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Fantasy Ex-Harmonia


Roleplay Availability
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Warning! Warning! Warning!Submitted a CS? Well then, make sure the CS you submitted is
accepted. Once you've been accepted though, head on straight to the @Noblesse , @Peppermint , @Euthanasia . In a little while, I'll be posting the Cast for this role play, the settings involved, the summaries for each finished chapter and as well as a time chart for everyone's status in the role play would be added in the

overview tab soon. With all these said and done, I welcome you to the role play! Cheers and let's have fun!

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Marchello 5th, DY74; Room of Sensors, Thyrean Wall


n a dark, observation room hidden somewhere within the thick and nearly impenetrable defenses of the great Thyrean Wall, stood one of the four current leaders of the Novushkuns, Oswald Burton. Unlike the other 3 leaders, Oswald was more known for his non-war inciting actions and his amazing charisma. None could ever deny Oswald this fact. He remained observant on the number of Egnarions, Harmonia's great mythical beasts. These beasts are all majestic in nature but not all are the same with their levels of hostility as some are hostile and some are not. With one of the greatest events in Harmonia history coming up, it was important that Egnarions around the Thyrean Wall are non-hostiles or better yet, no Egnarions are to be found. As one of the leaders of the Novushkuns and of Harmonia, it is Oswald's responsibility to ensure the safety of both sides most especially on the day of the Karavan Festival, the day where neither swords or magic claim the lives of one another but to stand down and enjoy a day of peace together.

"How is it? Anything worth of mention?"

immediately after raising a question, a staff member immediately came about, t'was an Eilow mage from the House of Axir.

"Sir, after a sensory scan 5000 meters from the Wall, there are 143 Egnarions to be found; none are hostile, sir."

the mage reported, formally despite talking to a leader the Novushkuns. People stationed at the Thyrean Wall are all well-accomplished students and mercenaries from the two sides. To be stationed at the Thyrean Wall, one must hold no hostility against the other side and of amazing talents. "

Good work, your team can take a break now."

with a nod, the mage left the room. Left all alone, the novushkun leader could not help but feel an unease, despite the good nature of the festival, conflicts are still to occur, of course. But, something even greater clouds Oswald's heart with troubles.

Margaux Madeline

Marchello 10th, DY74; Thyrean Wall - Fountain Area


he day of the Karavan Festivities have arrived at last, t'was noon time if one had not been introduced to a clock, the heat of the scorching sun would be enough to tell the time in itself, it doesn't help that the venue for the festival was on top of the more than 50 meter high Thyrean Wall. Well, it would have been more unbearable had it not for the invention of a couple of floating inventions from Cornelius in collaboration with a couple of Water-based Kairo mages keeping the skies a bit cooler, preventing any further unnecessary heat to make landfall. The Thyrean wall has always served as the main division between Eilow and Novushkuns, its role in keeping the peace remained unprecedented up till the present and it had always made success in fixing any conflicts between the two sides. And as such, it had always been the perfect venue for the Karavan Festival, the only day per year where two sides come together, ignoring their conflict-filled past.

Margaux Madeline, a young mage from the house of Raon, the house that teaches the dark magics found herself enjoying a sweet fruit shake bought from a nearby stall. She took a wonderful seat next to the fountain, though a few droplets from the fountain found their way on Margaux's skin. At her current state, Margaux is easily to be mistaken for a child, with a childish expression locked onto her face as she takes a delicate sip on her perfectly chilled drink.

"Now this is finally something worth coming here for!"

she said as she takes yet another sip on her melon flavored shake. With legs properly tucked together as she remained seated, Margaux relaxed a bit further, feeling the rather cool marble material the fountain seats were made off. She observed her surroundings for awhile, taking note of anything that is eye-catching in general. Sadly, she only found herself defeated with this purpose in mind. Throwing away her drink, she further travels around the fountain area, in search of any delicacies that are worthy of her taste buds.

"There'd better be anything worth the munch here, I didn't come all that way for nothing, after all!"

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Asura was currently in an area full of Stalls where melee weapons, bows, and armor are being sold. He came to visit this section not expecting to buy anything but for the fun of it and the slight chance that there may be something worth buying. These stalls sold both normal and magical equipment so the area was full with Eilows and Novushkuns alike. Though in this section it's difficult based on appearances to tell whether a person is Novushkun or Eilow unlike the Firearms Section nearby or the Staves, Wands, and Grimoire section. Ironically both were adjacent to this section.

Asura saw some cool looking magic imbued weapon and armor but none good enough for him to choose over his own. But good enough for him to write down the name of the Store the stall was selling for so he could tell his roommates who were looking into his kind of stuff to check out this merchandise. Asura tucked the note inside his armor and continued then continued browsing unti! he realized this heat was scorching in this section. He quickly exited the section and went in search of a nice cold beverage or an nice cool area or even both.
Jonathan took a deep, relieved breath after pulling down the scarf that covered his mouth. "Aaaaah... That's the stuff. Warm air in a warm city... Heh, it surely beats the cold weather in Navalio or hell, even on top of the mountain in Tholonis!" He chuckles to himself, entering through the gate after a quick conversation with the gate duo that needs no specifics. While observing his surroundings, he makes sure to check his weapons like his Ruger and beretta to make sure they aren't jammed. While looking around for any places of interest, he makes sure to give a warm greeting to his fellow Novushkans and even some Eilows since this is a festival of peace, after all.

Jonathan then finds a table near a fountain and sits on one of the four chairs. He allows the water from the fountain to drizzle on his cold neck. This doesn't disturb him in the slightest as this water won't give you frostbite or hypothermia like it would in the thin ice lakes of Navalio he had to transverse at times to hunt for the Eilow extremist groups he would be assigned to handle. While sitting on the chair, he decides to take the five earpieces out of one of his pockets, making sure to fix some of the damaged ones from the trip to Thyrea. Jonathan can't help but feel lonely at this barren table. The last time he had anyone to talk to was either in one of Navalio's bars (For the record their gingerbread whisky is amaaaaziiiing!) or if he was assigned a temporary partner in search for Eilow extremists, but there was also this one fellow he fought alongside with on one occasion. Actually, more than that. Was it three? Five? Eleven? Jon couldn't quite remember, but right now the earpieces are a top priority... For some reason since he simply can't get new ones from the Aristide Armory in Navalio!

The man was able to fix two of the earpieces, only having to rewrite the microphone and mini channel wheel, but something caught his eye while picking up the third one... It's a man, wearing armor like it's the fuckin' Early Ages of Harmonia! This interesting sight catches Jonathan's attention almost instantly, as his eyes quickly search around the armored fellow's armor in a matter of seconds! Before he could recognize any weak points that he would possibly take mental notes on, Jonathan waves at the mysterious figure with a kind little smile on his nearly frosted face. "Hello there, good sir! Do you have a minute?" He asked aloud when the man was close by. Oh boy, could this be fellow soldier?! Jon just LOVES talking with fellow soldiers, a conversation with them always sparking up an interesting subject or two. Soldiers are Jonathan's favorite kinds of people to talk to, along with Elderly Folk, Pirates (*Wink, Wink*), Merchants, and Orphaned Children!

Nereos trudged across the crowd of the Karavan Festival, not partaking of any of the delicacies present or entertainments. He was completely concealed with articles of clothing, a majority of his body being concealed by a flowing, loose cloak while the parts of his limbs visible were wrapped in false bandages. His face too was completely concealed in these bandages which had become crusted with mud and yellowed by the passage of time, He posed convincingly as some blind mage perhaps that relied upon sensory magic to traverse the world, and indeed he employed an unsteady gait to further emphasize this illusion. Regardless, since Nereos towered at around seven feet with a body frame shaped into one significantly brawny, he did draw a sizable amount of attention from passing festival-goers. A suspicious garb like that Nereos donned would have elicited significant security responses in either Eilow or Novushkun city, but since the one that housed the Karavan festival had a rather progressive take on relations, Nereos was left largely unsolicited. Utilizing his Seeker's Vision, Nereos could perceive the world around him through the bandages securing his "face", and the lack of the monotonous but austere voice characteristic of his secondary personality hinted towards a distinct lack of perils in his environment.

Though Nereos took it upon himself in form of principle to interact exceedingly sparsely with human occupations, he always made an exception for this festival. His opinion of the conflict between Eilow and Novushkun was rather critical, as he considered the tensions pointless outcomes of human fickleness and emotional instability, both elements of the mind which Nereos deemed impractical and pointless. All of them were proud members of the human species, individuals of a collective that could find commonalities and share the most intimate of memories with. It was a luxury Nereos was highly unfamiliar with, and yet one he naturally perceived was of monumental significance. To think that these petty organic beings would deign to cast away this treasure as if they were some capricious deity was one that affronted Nereos on principle. Yet this festival that united humans under a single banner, if only temporarily, painted a picturesque scene vibrant with animated expression that Nereos, though he was but a machine, found beautiful nonetheless. It was for this ideal that Nereos found worth in the humans he was programmed to safeguard, and though he would be fain to admit it, the thought did strike across Nereos's mind that perhaps his purpose in life was to protect humanity until they could unite under a single cause. Of course, this was not the definite answer he sought as to his existential meaning, and often times Nereos found his being disagreeing with this ideal simply because it was just that: An ideal. Of what little he had analyzed of humankind, Nereos perceived that such an unity would be nigh impossible. Such was human nature. Full of flaws. Yet did flaws necessitate imperfection? That was the question that Nereos desired a definite answer towards, and yet it seemed it would never be answered.

"You appear unnatural to the human denizens surrounding your immediate vicinity within an approximate eight meter radius. Your preferences indicate that I do not measure this distance to the hundredths decimals, so the calculation made is representative towards a number rounded to its nearest whole value. Immediate suggestion to return towards the shade."

Nereos snapped back into attention as his second mental voice caught him off guard, its monotonous, mechanical voice ringing out in his mind with a hollow emptiness inherent within it. Immediately he realized that he had wandered out of the shaded areas of the wall where the high altitude caused the sun's fierce rays to cause the area Nereos was trudging upon to be of temperatures exceeding ninety five degrees. Onlookers huddled in the shade behind Nereos conversed among themselves in whispers, occasionally pointing at Nereos as they wondered what this blind man was doing walking towards such extreme heat. The intensive heat had no bearing on Nereos's mechanical body, and indeed the solar energy drew an environment far more enriching than shaded areas in supplying Solis energy. Hastily, Nereos sauntered back towards the shade and ignored the minor crowd that had been gawking at him, brushing them off before funneling into a secondary crowd to diffuse attention.

Soon enough, Nereos chanced upon the sight of a young woman enjoying a treat with relish. It was a sight rather unremarkable, but still one that piqued Nereos's curiosity. Such undiluted happiness was a human expression that Nereos had never himself felt, and never considered to be necessary. It was intriguing to watch this woman so engrossed in the minutiae of life. Nothing was abound that would stir Nereos's interest in the entertainments and shops that littered the festival, and Nereos had come in the first place to observe human nature. Perhaps this woman would glean insight into the more subtle complexities of the human mind.

"Analysis duly performed. Female human is of an age range between sixteen and twenty one. If a supposition was to be made, the age of seventeen would be most likely but this conclusion is not within five percent of absolute confirmation. Magic usage is likely judging by the lack of weapons and physique untrained towards expertise in martial fields. Danger level appears to be low as long as the human is not provoked. Proceeding is acceptable."

Noting this blurb that Nereos's alternate personality spouted out, Nereos began trailing the woman.

Energy Gauge: 100%
Despite the large number of people surrounding her and making a ruckus around her, Micaiah was most certainly enjoying her time sitting at the fountain. It put her mind at ease and she needed to be calm right now. Last night, Micaiah was working on a spell that went horribly, horribly wrong and she was worried that some of her future spells will provide the same result and she didn't want that. Her constant worrying almost deprived the young girl of sleep but luckily enough she managed to get just enough to make her way here. She let out a sigh of relief before closing her eyes for a moment. The tranquility being provided by the fountain was amazing, she simply couldn't believe it no matter how many times she had come here.

She opened her eyes and then a dark purple tome she had brought along with her. It was filled to the brim with magic spells, diagrams, runes and whole plethora of things that common people simply wouldn't be able to understand. She stared a few of the pages and would glance over at the water every so often, contemplating whether or not she should change the color and freak people out, causing mass chaos. In the resulting chaos, she would step forth and be thanked, possibly praised. The word would spread and she would have an influence over the people that would only grow larger and larger until she had enough people under her thumb to take over the world.

Micaiah suddenly shook her head. Such a thing was not possible but no force in the world could stop her from thinking about it.
Michi walked around the festival checking out the items that were being put on for sale. His grandmother allowed him to attend just for the day as his break from work and only because of his proposal of making "the most dangerous explosive of all Harmonia". Michi is starting to have doubts on the proposal...

"No, this festival might be my last. Better make the most of it." He said to himself, effectively removing his worries.

So he had a great time checking the shops with exotic beverages and spices, and even got to chat with the shopkeepers. And while he doesn't want his name to be known for being a maker and inventor of dangerous weapons, he still looked around at the explosives and firearms being presented at the festival. Eilow sure had some interesting weapons too, he thought.

A festival is just a regular day in his hometown, but this is still the festival many Fusstenburgers would consider to be king of all festivals. Michi is used to the noisy streets of Fusstenburg, but the Karavan festival makes his calm heart pound with excitement. It made him happy to be part of the festival, getting to talk with actual magic-users for once and seeing all types of people in one place is cool. Seeing armor-clad knights talking with soldiers is what emphasized that strangeness of this festival.

"All this strangeness and excitement is making me hungry" thought Michi, still smiling. He headed for the food stalls, looking for something to eat.
Severin wandered quietly leaned on a grave marker in the cemetery. Normally, on a cheerful time as the Karavan festival people tended to avoid depressing places such as this. It was very peaceful and despite being full of dead people, Severin was able to relax and let out a sigh of quiet relief. That was until her stomach grumbled, signifying her hunger.

She swiftly removed her cloak and dug deep into it, blindly searching for something within the confines of expanded space. Finally she let out a small 'aha!' as she pulled out a decent sized pouch and opened it. She quickly frowned as she turned the pouch upside down and shook it slightly, making crumbs fall out of its opening. She sighed and set aside the pouch and swiftly stood while donning her cloak once more before picking up the empty pouch again.

"I should get some food." She said loudly as she walked out of the cemetery and made her way to the fountain area where she sat on the fountain and tried to decide which restaurant she was going to eat in. Finally she found a dainty little cafe that gave her a nice view of majority of the area.
Shane was bored at home and decided to check her refrigerator, which was unfortunately empty. She sighed at the thought of having to physically get up and head out to the Novushkun Market. She put on her socks, her shoes, and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Shane tousled her hair and winked at herself in the mirror before walking towards the door and grabbing her keys off of the rack. With hands in both pockets, Shane makes her way down the streets of her wonderful and accepting home town of Wilhemina. Greeted by the kind people, she winked back at as a 'hello', making it to her destination. Shane stretched her arms up and groaned. Purchasing her items, she managed to get a sweet discount by simply flirting with the cashier. "Thanks, babe." She winked as she made her way back home.
Lily hadn't been doing much since the start of the day. She'd gone a few places, wandered around the stalls and gotten a feel for things, but that was about it. Once it had started getting busy she'd decided she'd wander off to somewhere that required less walking and more not exerting her powers to simply not run into people every five seconds.

This of course, had led her to no other place than the nearest pub, where she had spent the past two or so hours sampling some of the finest drinks, mainly those that wouldn't intoxicate her mind you. If she was drunk it would just be one more massive hurdle in the already complex task of walking down a road. Though she was most certainly not saying this wasn't a day for people to relax and enjoy some of the finer things of life. After all, this was one of the best days of the year, when everyone from both sides came togather and put aside their differences to the sake of the Festival.


Wincing at the harshness of the yell, Lily couldn't help but frown at the shout, even as it was met with a return scream from the offended Novushkun. It would seem that, sadly enough, even the Karavan Festival couldn't heal all wounds. Reaching out with her powers, she could 'see' the two men about to come to blow. Forming a small bubble of outward force between the pair, their blows never connected, and a second later she had both pinned to the ground with just enough force to keep them still. Honestly she was thankful for her blindness. Most Eilow had a tendency for relying on sight when using her magic. She didn't have that luxury, but it did allow her to keep her seat and not have to turn around, even as the guards came in and detained the pair.

The guards had asked to see who stopped them, to arrest or thank them Lily didn't know, but she didn't speak up either. Stopping a fight was always a good thing, but she didn't need people of importance knowing she was here either.

Giving a friendly smile towards the bartender as she lowered her empty glass back to the counter, she kindly ordered another drink as she continued listening to the festivities around her.
The sun rose hot and high on the unusually humid day. Like a raucous bar, yells and aromas danced through the gaudy tents, with garish strings of a silvery hue dangling from red, green, and purple dyed tents. Some might say it was romantic, a perfect setting for young love and summer afternoons; yet, Gareth's opinion was much different. It was an ugly mess of swindlers and rascals, made worse by the uncomfortable feeling of fat beads of sweat dripping down dense plated mail. Gareth had decided that if he found who orchestrated the tinsel decorations and paltry shelter, he would personally sink four inches of steel into their bloated gut, through and through. True, such an arrogant act would get him thrown out of the festival or worse; but, Gareth really didn't care for the festival. Too many spoiled brats in armor and teenage magicians mucking about like a pack of baffled hounds. Eventually they would go chasing after an equally bewildered badger or some other vermin that continued to try and make the festival grounds their lasting habitat. What was causing the sudden influx of animals! Too many irresponsible children tossing out food to the festival mascot; where they throwing out entire hams?

With this revolting thought in mind, Gareth settled to flee the sanctuary of his leafy shade and go get a drink.

Collaboration with @Peppermint

It was the perfect day for the Karavan Festival. The sun is up, wind was blowing with a warm breeze and the birds were chirping excitedly. But right now isn't exactly the time where Astra would be jumping in pure excitement for the festival for right now was a time she liked to spend just by herself. The walk to the Cemetery from the docks wasn't really a long one, and she had a lot of time before the festival starts.

The day before she bought three pieces of Gazanias and a single Cherry blossom with the color of pure white, with a single lavender scented candle. And right now she is standing in front of her family's graves. "
Hey, it's been five years since I last visited... right?" She placed the flower atop of their tombstone and lighted the candle. The air was filled with sweetness, though most people would break down remembering everything and crying; blaming themselves, Astra on the other hand would be thankful and live her life not only for herself but also for them. She spent most of her time in silence, never a word and just staring blankly into space. Once she got tired of it, she stood up and sighed. She smiled again, sadness filled her eyes, she shook her head and left. She didn't even bother to blow out the candle for she wanted her parents to smell the scent of lavender and remind them of home.

And so, Astra walking walking quietly, happily that she finally get to visit her family's graves until...

Sitting beside her mother and father's grave, Lydia started humming the "Happy Birthday" song. As she was humming, she took out the candle that she bought and placed it right in front of her. However, there was something important that she forgot to bring, her mini-sized birthday cake! Lydia's eyes started to widen as she was searching for the cake inside her paper bag. "Oh c'mon! Of all the things that I would forget. Ughh, anyway." The time mage was disappointed that she didn't get to blow her cake but she didn't really sulk about it. "And here I was about to blow the candle." She sighed.

Her birthday and her parents' death may have the same date, but Lydia isn't really affected about it because she thinks that its just a waste of time if you would just be lonely and overly dramatic whenever its your birthday, but she clearly miss her parents. And as the thought of missing her parents came to mind, a certain chill crept onto her skin but it had a warm feeling into it.
"Mom, dad, I miss you soo much but you know that I'm scared of ghosts. So don't you dare." Lydia sighed again and smiled after. "Hmmmm. I really need to buy a cake, I mean you just can't have a birthday with just a candle. Like wtf am I gonna do with this." She nodded to herself and headed straight for the Karavan Festival. If you think that she was planning on walking to the entrance then you're mistaken. In an attempt to save time she teleported herself to the entrance.

Lydia could only feel darkness, but it was also so warm and so soft. "Hwash shappenin' ere? Shy can't shee anyfing??" She was speaking but oddly enough for her she couldn't even understand the words she said herself! Suddenly, agonizing light burnt her eyes. She waited for them to adjust to the brightness and to think that the first thing that she sees are tits, huge, gigantic tits.

The woman was giving her a confused look because she can see how angry Lydia is.
"Wh-What the &^%^ is wrong with THIS?!?!" She pointed at the woman's breasts. "Why are these @#%$$## tits freaking huge?!" Lydia added before the woman butted in. "There is nothing wrong with my tits, this is naturally how it is." She said with a smug look on her face. Which just kinda irritated Lydia more. The woman sighed and patted Lydia's head. "Don't worry, you're still young, you can still grow big ones." Astra stated sarcastically. The younger one's face reddened at the statement and Astra couldn't help but chuckle at the young girl for being herself.

Astra noticed the birthday candle that Lydia was holding, she can only guess at whose birthday it is but she get the feeling that it's the girl's birthday. "
So, I'm Astra, Astra Siegefreed. What's your name?" She asked with a smile on her face and a hand requesting for a shake. At first, Lydia hesitated at giving Astra the handshake but she still did it anyway. In a grumpy tone she gave Astra her name, "It's Lydia Walford. And could you please just step away from me for a sec?" Lydia can't help but look at her tits. God.. I've never seen someone this blessed. She thought. Astra took a step back as she requested and asked, "Would you like to come with me to the festival? I know a place that has the most delicious cakes."

Lydia wasn't planning to go with someone who has large breasts but since Astra's familiar with such a place, Lydia just accepted her offer. "
Oh well.. Since I have no choice, I'll come with you.. can you wait for at least a minute?" Lydia took a step back and pulled out her pocket watch, opened it and checked her mother's boob size from the family photo found inside the pocket watch. Needless to say, she was disappointed. "Mother.. why? Did you anger the gods? To get such boobs?! Or were the gods in a rush when they created you?"

While Lydia was in deep thought and muttering out loud. "
That isn't really a very big problem. Like I said, you're still growing and you're quite pretty yourself. So, are we gonna go or do you have to still have to complain to your mom about your breasts?" Though Astra wanted to be sarcastic she didn't want to degrade the young girl even further. Slightly- No I mean overly flattered about what Astra said, Lydia flipped her hair and forms a smirk. "Oh well, I am pretty hawt anyway." She then held Astra's hand and teleported them to the Karavan festival.

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Ellis Penbrooke - Thames Estuary, Skouvil

Marchello 3; DY74


"Weapons, Food, Currency..."

Check, check, check.

The per-flight organization whenever one wanted to leave the island of Skouvil were always something to be feared. Getting permission from the Elders, gathering up everything you needed for the flight, and then making sure you had everything you needed for wherever it was you were going was a daunting task indeed. After all, any return trips would just be a waste of fuel. Not to mention the fact that you'd have to make your way through the... Rather hostile skies surrounding the island twiceover. It wasn't too bad when you were traveling on something as small as a Glider, but any arrows one ended up firing off were pretty much gone for good should they miss. Which... Well, one could say that leaving the island was hard enough in the first place, let alone when you were coming back to snatch up even more resources after shooting a bunch of them off into nothingness.

For Ellis however, such thoughts would daunt her not. First having left the island at 15, and having become what was practically the island's scout at this point, she'd already departed countless times over, so the procedures involved were like second nature to her.

"So, where you you going this time?" A voice piped up behind her. Tilting her head towards it, Ellis recognized it's source as Cirino Vaust. The man, standing at around 5'8, was one of the few hybrids on the island, sporting a pair of stark white cat ears atop his shaved head. One of her older friends, he'd come into the habit of seeing her off whenever she set out on one of her ventures, though, he rarely offered to actually come along.

"Ah, there's a Festival this time of year." Pausing for a moment, she secured the cases containing her clothing to the bottom of her Glider. "It's on the Thyrean Wall, and is one of the one times the Eliow and Novush actually talk to eachother without a knife to eachother's throats."

"Ehhh, a festival? Like the Na'Arr? When does it start?"

"Sort of, but from what I've heard it's more of a big party than it is a cultural thing." aasd

"So you finally going to get drunk then?"

"Oh, shut up and open the gate for me."

"Fine, fine"

A few moments later, the click of a lock and the swinging of gate doors would reach Ellis's ears, bringing with it the cool breeze of the Thames Estuary skies, it's familiar smell flooding into her nostrils within moments. As the gates swung fully open, Ellis lightly pushed down on the Glider's leftmost pedal, causing the small vehicle to float lightly off the ground.

"What, no hug before you leave?"

"Hah, maybe when I get back."

And with that, she stamped down onto the right pedal, and sped off into the Thames Estuary.

Ellis Penbrooke - Thyrean Wall, The Cocking Fuckborough

Marchello 10; DY74


Oh... The things she did for budgeting. Standing on the threshold of the establishment so boldly labeled as The Cocking Fuckborough, Ellis couldn't help but sigh to herself. On her trip here, she'd been unfortunate enough to stop by one of her favorite tailors, and now she was down the price of a new quiver.... Ah, but that was the risk of the city wasn't it? There was so much one could buy, that it was almost dizzying. And now, instead of tending to a claw wound from an Egnarion, she had to tend to her wounded wallet...

Even if that meant stopping at an establishment in such a state as this one.

Stepping through the entrance she was... Not so surprised to have walked straight into a nigh-on brawl. From the assorted yelling between the men involved, it was clear that it was about the classic issues between the Novush and Eliow peoples. And this was supposed to be a festival of unity... A meeting between peoples once every ten years, so they could spit on it like this? Honestly, she never understood the dispute between the two factions. From what she could tell, the only thing keeping them apart at this point was some silly deep-rooted pride. But... She hadn't come here to dwell on the local politics.

Doing her best to ignore the processions, Ellis cast her gaze around the room in an attempt to find a place to sit that wasn't inhabited by some one of the beer-stained lowlifes that littered the place. Eventually spotting a lone woman in one of the further corners of the room, she paced over and slid onto the seat to her left.

"Ah, bartender, I'd like a pint of..." Pausing for a moment, her eyes flitted over the several bottles that lined the wall behind him. The sheer number of brands placed against another was overwhelming. She'd rarely been one to come into places like this, so even in her travels she wasn't exactly well versed in the drinks that the Eliow and Novush so fervently lusted after. Well, both that, and the fact that the woman barely drunk any of the alcohol they had on Skouvil contributed to her befuddlement.

"Water, please" She finished, taking a handful of coins and pushing them across the counter, before turning her attention to the woman beside her.

"I hope you don't mind, the rest of the people in this bar..."

"Well, they don't seem like the kind of people that I'd get along with."
She said as she took her drink from the bartender, a hint of hestitation clear in her voice.
The subtle sounds of the metal hinges rubbing against each other and a slight pick up in outside street noise told Lily that, without a doubt, some had just entered as the offenders were being removed from the scene. Simply listening, it became obvious from the steadily louder growing footsteps that the newcomer was coming her way, and the stool to her left scrapped the floor as it was drawn out just a touch. Focusing just enough, she listened to the wood of the stool, namely it's joints, as they gave the softest of creaks.

Whoever was seated was either a woman, or a very, very small and effeminate man.

"Ah, bartender, I'd like a pint of..." the new arrival started.

Ah, no, that was definitely a woman. Listening as she continued to order a water, and then remark on the state of the building, Lily couldn't help but shrug as she turned her face down towards her own drink. She wasn't sure it's colour, but it was a mixture of lemon and lime in pinches, with a dose of strawberry, blueberry and mango. It also cost a pretty penny, but it tasted exquisite.

"The kind of people you would get along with?" Lily mused, taking another sip from her glass, "Outside of the fighters I just ensured the removal of, it doesn't seem to bad here. Everyone seems to be chatting amongst themselves just fine. The bartender's been a doll, I promise you. Wonderful gentleman. That said, I suppose I should take it as a complement after all. It's nice to be told I stand apart in such a nice place."

As she finished speaking a smile flickered into place. She was glad that she'd chosen to let her eyes remain uncovered as well. No awkward questions or falsified expectations of sympathy. Instead it was just a bunch of people letting her enjoy some drinks and talking to her as a completely and totally equal human being that was on their level. No status, no pride, and no worries of judgement for who or what she is. It was nice to just be one of them.

"Bartender, may I have another Tropical Swamp Gas for my compatriot here?" she spoke, sliding a large bill across the counter. She knew what type it was, she kept each of her bills in separate folds of her money pouch after all. As she did so she turned towards the newcomer and greeted her as the bartender placed the woman's drink in front of her. "M'name's Lily, and don't worry, the drink's wholly non-alcoholic and one of the best I've had so far. Here's to not trying to stupidly kill each other all day, am I right?"

If she'd had the eyes for it, or at least was using echolocation, Lily would have realised that while her glass was raised right into the girls face,] and that her eyes were seemingly locked in a stare right at her chest.
Ami Hatsune

Finally it was here the day of the Karavan Festival. Ami had been looking forward to this for a while. She loved it because she got meet new people take a look of all the weapons and best of all the, "Food!" Ami has a little obsession with food. Ok well maybe a big obsession she loves to eat but then ager complains about her gaining weight. Her little brother was standing next to her. " Hey Sis?" She looked over at all the food that was being sold. "Yeah little bro." "Is alright if I go hang out with my friends?" Ami glanced at him. "Yeah sure just make sure to be careful." "Will do sis thanks!" He ran off laughing with his friends.

Ami continued to walk around. Now first glance you would think of her as this cool tough looking strong woman who probably had a personality to match it. But once you got to know her you would soon learn she is just a ball of energy. She looked around and finally saw something she wanted. "Oh!" She ran towards the cart. "Lets see I'll have some that and some of those oh and some fires to! Lets see what else.........oh maybe I shouldn't get it I already gain 10 pounds this week.....then again it is the festival I should treat myself. but I was suppose to be on a diet this month.....oh!" She stood there trying to decide what to do. While costumers behind her started to get annoyed from waiting so long.
The sweet and distinctive smell of sweat mixed with soil meandered through the crowded room of the The Cocking Fuckborough. Stains of disparate colors lay strewn across the oily wooden floor, like a distasteful mixture of a clown and a bucket of grease. Rational people would find the place repulsive; however, Gareth exulted in it. It was like a grand illustration of agony, with many so called 'heroic' champions choking on their own vomit and displaying their true selves. Here was a place where desperation thrived, and where anguish flourished.

There was one thing missing: tavern brawls, all too common at a place like this. The blasted festival took care of that. Insults and contemptuous remarks were rained down by Novush and Eliow alike, and Gareth would have thoroughly enjoyed muzzling them with their own bloody tongues; yet, he stayed his hand. There were no contracts or deals to be made, and it amused him to witness the useless comments from both sides.

He took a seat in one of the cleaner corners and began eyeballing the patrons sitting around him. At least it was better than the shade!

The bustle of persons Eilow and Novushkun alike would be a sore for one such as Mandus for despite the festival's exuberant vibe, he is currently a watchdog at a certain store selling certain things. Be it knives, firearms, ammunition, knick knacks, gizmos or anything under the sun and the shop would serve gladly. whenever he thinks about people who felt at peace during times of siting down to read a good book or having a little slumber, restlessness always comes to mind. The mercenary preferred the thrill of the hunt over the life of a neet, solo missions were his golden days back when following orders were his way of life. Presently, he still follows commands from a peculiar man, but directives Mandus still follows not for the sake of a must, rather for the reason of faith in the beating of his heart.

"Old sport, shift's been changed. you're free to go!" A voice oh so familiar and oh so sincere was heard from the depths of the store to where a peculiar man could be heard. Neither glance nor rejoinder was of necessity, for its receiver, restless and about to explode from being a watchdog wanted to delve at the idiosyncrasy of the festival's theme. Violence, oppression and skirmishes would he see upon the gaze that he sets for the external world beyond his thoughts and his beliefs. Morality was taught in his childhood days as the omnipotent assessment of right and wrong, but with the coming of age did Mandus only realize how it was much more than a speech of conviction or inscriptions on a book.

They'd be told that killing is malevolence yet war and brutality is enforced through an adversary of 'patriots'. For whatever reason is given for murderous acts is nothing more than an excuse for inflicting a disease called vengeance. They say Eilows are the enemy yet they inflict damage upon their own kind. How foolish can one man be? how long before repetitions need. Such is the irony of the pigs of mankind. Such is the irony that despite all these inquisitions and conclusions that he is a pig himself. He may run away from the guilt of malevolence as fast as he can, but no matter how far away he is from the rest of the world, the past always haunts. A gaze he sets upon the world showing unspeakable, unknowable entities of pure malice. "Should be a good day." A calm walkout from the entrance took place as he sets his sights once more to the world before him.

Margaux Madeline

Marchello 10th, DY74; Thyrean Wall - Fountain Area


he situation was horrible! Horrendous! Well, at least to the young glutton named Margaux Madeline. The numerous food stalls posted around the area from where she stood was far more than she could have imagined, far more. Now, from being ecstatic from the blessings that were before her to being absolutely stunned with the sheer numbers of delicacies presented before her. Choices drowned her more than any burden could have made its way to her life, touch decisions such whether to go for a something cold or hot, fluffy or not and such were all abhorrent to her rather, slacked life style.

She had already been complaining about her dilemma for hours now; mumbling, ranting and crying about her inability to make up her mind on what should she be munching on at the present time was inadvertently too much for her. Her previous cheery glow quickly morphed to a rather stressed out one, adding to her stressful encounters with fate would be the mysterious figure slowly following her around, it didn't help as every time she turns around and saw the figure still within her area of probable responsibilities she more than likely cursed at this figure but only in her mind, just in case of course.

"Do you need anything from me? If not, please quit following me!"

facing the unknown figure, with hands on her hips, pretending to be of any higher authority than that of the figure which, by judging their size differences and how Margaux looks in general, is not the least effective at all.

Before time gave the figure the chance to reply, a mental mage was delivered directly to Margaux's mind, apparently everyone around the Thyrean Wall was delivered of this message.

"To everyone currently enjoying the festivities of the Thyrean Wall, please do await for a couple of minutes, 15 minutes to be exact. For a short program, thank you!"

"Eh? 15 minutes. I guess that's enough time for me to at least decide on something to get my taste buds working, but fiiiirst-"

Margaux turned her attention back to the tall figure, back to her previous stance, with a foot tapping this time, declaring impatience.



Was eavesdropping wrong if it was unintended? Granted, the question was an odd one. Some Novush might insist on exiting the table at once, citing their attention to confidence, but was it considered wrong at a place like this? The question was incited by the two women sitting right next to them. They weren't howling like most patrons, but they were still loud enough to be heard over the hubbub and bedlam; something about drinks or that nature. He caught the final words that one of them had just spoken, something along the lines of "..Here's to not trying to stupidly kill each other all day.."

He finally turned his head and scrutinized the pair. Both had black hair and were short - Perhaps they were sisters? In the damp interior of the bar, it was hard to see, and the alarming lack of lights did nothing but hinder his vision. He turned his head back to the bar and took a sip at his drink, savoring the. . . Revolting flavor? This wasn't his drink, and it tasted like liquid shite. Gareth pushed the small cup to the side, his mind still on the odd couple. An uncommon duo at a place like this, perhaps they were harlots! It would explain their appearance and their being here.

Gareth was about to make a remark along the lines of, "Here's to you trying to kill each other today!" when a sharp voice started speaking in his head. "To everyone currently enjoying the festivities of the Thyrean Wall, please do await for a couple of minutes, 15 minutes to be exact. For a short program, thank you!"

Enjoying the festivities? That was a grand overstatement; however, this program they were speaking of could easily turn out to be a tournament. Perhaps there would be some excitement to this dull celebration after all.

Sort of interacted with: @Veirrianna Valentine. Dirty hustlers.
Collaboration with Newtype

"One minute."
Asura replies going to a nearby by stall and ordering some ice cold water. Now that he was in a cool area with a cool drink, Asura walked over to Jon's table and took a seat. He could see immediately this man was Novushkun because nothing seemed magical and he has tech in his hands. "I have returned just like I said. Why did you ask for a bit of my time?" Asura said turning his head to the side a bit. Maybe he just wants to speak to an Eilow. Asura thought to himself.

Jonathan keeps showing his welcoming smile to the blond, armored man in front of him. "Why, to speak to another soul in arms!" He exclaims, immediately extending his hand towards the man in greeting. "The name's Jonathan Matthews, Second Lieutenant in the Novushkun Army, former member of the 74th Task Force, and now current member of the Aristide Division." For a split second, he darts his eyes around the lad's armor, already figuring out where he's from: Eilow. A little tough to figure out from afar, but for some reason, Jonathan can spot his ethnicity in a matter of seconds when he's up close.

"And who might you be, my armored Eilow friend?" Jon asks with the same smile glued onto his face. Strange, aren't armored Eilows usually mistaken for Novushkuns?

"I am Asura Knightwalker, nice to meet you Jonathan!" Asura replied. "So how did you figure it out that I was an Eilow? It's not the armor, or odd looking sword because there are Novushkuns that were odd armor or wield magic weapons." Asura wondered how this guy could spot an Eilow when most Novushkuns and some Eilow don't know he is Eilow until he uses his magic or something.

Okay, gonna assume he shook his hand there, wouldn't want Jonny looking like a fool in the public eye now would we? He simply sits back in the chair, relaxing with a light chuckle at Asura's question, grabbing the third earpiece and rewiring the insides of the speaker on it as he answers the man's question. "Believe me, Mister Asura, it's definitely your armor. You see, I have this sort of... Gift, as I like to call it. It gives me the knowledge of armor and its weak points. Yes, I know, it sounds ridiculous, but you would not BELIEVE how useful such knowledge is in battle. Hell, I know so much about this, I bet you a thousand bucks that I can spot every flaw in Ol' Oswald's armor!" Finding this to be quite funny, Jonathan actually laughs after explaining, then shaking his head to return to the matter at hand. "Okay, okay, how I know you're Eilow... You Eilows tend to have more weakpoints and exposed areas in your armor, compared to a standard Novushkun warrior. For example..."

After a quick clearing of the soldier's throat, he looks up from his nearly completed ear piece and looks around at Asura's armor yet again. "Mixture of light and heavy armor, breast plate the heaviest and most sturdy while the arm plates are less thick, obvious weakpoints are your neck and head, less obvious is are the openings that your elbows and knees give every you bend them. Although they give you more freedom of movement when swinging that shiny little sword of yours and gives you less of those annoying cramps in certain area of the shoulder from all the pressure you put on those areas , and believe me, it happens a lot more when those areas are plated, it makes them open to high caliber bullets, steel-tipped bolts, and so on and so forth..." Now he looks upon his new friend with a raised eyebrow and a little smirk across his face. "Need I say more?"

"I see, so it's because my armor lacks a helmet. The back of the knees and inner elbow are exposed area on all armor unless the warrior favors to walk in armor that is plated at the back of the knee leaving them to only walk without bending their knees same with the elbows." Asura replied, then he stroked his chin with a knowing smirk "If we were enemies on the battlefield it seems you'd target these areas with your bullets. What would you do if you find that proves ineffective? You must have fought many Eilow extremists with god complexes or something similar. Most Eilow extremists are that way. So you've had to have met atleast one Eilow who your firearms and such proves ineffective. What did you do? Explain the story in full detail."

'CLICK!' Jonathan snaps the fixed earpiece together and sets it aside, grabbing the forth and getting to work on it. "Hm, that's a good question, Asura. I like your style. You really know how to make a soldier like me think..." He replied with a short nod of his head, the smirk turning into a simple friendly smile. Judging from the Eilow's attitude, it seems they're gonna get along juuuuuuust fine. It doesn't matter if Asura is a soldier or not, this guy's hella interesting!

"But... That is a subject I am rather familiar with, due to my experiences with Eilow extremists in all territories of Novushka and few of the houses in Eilow. Yes, there are ones that have the ability to resist bullets, bolts, and arrows from hitting them, and sometimes, even swords and fists. I've faced too many of these guys." Jonathan chuckles a bit, and it's true. He had faced many extremists that are bullet resistant. It's the memory of his experiences that he finds funny... Sometimes. "Believe me! They get so annoying the more you face them, but, dear Asura, each has their own weakness..."

The man leans back in his chair, snapping the earpiece together an setting the finished product aside. He looks upon the paladin in front of his with a serious, and quite stern look in his face. "A year ago, in Poormin, myself and fifteen other armed men had to go up against a single Eilow extremist terrorizing a small village in the desert area. He was an elemental Mage, using mostly fire and wind magic to terrorize the citizens there. We soon found out he had a protective, invisible flame shield around him. Nothing could penetrate this guy... Not even a man's own fists, which would disintegrate almost instantly when you tried to punch the bastard."

What comes next makes Jon a bit uneasy, making him look down at the ground and sigh deeply before looking back at Asura. "I lost ten men...TEN men to this stretched piece of shit!" He tells angrily, the memories coming back to him like a World War 2/Vietnam War veteran. "Three were fatally wounded with third degree burns, and two others were running away from the scene... Cowards. It left me and the extremist alone, surrounded by bodies and ashes of dead men..." Now Jonathan leans forward, setting his hands on the table, his eyes never leaving Asura's gaze. "I bet you're wondering how I'm still here, why I'm not a pile of ash like my men? I kept dodging his attacks, each fireball or flamethrower move would be more powerful than the last, making him use more of his power than he should. Eventually, with enough patience, I was able to tire him out, his large fire balls becoming small firecrackers in about an hour, leading me to believe the shield was gone as well. Now, I don't know if he actually lost the shield from all his energy lost, or if that guy took it away intentionally to regain some of it back, but as soon as I lunged at him..." in an instant, Jonathan pulls out the beret knife from his belt and stabs it into the wooden table. "This knife was stabbed deep into his neck..." Then, he brings his left hand forward, bending the fingers inward. "And THIS hand ripped out his throat!" He adds with a dark tone, soon sitting back and taking deep breaths to calm himself after speaking about one of his darker experiences on the field.

"What I'm trying to tell you, Asura, is that everyone has their limits, no matter how powerful they are, cool they are, or what magic they have. Their limits will be their untimely downfall if they underestimate them, much like the Eilow extremist, who thought surpassing his limitations and creating bigger fireballs and flamethrowers would kill me when instead they would drain his energy much more faster than expected. Does that answer your question?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Just as he finishes his story, Jonathan's eyes glance towards the stage ahead, the sound of Lance Oliveros causing the soldier to smirk. "Heh, that's Lance Oliveros that just spoke, if you're wondering." He says, smirking again and pointing to the man on the stage with his thumb. At least this changes the subject. "Member of the Aerial Republic in Cornelius. He cries himself to sleep once every week. Mainly due to the face he acts like a complete woman in front of everyone even though he tries not to." Fifteen minutes eh? Should be enough to get to know the Eilow a bit more, maybe even converse with anyone else, if they happen to stop by.

"I see, well that was an interesting story. Shouldn't we get moving to see the show? Other interesting people should be gathering there and I seek to speak to a Novushkun that uses some kind of special equipment maybe magically imbued." Asura replied rising from his seat.

Jonathan just shakes his head and stays in his seat, not wanting to meet up with the large crowd ahead. "No thank you. I know how the show goes, anyway. Oswald comes up an says some shit about peace between our territories, everyone one cheers and holds drinking contests at Cheeko's Family Diner just down the street, so I think I'll just go for a little walk down the graveyard area while the whole shin-dig is going on." Jonathan now starts working on the fifth and final earpiece after explaining his next move to Asura, but just as the Eilow is about to leave... "Wait, Asura, one more thing!" He calls out, picking up one of the small earpieces and tossing it to him. "Channel five, all you have to do is press the little silver button on it, speak what needs to be said to me, and release. Use that earpiece ONLY for emergencies, alright?"

Asura caught the ear pierce in one hand and looked it. His eyes scanned the device identify a little silver button and a dial.He then listened to Jon's instructions. Asura replied "Got it, only for emergencies." Asura then bid Jon farewell and went to the gathering point for the show. Mostly in pursuit of a Novushkun that uses a magic item, he felt they may be able to relate the best. Likely a Novushkin wielding a Magic item is frowned upon as was Asura being more skilled with swords than magic early in his training.

As Asura left Jonathan shouted out,
"Don't forget to call me Poltergeist on there!" He should get the message, the Eilow man was only about a meter away from Jon when he shouted it out. Now Jonathan gets to work on his final earpiece again. Just gotta fix a few important wires and some loose screws...
Severin was particularly in luck to have spotted the cafe she was in. It was a quiet wonderful place with comfortable furniture and decent ventilation. The people inside weren't noisy at mostly kept to themselves. The employees were polite and quick to fulfill a customer's request. All in all it was a nice place to be in. She shifted her attention back to her meal and quickly finished the rest before ordering desert.

"To everyone currently enjoying the festivities of the Thyrean Wall, please do await for a couple of minutes, 15 minutes to be exact. For a short program, thank you!" Severin heard in her mind and swiftly stood up and sauntered over to the counter. "I'd like that desert to go..." She said, receiving a small box which was quickly stashed away in her cloak and made her way out, stopping by a shop for some food for the road.

Then she heard arguing and turned around only to find what seemed to be a one-sided conversation between a boy and a purple haired girl. "Hn...must be lover's quarrel..." She said as she picked up a bag of spiced seeds, tossed her payment onto the table and snacked on it while observing the two.

Mentioned: @Noblesse

Walks that would take seconds, minutes or even hours were usual things for Mandus, but walks of no aim deemed concentration. With so much to see and so much to do, one needs to come up with a clincher. *tummy grumble* Perhaps all he needed was a simple push. "I'm gonna go buy some food." Simple steps he took until the destination was reached, food stalls that sold wide varieties of cuisines from wide varieties of cultures altogether. "To everyone currently enjoying the festivities of the Thyrean Wall, please do await for a couple of minutes, 15 minutes to be exact. For a short program, thank you!" Magical whispers could be heard as Mandus takes out a purse with the insides of universal currency, but before payment he could hold to buy his present craving, a robed man swift and agile took the purse from his very hands and thus had given the mercenary an exciting turn of events.

"It's only fun, if they run."

To every nook and cranny they ran, the robber doing his best to outrun Mandus. A run may it be for the robber, yet to the mercenary, tis nothing but a calm jog. A pounce he did to the robber running for his life, making the two fall to the ground. After the fun cat and mouse chase did Mandus realize a familiar figure sitting near the fountain whilst sitting by the robed man's back.
"Hey Jon. I'm sorry for this mess... this guy took my purse. Don't worry, I haven't done anything to him... yet. After I'm done with the guy, I'mma go back... to buy some ice cream... vanilla flavored... and you can't do anything about it. Buying ice cream ain't illegal..."

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Nereos’s body did not automatically react to the woman’s retort as would a human’s. His frame remained utterly motionless as he was confronted, exhibiting none of the imperceptible hints of body language inherent towards humans. To Nereos, his body was but a tool for pragmatic expression. It was the motion machine that fueled his influence upon the world around him, the conduit by which he would stir a ripple in the infinite expanse of history. To humans however, the body was not only a method of physical influence, but a repository of their natures, rife with the full fruits of ethos and pathos whose fragrances wafted naturally and automatically from the main branch of the body. As such, Nereos appeared wholly unnatural as he stood with nary a motion, the only movement overtly observable being his breathing pattern which was simply an imitation of those of humans in order to blend in. Of course, Nereos did not require the inconvenient system of the respiration cycle to maintain continued activity, and Nereos himself often pitied with a rather prideful empathy the feebleness of human limitations. If a human was struck in the wrong area, they would not be able to recover. They tired after only a few minutes. They bled. They aged. They felt physical and emotional pain. Even if they sustained a non lethal wound, they would have to spend days to mend their scars.

A more conceited mechanism than Nereos would deem these humans as some lower life form, a lesser intelligence below that of Nereos. However, Nereos, at his underlying spiritual core, was an animated mechanism with many intrinsic cogs being suffused with human expression. His body may be mechanical, but his soul was a wholly unique existence forged from the brilliant depths of the human soul. In a way, Nereos respected humanity to an extent. Specifically to those who had the tenacity and fortuity to hew off a brilliant figure from their stone weight of limitations. Humans that squandered their lives and succumbed to the pressures of their limits were life forms with worth comparable to mindless Egnarion beasts in Nereos’s mind. And thus Nereos viewed his world, particularly in regards to humans, in this way. Even now as he gazed at the woman that spoke to him, Nereos naturally began to assess the woman’s worth in this area, but quickly found that he did not as of now possess an evidential foundation necessary for a conclusive judgement in regards to the woman.


The sudden comment by Nereos’s secondary mentality startled Nereos. It uttered but one word with its characteristic emotionless tone, but the word had gravity behind it. After a brief pause Nereos viewed the woman with another assessment far more humanistic in essence. It seemed she was somewhat irked by Nereos’s trailing, and though Nereos may not have developed his human empathy to a sufficient extent, he did perceive that the woman desired an justification for Nereos’s actions. Nereos needed to minimize his interactions with human beings in this current scenario as his existence should be a maintained secret. It did not help his case that his voice had a metallic rasp to it that indicated an unnatural tone rather sinister in underlying impression.

"Foreign mental communications intercepted. Reverse tracing attributes the mental interference to a mage of sufficient standing and of authority position within this perimeter. Security protocols deem the message cleared of threatening value. Proceeding."

The message then finally rang through Nereos's mind, and quickly shelved the information in the back of his mind. He had no clear evidence towards constructing a reasonable image of what this event could possibly be, and it was illogical to ruminate on such an erratic variable.

With dramatic histrionics, Nereos bowed courteously before raising his bandaged arm to where his lips would be should he have been a human and shook his head in disagreement, signalling that he was unable to speak on top of presumably being blind. He then shrugged his shoulders to defuse the tension that the rather carefree and possibly air headed woman was already defusing by herself with her mannerisms. Suddenly, the back of Nereos's arm developed a welt that erupted into a small, orange eyeball that quickly focused its sights on a woman behind Nereos. It was completely automatic, and an action taken by Nereos's secondary mentality. The eyeball was also positioned with extremely precise calculation to be hidden from the view of the woman Nereos was currently interacting with, but also minute enough to be incredibly hard to perceive by the party eavesdropping.

"Warning. Sensory perception and cross appliance of Seeker's vision confirms beyond a reasonable doubt that an eavesdropper is present. Threat level, based upon sufficient analysis of physical condition and necessary variables of the environment, appears to be incredibly low. If a reasonable conclusion was to be reached, it should be believed that the eavesdropper merely holds contact because of curiosity. Proactive action is not recommended."

Heeding this voice, Nereos chose to ignore for now the eavesdropper, but kept it clearly within his mind that he was being watched on two fronts. This heavily pressured the dilemma of concealing his identity, and thus Nereos tread upon a tentative path here upon which he would have to take precautionary steps.

Energy Gauge: 100%
"To everyone currently enjoying the festivities of the Thyrean Wall, please do await for a couple of minutes, 15 minutes to be exact. For a short program, thank you!"

As Michi heard the announcement, he hastened his pace to the fountain area for food. Passing through the crowd which had similar motives.

The variety of the food being sold on the stands astounded him, it's like every known style of cuisine in one area. With lots to choose from and with little time to do so, he just decided to buy from the Dianconian cuisine's which is something he is used to. He went closer to the stand which was right in front of a cafe.

"Thanks." He said, handing over money for the sandwich. Turning his back, he noticed that there seems to be a scene. A girl who is looking up at a armored guy who is almost twice her size. He took a bite as he noticed there are a few who are also looking at the two.

"Must be a lover's quarrel." He overheard someone making this remark and looked behind him to find her. "Those two are lovers?! They look more like they have some kind of master-familiar relationship..." he said to the girl, not realizing that he blurted it out. "Ah."

Mentioned: @Noblesse @Metaphysics
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Ami Hatsune

So in the end Ami decided to just eat and enjoy since this was a festival anyway. She had nine plates of food already and she was in line getting her tenth. "Man this food is so good! Ok lets see after I try this I'll head to that cafe next. I really want to try some cheese cake! hehe!" It was finally hr turn and she was telling the man everything she wanted after that suddenly she heard announcement."To everyone currently enjoying the festivities of the Thyrean Wall, please do await for a couple of minutes, 15 minutes to be exact. For a short program, thank you!" Ami thought for a moment. "Mmm yeah I'll guess I'll go." After the guy gave her the food. She walked over to where the stage was.

While heading over there the crowd started to get worse and she kept bumping into to people when finally she ran into someone. She feel back on the ground and dropped her food on this person by mistake. "Aw man my food!" she whined. Her ears dropped down with a sad look. "Darn."


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