Exalted 3rd: To Wound the Autumnal City

Echo's Lament

"What my esteemed colleague states," the bard says in his ruin of a voice, "is correct. We have seen the effects of the disease, as well as heard tales told of those self same symptoms. From what we understand, this plague is an ancient one, having visited these lands throughout the age. Throughout the Ages. We are familiar with the symptoms, for some of us have witnessed those manifestations. If I may be presumed to speak for my compatriots, we search for its origin. We search from whence it came. If we can apprehend its beginnings - its makers, if you will - our task will, hopefully, will guide us to our destination - the plague's eradication. So it is we make our first step in this journey: the pursuit of that erudition. Knowing where that journey leads, the most logical starting place is here, amongst you honored scholars. We come to you for the flame of wisdom. All we need now is the spark. Will you help us?"

"Rightly so." He gives an approving nod. "From what is told to us from on high in the Library, the ending stages of the plague are bestial. Something reminiscent of the beastmen of the southern River Province and those further East, where the trees grow like mountains. But they are different. You'll know it as soon as you see one. I've seen a great many etchings of the late stage victims...afar, I can understand the confusion, but up close? And the oldest victims? They are truly something unknown..."

His smile is grim. "We've seen minor outbreaks over the past few years. Nothing to alarm the public about, yet, but it's been steadily increasing until...whatever happens now. And now people are worried and word is spreading. I imagine the hunters you speak of are wielding their oldest cure for the plague: fire."


"Certainly. I imagine the entire city would gladden in throwing its weight behind you. The Tudor and Metropolitan See are too busy posturing over that damned wreck of a ruin to keep a clear head. The other states and municipalities would surely rally around such a cause. The worst outbreak to ever occur was some thousands of years ago, but it survives in the records and myth of every living tribe and people within this part of Creation. A land covered in beasts; cities that beat themselves into blood; wailing madness emanating from the very stones."
@Skrakes @JayTee

No. No, they wouldn't. Not in such numbers or vehemence, even this far from the See. None of them wear shattered chains around their necks, none bear the golden towers upon their coats. Orthodox. Preaching openly, looking for new blood to bring to the city's ruins. The Umbilicus steadily rises up with each work of hands from the neophytes.

"They have endured! This city has seen all the worst of Creation, of its peoples, of its gods! It has endured! Weathered into brilliant limestone and stood proof against the blandishments of time!" The rector's eyes sweep over the crowd and bring bitter judgement each to each.

Frowning as he watched the madman preach, Yugo couldn't help but wonder why people tolerated the blasphemy. Gods may be fallible, but were prone to retaliation at criticism from all but their peers. And the Exalted.

Eyes turning to the crowd, Yugo took in their reactions.

Perception + Investigation to gage the reaction of the crowd. 5 dice for 0 successes. Lame.
Echo's Lament

"Our deepest thanks, Maester, for your assistance," the musician says in his broken voice as he flourishes a small bow to the scholar speaking to them. "I have two questions to ask. The first is directions to our starting point for our quest. We are new to the city, and so our knowledge of where to begin is minimal at best. The second concerns something you just said. The oldest victims? Are you saying there are victims of the disease who have lived for an extended period of time? Or is it more the longer the victim has the disease, the more pronounced these changes become?"

It seems too that the Exalted are fallible because with that thought, the rest becomes a haze. The crowd closes in around you, cutting off all sight and enriching the stink of sweat and unwashed asses. Palpable apathy and mild curiosity among many around you. Some suck on their teeth in disapproval. Much the same, much the same.

@Vanman @Sarky @Grey

"The latter. They become raging beasts, yes, but beasts the size of a grand carriage. Man-wolves with fangs as long as my fingers."
Echo's Lament

The Quicksilver Falcon bows again to the speaker, spreading his hands wide as he does so. "Again, our thanks," says Echo's Lament, his rasping croak at odds with the words coming out of his mouth. "This is something of which we were unaware. Men - monsters - the size of carriages? We will have to take the utmost care in pursuing our goal." The bard's smile is in no way affected by his voice, and the smile he gives the scholar is genuine and earnest.

"Speaking of goals," continues the musician, a hand rubbing at his throat, "might you direct us to the location where we can commence our pursuance of said goal? The thought of beasts the size of carriages has provided me with fervent motivation to find our answers. I, for one, am eager to begin."

Whisper surveys the the crowd briefly before turning to leave. Best rejoin her companions. "Come, Yugo, I have seen what I needed to." Contacting the Heterodox survivors will be difficult... perhaps the best thing to do would be to follow Orthodox hunters in the night. Either way, she must read carefully in this town.
@Skrakes @JayTee @Grey @Vanman @Sarky

Yugo and Whisper rejoin you from the madding crowd. Mantow nods to them. "Only some grew so cruel and terrific in their horror. Gangly-limbed horrors, I'm told. But if your minds are whole and you're untroubled by learning more, I suggest the Library. The Librarians are a strange lot, but they are a piercing insight to the history of the Crown Lands and, some say, the future of it."
Echo's Lament

"Well then," the musician says, his croaking voice carrying despite the seeming difficulty, "let us hope we are able to disburse with any victims before they reach that stage. I have a particular aversion to gangly-limbed horrors. I much prefer well apportioned horrors myself." A smile creases Echo's Lament's face, taking any sting out of the words. "This Library sounds like just the destination for us. It's the edifice on the bluff there, yes? If no, then perhaps you could direct us to our destination. I thank you for your assistance, good sir. We will be on our way."

Echo's Lament turns to leave then pauses, and turns back. "Should we ask for anyone in particular? A Head Librarian? A Librarian who specializes in the plague? Or do we just make our inquiries to the Librarian on duty?" There is another pause and then the minstrel shakes his head. "Again, my apologies, good sir. I have a tongue, and I am quite adept at using it. I mean not to trouble you. We can make our own inquiries in the Library. You have business to which you must attend. Ignore my prattlings if they grate on your nerves. You have done us exemplary service this day. May all your disquisitions be fruitful and all your treatises be profound." The Eclipse turns to leave, ready to pause if the maester chooses to speak...

Mantow laughs. "Grandiloquent and chatty, aren't we? Do you need a lozenge, dear boy? I know a herbalist who makes fantastic ones from honey, chia seed, and ginger. You sound like someone's been at work on your esophagus with a farming hoe." He pats you on the back. "No, no! Worry not, we shall all go together. I haven't seen the Library myself in some months, save the Annex."

@Sarky @JayTee @Vanman @Skrakes @Grey

The trip is pleasant in the warm winter Sun. Nary a breeze disturbs the broad avenue. Wrought iron lamps line each side of the street, a recent curiosity invented by an aspiring tinkerer, Mantow explains. The entire avenue spirals around the bluff, ever upward toward the Library. "At night, it's as if the Moon has taken on an umber glow. It's peaceful, what these lamps create." But, yes, the Library.

Titanic in proportion, it dominates the entire hill. The roof is bronze tile long given over to the sage green patina of elder constructions. The broad, squat towers making up its wings are clumped together around what looks like a sort of gilded cathedral at the center. "The main hall," your guide points out. "Larger than many citadels of famous rulers in the Hundred Kingdoms. In point of fact, I think the Library itself is larger than the Kingdom of Salle." It grows and grows as you near the top of the hill. Black basalt its foundation, white limestone its walls.

The Library is larger than even the approach lets on. The towers are huge, the size of a Dynast's manse or summer palace. The main hall is staggering in its proportion. This, to those of you who would even be able to guess, is something of Shogunate-era construction. The doors are inlaid with patterns of the five jades, chalcedony, and stand taller than fabled warstriders.

Strange automaton guards made of porcelain stand idle alongside the wide open doors as you and the throngs of the city come and go as they please. "It was a great gift from the founders of the current city. Some place where people can come and recreate themselves. I believe that we have one of the most literate populations outside the Blessed Isle itself."

All is cut short when Mantow stops, looking inside. There are no true words for what lies in there. More books than could have ever possibly existed. Shelves like hills, teeming with paper and binding. The rich scent of a freshly turned page and the must of an old tome rediscovered.

"Ah," he says, leading you toward what...looks like a titanic ape. It turns, revealing that, yes, it is a giant ape that stands head and shoulders taller than the tallest man in the main hall. It, well, he, wears a doublet of the finest black silk, hair only poking out from his cuffs, and silver bangles around his oddly fingered feet. He lowers a brass pair of glasses along a snub nose to regard you all.

"Ook. Ahem. Sorry. How may I and my staff be of service?"

Samesh marvelled at the Library. Growing up in a magical city like Great Forks could make a body jaded, but the sheer scale of this building was something very special indeed, and the inside was spectacular. At least the librarian was relatively mundane; Back home some of the librarians were gods made of angles that caused blinding headaches if you looked at them too long. He smiled and bowed, his voice lowered out of respect for that universal law of libraries from Nexus to Yu Shan: Please be quiet.

"Good day sir, my companions and I wish to investigate the strange plague that affects the region. If it please you, could you show us where to find information on the disease? Its origins, accounts of healers, anything that could help us understand its nature?"

"Oh, that. Yes, we've a dedicated corner regarding the history of this region, particularly our less than glorious moments." The Librarian knuckle-walks his way along, plucking something from the back of yet another large ape in a little coat. "I must regretfully say that a bit of the information is locked away in our vault, but we do have a healthy selection readily available. "Hope you don't a little dark." He produces a pack of matches, lighting a huge oil lantern that looks almost infantile in his hand. "Onward, sirs and ladies!"

Far now from the whispering bustle of the main hall, the Librarian holds a lantern aloft as you wend your way upwards along a spiral staircase. "Yes, we'd heard that the abomination now stalked the land once again. This region has seen its fair share of horrors in the past century."


Astonishingly, just like that, you've come farther and seen more than any army of the See ever has. The Grand Archives of Antoo. Decades-long wars have been fought over this place. Never seen by a Metropolitan, ambassador or itinerant, before this day.
Radiant Shine

Shine gazes in quiet reverence; he has done so since the Library appeared on the horizon. Mentally he attempts to reconstruct the edifice, wondering at its geomantic underpinnings and the sheer ambition of the design. If, indeed, there was such intent behind it - he could well imagine it grew much like the city did, and that is all the more fascinating.

The Librarian is mundane by comparison, but still unfamiliar to Shine despite his long years in this region and travels elsewhere. He quirks a brow.

"Abomination? Do you mean to say some known monster is the source?" He whispers.

A deep rumble emanates from his chest, "Not exactly. That we've never been certain of. Point of fact, I don't know that the cause has ever truly been discovered, though some seers and dreamers have whispered things through the ages. You'll find more of that in Notions by Gimbawa. But understand that everyone who dwells in the Crown knows at least myth and legend of the plague. Traditions like placing special incense at one's threshold or village gates is still common. It's something to repel the creatures."

Hundreds of years of warfare, thousands of minds, and the combined efforts of the entire Church... all for an apostate to walk through the front door.

"I do not suppose any scholar has determined what, precisely, the incense does to repel them." She studies the shelves as they walk past, committing the layout to memory. One day, with the Heterodoxy ascendant, the Church may well return to this city...

"Actually, it's a decoction of wolfsbane and several other rare unguents. There are towns where entire families have taken up the trade of making this incense. It's a holy calling and an honor, in some cultures."

@Vanman @Skrakes @Grey @JayTee @Sarky

Finally you arrive at the top of the tower in a room as broad as a Western galley. Tapestries hang upon the wall showing all manner of conquests, victories, and, here and there, hints of the plague beasts from Crown history. A single shaft of light fills the room and reflects off a series of clever brass mirrors, creating a nearly shadowless light, much like the noonday Sun.

"Here, good masters," the giant orangutan says, "you will find some of what you seek."
Echo's Lament

Echo's Lament's eyes, having widened at his entrance to the Library, continue their expansion when he observes the tower room. He breathes in, absorbing the smell of knowledge permeating the room. Yes, he knows knowledge has no odor, but if it did, it would smell exactly like this room. The bard turns in a circle, not knowing where to start.

"Forgive me," he says, wincing as the harshness of his voice seems to reverberate and magnify in the silence of the chamber, "but could you point us to where we might commence our research? Or...is this entire chamber dedicated to the plague?" There is a sharp intake of breath as Echo's Lament considers the ramifications of such a prospect. "Regardless, you are much more familiar with the lore contained herein. Any assistance you might provide so as to focus our research would be greatly appreciated." There is another pause. "If for no other reason than to prevent us from becoming distracted by the other treasures in this room." A broad smile creases Echo's Lament's face as he gives a small bow to the librarian.

"Mm. Roughly half of this wing is dedicated to it. Transcribed oral histories, works of philosophy, myths handed down over generations. There is a stele right next to the sole window--it is the oldest piece we have. Date unknown, but what little we know of Old Realm has translated to being the earliest recording of the plague that we have." A meaty paw points to the grand stained-glass window. "The entirety of the back wall and the papyrus racks hold the majority of the information you seek. Please, use the silk cloths on each row to handle the books. We ask that of every inquirer."

"Many thanks sir, we will use the utmost caution with all the works here. I have one last question. You mentioned that some information on the plague was locked away. May I ask why?"

"Ha, if only I could. There is a cache of our most sacred tomes and relics. It is never seen save by our Head Librarian and the Archivist. We only have dim ideas of what lies within, but we do know certain records regarding the plague are in there. We're told no more."


There are two points on the dusty tapestries hanging along the walls that seems to be of the plague eras. One seems to be a great horde of the beasts; wool stitched in the manner of old Northern art caught in stylized reds and yellows of sorcerous flame. A great battle somewhere in the Crown, it seems. Dragon-Blooded and men, in gleaming ranks side-by-side, stem the tide of ravenous horror with puissance and faith. Darker, more faded elements weave into the beastial horde, but unlike anything you've seen or can make out. Truly, they weren't wrong. They are different than the beastmen seen the world over. Skeletal, ropey with sinew and anger. The artist did marvelous work.

The last is an old, old tapestry. Faded and falling apart despite the good care given by the librarians. It lies encased in crystal and set along the rear wall. Only suggestion and outlines here. Something great and monstrous standing tall behind a horde larger than any represented before. Strange, stylized representations of humans standing in gleaming armor and artifice. The Sun above all, weeping blood.

"I do not suppose we could make an appointment with the Head Librarian or the Archivist. This is a matter of some urgency."

"Perhaps in due time. I believe the Archivist is making his seasonal rounds of the Crown, looking for great works to transcribe and relics to buy from scavenger lords. I shall make a notation. Under what name and perhaps when?"

@JayTee @Grey @Vanman @Sarky @Skrakes

Anyone looking to investigate, please roll Wits + Lore at difficulty 4 for pertinent details or Intelligence + Medicine at difficulty 5 for new insights to the disease. Each roll represents a duration of reading/study of two hours save for Charms helping in the absorption of knowledge, etc. Studious stunts are encouraged! Get creative. If you think of a roll that may be thematically interesting and can convince me of its usefulness, have at it!

Let's montage this shit!

Echo's Lament

With the task now set before him, Echo's Lament focuses, setting his mind to absorb information in the way he did when he was learning a new song or a new story. He even put aside several tunes in his head to use for mnemonic transference. Creating songs out of information was always a method which allowed him to store vast amounts of knowledge, and made the recollection easier for him.

Knowing the stele was the oldest known reference to the plague, and it being written in Old Realm, the bard was excited to put his skills in that department to use. He uses his knowledge of Old Realm to glean what information he can of the plague, notating the useful facts and incorporating them into his opus. Making use of the pens and writing parchment, he starts to make a index of sorts, making notations of what information is contained in what book. He makes different categories of information - places where the plague occurred, symptoms notated and where those symptoms appeared, similarities in the tales told, differences as well. If a central amalgamation of what information is contained where can be made, the research would proceed at a much easier pace. For each category, he assigns a different tune, and all of the information in that category is woven into that particular song. His focus is not so much on the particulars of the disease but, rather, on where the information can be found. Once he has this sorted, the actual research - either by him or by his comrades - would proceed with greater aplomb.

Finally, he puts his writing utensils aside and knuckles the small of his back. Before him lays his work - the indexing of the information contained within the Library, where it can be found, and how it relates to the other elements of the disease. With this done, the real research can begin.

If it wasn't clear in my post, I want to create a card catalog, as it were, so that there is a central amalgamation of the information and where it can be found. I like to think of this as an aid to others' research, rather than actual research. That can come later. You'll have to let me know how long this might take. I think this might be an extended roll.

I'm spending 5m for the Lore Excellency. Here's the roll:


Not too bad!
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