Exalted Achievements!

Thorn Darkblade

I know lots of things. Lots of things...
In the theme of video game goodness, let's come up with a list of Achievements. Think XBox 360, or WoW, or whatever...anything works! Here's a few of mine:

IT'S OVER 9!!!!: Achieve Essence 10

It Slices, It Dices:Achieve Melee 5

A Cunning One:Achieve Linguistics 5

Show Me the Money!:Achieve Resources 5

Whatever That Is, It Better Involve Keeping Your Pants On:Master Snake Style

High Times: Try 5 or more exotic drugs available in Creation

I Can Stop Whenever I Want To!: Play a round of The Games of Divinity

Now It's ON: Force the Unconquered Sun to abandon one of his Virtues.

Brawl Was More Fun: Master one of the 'Hero' Styles

Gender-Bender: Seduce the same person as two different genders as a Lunar

Yippee Kyay Mother Fucker: Beat a foe while at -4 Wound Penalty

And a few made by some friends:

Love the Shiny:Obtain an Orichalcum Artifact

And For My Next Trick...:Learn the First Circle of Sorcery

Power Manifest:Flare to Iconic for the first time

It's All in the Wrist:Achieve Thrown 5

Enter the Sidereal:Achieve Martial Arts 5

The End of an Era:Bear witness to the Usurpation

Chicks Dig Giant Robots:Obtain a Warstrider

Regicide:Slay a Green Sun Prince

I'll Take a Potato Chip...: Perform two actions on the same tick.

...AND I'LL EAT IT!: Succeed on both actions.

I'm the Exalt Here: As a heroic mortal, defeat a Celestial Exalted.

Break Wind: Kill Adorjan.

Ergo Ipso Facto: Beat the Ebon Dragon at social combat.

Friends and Lovers: Reunite with your Lunar Mate

Domestic Abuse: Do lethal damage to your Lunar Mate.

For the Record: Kill an enemy with a thrown attack while incapacitated.

Mine's Bigger: Seduce the Scarlet Empress.

Immigrant Song: Surive a run in with the Locust Crusade

Let's here some more! I might edit this first post to a master list if it gets big enough
With Strange Aeons Even Death May Die: Defeat the Neverborn

BOOM, DICKSHOT!: Master First Pulse Style
...way too much fun with this.

Straight On 'Til Morning: Discover Gnosis and Gaia in the Faraway

Desperate Measures: Get drugs from a Beast of Resplendent Liquid...the hard way.

...I'd have to feel my way out: Attend a Cynis Orgy

BARBARA STREISAND!: Get a shot off with the Sword of Creation

Where Everybody Knows Your Shame: Visit The Red Whorehouse

Like I've Never Heard That One Before: Destroy Gem.
Queen to E4, Checkmate: Win the Games of Divinity

Avatar of War: As a Dawn, master ALL Dawn Favored abilities.

Kung Fu Jesus: As a Zenith, attain a 5 rating in the following areas: Martial Arts, Performance, Presence.

Kung Fu Zombie Jesus: As a Midnight, attain a 5 rating in the following areas: Martial Arts, Performance, Presence.

Kung Fu Antichrist: As a Malefactor, attain a 5 rating in the following areas: Martial Arts, Performance, Presence.
Okay, since I'm not the most experienced with video game acheivements, allow me to be the first one claiming completion of some of these instead of posing new ones.

It Slices, It Dices:Achieve Melee 5

- On main characters and followers

High Times: Try 5 or more exotic drugs available in Creation

- Got an alchie in our group. We make our own exotic healing drugs.

Gender-Bender: Seduce the same person as two different genders as a Lunar

- Um, yeah. Strait Haltan Lunar who's only male human alternate form is a Linowan Noble.

-- Also, custom flaw on his wife requiring sex. It was rather not an option. :P

Love the Shiny:Obtain an Orichalcum Artifact

- Does it have to be all oricalcum?

Power Manifest:Flare to Iconic for the first time

- While using the capstone charm of the water dragon style no less

Enter the Sidereal:Achieve Martial Arts 5

- If I ever make a non-sorcerous character lacking this it will be a strange strange day.

I'll Take a Potato Chip...: Perform two actions on the same tick.

- Regularly

...AND I'LL EAT IT!: Succeed on both actions.

- Just about as regularly. Dex 5 MA 5 lunar using a two attack fierce flurry is one of my favorite things for fighting low to medium powered badies.

Friends and Lovers: Reunite with your Lunar Mate

- Does it work the other way around?
Much love to Thorn for posting mine before I got off my lazy ass and made an account. Those that appear here and in Thorn's are, obviously, mine.

Love The Shiny: Get your first Orichalcum artifact

And For My Next Trick...: Become a spell-caster.

Power Manifest: Go Full Iconic for the first time.

It's All In The Wrist: Attain Thrown 5

Enter The Siderial: Attain Martial Arts 5

The End of An Era (First Age Expansion): Bear witness to the Ursurpation

Chicks Dig Giant Robots: Obtain your first Warstrider

Regicide: Slay a Green Sun Prince

Red Light! GREEN LIGHT!: Slay Malfeas

I Know Kung Fu: Learn a Siderial Martial Art


Stick The Dismount: Attain Athletics 5

Mighty Is The Arm: Attain Strength 5

Kung Fu Jesus: As a Zenith, attain a 5 rating in the following areas: Martial Arts, Performance, Presence.

Avatar of War: As a Dawn, master ALL Dawn Favored abilities.

Zen and the Art of Manse Reapir: Master any Craft ability

"Not even Fate (or Authorial-fiat) can protect you!": Assassinate Chejop Kejak

Falling With Style: Activate and fly a First Age airship

Friends and Lovers: Reunite with your Lunar Mate

I Will Follow: Find your Solar Mate as a Lunar

Here I Stand...: Pick a fight you cannot win...

Unbowed and Unbroken!: And win anyway.

Immigrant Song: Surive a run in with the Locust Crusade

Communication Breakdown: Destabilize the Imperial Manse

Keep Yourself Alive: Evade the Wyld Hunt

Father To Son: Find the resting place of your First Age self.

Princes Of The Universe: Exalt as a Chosen Of The Sun

I Just Shot Chejop In The Face!: Acquire a prayer piece

They Speak Rivetounge In What?: Meet someone who doesn't speak ANY language the party understands

Old School Badass: Master Solar Hero Style

What Am I Supposed To Use, Harsh Language?: Run out of ammunition for ALL your ranged weapons in one engagement.

The Score Of The Ages: Break into the Bureau of Destiny undetected.

I Get Paid. I ALWAYS Get Paid.: Chase down the contact that stole your share.

Machinehead: Attain Craft Magitech 5

Whiny Siderial Bitches: Break The Great Curse

He's...a snack item?: Defeat the First and Forsaken Lion

That's Gonna Leave A Mark: Get a permanent scar as a Celestial Exalted.

This Is Gonna Suck: Block all strikes in flurry greater than four attacks using a Perfect Defense.

Must Go Faster, MUST GO FASTER: Avoid an AoE attack using a Perfect Dodge.

Clever Girl: Counter-ambush a Lunar preparing to ambush.

Fasten Your Seatbelts: Stage an Assault on Juggernaught

Distress Signal: Break the Eight Seals

Hold Your Color: Fight and win against one of your own as a Solar Exalted.

Sword Dance: Master ALL Melee Charms as a Solar

Battlecry: Go to war against the Realm

Have Daiklave, Will Travel: Accept a Quest that requires travel from one Elemental Direction to another (i.e. South to North, East to West, North to Blessed Isle, etc.)
Heavy Artillery: Design, build and use a rapid firing trebuchet that launches Earth Elementals at your enemies.

(I have this one....)

Midnight Sunrise: Use the Five Metal Shrike's Godspear on Thorns.

Inevitability, I Haz It...: Use the Five Metal Shrike's Godspear on Gem.....

Sunfire Squadron: Start mass-producing fully-sentient Five Metal Shrikes.

There and Back Again: Using any combination of Charms, spells and artifacts traven from Gem to Icehome and back, just to get enough ice for a dozen banana daquiris.

Power Behind the Throne: Take over a major power in Creation (The Realm, The Guild), but manage it from behind proxies and frontmen.

This Far and No Further: Turn aside Mount Mostath as it's moving.

They See Me Rollin'...: Use Ride Charms to make Mount Mostath your riding beast.

They Hatin'!: Use Wind-Racing Infusion on you Mount Mostath riding beast to leave immense tracks all over Creation!

How Hard Can It Be: Design and build a Level 5 Magitech artifact without the use of Charms.

All This Awesome In A Little Shiny Box: Use the Soul Seal spell on a fellow Solar.

I Do Not Think That Means What I Think You Think It Means: Use UMI to redefine a word, phrase or term for a whole society.

I Can Do That, But Better!: Perform and complete a three-dice stunt that plays directly off from another player's three-dice stunt.

Captain Hesperus
Ones my players have already earned:

A Gem By Any Other Name - Leave a city a smouldering ruin. Minus points for unoriginality if it's Gem.

(City of the Steel Lotus in my players' case.)

You Fired A What Out Of A What? - Use a Solar-tier Exalt as ammunition.

(When faced with a Realm Advanced Wargalley armed with a giant steam cannon, what should one do? Fire a Dawn Caste so he lands on the barrel nuts-first, is what.)

Oh Like You Didn't See That Coming - Discover, on leaving Yu-Shan, that the Calibration Gate now leads to the opposite side of Creation from where you started.

(Ha ha ha ha ha. :evil: )

Yeah, Erm, Let's Not - Discover an ancient evil sleeping deep beneath a city and leave it the hell alone.

(A ridiculously massive hekatonkhire in one of the Forbidden Tombs beneath Sijan.)

Pattern Spiders Union Send A Threatening Letter - Score more than 30 successes on a single, non-extended action.

(A ludicrously massive attempt at a prayer roll to the UCS, involving 6 Solar Exalts, 2 minor gods, multiple sacrifices, and an 80 foot wide mandala, and all to cleanse the unclean taint left by a battle with Infernals. The Office of the Most High responded with a hearty "fuck yeah.")
Another Mask! - Find out what's under the Emissary's Mask.

Giant Black Phallic Symbol - Marry the Ebon Dragon

Giant Robots Powered By Courage - Engage in a fistfight with the Daystar.
No love for the Terrestrials? I'll fix that . . .

By your powers combined . . . Use a cooperative charm that involves all five aspects.

I am Captain Planet! Become able to use all five aspects types without elemental surcharge (via Immaculate MA styles or First Age medicine charms).

And I'll form the head! Combine multiple Warstriders together into a single being. Different achievement for Alchemicals doing the same.

Make my monster grow! Grow to 'Mass Combat stat' size. Usually Lunar or Alchemical.

All Seven Dragonballs Summon/Release Kukla

For you are crunchy, and good with ketchup Come under investigation or other trouble from an Elemental Dragon Censor.

By the power of the Moon! Lead a team of Dragon-Blooded as a Celestial Exalt.

Anathema Hunter RobinWork with a team of Dragon-blooded without them knowing you are a Celestial Exalt.

Good for now, more later once I look up more good lines.
Thinking of categorizing these in a master list, first post. With credit to the appropriate authors, of course, ^-^

Thinking the cats should be:

Attributes & Abilities



Mass Combat

Social Combat



Type/Caste Specific
Background/Craft: Put on your Game Face Wear a Mask-type artifact, preferably made by the mask lady in Nexus.

I could buy and sell your sorry ass! Attain legendary Resources, or Salary 4/Wealth 4; and abuse said riches.

By the power of Greyskull! Attune to an Artifact Weapon.

Plot: You killed my father, prepare to die Fulfill an epic motivation involving vengeance.

Tonight we dine in Hell! Die in epic battle and/or fulfilling an epic motivation to defend others. Bonus points if done against demons/forces of Malfeas.

Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the Gun. Settling a plotline without doing the 'right' or 'wrong' thing morally.

The only thing worse than deicide Slay a Primordial/Yozi, or create a new Neverborn.

Fierce Deity's Mask Take both the Emissary's Mask and the Mask of Winter's masks, and trade them to the Mask Lady in Nexus.

It's a Trap! Sleep with a Lunar when they are the opposite gender as normal.

Your sister is hot! Sleep with one of the Five Maidens.

Gotta Catch 'em all! Summon one of every demon or elemental in the game.

Poke-volve into . . . Summon related First Circle, Second Circle and Third Circle Demons consecutively. (bonus if using earlier circle to pull in the greater one.)

Until you stop being Anathema, you're not going anywhere Have one campaign where you never leave the city. (Burn Notice reference)

Attribute/Ability: The Good, The Bad, and you Attain Appearance 0.

Invincible Sword Princess Obtain a full 13 die pool by having Dexterity 5, Combat Ability 5 and an applicable +3 specialty

Combat: It's just a flesh wound Take seven health levels of damage in one round, or get a limb amputated, and keep fighting. AKA survive a (merely) mortal wound.

There is one thing you should know, I am not left handed Go through five rounds of combat taking an off-hand penalty or pulling your blows.

Social Combat: Never face a Sicilian when death is on the line! Trick someone into killing themselves. (when normally an unacceptable order)

This is my BOOMSTICK! End a social combat by going into regular combat.
Well, You Hit SOMETHING: Botch a Melee Roll

"I GOT A FOUR!": Botch a Stealth Roll

Heh, you said 'Duty': Botch a roll to command or inspire combatants.

Hope You Can Hold Your Breath: Botch a Sail roll.

Lawnmower: Kill three or more extras in a single action.

Soulmower: Kill three or more essence-users in a single action.

Godmower: Kill three or more exalts and/or gods in a single action.

And Then I Found Ten Dollars: Unintentionally earn Resources 3 or greater.

Meanwhile Back at the Ranch: Be forced to sit through an ST referencing events happening someplace you JUST left.

And That Was the First Time I Got Crabs: Contract a magical disease or illness.

And That Was the Second Time I Got Crabs: Concieve a child.

And That Was the Third Time I Got Crabs: Create a new race.

...Which was the Last Time ANYONE Got Crabs: Destroy the entire population of a major city.

...But that's not the Point of this Story: Complete a side-quest.

I can see my House from Here: Use Mountain Leaping Technique

Smile for the Camera: Be revealed as Anathemea by your Anima becoming suspiciously noticable.

The Princess You're Looking for is in Another Castle: Be told about an NPC with Resources 5 by another NPC with Resources 5

Happy: Botch a Temperance Roll to go 'enjoy' yourself when you'd rather not.

Grumpy: 'Succeed' a Valor Roll to get into a fight you'd rather avoid.

Sleepy: Botch a Conviction Roll to avoid doing something your character SHOULD go do.

Sneezy: Succeed a Compassion Roll to go out of your way and care for someone you'd rather leave alone.

Bashful: Botch a Valor Roll to avoid calling attention to yourself.

Dopey: Succeed on 'knowing' the answer to a Lore/Occult Roll due to Past Lives or any factor other than your Lore/Occult dots.

Doc: Succeed a Medicine Roll without dots in Medicine.
Pig Pile!!!: Kill a Celestial-level Exalt through a combination of high altitude, a successful Clinch and a Perfect Soak. (In my case, an Abyssal from a Necrotech skyship using Dragon Coil Technique and Adamant Skin Technique)

Doctor Goodlovin': Start with Temperance 1 and a Derangement of Sex Addiction.

Can't We Just Sit Down And Talk About This?: Start with Valor 1 and the Code of Honor (Non-violence) Flaw.

I'll Do What You Think...: Start with Conviction 1 and the Motivation 'Be the Ultimate Lackey'.

I Eat Puppies For Breakfast: Start with Compassion 1, the Greater Curse Flaw at 5 and the Deliberate Cruelty Virtue Flaw.

Ah Cannae Break Th' Laws O' Physics....: Intentionally create an artifact, biogenesis creature or Charm that breaks the setting.

Hand Of The Pimp-God: Break the will of an equal or lesser powered Exalt through a combination of physical force, social-fu and bad-ass fashion.

Captain Hesperus
Tin Man:Obtain a Green Iron Heart

Cowardly Lion:Botch a Valor roll and abandon your companions

And Your Little Dog Too!:Lose a familiar due to malevolent actions

I'm Melting! I'm Melting!:Destroy a foe with Water of Chaos or a similar Wyld substance
Whoa That's Heavy!: Pass a Strength roll with a difficulty of 4 or greater.

1.21 Gigawatts?!: Cast a spell or activate an artifact with a cost great enough to serve as the story's centerpiece.

Eighty-Eight Miles Per Hour!: Travel by very rapid magical means, of a speed greater than that of the spell Stormwind Rider.

Where we're going we won't need ...roads...: Accomplish Eighty-Eight Miles Per Hour! while flying.

I'd like you to meet our boys: Watch as the antagonist slips out of the room, leaving you to deal with his cronies.

Jules...: Have said cronies introduce themselves in a suitably cliched way.

...and Verne...: Defeat aforementioned cliched cronies in an equally cliched manner.
Lenasaurus said:
Jules...: Have said cronies introduce themselves in a suitably cliched way.

...and Verne...: Defeat aforementioned cliched cronies in an equally cliched manner.
Jessie...James Could work equally well, depending on your audience :)
My group has already caused Team Rocket to blast off twice. One time via grapple+throw on the same tick as dispelling James's cloud spell, and the other time via hammering them enough that they blew up their own meowth robot (I mean, war-strider) as their escape plan.

It was fun. :P
I'll Be Back: Meet a recurring villain you've previously defeated.

Adversity Makes for...: Team up, either temporarily or permanently, with an antagonist.

...Strange Bedfellows: Seduce and successfully bed said antagonist.

Bells and Rings: Marry your Solar/Lunar mate.

Broken Bells and Snapped Rings: Kill your Solar/Lunar mate after marrying them.

With This Sword...: Craft an artifact weapon.

...I Shall Build A Nation: Solely use an artifact weapon you have crafted for an entire story arc.

Seven Samurai: Be part of a Perfect Circle/Pack/Constellation/Brotherhood.

Death Shall Not Dim My Awesomeness: Die and go on to play your character's Heroic Ghost.

Captain Hesperus
Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the Armies: have at least 50,000 troops under your control at character creation.

(how you achieve that, I'm not saying, figure it out yourself.)

Mr. Lamperouge: conquer all of Creation while using only the "Hypnotic Tongue Technique" Charm.

Row row, fight the power: Successfully defeat the Realm, Chejop Kejak, the Death Lords, the Yozis and the Wyld. in a row, in that order.

Right under their Noses: As an Anathema, disguise yourself as an Immaculate Monk, join a Wyld Hunt and successfully remain within it for a year, without anyone ever suspecting a thing.
Holy Insect!- Master Mantis Style.

Don't Let the Su-un Beat Down Me-e- Master Solar Style

Boy, Is Your Face Purple- Master Violet Bier of Sorrows Style

Now I'm Back on My Feet- Master Tiger Style

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