Exalted 3rd: To Wound the Autumnal City


Oh, she has a bad feeling like this.

All the same, she moves further down the hall, silently and steady. It's... music?

It is music as much as fire is medicine. Atonal and creeping, somehow. It sounds as if a traveling carnival has taken residence somewhere deep inside these halls. An ajar door lies ahead, light spilling forth and shadows blotting the light from time to time. Spectacle and show rage on the other side of those broad teak and brass doors. Sounds like an orchestra in there.

Pirouetting shapes flit by and you see where thick, healthy vines of ivy creep from the room's threshold and into the hall.

Yogo frowned at the sounds of the storm. While he was willing to let Whisper provide reconnoissance, he was not at all fond of staying outdoors while the thunderstorm roiled it's way towards them. "I'm going in. Getting drenched does not appeal to me in the slightest." He said. "Hopefully, our college will be able to find us in the entryway."

Hand on the Blade-Lash's hilt, she crawls forward and peers through the door. An orchestra? No way an orchestra worth of people got in here without leaving a trail...
Echo's Lament

"Do...do you all hear that?" rasps Echo's Lament. "It sounds like the sea. There are strange goings on, my friends. I agree with Yugo - moving inside seems a prudent move. Particularly if Whisper encounters difficulties. We'll be in a better position to provide assistance should he need it. Standing out here, it seems all we'll accomplish is earning a complete deluge. I'm with Yugo. Storms are always so much more poetic when you're dry." With that, Echo's Lament heads into the building.

Samesh nodded, thumbing some tobacco into his pipe under the meagre shelter of his hat. "Inside the doorway won't hurt. If there's trouble I'd rather face it dry."

He followed.

Braziers in each corner cast a harsh orange light on the scene. A ruin of flesh plays out before your eyes. Somewhere between an orgy and a religious ceremony is taking place in this once grand room, cavernous and echoing with degradation. Dancers with gleaming skin pirouette in joyous rapture to the beat of the music. The entire room is bannered in ivy, all hanging from a gigantic bulb situated on the ceiling. Lightning limns obscured skylights and throws stranger shadows around the cavernous room. Thunder booms in the very foundations.

@Sarky @JayTee @Vanman @Grey

Tattered perfection greets you. Air like an unsealed tomb. As large and impressive a mansion as it is, hardly any gilding. Grand ballroom staircase leading to a broad mezzanine above. Wings and doors and columns and shattered statuary far as the eye can see. The marble flagging the floor looks like it'd be worth ten Manuas. If not the entire marshlands.

Aghast, she retreats from the room. A cult? Yozi worshippers? She had dealt with their ilk before. Whisper steals back toward the entrance, eyes wide. Best to warn her companions.

After a precipitous moment outside, as rain begins to pour in earnest, you catch sight of movement by the front doors, past the portico. They've entered the main hall.

Yugo gave a low whistle at the decaying wealth before him. "A king's ransom. Whoever built this place was wealthy indeed." He said. "For what cause was this place abandoned? The plague is new, but these ruins are old. Whoever left departed long ago."
Echo's Lament

The musician nods at Yugo's words. "Were we to learn the cause for the abandonment, we may go a long way to discover the cause of this plague. Or, that's my theory, anyway. There is no basis in fact for this supposition. Perhaps we will find clues that lead us on a grand investigation." There is a pause. "That's what the stories would have us believe, in any event." There is another pause as Echo's Lament looks around. "I certainly hopes Whisper shows up soon. The tension is becoming close to unbearable. There is strangeness afoot, as I've said before. To sit in this foyer all night is not the story of heroes Chosen by the gods. Shine's admonition of pith when he suggested we explore is pulling at my sense of adventure. Let us do hope Whisper can give us some good leads with which to follow."

She drops down from the second floor. "Speak a demon's name, and she will appear, Echo." She smooths out her cloak.

"We seem to have stumbled onto a cult's nesting ground. They're holding a... colorful rite in the back. We'd best tread carefully. Where the cult treads, the god is not far behind."
Echo's Lament

A strange look crosses Echo's Lament's face before he addresses Whisper. "I've faced demons," the bard says, his voice seeming harsher than usual, "and you're certainly not one such abomination. As for this cult..." Now Echo's Lament's face takes on a look never before seen. His eyes are hard and his jaw is set, tension apparent in the way his hands flex and unflex. "If there is a rogue god here, who better to deal with it than those Chosen to bring merciless strength to those acting without mercy? I hope the god IS there. Then it will see what happens when it strays from its path."

Turning to Whisper, the next comments are directed at her. "What are the numbers involved? Are they armed? Do they seemed poised for battle or revel? Let us speak quickly so we may impose appropriate pressure to relieve this canker."
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Yugo nodded in agreement with Echo. "Let's talk while we walk. The faster we disrupt this, the better. Wicked rituals performed by cultists should be shut down as soon as possible."

"Demons take many forms, Echo's Lament. Surely you should know that." She shrugs. "There were a fair few. It was, ah, hard to tell how many among the general revelry. No sight of this God, either, and no weapons that I saw."
Echo's Lament

Echo's Lament nods to Whisper. "Yes," he says, "they do take many forms. But how many display the mark of the Unconquered Sun on her brow? Not many, I can assure you that. So, does anyone have any suggestion on how we deal with this bacchanalia*? If there are no weapons, I would suggest investigating before flying in sedulous on violence. What, exactly, were they doing? Besides general revelry, I mean."
@Vanman @Grey @Skrakes @Sarky @JayTee

Dimly, you become aware of a distant piping sound, like wind through shoreline stones. And underneath that, a very primal sort of sound. An...enthusiastic revelry and grunting. Not drawing near nor receding. You realize it was there ever since you crossed the threshold.

Tilting his head and listening closely, Yugo strained to make out what exactly was making that noise.

Awareness check, 6 dice +5 with the excellency.

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The ex-lawman let out a sigh. "Orgiastic cults are such a pain. There is at least some dignity to facing down an enclave of possessed assassins." His mouth twitched, sour past experience plain on his face.

Arresting a greased, naked geriatric trying to stab you with a recently used sex toy leaves one covered in many things. Glory was never one of them.

He loosened his daiklave in its scabbard, ready to draw if needs be.
@Grey @Skrakes @JayTee @Vanman @Sarky

Abandoned grace litters every hall and decayed sideboard cluttering the halls. Sheets of stone flake away from water-corroded walls. Water tolls from some side hall, giving cavernous depth in your approach to the bacchanal. The ivy-draped doors loom. The riotous celebration and debauchery has not stopped, but lo, one of the doors is open. Warm, inviting orange light spills out. A voice like a children's choir calls out, "Enter, friends."
Echo's Lament

Echo's Lament purses his lips as he looks on the doorway. "I like not the scenario here, comrades. It stinks of gods, and corrupt ones at that." One fist clenches into a white knuckled fist as he says this last line. "Nevertheless, it seems, to discover the goings-on here, we have little choice but to accept the invitation. If there are participants in the bacchanal in this room, I can get them to stop their...activities - or, at least, to listen to what I play. I can hold them, as long as I play - or until they're attacked - so that we can decide a course of action. If it is necessary. If there are other abilities more relevant to this circumstance, now is the time to speak."

The musician gives a curt shrug then, and a smile plays on his lips. "We said we were looking for adventure. Adventure heard our prayers and is presenting itself forthwith. I, for one, aim to greet adventure with the customary verve inherent in our kind. Unless someone wishes to elocute on my earlier query, I say we press on. So. Shall we?" With a sweep of his arm, Echo's Lament beckons his allies forward.

"Well I don't carry a reaper daiklave for the aesthetic. They've been hospitable thus far, so I'll respond in kind. Should that change..."

Samesh shrugged and walked on in. Life in Great Forks left little in the way of taboo where religion was concerned, but an orgy in a ruined mansion miles from any town big enough to support it? That was cause for suspicion. They had better have a damn good excuse or there could well be trouble...

Popping 5m personal essence on Sensory Acuity Prana (Awareness rolls get double successes on 9s for a scene). Expecting an ambush.
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"Sure, why not? I've done stupider things." Shrugged Yugo, moving in step with Samesh.


Ditto Sensory Acuity.

"Let it never be said the Solar Exalted lacked for courage or foolishness..." murmured Whisper, walking along side them.

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