Exalted 3rd: To Wound the Autumnal City

@Sarky @Skrakes @Vanman @JayTee @Grey

Five fine crystal glasses. A few fingers of homemade pear brandy. "Freshest batch we've had." The innkeep's wide eyes take all of you in. "Rooms will be no issue, it's the slow season. People prefer to sleep outside in the parks or roofs this time of year. People celebrate the rain in Antoo. Very cleansing in their minds until they're all hypothermic and coughing."


He juts a many-jointed finger straight at your chest. "Think I know you. Great Forks?"
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That raised an eyebrow mid-sip of brandy.

"I... Yes, I'm from Great Forks. My name is Samesh."

So far off the beaten track, it was unusual to find someone who might know him. Unusual and suspicious. He looked at the innkeeper over the rim of his glass, trying to remember if they had met before, and taking the measure of his character. The multi-faceted crystalwork of the glass provided a reflection his surroundings, that he might nonchalantly keep an eye on other guests and their reactions...

Watchman's Infallible Eye should give me a chance to spot anything suspicious about this situation. From the book's description:

If the Exalt possesses

this Charm, she feels an instinct each time she encounters

a scene in which a case scene or profile character

action (p. 224) should be used.

At this point, the Storyteller

informs the player which action is appropriate, and

vaguely why—if danger is present, the player is informed

that the Solar senses a trap and should use a case scene

action; if there is a suspicious character, the player is made

aware of that character so that a profile action can be used.
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Sampling the wine, Yugo found it to be... barely adequate compared to what he was used to, but declined to say anything. They were being offered food and drink, and he shouldn't complain about the taste.

"I imagine that many are purified from this mortal coil." He said, commenting on their ritual. "Do people greave, or is it considered a blessing?" He asked, genuinely curious.
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There is, in fact, something suspicious going on here, but none of it stems from the godling tending bar. He's a font of genuine curiosity. One of the men near the fireplace, though... Something off about that one. Broad-shouldered, reedy and ruddy; a Northern look to him. Tugging long pulls of fragrant clove from a corncob pipe. No danger--not yet. He's conversing pointedly with two others--Southerners--over a bowl of wine and a game of Go.

Roll me a Profile Character! Perception + Investigation.


The godling purses up in thought, plucking at his full bottom lip. "It's nature has varied over the years, but they find the rain to be an overall good--for the crop, for the grass sea, for quenching the firestorms that have consumed the Crown a few times."
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"I imagine so. Does the local Rain God frequent these parts to attend to the worshipers?"
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Hmm. Best remain casual. Samesh raised his glass to the godling innkeeper, angling the faceted surface to get a better reflection of the ne'er-do-well by the fire. What was it about him that felt wrong? He tried to recall what he knew of northerners of these parts, customs, traditional allies and enemies, anything he should be doing, or not doing, that had caused his instincts to scream 'up to no good'.

"I fear you have me at a disadvantage. But this is a good thing;" he smiled, "I used to be an Enforcer, and those we met on duty were rarely the good and law-abiding sort!"

Rolling Perception + Investigation, spending a WP for auto-success

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"Yes, actually. Tsin-Oe dwells in the Golgi, I'm told, atop Silvercap, one of the tallest peaks. He watches over the grass sea, nourishes it with all his mighty. Our growing season pleases him greatly, I hear. He's not half bad at cards either."
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"Oh, Gods, no, a, eh, sort of sibling of mine was in the Enforcers as well. A thunderbird with a temper, Vas. He was usually what they sent in when the temple district blew up in religious strife, be it a hot debate or knives in the sacristy. I am Orlais. I remember your face here and there around Great Forks." He pours a bit more. "This is where I keep my domain."

As to the northerner... The long coats, unseasonably warm clothing, especially for men of Northern descent. It's said they have ice in their blood, but many of them can hardly tolerate more humid climes like this portion of the Hundred Kingdoms. They've been travelling. Belt has worn away the black around his hips to a dull gray. Angle and weight same as a flamepiece and knife. Must be in his room. Most northerners here are descended from refugee groups during the Contagion, even some from places as far flung as Tusk and Gethamane. Typically tradesmen or freebooters making up many a company for the various wars the River Province has to offer.

Locals to the Kingdoms don't typically associate with Southerners, 'dust-peddlers' they call them. You've broken up dozens of fights in Great Forks between the groups. Doesn't matter what ethnicity, what city, what nation--Northerners hate Southerners, by and large. This man is shrewd, armed, and an old hand at his trade. Merc. The Southerners' backs are to you, but both men have shaved pates stippled with arabesque tattoos.
Echo's Lament

As Samesh and Yugo discourse with the barkeep, Echo's Lament looks at the rest of the gathered individuals. His broken rasp takes them in, and is pitched for Samesh and Yugo's ears as well. "Well. We have our next objective. The Shade Rock Convention. But that convocation isn't for another week and a half - on the full moon. That leaves us with some time to consider. There was mention of the Metropolitan. Do we want to reconnoiter the city? That way, we know the lay of the land should we decide that is our next destination? Is there some other desideratum we should consider with this time? Or does each person wish to pursue their own aspirations until such time we deem it appropriate to meet? Thoughts? Objections? Considerations?" The bard sits back and sips from his wine cup, his eyes considering the others as he does so.
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"Ah, yes, the sight of a thunderbird with a badge can be very... calming, in the right circumstances. The diversity of the Enforcers is something I do miss, it afforded a wide range of perspectives, helped keep the peace."

He leaned over to accept the fresh pour of brandy, lowering his voice to a whisper.

"Speaking of which, every policeman's instinct I have is telling me the northerner by the fireplace is someone to watch. Used to violence and lawbreaking, but clever enough to hide it. I pray he does not sully your fine domain."

The brandy glass refilled, he raised it to his host with a smile. "Thank you kindly! The names Orlais and Vas will be in my prayers tonight."

Turning to Echo, he said "I have some questions to ask around the city before moving on, there's a good chance who I'm looking for passed through. A few days, perhaps, to meet with watchmen and clerks and the like. There are sure to be one or two of these Metropolitans in Antoo, if we wish to look into this City business. It featured heavily in our research, so I imagine it's connected somehow. And no doubt there are writings on the plague we didn't get around to reading today, we could well spend the week and a half here making various enquiries before visiting the Convention."
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You feel the barman's words, but don't see hear him. "Oh, him. Yes. Cordwainer. Bootstrapper for the Martyrs. Sullied bunch, but they've yet to raise a finger of ill intent here or inside the city."

@Sarky @Vanman @JayTee @Skrakes @Grey

A peal of thunder gently rocks the room. All at once great pounding rain hammers the clay tile roof. "Hmm," the godling muses, "pretty sure no one will stay out for this one." Indeed, you distantly hear shouts and laughter as people flee from their roofs and the streets back to their dry beds. Lightning illuminates the shutter brackets.
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The Martyrs. Samesh had not heard one flattering word about that group since he first arrived in these lands. He nodded his thanks to Orlais, took another sip, thoughtful. Might be worth talking to this Cordwainer. Down on his grubby level, perhaps, but most certainly on Samesh's terms.

Finishing his drink, he began thumbing tobacco into his pipe and reflected on the profile of the Northerner he had deduced. How best to gain his confidence? Instinctual mannerisms arose from the power that had taken residence in the core of his soul the night the Unconquered Sun spoke to him; Subtle body language; the right words with the right emphasis; the right timing; all the things that put lawbreakers at ease, that he might thwart their plans from within.

Standing up he was subtly a new man to his companions. "Begging your pardons for a few minutes, I'd like to see this downpour for myself, it sounds impressive." While grabbing his hat for the rain, he glanced over to the northerner at the fireplace. Ever so slightly. It might not even have been a glance, just stretching a stiff neck. Who was to know?

He stepped outside, lit his pipe, and waited in the darkness, listening to the rain hammering down, washing the dirt of the city away, for tonight at least.

Using Seasoned Criminal Method here with the Receptivity distinction. From the book:

Seasoned Criminal Method:

The Exalt adapts the nature of the iconic criminal, who

must one day become a master of her craft. She is a creature

of the criminal element; duplicity is in her every word

and step. This Charm allows the Solar to invoke and discard

a number of special distinctions at her leisure, which allow

her to gather information, infiltrate criminal society, and

protect her position there.


Similar to vulnerability, interested parties

perceive the Exalt as a local player. Rather than prey on

her directly, she may be identified as a drug buyer or seller,

or a person looking to make a bet, hire a prostitute, or take

part in other illicit or seedy activities. Such parties will

be interested in providing her with information about

where to go and who to talk to.

"Well, looks like we'll be stuck indoors for a time." Yugo said as the rain began to fall. "I suppose I'll get started on going through the books for more information on the plague and the like."

The classic wooden inn sign sways gently in the wind, rainslick and glistening with a not-quite-human sort of perfection. The city unfolds like a sea of lanterns all around, a charcoal silhouette against the lightning.

The door opens a few moments after lighting your pipe. A sudden scratch-and-flare of a match and the hard lines of Cordwainer's face bloom out of the dark. Puffs life into his pipe again. Squinting, he looks for you in the dark. "What's the good word?" he says in flawless Rivertongue. No hint of an accent. He snorts smoke. "Pretty sure you're still here, friend." He peers around again.

Echo did compile a large amount of what was found during his mad display of organizational skills. The Library does allow loaned books, obviously, but never beyond the walls of this city. They were very adamant on that point. But there are a few unscuffed tomes that they did loan out and which are ripe for the searching...

Give me an Intelligence + Lore role, diff. 3.

A puff of smoke by way of answer, and Samesh stepped just enough out of the shadow to make his own silhouette obvious. Shadows, the air of anonymity, never reveal too much, all important criminal etiquette. Even in a world of angry gods and Exalted, criminals stood out as a superstitious and cowardly lot, to reassure allies or terrify rivals.

Cordwainer was lucky tonight. For now.

"Little fishies inside biting?" Some small talk to start, put him at ease. The impression that Samesh knew exactly what Cordwainer was up to, and could be quite sympathetic to his cause if the conversation went well.

Seasoned Criminal Method is one of those permanent charms, still channelling the Receptivity like a baus

Settling down and letting the rain-enforced quiet of the Library add to his focus, Yugo started to go through the books one by one, looking for the most relevant information first before moving on to more obscure texts.


Int 3 + Lore 5 + Excellency 4 = 12 dice for 3 successes

"Aye. Coming along sideways like, giving them a bit of shine for a bit of local word. Coopers who work in one of the artisan blocks." A flash of lightning scrambles Cordwainer chiaroscuro-like. Dead eyes on this one. "Little word on the cough going 'round, you know?"

-Your thugs put whole villages to sword and flame.

Samesh smiled with sick humour.

"I seen some Martyr handiwork last time I was out in the wilds. Least, that's who the neighbouring villages blamed. Looked more like a blood ape had gotten hungry and decided he wanted roast."

-And your eyes tell me you don't care.

Samesh grunted, half laughing at the tasteless joke.

"They said you were supposed to be up north, but came back to hunt beasts. I'd wager they weren't wholly wrong, there."

Samesh took another small step towards the light, enough to show wary curiosity on his face. Enough to emphasise the blade across his back. He never looked Cordwainer in the eyes, kept them darting about warily, as if there were a moth flitting about his head.

-I'll remember that face. Justice will come for you in time.

"Said your boys were calling up any trader or smith you could find. Sounds to me like the Martyrs are gearing up for something. I'd bet my left bollock it's not organising care packages for refugees. Sounds to me like you've decided to fight someone. Or some thing. Could be dangerous. Plague probably involved, you've been asking about it enough. Lots of killing or dying. Lot of opportunity, for the right man."

He shrugged. His daiklave shrugged with him.

"Or I might be wrong. What's the good word, friend?"

Turn by turn, obscurity is the most revealing. There is a slim volume bound in crackle-dry leather and branded in strange script atop the short stack granted by the Library. It's written in an archaic version of Rivertongue, more heavily Northern than the true patois it becomes, but you can piece it together well-enough.

A few notable quotes:

"...in a time past when the Dragons still sat dead Illihvil, they treated with Shade Rock and the Red [unintelligible] near Unaba ryokan and its sacred springs. Cranes carved into the boulders nearby have drawn the eye of many painters and poets..."

"...Every full moon saw the gathering of dragonflies and summer singers [cicadas?] to herald the commencement of jarlsmoot [Northern idiom, no direct translation] and rising of gods from field, rock, and lake. Villages nearby have only recently started to recover from the ravages of the Contagion. The few elders living [unintelligible] us when this event marked great celebration by the now-sepulchral cities on the plains. Thousands would gather to commemorate and offer thanksgiving..."

I swear to God, I thought I replied already.

She had spent the conversation staring into her cup, tired from a long day of flustering academics. The innkeep's smalltalk bores her. What does not bore her is Samesh; the enforcerer took an interest in a foreigner, then decided to see the deluge himself. Thus when he left, so did she; what's a little curiosity between Exalted?

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He's playing a mark on this guy. His whole demeanor seems changed from lawman to lawbreaker. They're trading quips and ciphers like Nexus football players. Either Samesh is not who he presented himself to be or...he's found a lead on something.
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"Eh, yeah. It's not good work, but the pay and the perks are...you can't really define how good it is." He eyes the daiklaive looming on your back. "You saw down airships with that? How big is it?" He takes a pull, only briefly glancing back as Whisper joins the two of you outside. "That'd do some work. The things we seen, man. I've lost a quarter of my cell in the past two months. Things are getting hairy in those marshes." He hems and haws a moment, staring at the hilt of your sword.

"I'd say the good word is probably worth a talent weight, if not more." Then, in a lower voice, "And I ain't talking gold's ugly sister."
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Samesh let out a puff of smoke in a low whistle, genuinely impressed. "Not too shabby, not too shabby at all. Price like that, sounds like a motivated seller, risky investment for your average berk."

He watched amused as Cordwainer eyed up his daiklave. "But you can tell, I ain't your average berk." He lowered his voice, leaned in a bit. It might make things difficult for Whisper to follow, but he felt on the cusp of something. Cordwainer was obviously trying to recruit him, and for a VERY high price. The Martryrs were up to their necks in something foul. The show must go on, for now. "Ain't killed no airships, but... Let's just say I've met the sort of folks would kill me just for wearing a piece like this, real... Fiery dispositions... and here I am standin' in front of you, interest well and truly piqued. I think I just might be up for a bit of what you're selling."

A little machismo to brush off the dirt of the conversation, bring things to a close. "So... what now? You don't have one of those initiations like the sex cults in Great Forks do you? Cos I only got one shirt."
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Cordwainer lets out a laugh, relieved, with a hint of shaky breathing. "Funny you mention those cults. We met a few fuckheads recently trying to make good with the prizes out in the marsh." He shrugs. "Anyway. I'll bring it up with Cooper. I'm sure he'd pick you up forthwith, twenty-five percent advance." 


Some manner of deal going down. Recruitment, seemingly. Not so unlike the conversions done in the East by forces of the See. Lightning skitters and dances far beyond the city, their thunder chambers off the hills as only half-hearted drums. Great towering stacks of cloud illuminate only to be sucked back into the black. Cordwainer finally turns to you, "You with him, sweetpea?" 

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