Exalted - Mandate Restored

Starting Location

  • North-South of Dehennen Mountains

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • North-The Great Ice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The West

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • East-Hundred Kingdoms

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • East-Southeastern Jungle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • South-Coastal City-State

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • South-Desert

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blessed Isle-Along the Serpentine River

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I have work mon-fri until 6:30. Allowing for delays, the earliest I could commit to a city-gen session is 7PM eastern any day next week but thursday.
I could maybe make it around 4:15 PDT assuming traffic doesn't suck too much. More likely 4:30 is a safer bet...
Oooh an exalted game that I haven't heard about. I have two characters ideas that might be interesting for a game. The first is a power hungry dynast who has been sent to a small satrapy by her family in order to prove herself to the house Elders. The second is a gold faction sidereal who is a prolific artiste and enjoys making designer destinies (will make sense when I stunt it).
Based on the way things are going at work today I may be a tad late, but hopefully not overmuch. (and of course don't wait for me to get started, I'm flexible and such) I roughed out a No Moon Lunar, but I wasn't sure how to balance things for gameplay so that will probably be one of the bigger questions I have. How much personal level combat vs. nation building to build.
Character draft up in the dropbox. Myra the lunar.. I'll think of a proper exalted name for her eventually.
Sorry, forgot to mention that everyone gets to use Solar BP costs in addition to the Solar xp table printed above. you have 3BP left over, Feantari, due to the price reduction.

I'll write up the things we decided and created yesterday and post them here in more detail soon.

The city of Scheherazade is built partially over the ocean, along the Southern shore. Three great houses hold sway here, each competing fiercely for dominance behind a thin veneer of civility. The city's wealth comes mostly from trade, both overland and sea, supplemented by fertile fields. Long ago, the trade god Medici blessed the city to prosper. Although the benediction has since faded, Medici's semidivine descendants comprise one of the three Houses, a fact they use to their great advantage.

Doge Giacomo Cassius is the most powerful man in Scheherazade. House Cassius controls the docks and owns most of the warehouses that store goods being shipped through the city. This has made them incredibly wealthy compared to the other two Houses, which Giacomo used as leverage to secure his position as Doge. Although the other Houses plot against him constantly, his brilliant, scheming mind has allowed House Cassius to remain on top for the past two decades.


House Borgia is the spiritual core of the city. They operate the Immaculate temples and sponsor the festival days for local gods in exchange for favor, a role that House Medici has been trying to usurp for generations. House Borgia is lead by Anallese Borgia, a zealot seemingly obsessed with martial matters. Her devotion to the arts of war have done little to bolster her reputation in a city governed by wealth and political intrigue, but the stalwart loyalty of her House and a mind capable of finding and exploiting even the smallest weakness have allowed Anallese to maintain her house's position.


The smallest of the Great Houses, Medici is blessed with the blood of a God. While not all of their members possess great power, every Medici noble is capable of channeling Essence. Their ability to shift the flows of trade and commerce has made Medici second only to Cassius in wealth. House Medici controls the banks and gambling halls, in addition to running several illicit shrines. House Medici has been lead by Leonardo Medici, the grandson of the original Medici, for the past five hundred years, although his time is quickly coming to an end. An aged man, Leonardo Medici is nearly lost to dementia and obsession over finding the key to immortality.


The Doge is effectively a constitutional monarch, "advised" by a council of three. The Doge is selected from among the Great Houses, with the other two holding seats on the council. The Realm's representative also has a permanent seat on the council. Should the entire council agree, the Doge's decrees can be overturned. In addition to these three key members, the Doge has the right to appoint any number of other advisers, although they do not possess voting power.

There also exists a body of 40 people, elected from the general populace. A 2/3 majority of this Low Council is required to overturn the Doge's decrees. In the even that either council overturns the Doge's rulings, the matter turns over to a general vote, with each member of the High Council possessing 10 votes, and the Doge counting for 15. A simple plurality is needed for most matters. High Council members are appointed for arbitrary terms by their House. Low Council members are elected every 5 years.
due to a change in father's day plans, I won't be able to make it at the appointed time this sunday. If everyone is fine with it, we can have the game at 7PM EST this week and resume normal times next week. Otherwise, we'll just need to put the game off one week
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]due to a change in father's day plans, I won't be able to make it at the appointed time this sunday. If everyone is fine with it, we can have the game at 7PM EST this week and resume normal times next week. Otherwise, we'll just need to put the game off one week

I'm up for that!
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]due to a change in father's day plans, I won't be able to make it at the appointed time this sunday. If everyone is fine with it, we can have the game at 7PM EST this week and resume normal times next week. Otherwise, we'll just need to put the game off one week

I'll be there.
On that sad note, it seems we've lost at least 2 of our members. So, unless Kaza objects I believe this game is now open to new peoplez. Right? O.o

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