Exalted - Mandate Restored

Starting Location

  • North-South of Dehennen Mountains

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  • North-The Great Ice

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  • The West

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  • East-Hundred Kingdoms

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  • East-Southeastern Jungle

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  • South-Coastal City-State

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  • South-Desert

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blessed Isle-Along the Serpentine River

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Allos after meeting with the 2 Solars and the Fire Caste and being witness to the last hour of the leader of the bronze faction has much he wants to do. If he is to go into creation and aid these exalts he needs to be prepared.

1pt (2 dot background Mentor):Allos requested a Mentor from Ura to study under, knowing creation is full of unforeseen threats and being able to notice them on the threads and the omens that come at us everyday would further him to protecting not only himself but the exalts that are fated to cure the solar curse a Grand end indeed to be part of. under his Mentor he learned the art of noticing omens of things to come and seeing them for what they truly are, as well as generally paying more attention to details that are important in the world rather than being overstimulated by various details. His now acute awareness of his surroundings were put forward to aid his aim and cause him to be more helpful to those that use ranged attacks.

1pt (2 dot background Backing 2 Sidereals): One man does not make an army and with the end of the Bronze factions leader things much change. Pushing forward that change is once again part of his duty as a chosen of endings. Performing Favors for other Sidereals and trying to bring about that change has furthered his standing as a whole with his piers and despite Optimum strength of future Passing and the bronze faction still being active, Allos strives towards changes that shall better Creation and the exalts, for he knows the change that is to come and Creation shall be ready to receive it.

2pt (3 dot background Backing cult of the Illuminated): The Cult of the Illuminated is one of the most powerful tools Allos can think of, necessary allies if the change that both leaders of the Sidereals have been planning and moving towards the one passed on to him with the dying breaths of the leader of the opposing faction. Not everything can be said obviously and the Cult would accept the help from a long standing Gold faction member, but their help in time to come will prove essential, they shall obviously be the pool of exalts to leader us into the new age.
During the downtime, each character will have 4 points of Actions to perform. This represents what you have spent your time doing

1 pt

Retrain your charms/skills

Gain 1-2 background dots

Gain a nonmechanical advantage


Gain 3 background dots

Change Personal Dynamics (build alliances, resolve problems, fight battles, etc.)


Gain 4 background dots

Change Regional Power (become warlord, conquer a non-Scheherazade city, acquire a powerful demense, etc.)

When you have spent your four points, post here. Say what you spent them on and give a one paragraph "stunt" explaining how and why your character did that.

If your intended actions aren't listed above, contact me and I'll give you a point cost
Octavia spent her time training for the coming battles, ensuring that her finances were all in order and having five children. Here are the basics, and they will be fleshed out a bit later.


Retrained charms. After the events in Heaven and Chejop Kejack's revelation Octavia decides improve her cpabilities. She becomes a Sorceror's apprentice under Mnemon Oria, and Cathak Reinen tutors her in the arts of war. Neither of these tutors know of the great ordeal their pupil will soon face.


Increased resources from 3 to 5. Octavia was the beneficiary of her Great Uncle Claudius's will. He left her with a small share in a large trading company, 2 vineyards and a large amount of farmland on the Blessed Isle


Increasing artifact from 3 to 4. While on the Blessed Isle attending to poor Uncle Claudius's estate she received un update to her arsenal from the House Elders, in order to better secure the House's interest in the region.
2 PT

Psychological problems had embedded themselves into every aspect of Trillin's psyche causing certain erratic behavior. If the Solar circle were to accomplish their impossible goal they would need every ally at their finest! The Resplendent Architect would not stand for a handicapped... Ally. A year would be spent counseling the traumatized Lunar, comforting him and explaining to him that the evil that once plagued his life would never trouble him again.

2 PT

The circle would need allies, and so the Architect began traveling once more to, none other than the home of the Silver Pack. Relations were hard to spark, however using his silver tongue and quick wits, he managed to wrest some influence into his hands. There were many expeditions the Architect took part in, all of which he was brought along as a.. Librarian of sorts.

AMBUSH! Fair folk and their ilk swarmed the expedition, singling off Architect from his guardians. The Solar fought valiantly but with his lack of combat expertise was easily overcome. His remaining mortal eye was ripped clean out, and his arm sliced cleanly off his body. His death seemed to have been assured until the Architect saw a single cockroach on his assailant's shoulder. The remaining details are too graphic to describe.
4 PT

Now that the boy is back from heaven Raiz has some time to work on expanding his wealth in influence. Using all of his resources, connections, and wits to finally move himself up in the ranks of the Guild. By attaining factor-ship Riaz is one step closer to completing part 1 of his final goal. Money is always a means to an end.

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