Exalted 3rd: To Wound the Autumnal City


Nodding at Whisper as she introduced herself, Yogu responded in kind. "Pleased to meet you. I am called Yugo Roh." He said. "I suppose there is no point in keeping in a secret in the presence of so many others, but I too, was Chosen not long ago."

"Samesh, likewise Chosen. This is certainly... fateful. I understand it's quite rare to see so many of us in one place..."
Echo's Lament

This...this can't be coincidence, thinks Echo's Lament. Five of us? Here, in this place? As Samesh says, it seems fateful. We must be here for a purpose, and this disease seems just that purpose. If only....wait. Five?!? There are FIVE of us? Could that mean....."

"Forgive me for sounding a bit flabbergasted, but the truth is, I'm a bit flabbergasted. Whisper, it is my honor to make your acquaintance. As Samesh says, this seems fateful. I, too, as I alluded to the healer, am touched by the Unconquered Sun. At the moment, I have one question burning in my mind." Looking around to make sure no one can see him, and after verifying they are alone, the mark of the Quicksilver Falcon glows faintly on his brow. "I am proud to say I am of the Eclipse caste. Therein lies my burning question - do we have a perfect circle right here? Is the Unconquered Sun represented in all of his phases? For that, indeed, would be fateful." There is a slight pause. "And perhaps frightening..."

Sorry! I originally put in Radiant Shine's name when I made the allusion comment but, upon reflection, I realized Radiant Shine has yet to give us his name. So. I have edited to maintain verisimilitude.
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Radiant Shine

Shine bows his head, even as the mark of Twilight blooms softly upon it like a summer sunset.

"It may be so. And it surely is terrifying," he says, softly, before raising his eyes to his new comrades. There's a grim smile behind his moustaches.

"It must be so, for whatever is doing these terrible things to the people of Manua and beyond."
Echo's Lament

"I thank you, friend healer, for your response, to my comment and my request," says Echo's Lament in his rasping voice, then there is a pause. "At least, one of my requests. Is it true you go by the name of Radiant Shine? A villager informed us that the name of the healer was Radiant Shine so I am supposing that is you. If it is not, please feel free to correct me as to what you would prefer to be called." A smile on Echo's Lament's face takes any sting the words may carry.

It helps if you read the old posts, because we were actually given Radiant Shine's name by a villager. I feel like an idiot. Hence, the change in tack in my post. Again, my apologies for the dufusdom.
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Samesh smiled at the healer's quip as his Zenith mark flared briefly. "Scared criminals slip up. Makes my job easier. It's not why I came to these lands, but if I can help you combat the plague, I will. Maybe it will help draw my quarry out from under whatever rock she's hiding."

"I am neither a healer nor a wiseman, but I possess a keen mind and a strong arm. If I can aid in routing this sickness, I will." Yugo said, his Dawn Mark flickering briefly.

"...I am of the Night Caste. Indeed, there seems to be one of each Caste among us..." She glances at Shine. Ending the plague, is it? Let it never be said this lot was afraid of ambitious goals. However, remaining among them might give safety, at least for now.
Echo's Lament

It...it DOES mean! It's true! The makings of a Perfect Circle! I...I can't believe... Echo's Lament stares, dumbfounded, for a few seconds before, finally, shaking his head. "Well," says the musician in his grating discordance of a voice, "it seems Fate wants us together. For good reason, I suspect. I believe we all agree that this plague is not a natural one. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I also believe all of us have pledged to end this virulence. The question now is: what do we do to fight an imperceptible enemy?

Just as Echo's Lament is about to speak, he pauses. Then he addresses his companions, his voice a strident croak. "Forgive me for doing all of the talking, but it is what I'm trained to do. If anyone would like to lead this conversation - or has anything to add at any point - please let me know. I feel as if this plague is breathing down our necks and the longer we dally, the stronger its grip. I will continue unless anyone has any objections."

If anyone does want to take over the conversation, I - and Echo's Lament - have no problems with that. If you do want to direct the talk, I can edit my post and we'll go from there. I don't want anyone to feel as if I'm taking over the game. I've made my points. Now I'll let the conversation flow from here. Again, not trying to take over; rather, I'm trying to facilitate events.

"First, let us review what we know of the disease. Radiant Shine, please let me know if your information differs from what I'm about to say. First, we know it's magical. According to the ghost I spoke with, it is an elder sickness that has come before from without. It is an old death that seems to target these marshes more than other places. Victims seem to suffer from fever and euphoria, and they have odd transformative symptoms as well - elongated teeth, limbs and body hair.

"That's what we know of the disease directly. Elegant Shroud also said that the very stones are awakening. When I questioned it on this, it said there is a desolate ruin at the very heart of the Old Crown Lands. More on that in time. We know a body was stolen from a grave at the roadside, and that the body was burned - along with other bodies - after it was stolen. The burned body had furred limbs and elongated teeth, much as we knew this to be a symptom. Why was the body stolen? Why were the bodies burned? Is this a method to spread the disease? I know. Not enough to go on, but I throw out these suggestions in case it spurs a thought in your heads.

"A mercenary group known as the Martyrs have been traveling the Old Crown Lands hunting 'beastmen'. Either Samesh or Yugo said the Martyrs are little better than bandits. If I remember this incorrectly, gentlemen, please correct me. It's very possible the body was stolen from the grave sight by these mercenaries. Again, though, for what purpose?"

There is another pause as Echo's Lament takes a drink from his canteen and rubs at his throat. "This leaves us with two courses of action that are readily apparent to me. The first is tracking down these Martyrs and finding out who hired them. This seems more like treating a symptom, but it is a course of action that could provide results. The second involves traveling to the center of the Old Crown Lands and exploring the desolate ruin the ghost said was at the very heart of the Old Crown Lands. I'm assuming the very heart is the center of the land. I'll have to think on the old stories I've heard. I may be able to recall something I've heard before. Yugo, Samesh and I were planning on heading that way before we encountered the two of you. I believe that our strongest course of action at this point, but, again, if anyone has a better idea, I am open for suggestions. I realize you may have work to finish here first, Radiant Shine. Take the time you need, and we can go from there."

I want to make a Lore roll to see if I've heard anything about this desolate ruin at the heart of the Old Crown Lands. I will spend 4m on Excellent Solar Lore to give myself four extra dice, giving me a total of 8 dicen (assuming I'm to use Intelligence, which I am).


So that's five successes. Do I know anything about this?
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Weaving in between Echo's words, the teahouse's rice paper walls begin to glow with a warm, golden light like the Sun's rising. Strange, when you entered the day grew late. The three old men playing Go turn black as shadow, frozen mid-move and jest. As revelation begets revelation from each of you, a shining vision descends. And a rich voice speaks.

Faithful Chosen. Under such inauspicious signs are the Solar Exalted often drawn together. As in the past, so in the present. You are a beacon unto this land, a prodigy of glad tidings, though the inhabitants know it not. Something happened here. There is a past within the Old Crown Lands that has not seen the Sun's face in vast epochs. Glorious will be your endeavors, distinguished your honors, to which people will sing canticles forevermore to your legacies.

I can only say I'm vindicated in turning my gaze back toward Creation. I have been blind too long...

The otherworldly dawn glow pulses in time with the voice's words. You are but the first wave in a second coming. Never shall Creation again be without me.


Underneath the words, you become aware of a low keening noise. Much like the ringing in one's ears after a firedust keg lights off. A sound like rock fall follows, grinding, grating. A stone rolling away from a cavernous mouth.

To you, in a whisper like thunder, A foul breath is upon the world. A dreadful, ancient wind whispers in its ear. Why would you erase inevitability?


A suffusing warmth settles around you, something like summer's youth. There is a sullen, hateful truth to all of this. Would you seek it?


Color fills your vision, eccentric. The voice is stern to you, Loyal child of the stones. Your foundations are sundered and your faith shaken. What would you build?


A single ray falls upon your hand, warm as a spring day. Who seeks whom? Is there justice still in the land that you would utilize?


The light is all encompassing as the voice speaks. All things hold deeper meaning, even when drawn from reticence. What is it that you would trade?

To be clear, each of you hears the section under all, but only you hear what's listed under your tags.
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Unsure of how to respond to what could only be the voice of his spiritual father, Yugo hesitated a moment before offering up his answer in the from of prayer. 'I cannot change what is, but I can take it and make it better. Yes. I would seek this truth.'

Samesh stared in wonder at the sunlight on his hand, as if it were the hand of the Unconquered Sun himself. It quite possibly was.

Where there is justice I shall seek it out, yes. And where there is not, there is hope, justice's seed, awaiting only the sunlight to help it grow. I will not falter in my search.
Radiant Shine

All things in their appointed place, at their appointed time. If the inevitable is, what harm a stay of execution?

The voice speaks, All things come with time. My return to Creation shall not be a swift, miraculous event. It is a thing of increments and this in but one of many. The light begins to dim to the blood meridian of before. The Antoo... The voice's booming voice turns to a whisper, distant thunder. The Antoo will guide your way.

"Well then," Samesh said, a trifle unsteadily. A determined look settled on his face, a glint of steel in his eyes. "If the Unconquered Sun says the Antoo will guide us, then the Antoo will guide us."
Radiant Shine

"I am not accustomed to admitting ignorance," Shine says. "The Antoo?"

The teahouse fades back to the present with the old men coughing, laughing, and ribbing over old moves. A yawning host and hostess approach your table, "New faces! A rarity these days! Can we fetch you masters some tea?"

"Antoo is a free city. It seems our... benefactor thinks we will find help there." It had been on her list of places to visit. Heterodoxists were said to be holed up there.
Echo's Lament

Even as his brothers and sisters talk amongst themselves, and even knowing that the Unconquered Sun's presence has faded from the tea house, still Echo's Lament considers what his patron has said to him. He offers his thoughts, hoping the Sun God will still hear them. Trade is one thing. Theft is another. Trade implies choice. Theft implies forcible taking. I would gladly give what you reference, were it my choice. Once I have it, it is yours, if that is the price.

Shaking his head, Echo's Lament turns to the host and hostess. "Please forgive the harshness you hear, gentle mistress, gentle sir, but tea would be lovely. A pot of mint, a pot of elderberry, and a pot of black, if it please you. Milk and honey would be a delightful accompaniment, if it is available. We thank you for your beneficence."

Once the host and hostess leave, Echo's Lament turns his attention to his companions. "Well," he says in his grating rasp, "it does seem we were brought here to face the goings on in the Old Crown Lands. We have been given guidance. The Antoo. My knowledge of this area is meager, but I do believe the Antoo is close to the center of the Old Crown Lands. If this is the case, does anyone object to exploring these ruins, either before or after we journey to Antoo? My suggestion is we travel to Antoo first. If we are to find guidance there, it may assist us when we explore the ruins."

There is a pause before Echo's Lament speaks again. "Did...was anyone asked about a trade?"
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"Not I... perhaps we all received different messages." 'We thank you for your beneficence' indeed. The man is a smooth talker, however rough his voice might be. "Travel together? I suppose." The road may be harsh, and for all she knows the Orthodoxy might be on her trail. But to travel Creation is to accept the risk that one of your companions might be marked for death by their church.

The pots of tea and a carafe of fresh milk along with actual pieces of honeycomb are laid out in a platter on the table. The host says his peace and leaves you be with a smile.

Sitting down at the table and thanking their host, Yugo began to enjoy his drink. It was flavored water compared to the drink he had enjoyed back in the palace, but he had given up such comforts for his new life, so he refrained from commenting.

"I am willing to travel to these Crown Lands and find Antoo. Do any of us have any methods of travel available? Or shall we walk the distance?" He asked.

"I've gotten by on foot, with the occasional ride on a cart. Given though that this plague kills, and sometimes does even worse, swifter travel would be useful. Does anyone know the distance to Antoo?"
Radiant Shine

Shine silently pours tea for the assembly when he has judged it to have brewed enough - those who have not broken etiquette and poured their own, of course. Sometimes ill-manners must be tolerated.

"I am reluctant to leave Manua until I have healed the sick here," he says, quietly.

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