic anime protagonist' approach to things. "I'm Satou Kazuma, but my friends just call me Kazuma. Anyways, I'm kind of lost. Can you tell me where I am? Or more importantly, have you seen a useless blue-haired woman about yay-tall who constantly claims she's a goddess, a little girl who wears red with a big hat and an eyepatch who loves explosions, or a blonde knight lady with an awful personality around here?"

He may as well gather information while he's here...
The Doom Marine


Another entity joined our growing group before the female human could respond. This latest addition was non-human and oh so short, roughly measuring up to my hips. Its features could be described as feminine so I suppose it was a female. Her head was disproportionate to her body though. Was it a species thing or just a medical condition? She seemed fine given she was examining us.

The blonde jabbed a finger at her tentacle-like appendages that sprouted from her head. He quickly retracted it in what I assumed to be an embarrassment for such an act. It was rude to point at unusual features yet people still did it anyways. Why was it rude then if it was simply informing people? It might’ve been something cool too, like how those tentacles could strangle demons. But rude or not, the blonde offered a hand in greeting after she stated she was named Callie.

I heard that somewhere before. Calliemari. Calliemarie. Something that had Callie in it. Eh, it didn’t matter unless it was food. Hadn’t eaten seafood in the last couple hundred years. Man, those demonic squids could be so spicy.

I nodded in Callie’s direction to acknowledge her after tossing away that thought. I began gesturing, asking what she was and if she was a child due to her height or was it a species thing? I didn’t need to ask anyone what was going on. Demon shenanigans, no doubt.

archur archur 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind @Woodland Party
Fulgore followed Luna an the others upstairs, his path filled with creaking wood and hollow thumps. As they searched the room, Fulgore through the books on the table, searching for any information on the world they are in.
"We would do well to hasten our search, in case the owners of this room are less then friendly of our snooping. That being said, there do not seem to be any potential threats among the local population, so far."
Crow Crow Ineptitude Ineptitude Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore




Health: 200/200


Hunger: 120/120


Sanity: 120/120


-4 Pieces of Raw Meat


None, currently.

It was a costume Wigfrid was wearing, but this strange man didn't need or have to know that. Instead, she gave a firm nod and confirmed, "Indeed. Thee are in the presence of öne of the great valkyries of Ödin, prötectörs of Asgard! Pöint to any föe and the great Wigfrid shall strike them döwn and send them straight intö the hands of Hel!" Wigfrid then swirled her spear and gave a jab to the air to the right of her, proving what she said was supposedly true. "And what is thy name, strange man?" She asked, holding her spear at her side all the while.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (feel free to void this since i missed like 5 pages and am probably missing a few things)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore [/Tab] archur archur 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind darkred darkred @Legends party

  • View attachment 583678

    Sarah pinched the cigarette in between her lips and threw it to the side, stepping on it.

    Sarah was equally cautious about entering the forest with John in tow, "John, stay back. I'll find you in a bit, keep in touch."

    The man in fatigues seemed a little worried 'No, I'm coming with you."

    Sarah turned "Fine, come with. Just take a weapon. The woman tossed John a weapon from her bag so he could protect himself. It looked to be a futuristic plasma rifle.

    Sarah sighed, as she pulled out the cigarette again and sucked on it, blowing smoke.

    She walked forward, with John near her. She stopped and observed the strangers in front of her.

    There was a full armored man, a strange little non-human female, and a stranger from the deep past with blonde hair. However, there was a strange robot there, that worried Sarah a bit.

    "So I'm assuming you guys are looking for ways out as well?"

    [tab=Inventory/Status ]
[tab=Sarah Connor]

  • The man in fatigues named John found himself looking around at the scenery when he finally reached the group Sarah was talking to. There was a odd amount of strangers nearby. But one of them was a robot of some kind and Sarah looked a little worried.


    "That's not a terminator, mom."

    View attachment 586349

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They jumped down from the humanoid's shoulder, landing on the wooden floor with a dull thud. The others were looking around, with their fellow feline being the most eager of the bunch. They weren't sure about what to look for. Everything was so unfamiliar, so bright and colorful. They wandered about the room, looking both curious and cautious of the odd items that were strewn about.

Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Peepers still thought the old man was trying to make fun of him just as the baby man was "No I don't want your garbflarking eye drops! Just tell me where your communications device is!" Peepers had stopped crying and put away his gun. The commander was fed up this planet already, perhaps it would be better off destroyed than enslaved. He took a deep breath calming himself down "I just need to call the other Watchdogs so we can get off your planet."
He looked at Lyle extending his hand and rolled his eye "Look Emperor Lyle, you're telling me this is some other universe? I'm going to need to inform my leader.... Where did he?" Peepers looked around for Hater, turning around he saw the massive skeleton staring down at him seemingly bored out of his mind. "So like, did you call the Watchdog's yet or not C-Peeps. This place is getting lamer by the second, except for the cool light show and music that happened."
"Well sir, as I've been told this is a whole different universe from our own. Contacting the Watchdogs might be difficult... And sir you also might be unable to use your powers." Peepers voice trailed off again. Hater rolled his eyes "Pssh of course my powers work Peepers." Hater looked at his hands and focused, flexing them seemingly incredibly focused. Despite his grunting and flexing nothing happened "Woah you're actually right for once Peepers. What the heck?!" Peepers slapped his palm against his eyelid and looked at Hater "Well I can't explain it sir but I will get to the bottom of this! If someone around here actually knows anything!" He stood on his toes proudly, but the last part of his sentence he glared at Stan and Soos still seemingly holding a grudge about being called a gumball machine and blinded.
"So you were talking to this guy right so what does he know, what do you know about all of this because I'd rather not be on such a lame planet." The skeleton looked at Lyle expectingly.
"I don't think I've seen any Lilim living in N-City~. Everything is so peaceful and quiet, and there's rumours of a lot of magical girls protecting the place~. People say they're just rumours, but I know they're real, I'm friends with some of them and they're really sweet, especially Snow White~"

'Nemu' as she was called claimed to be friends with magical girls. She then softened her voice.

"And as a little secret, I'll tell you - I used to be one of them, until I lost my status because I lost a fun little elimination game~ It's not one of those violent ones where you die though~, I know this because I'm alive and kicking~."

If only she knew. If only she knew.

"That was actually against the rules, but I'm not one anymore so I guess it's OK~."

Jeremiah Jeremiah

Tropicalpeacock Tropicalpeacock SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Topless Topless

Dorothy gasped at Sanjou's response to her question. "Am I the first Lilim you've ever met?! Now I'll make sure to try extra hard to make your first impression a happy one, Miss Sanjou!~" she squealed with glee, "We don't bite!~ You know, unless you're into that, Miss Sanjou~..." Dorothy tacked on with a a particularly coy quiet to her tone. Considering her artificial nature and the subtle digital artifacting present in her voice, it was frankly breathtaking how perfectly Dorothy was able to synthesize the minutiae of human speech.

"Wow!~ Really?~" Dorothy asked with animated attentiveness, "That's amazing, Miss Sanjou, and I'm so sorry to hear that!~" she said; strengthening her act with genuine sympathy, "But at least you got to meet all your amazing friends, right Miss Sanjou?~" Quieting her voice to a whisper, she leaned in close, sounding suddenly concerned.
"Though, um, are you sure you should be telling me all of this?~ This all sounds super duper secret, Miss Sanjou~..."

Interacting: Crow Crow

Around: Tropicalpeacock Tropicalpeacock SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Topless Topless @thenutshack

The blonde man ranted in some unknown language
that 2B struggled to comprehend and
The man in the better armour was making even stranger gestures.2B briefly considered if
she was surrounded by complete mad men. It was clear the blonde 'white knight' was confused
about her appearance.
She also didn't like the look that the lady over there gave her. It was like
she was wary of her. She was one of the few more people that came over to the green trash can.
It was as if he were a flame, and we were the moths.

"Old world records say It's something called Greek. A dead language that was spoken my Greek people.
The Greek people died out a long time ago. Except this guy obviously"

"Maybe you can run a translator or something"

"Something about you being a..Prostitute"

2B stepped back and drew one of her swords and pointed it at his throat.

"It appears our man out of time here has left his manners at home."

@Robosquadinthewoods archur archur Critic Ham Critic Ham darkred darkred


Something had infiltrated her personal bubble. The assailant called itself Sanjou. CZ watched on in curiosity.
They were doing strange things like rubbing their backs. CZ had never seen such an act before!
This strange and alien act of rubbing one's back and the Sayou even enjoys it.
Surely this must be some kind of ancient magic at play.

On the ground sleeping was a little girl. CZ wasn't really fond of humans..But she didn't seem human.
As a matter of fact CZ thought she was pretty cute and pulled out a packet of 1 Yen stickers and stuck
one onto the sleeping girl's forehead. She wouldn't mind. Right?

Jeremiah Jeremiah Crow Crow Topless Topless @Mysteryshackblokes
Frank West
Interactions: Open

Mentions: Centurion_ Centurion_ , Samevi Samevi


Frank had noticed that, as he was speaking to Darkness, she was showing clear signs of unease. Call it journalistic intuition, but he could see it in her body language and the way her face reflected a bad gut feeling. Frank knew it well - you'd have to, when you investigate a mall teeming with zombies, but he felt that Darkness' situation was probably far more confusing than his in Willamette. He listened closely - not only would listening to her help him understand just what was going on here, but he genuinely did want to help her. A few things stuck out to him in particular as he spoke, making mental notes of them in particular:

"I went to sleep in a carriage headed to the city of Alcanretia with the rest of my party members."

"Just as I thought... it's no coincidence." Frank murmured. Everyone here must have been knocked unconscious by some kind of... power, or something. It'd be impossible for anyone normal to have physically brought them here - the only living things around Frank before he passed out were zombies, and Darkness was with her group. And for everyone to have ended up in the same place, either someone must have caused some kind of horrible catastrophe, or someone with powers that Frank really didn't want to see had decided to mess with them.

"...and that shameful man wouldn't want to visit a hot spring without me." If he was being honest with himself, Frank wouldn't want to miss that either. He didn't want to think about why she thought being left in an unfamiliar town by herself was a "wonderful experience" - he was trying really hard to convince himself that he didn't already know.

He nodded, agreeing when Darkness mentioned that she should have seen her carriage and her party members if she had gone off course. There must really be no other explanation - Frank was lucky enough to have been warped onto his own country, at least, but these people must have been picked up from another world entirely. Once Darkness had finished speaking and given her suggestion, Frank nodded and began his response.

"Yeah, I agree with you. The shack's probably our best bet. If we can't find your friends, then something fishy's afoot for - ... sure...?" His train of thought was suddenly interrupted once he heard a ruckus being made by a prepubescent girl, screaming her name - Mabel - at the top of her lungs, speaking to another boy with messy brown hair and a green cape. He would have tried to grit and bear it, as everyone was making a ruckus, but something about the person she was talking to.

Hold on... messy brown hair, green cape?

Frank quickly raised his camera to his face and looked at the two through the lens in order to get a better look. "Hey, check it out. That kid over there's wearing a green cape... messy brown hair." He lowered his camera and pointed them both out to Darkness. "Does he look familiar to you?"

  • [div style="background:url(;max-width:1000px;max-height:500px;border:4px solid #000000;margin:auto;line-height:1;text-align:center;"][div style="opacity:0.9;background:black;line-height:1.5;width:76%;border-right:3px solid #799CAF;border-left:3px solid #799CAF;margin:auto;padding:10px;text-align:justify;max-height:405px;overflow:auto;"]

    ~Felix Combeferre Auclair~
    Location: The Mystery Shack
    Power: N/A
    Mood: Annoyed
    Condition: Healthy
    Color: #799caf
    The blonde merely gave a nod to Prompto as he decided not to explain whatever a 'video game' was. That was fair enough, and despite his curiosity, Felix really couldn't have cared less. At Zeno's question about science, the Messorem merely shrugged. He didn't know anything behind it, he just know that, from his understanding and the conversation he had heard from the other places, there was some kind of scientific explanation. That didn't mean he knew what it was.

    As everyone decided to move toward the Mystery Shack, Felix hesitated, looking over them all once more. They seemed like a fair group, that could fend for themselves, except possibly the little girl...and the Reaper really wasn't one for protecting anyone anyway... he took one more sweep over everyone outside, searching...wishing, once more, that he had his powers as if it would some how change the fact that she just...wasn't there. " guys go on ahead." He muttered to the others, deciding not to follow them after all.

    As he left the others, Felix looked around once more, as if it would somehow change the reality of the situation. Of course it didn't. Instead, he found himself looking at a group of people that seemed...rather odd. A man in full armor, which the Messorem found intriguing, a man and a woman who looked just about as unfriendly and Felix felt, something that wasn't human, and a blonde man who looked like he was having a hard time communicating with the others. Well, if that wasn't a group that Felix could somewhat get along with, he didn't what group he fit into. So, the blonde man approached the group and said absolutely nothing, feeling like his introduction would just cut in. He wasn't here to make friends, he was just here to get out, after all. So the least friendly the group was, the better.
Topless Topless
Franklin Richards was walking around the Mystery Shack , until he saw a person of similar age to himself sleeping alongside the wall. At first he wasn't going to do anything. Then, he saw the horns... which looked so smooth. He hoped she wouldn't mind if he rubbed them. So, he proceeded to do so, rubbing them as carefully as he could before sitting down alongside the Dragon loli. It was comforting being near her... Like she had that sort of calm aura aroundher where she didn't necessarily worry about anything.

Out of no where Isabelle found herself once again off of the ground and in Espilo's large grey hand. As soon as she was off the ground the dog almost immediately hopped right out of his grasp. It was honestly quite the amusing sight. To the average viewer it could just as easily have looked like the troll was holding a teddy bear that had simply sprung to life and comically jumped out of his hands. Her tail was raised and bristled while her nose was wrinkled as she attempted to scold the young man. Though it wouldn't be surprising if he were o find this to be more cute than threatening.

"Please ask before trying to hold me Mr. Espilo! I'll have you know that I am a grown woman who has went to college and who currently holds a job, I don't deserve to be treated like an average pet!"

as soon as the words left Isabelle's mouth she felt absolutely dreadful. There was no reason for her to be that rude to a stranger! Before she could properly apologize for the little rant she went on, she saw something. Out of the corner of her beady black eyes Isabelle noticed a tuft of blue hair. Upon closer inspection the hair appeared to belong to a woman who was to put it bluntly.... butt naked. it was too late for the puppy, she had seen everything there was to see. On the ground beside the blue haired woman was a promiscuous nurse uniform while she had a midnight black nightgown in her hands. Based off of the sizes of both articles of clothing, neither seemed to cover all that much. not that Isabelle could judge, where she comes from it's completely common to find animals who at most only wear a shirt. it was just a tad odd since she had thought humans were more modest when it came to their body. Maybe this particular human wasn't?

While waiting for the wolf Pokemon's reply, Isabelle thought it to be polite to give a friendly wave in her direction. if the nurse wasn't one for modesty why should Isabelle judge her for it? It was always nice to make new friends!

thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Birb Birb marc122 marc122 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow DapperDogman DapperDogman
Kanna Kamui

Kanna did not mind everything that was thrown at her. She is that tired. When Franklin sat beside her, Kanna suddenly leans down to her side and her heads plants onto his should. "Mmm...Kobayashi..." She muttered quietly.

Andrita Andrita

Finally Morgana had picked the lock. He excitedly opened the chest to see what was inside. He peeked in only to see nothing but plastic bones. “Oh.. it’s just some Halloween prop.” He turned to the rest of the group. “Well did any of you find anything useful?“ He then crawled under one of the beds to inspect under there.

Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude
Topless Topless
Franklin Richards was at least a bit surprised when he felt his shoulder being rested on by the dragon loli. He didn't expect it, but at the same time he didn't mind it either. He just smiled and pat her head in response. " I hope you have a nice sleep... " . He said comfortably, not moving to ensure her maximum comfort. He was somewhat worried about the name she whispered. It was clearly someone she cared about wherever shecame from. He just hoped that she wouldn't be too upset at not seeing this 'Kobayashi' person around.

  • Darkness nodded after Frank suggested that they investigate the shack, it was the least they could with the predicament they found themselves in. She raised an eyebrow when the man suddenly stopped talking, something had caught his attention. She watched him raise his camera and zoom in with it. She'd never seen a camera before so the blonde was a little confused as of to what exactly was happening. "...Interesting..." Darkness commented as she watched him use the camera.

    He pointed someone out to her and she looked over to who and what Frank was trying to show her, to her surprise he was right and she could actually see Kazuma in the distance. "You're right, it's really him! Come on, lets go!" She says to Frank as the blonde began to run towards Kazuma. "Kazumaaaa,,,! Over here..!" Darkness called out to him.


    Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Samevi Samevi

Kazuma's eyes traveled over to whoever was calling his name. Oh thank god it's Darkness, probably one of the more sane companions he's been adventuring with. "Hey, Darkness!" He called back, now fully focused on her... And the person next to her. Is that guy holding a camera? As he thought, this is a new world. Or rather, the same world he was from. Or rather, the real world. "Are Aqua and Megumin here too? And how did we get here anyways?" He asked as she approached.

Surprisingly, Kazuma wasn't particularly panicked about waking up in the real/new world. At least this world was dictated by actual logic and such, so anything it can throw at him is most likely 99% more normal than in the other world he was initially reincarnated in. As a result, he could easily survive if it came down to it, he determined.

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
Centurion_ Centurion_
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
aLyle Walt and Clara Bulmer

  • lyle-walt-png.586530

    Mystery Shack Main Room
    Interaction: Peepers​
    Lyle's expression faltered. The huge man in green just had to poke Commander Peepers in the eye. Eye was a weakness of everyone, but in cyclops and feltiers, who only had one eye, this weakness was more prominent. Lyle ducked to avoid the muzzle's aim when the small man took out his gun. He had the feeling it was not a child's toy.

    ...but the projectile coming out felt like one. A toy.

    The bullets were shiny and long; more similar to the light spell Luminance than a mana bullet. When the huge and simple looking man played some music to the bullet, Lyle gave up having caution and offered a hand to Peepers.

    "I should have told you; the law in this world is a bit strange. My magic and weapon couldn't be used as well."

View attachment 587273

Finally Morgana had picked the lock. He excitedly opened the chest to see what was inside. He peeked in only to see nothing but plastic bones. “Oh.. it’s just some Halloween prop.” He turned to the rest of the group. “Well did any of you find anything useful?“ He then crawled under one of the beds to inspect under there.

Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude

"Hmmm..." Luna reaches her hoof into the underneath of the bed, then her wing. "I think there might be... but I can't seem to reach it, neither do I possess the means to bring light to this darkness to confirm it truly is present."

Luna was then briefly distracted by Morgana's findings. "Oh, they have Nightmare Night here too?"

She takes some items and accesorizes Morgana with them. "Cheer up, friend. Huzzah!" These items were the hat, mask and prop sword of the great Zorro. She then puts on some accessories of her own - a simple cowboy hat and a prop gun that she held with her wing.


"It is high noon! I never get to say that... with my duties obligating me to the night and early mornings..."

Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude Damafaud Damafaud Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Morgana smiled as he looked at the items. “Zorro huh? A gentleman thief who took down corrupt and tyrannical rulers. That’s a lot like what is phantom thieves do. We strive to change the hearts of corrupt adults and give hope to the masses.” Morgana snapped himself out of his little rambling. “Oh right sorry about that. Here I’ll help get whatever it is your looking for.” Morgana crawled under the bed and dragged something out from under the bed. “Is this it?”

Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude


  • Darkness felt far more at ease knowing that Kazuma was here, it made it far more likely that the others would be around somewhere too. If she was going to be honest, she liked Kazuma the most out of her group of adventurers so it was really settling to see him besides Aqua and Megumin.

    Things got strange again when Kazuma asked how they’d managed to get there though. “Wait? You don’t know either?” She questioned Kazuma, she was fairly thrown off by his question because she thought that he was the reason they had ended up in this place. “Well, I fell asleep in the carriage whilst we were going to Alcanretia. I thought you took us off course or something…” Darkness answers hesitantly, there was a heavy tone of uncertainty in her voice as she questioned if that really was what happened.

    “I was also hoping that you would’ve seen Aqua and Megumin because I haven’t seen them either but surely they must be nearby.” She finishes, answering his first question.


    Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Samevi Samevi

Kazuma didn't like that response. In fact, it was kind of frustrating to him.
"You mean to tell me that I'm stuck with you until we manage to find those two?" He began to vent. "And what do you mean you fell asleep?! You're a paladin with extremely high stamina! I know you can't hit anything with that sword of yours, but you could at least keep watch for us while our useless archpriest and the explosion loli sleep to recover their mana!" Kazuma took a deep breath, dialing back his frustration just a bit. It was annoying, sure, but not annoying enough for him to vent more than this, it seems. Even so, he wasn't about to do something so out of character such as apologize.

"Anyways, we should probably go find them..."

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
Centurion_ Centurion_
Approaching quietly, antanae twitching, K'Thix stops a few feet from Kazuma, mandibles clicking softly as he mulls over the best way to greet him. After a moment, he shook his head and raised one of his arms "Hail. I heard talk of a Paladin. Pray tell, which god do they serve?" the arthropod was mildly worried he might be met with a totally foreign name, but at this point, his closest tie to something familiar were these two strangers. One appeared to be a mage, the other a warrior, though it sounded like she was a paladin.

Just goes to show, you really never know who on earth anyone is supposed to be by their armour. Thinking this, he quickly adds "I'm K'Thix'Rax, proud Spellsword of Xom, a pleasure to meet you both"

Taking note of the man with the strange contraption in his hand, he nods his head slightly. His clothes seemed very unusual, nothing like the simple garb of those back home he greets him with a simple "Greetings to you to, stranger"

Centurion_ Centurion_ Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins Samevi Samevi
View attachment 587306

Morgana smiled as he looked at the items. “Zorro huh? A gentleman thief who took down corrupt and tyrannical rulers. That’s a lot like what is phantom thieves do. We strive to change the hearts of corrupt adults and give hope to the masses.” Morgana snapped himself out of his little rambling. “Oh right sorry about that. Here I’ll help get whatever it is your looking for.” Morgana crawled under the bed and dragged something out from under the bed. “Is this it?”

Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude

"That is rather noble, Morgana. It does not seem too different from the great rise in the magic of friendship that allowed Equestria to bloom in recent years," Luna nods, then turns to Morgana's next findings.

"I believe it is... whatever it might be..."


Luna looks towards you, the viewer.

"... I think any brief interactions with Pinkie Pie have rubbed off me... how strange..."

Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Ineptitude Ineptitude Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Damafaud Damafaud

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Dorothy gasped at Sanjou's response to her question. "Am I the first Lilim you've ever met?! Now I'll make sure to try extra hard to make your first impression a happy one, Miss Sanjou!~" she squealed with glee, "We don't bite!~ You know, unless you're into that, Miss Sanjou~..." Dorothy tacked on with a a particularly coy quiet to her tone. Considering her artificial nature and the subtle digital artifacting present in her voice, it was frankly breathtaking how perfectly Dorothy was able to synthesize the minutiae of human speech.

"Wow!~ Really?~" Dorothy asked with animated attentiveness, "That's amazing, Miss Sanjou, and I'm so sorry to hear that!~" she said; strengthening her act with genuine sympathy, "But at least you got to meet all your amazing friends, right Miss Sanjou?~" Quieting her voice to a whisper, she leaned in close, sounding suddenly concerned.
"Though, um, are you sure you should be telling me all of this?~ This all sounds super duper secret, Miss Sanjou~..."

Interacting: Crow Crow

Around: Tropicalpeacock Tropicalpeacock SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Topless Topless @thenutshack

"It's OK, I can tell just a teensy bit~, since it's my old 'job'," Nemu adds, "it is nice to have such amazing friends~. But we all hid under identities - masks, costumes, transformations and all, and if there's anyone who knows how different people are on the inside and outside, it's me~. I guess me essentially being forced to leave them makes me just a bit worried about the parts of them I've never seen... They do have real life personas like I do, and me leaving the NEET life means that I can meet them again, but... if we do meet, I won't know them, and they won't know me, and the fact that I won't realise it when it ever happens makes me a bit hurt..."

Nemu's head started to relax.

"... I guess I do have the friends not from N-City - the ones I made up in my dreams, like this pretty purple winged unicorn with the moon on her butt... I could've sworn she was an imaginary friend, but she acted so real... too real... like she exists somewhere in the waking world..."

Jeremiah Jeremiah Crow Crow Tropicalpeacock Tropicalpeacock SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Topless Topless

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