Exalted Media

Tiger Warrior Training Technique & Legendary Warrior Curriculum, This all Happened in a Week I swear!... OK OK it took a Month! Sheesh!


Night cast in the streets of Chiaroscuro, Complete with 3 Dot Monkey Familiar, Way too many uses of Dodge charms including a perfect one at 1:35, a few Athletics charms including Feather foot style at 1:12 and 2:11, foe-Vaulting method at 1:39(Waddaya mean that's not how that works?), Larceny Flawless Pickpocketing technique at 0:20 and Perfect mirror (Or maybe Easily overlooked Presence method) at 1:05, even some Presence from Apu, using Majestic Radiant Presence at 1:46... and the guards using 1 Will to cancel it 3 seconds later...


And here's what happens when you step into a Freehold! if the Genie of the lamp isn't a Raksha I don't know what is!


Man Disney is a real goldmine of Exalted like actions... must find more... (Also sorry for double posting)
One of the best inspiration for heroic mortal I've ever seen. The final duel of Sword of the Stranger :


While there have been mostly videos, I did say images should also be posted in the starter post. In the spirit of that, here is Commander Shepard as a Solar Exalt:

Darnit, somebody already posted RWBY and Azureus Rising. But okay.

Here we have two Night Castes, each favouring Melee.


Here we have a Sidereal fixing Fate with temporal Shenanigan.


This is what happens when the Exalted Amazon Brigade cuts loose.


Here... Well, obviously this needs to be included.


This is how badass your Soulsteel Caste wishes he was.

And this is how a modern Sorceror deals with skyships.
Everyone loves Monty Oum around these parts, so how about some of his older work?

Here we see a group of Infernals, Alchemicals and Sidereals, along with their DB soldiers trying to take down a Solar Exalt. He starts things off with Panoptic Fusion Discipline (bullet time) and only goes up from there


And here we have two Sidereal gunmen vs a whole lot of non-Exalted gunmen. The results are predictable.


And finally, two high essence Solar Dawns in their Celestial Battle Armor vs each other and a whole bunch of Fairfolk.

Now, because it's not ALL about over the top killer attacks and ultra flashy acrobatics: I present an Assembly of performance based Alchemicals using their Charisma Augmentations and various social charms to maximum extent to get the poor folk of Creation to like them! (and eventually lure them back home to grant extra souls to Feed their god. let's face it these guys are getting high enough clarity to do something like that, despite their perfectly harmonious voices... or perhaps that's an other symptom?)


Now that I think about it... this next video doesn't have much to do with Exalted... but the song itself couldn't be more relevant!


A Night Caste vs a 2nd Circle Demon. Charms used: Glorious Solar Saber, Heavenly Guardian Defense, Iron Whirlwind Attack, Hungry Tiger Technique, One Weapon, Two Blows, Fire and Stone Strike


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I've been looking for some reference to a Lunar Fighting for a while now... and I've finally found one: Splinter while fighting against the Shredder in the 2012 cartoon... unfortunately there are no clips of just that fight that I can find... but trust me when I say this it fits perfectly... at the start Splinter is fighting like just any other Martial artist (ok a very competent one but still just MAs) until "something" happens (Will not spoil what) and then he just goes "screw Martial Arts, I'm going full Rat on his Spikey ass" (AKA Relentless Lunar Fury) and then proceeds to give him the butt-whopping of his life, sufficient to say when I saw that I thought "This is it, this is the Example of Lunar Badassitude I've been looking for"... I'll keep looking over the coming weeks for a version of just that fight to post here as soon as I do, if anyone else finds one first or even makes one (I have no Idea how) Please don't wait for me, share the love! In the mean time the fight is Spread out throughout episode 26: the Showdown pt 2 for those of you who are interested... sorry I couldn't link a video here :( ...
Been a while, so let me post this and it comes with a soundtrack:

Can anyone say Infernal?
A prime Example of Exalted Warfare, sorcery, Magi-tech and over-exaggerated skill with weapons.... oh and also included an Example of why Should NOT TRY TO SUMMON THE KUKLA! (Because Technicaly you can do it just like any other elemental with either Thaumaturgy or Emerald Circle Sorcery, and since it doesn't have any servants it can't delegate the summons... scary thought... Then again like it's entry says : "Summoning: Are you Nuts? you're Nuts, Aren't you?") and so what if the dragon's appearance is a "bit" off, it's still a Ginormous Dragon!

Oh, would you look, someone made an Elder Twilight angry...angry enough to trigger his Limit Break.

oh ya, that scene! that one scene was pretty much the first thing I ever saw about Doctor Who, and it was what first got me interested in it. I remember thinking something along the lines of "holy crap is this guy ever Cruel with his godlike powers!" ( I had not seen what they did to deserve it at the time)... Nice to see it here...
This whole episode focuses on a solar exalted Crafter but what I want to show is around 17.55 :tongue: Couldn't find a cropped one so just posting whole episodes link
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Greenstalker said:
This whole episode focuses on a solar exalted Crafter but what I want to show is around 17.55 :tongue: Couldn't find a cropped one so just posting whole episodes link
JayTee said:
I'm 99% sure that link goes against RPdom's terms of service. Can I get a ruling, @ The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard ?
Sorry. JayTee is right. The only legal places to link anime from are Hulu and Crunchyroll or any other actual licensed video site allowed to display anime episodes since they allow embedding of their videos, and I suppose youtube to an extent since they are the ones that have to deal with the legal actions.

No other direct linking to anime is allowed on RPdom, we'd get an insane amount of trouble if that link just stays there for a while and google indexes it and someone where to find it and report us.
Greenstalker said:
Sorry it was my bad I thought that site had license since it shows both raw and subbed versions without restriction I will try to find a clip instead of full episode.
Found a clip that shows what I wanted and a little more.

Solar Crafter using Shattering Grasp

Its no problem and the video is neat :) !

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