Other explain your icon/avatar/profile picture/whatever

My picture is an OC I developed a few years ago. Her name is Elisa. She is loosely based off of me when it comes to looks. I've wanted purple hair for years (And I have purple hair every now and again. It changes all the time.) She is an OC in an RP I was in years ago. She is a Power-hungry, teen sorceress.
My picture is just a disappointed Mercy from Overwatch. She's a healer, and I mainly play as her, so it describes how I feel a lot of the time in games.
Just one of my favorite anime characters- her name is Rikka, and she is basically a real life roleplayer. She's in High School and still pretends to have weapons and has her own persona and such, never bothering to hide it. As much as comparing her to me would be a massive over-statement, she's a character that's easy to relate to for a lot of roleplayers and I've always loved that. :)
One of my favorite characters ever and I feel like I can relate to him since we're born in the same country.
Mine is Waver Velvet from Fate/Zero. He's my favorite Fate character and I relate to him a lot. He is my beautiful anime son.
The character that I named this account after lives in space, so my pic is planets and stars.
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It's a drawing I did a few months back
Ooooh, amazing work!

My avatar's just a combination of two things I like: autumn and owls.
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hexaphenylbenzene said:
i've seen a lot of threads discussing usernames, so why not one explaining the funny little picture that tell so much about who you are?
personally, mine is just because i've been in love with the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared series for a long time, and Red Guy is certainly the only really relatable character.

so come on, tell me about yourself.
It is just one of my favorite simple pieces I have done. I also wanted my profile picture to be simple idk why but I wanted to.
My current one is a picture of me and Todd Haberkorn (the English dub voice actor for characters such as Natsu from Fairy Tail, Ling from FMAB, Death the Kid, Hikaru from OHSHC, etc.). I was at an anime convention recently and had the opportunity to meet him, and we took this incredibly special picture together. xD
It's a curtain. With the crown of the Fire Lord on it (A:tLA).

It's all based on a typo in a really crappy but really hilarious comic called How I Became Yours.

Anyone who wants to read it, be warned: It's chock full of typos, lazy juxtaposition, lazy art, and some of the most frustrating characters ever made, even considering how tLoK alters how things work. To make a drinking game out of this is considered a form of Cruel and Unusual Punishment in twelve states.
Ironically, it was just the first/most recent picture on my desk tip, so i picked it simply to have an icon haha, i'll probably go and change it at a later point
Mine is Juliet from Fairy Tail. She's a very minor character, basically a one-off villain. She never even really stood out to me, but this facial expression was too good to pass up.

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