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Fantasy Exorcists vs. Ghosts Character Sheets


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello hello, exorcists and ghosts alike! Welcome to the official character sheet page! Magnesia is delighted to have you! Before you embark on your wonderful journey, let's cover a few ground rules:

1. READ THE RULES (of course)
2. Before roleplaying, please fill out the character sheet and wait for my approval.
3. After approval, you may begin however you like
4. There's no minimum amount of words, so feel free to express yourself in as many, or as little, words as you want
5. Of course, I don't tolerate bullying or any form of hate. If I even get a whiff of it, you will be punished
6. No OP characters. Your ocs have to be beatable. I'll decide whether or not it's acceptable (and possibly a select few, if anyone wants to help)
7. When it comes to battles, please try to be mindful that your oc isn't indestructible. I'll silently oversee battles to see if you all can handle this. If not, I'll come up with a system
8. Last but not least, have fun!

I'll post these rules again when I create the actual roleplay page, so don't worry about memorizing them. Moving on to introductions! Magnesia doesn't allow randos. You have to have some form of ID, but I prefer this form:

Character Sheet

(For Exorcists)




Occupation (professional exorcist, exorcist in training):

Rank (only for pros):

Appearance (preferably a picture, but text descriptions are fine too):



Background (optional):

(For Ghosts)

Human Name:

Ghost Name:

Age (before death):

Rank (for all ghosts):




Cause of Death:

If I think of anything else to include in the character sheet, I'll update it. For now, this will be enough! Now, I'll move on to ranks. Exorcist and ghost rankings range from D-A. Students are automatically D rank. Professionals start at Rank C and work their way up to Rank A. I will allow a select few to be Rank A (this includes those that help out). Ghost rankings all start at D, but progress depending on danger level. So, the deadlier you are, the higher your rank. For the time being, ghosts will all start at Rank D unless I say otherwise. If you still have questions about all this, please let me know! And welcome to Magnesia!

Just gonna drop this here....OOC
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Name: Aries Regulus Huxley

Sex: does it matter? (Male)

Age: 36

Occupation: professional exorcist

Rank: B










Weapons: TBD

Personality: TBD

Background: TBD

Human Name: Nikola Makarov

Ghost Name:

Age (before death):

Rank (for all ghosts):




Cause of Death:
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Name: Aries Regulus Huxley

Sex: does it matter? (Male)

Age: 36

Occupation: professional exorcist

Rank: B

Appearance: (animated or realistic?)

Weapons: TBD

Personality: TBD

Background: TBD

Human Name: Nikola Makarov

Ghost Name:

Age (before death):

Rank (for all ghosts):




Cause of Death:
(it can be either one, I don't wanna limit people to one thing. So, you choose whether it's animated or realistic)
(For Exorcists)

Name: Evelyn Monroe



Occupation (professional exorcist, exorcist in training):
Professional Exorcist

Rank (only for pros):

Appearance (preferably a picture, but text descriptions are fine too):


Phantom Double Pistols

Personality: Evelyn has a close set a friends and rarely ever lets anyone else in. She tends to take everything seriously and is often described as humorless. Which is true, she has never laughed. Evelyn goes back and forth between being a professional exorcist and teaching the exorcists in training. Beware if you ever get on her bad side. She shows no mercy. If you happen to cross her path, take caution.

Background (optional): Evelyn comes from a small rich family. Her younger sister is part of the exorcists in training program (ETP). Her parents are as strict as can be, which brings out her sister's rebellious streak. Between that and ghosts, Evelyn pretty much has her hands full. When will she ever relax?


(For Ghosts)

Human Name: Arthur Bersford

Ghost Name:
The Whispering Reaper

Age (before death):

Rank (for all ghosts):



Voice Mimicry- Allows to perfectly imitate others' voices
Body Possession- Self explanatory
Energy Absorption- Self explanatory

Extremely dangerous, only ranks B-A should confront him

Cause of Death:
Screenshot 2024-09-17 105516.png

Name: Hiroto Sakemura

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Occupation: Student, Exorcist-In-Training

Weapons: Ofuda, Twin Blades

Personality: Hiroto is a quiet and skilful boy. Although his figure is fragile, he can make out their abilities and a strategy quickly. Hiroto is a fast learner and is eager to learn the ropes of exorcism.

Background: Hiroto came from a small, isolated village. He was always determined to protect his peers and had a strong sense of justice and protection. He had classes in his house with the chief of the village to talk to spirits and martial arts. While practicing martial arts, an exorcist used a spell to exorcise a spirit nearby, cutting some of trees. He was amazed at this showcase of esorcism and decided to learn how to do exorcism as well. With the permission of his village, he left the village to become an exorcist.
View attachment 1185653

Name: Hiroto Sakemura

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Occupation: Student, Exorcist-In-Training

Weapons: Ofuda, Twin Blades

Personality: Hiroto is a quiet and skilful boy. Although his figure is fragile, he can make out their abilities and a strategy quickly. Hiroto is a fast learner and is eager to learn the ropes of exorcism.

Background: Hiroto came from a small, isolated village. He was always determined to protect his peers and had a strong sense of justice and protection. He had classes in his house with the chief of the village to talk to spirits and martial arts. While practicing martial arts, an exorcist used a spell to exorcise a spirit nearby, cutting some of trees. He was amazed at this showcase of esorcism and decided to learn how to do exorcism as well. With the permission of his village, he left the village to become an exorcist.
Awesome! Approved :33:
Can I just remove the sex part then? I could slap in Aries' pronouns, Aries' literally loathes being referred to as a guy or girl
Human Name:
Cye Velistora
Ghost Name:
The Shrouded Phantom
Age (before death): 22

Rank (for all ghosts): D

Illusion Creation: They can manipulate light in a way to create illusions that trick a persons sense of sight, being able to create illusions or make the Enviromint look different than what it really is, create or even cast a illusion on themselves or others to make them seem invisible or look different.
Flight: They can fly and move around in way that makes it seem that gravity has no effect on them.

Dangerous/passive/spectator: Spectator but can easily become Dangerous if ticked off.

Cause of Death: Stabbed to death.
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Human Name:
Cye Velistora
Ghost Name:
The Shrouded Phantom
Age (before death): 22

Rank (for all ghosts): D

View attachment 1185766
Illusion Creation: They can manipulate light in a way to create illusions that trick a persons sense of sight, being able to create illusions or make the Enviromint look different than what it really is, create or even cast a illusion on themselves or others to make them seem invisible.
Flight: They can fly and move around in way that makes it seem that gravity has no effect on them.

Dangerous/passive/spectator: Spectator but can easily become Dangerous if ticked off.

Cause of Death: Stabbed to death.
Love it! Approved! :33:

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