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Fantasy Ex-Harmonia

Asura turned around as he saw a commotion next to him. It was his roommates covered in food and glaring down at a girl on the floor with very revealing armor and a giant sword. Asura put his arm on his roommate's chesr and said "Just let it go, maybe now is the perfect time to go purchase that armor from that store I told you about." His roommate was still glaring when Asura's other roommates pulled him away. Asura analyzed the girl on the floor, she looked very Eilow and so did her sword. Asura has never met another Eilow swordman but has heard there are others out there.

Asura noticed she looked upset over the accident but maybe more so the food than the person she spilled it on. Asura said "No use crying over spilt milk or in this case dumped food." He offered his hand to help her up. "You know I don't think you'd get a good view of the show down there." Yes she apparently knows all about good views. Shut up mind! Asura thought to himself and definitely mentally arguing with himself.

Ami Hatsune

Ami sighed completely ignoring the fact that the guys she spilled the food on was glaring at her. Then again she might of known but just didn't care. She then looked up to see a guy in armor. She laughed a little at what he said then took his hand and stood up. "Thanks!" She smiled. "Yeah the view might be better if I stood up!" She laughed again but the noticed the look on his face. She blinked and tiled her head a little. "Hey you alright?" She then studied the guy a little more. 'Oh he must be a Novushkun he's got the look.' She thought to herself.

The final electrical click of the fifth earpiece causes Jonathan to smile with glee. Finally! After suffering an EMP attack inside Eltschtein's crazed penitentiary is really gonna pay off once he cli-... *RUNNING NOISES AND FALLING TO THE GROUND NOISES... Don't make me go through that torture of finding what kind of sounds running and hitting the ground make.* The hell was that noise? Jonathan quickly stands from his chair, his right hand on the handle of his beretta, ready to ask what the hell was going on until the masked man spoke while sitting next to a robed Eilow collapsed on the floor, and he recognizes this voice instantly... It's the guy he used to fight alongside with on two/Ten/Four occasions.

"Hm, guess it isn't, Mandus. However, men carrying purses and looking absolutely fabulous is a crime punishable by testicle removal, but I'll let you off with a warning... this time." He teases,

smiling and extending his right arm towards Mandus, offering to help the mercenary up. "It's good to see you, old friend! How many times have we met? Five? Twenty? Eleven?" Perhaps the graveyard could wait for the moment. Jonathan hasn't seen Mandus for quite the long time, and the earpieces are already finished and all he needs to do is snap the fifth one back together. Ice cream will do for now... Ice cream will always do.

Ice cream is life.

@Constance Auburn
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Lydia Walford

Location: Karavan Festival

With: @Euthanasia @Newtype

Right after the time mage girl and Astra teleported at the Karavan festival, Lydia suddenly felt something soft and warm at the same time. It was a very familiar experience like a deja vu. "W-What is haffening agayn?" Lydia took a few steps back and slowly opened her eyes. There she saw, again, a very very veeery large @##%$#%@ breast placed in front of her. Lydia's eyes started to widen because of the insane breasts bouncing in front of her. She wanted to scream but her voice started to muffle. As she continued to take a few steps back, she unexpectedly touched Astra's boobs which made the moment more horrifying. Lydia quickly removed her hand from Astra's boobs and stepped away from the two of them. Her legs was shaking and started to weaken. Due to that, she helplessly fell to the ground.

Her skin was pale as white and as she slowly lifted her head up, the sun's rays beamed directly at her. "
G- God.. forgive my mother for angering you.. If you want.. you can now give me one of those.." She said while pointing at the girl's large boobs.
"Yeah I am fine." Asura replied snapping out of his argument with his mind. "I am Asura Knightwalker and I am gonna take a guess and ask if you an Eilow swordsman like me?" He said. Then he saw girl come no where groping the Ami's chest and then requested a chest similar to the one she groped. Asura's face turned to complete confusion as his mind said, I think it's one of those public erotic things that people do in places where they are in danger of getting seen but this area is even a little out in the open for that. But I must say that rack she was grabbing sure looks---- shut up mind! I didn't ask for your conclusions. I am your mind you get them whether you want them or not. I wonder how you become like this. Ask yourself. Why you! Asura indeed just had another mental argument with himself.

@Euthanasia @Peppermint
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Ellis Penbrooke - Thyrean Wall, The Cocking Fuckborough

Marchello 10; DY74



Ellis Penbrooke had certainly found herself in an awkward situation. The woman she'd sat next to, who she'd only been expecting to give her a nod and continue on with her business, had launched a fully blown conversation with her. Not to say that it was an unwanted one, eating and drinking both were things much better enjoyed alongside the company of another, and her speech certainly made it easier to distract herself from the surroundings. And to top things off, she'd even taken it upon herself to both recommend, and purchase her a drink. But, other than that... She seemed to be getting mixed messages from the woman, to say the least.

Putting aside the fact that she was staring directly at her chest, something that she wasn't quite sure how to interpret. Or at least, she wasn't sure how to interpret it coming from another woman. Again, putting aside that detail, she wasn't exactly sure how to take the woman's words. Sure, her tone and manner seemed friendly enough, but her opinion on the surroundings had such a disparity from her own, that it almost seemed like she was trying to make some sort of point. Had she offended her somehow? The woman seemed comfortable enough where she was, so perhaps she was a regular? If that were the case, she could see how she could have set the woman off...

But, then again, she had been told that she was overthinking what mainlanders said on more than one occasion.

"Right, right, I just suppose I'm not too used to this sort of crowd." So for now, she'd do her best to move things along.

Doing her best to ignore the woman's stare, and the drink that she'd so oddly raised to her face, Ellis took the drink that had been graciously ordered for her. Suffice to say, she was surprised as to see the green and yellow swill that filled it. Judging by appearances, the brew looked like the bartender had mopped up the collective vomit covering the floors from the past day, and poured it into a cup. Though, she couldn't possibly fathom as to why he could be motivated to do such a thing.

The smell coming from the drink wasn't bad. As a matter of fact it was delightfully fruity, but the stark contrast it struck against the look of the drink only served to make her more suspicious. But, not at least trying it out would be rude.

Bottoms up then, I suppose.

Closing her eyes, Ellis raised the mug to her lips, and began to hope with all her might that the color of the drink would be more indicative of it's flavor than it's appearance.


As it hit her tongue, Ellis was surprised by the sweetness that overflowed her mouth. She couldn't exactly call it a pleasant surprise, the sudden sweetness of the drink being a tad overwhelming after her usual consumption of the bland and bitter foods that littered Skouvil. But, she could at least tell that her drink-mate hadn't pushed some foul liquid upon her.

"I'm afraid this isn't quite my preference"

"But I do thank you for the sentiment." She said, placing the green-yellow brew back onto the counter-top, and pushing it over to the counter to it's purchaser.

"I go by Ellis Penbrooke, by-the-way. What, if you don't mind my asking, brings you to this festival?"
Lily did her best not to start laughing raucously as the cry of surprise was uttered from Ellis. Perhaps it would have been best to warn her about the sweetness of the drink, maybe ward her away from taking a dreg from it and instead steer her towards mild sips as she'd been doing. Besides, she was almost done with her own drink, so if Ellis didn't want hers then that mean she already had a refill. As Ellis brooked the question of why she was here, Lily couldn't help but smile widely as she leaned back and, carefully, threw her arms up and out into the air.

"Freedom and exploration! This is my first time truly being away from home, it is absolutely liberating! So much to see and do, er, well, experience and do anyway, but it's still fantastic. What about you, anything specific bring you to the Karavan Festival?"

As Lily quested into the motives of Ellis a mental message appeared in her mind, and she had no doubt it had done the same for everyone else. Realising it meant she'd be going her in a second if she expected to make it on time, Lily pulled a tip out to leave on the bar for the bartender before speaking to her companion again.

"I'm sure you'd have an easier time reading a map than I would, mind if I accompany you to our destination?"

(Short post I know, I'm working fields =/ )
Astra Siegefreed

with @Peppermint @Newtype @animegirl20

Astra felt dizzy, though she knew from the start the the girl was a mage, she didn't expect her to just suddenly teleport them in the middle of the Karavan Festival. In a very funny way, the things that had happened earlier were happening again to Lydia. It didn't happen with Astra but with a fox like maiden. Astra couldn't stop laughing at the girl's somewhat unluckiness and in the midst of laughing she noticed something around her chest area, only to find Lydia's hand holding it. Lydia immediately removed her hand and fell to the ground. Astra helped the young girl up with a smile plastered on her face.

Sorry for the commotion. Hope we didn't bother you two in any important talk or something. I am Astra, and this girl here is named Lydia." Astra stated, handing out a hand waiting for a handshake. But, alas, Astra couldn't wait for the handshake to be given for someone called her through her earpiece which is connected to the airship. "Astra, Astra, where are you? We're already in the docks." the voice coming from her earpiece said. It was Wyl, Astra's best student and one most loyal to her. He helps Astra in teaching the children and has been more like a younger brother to her. "That's good!" Astra exclaimed in joy. "The Festival will start soon so bring them out of there. Let them have fun it's about time they get some rest from studying how to become a soldier of Aristide." She added. "Okay, we'll see you later then?" Astra smiled, excited to see her students have a fun Karavan Festival. "Yeah, see you guys later."

Astra ended the call and looked back at her companions. "
So, what now?" She asked, specifically to Lydia.
Ami Hatsune

"Oh Good." she smiled at him. She looked at him a little shock. "Haha um wait your an Eilow swordsman?! I thought you were Novushkun! Actaully no I'm Eilow I'm Novushkun. But I get mistaken for Eilow all the time and it some cases it can be very helpful." she said with a sly smile. Then suddenly she felt some thing on her chest. She looked down to see a girl who started squeezing her boobs. "Ah!" The girl quickly fell back and Ami's face shot up red. She took some steps back with arms covering her chest. "W-what are you doing?!" She then looked at Asura. "And what are you staring at?!" Ami looked at them completely flustered. She then noticed the girl wishing for boobs like hers. Which just made her face even redder. She didn't here the other girl speak. She was to busy wondering why that just happened.



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"It doesn't seem like it." Severin replied, offering some of her spiced seeds to the man. "I take it back. The man has a crush on the girl and she finds him annoying." She said. "So...name's Severin. I assume you're not from here and only visiting for the festival?" She asked him. "What do you think? I'm thinking the girl is going to hurt the guy. What say you?" She said, betting on the rather amusing yet sketchy sight of Tin Man and Violet having a quarrel in a public place. "Of course, I think that that man over there would be able to take a good amount of damage."
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"Er, I still don't think so..." Michi said to the lady who introduced herself as Severin, accepting the strange seeds (the spiced seeds) and placing them in his parka's pocket. "Severin, was it? My name is Michi and yes, I am just here for this event." Michi introduced himself to her. "Anyway, if that were the case, I'd say that the girl is way out of 'Tin man's' league." Michi chuckled a little.

"So, um, what are these?" He asked Severin taking one of the seeds to observe it. He held it up to the sky and closed one eye just to see if it does anything strange. Then he looked at the girl, noticing her attire. "Are these... magic seeds?!"


Collab with


"It's most likely the twelfth old partner. A... are you planning on stealing my ice cream money?
W-we can talk about this, like you can just follow me to the place filled with vanilla ice baby goodness." An aroma of reunion scented across the two. A lucky day was it for the robber, for if Mandus had not seen an old friend, help me would be his last words. Standing up with the help of an ex-partner would the mercenary remember histories of their unwavering victories in skirmishes and exterminations. The mercenary would let the robber go and instead, accompany his friend to the place of delicacies.

"Oh yes, yes it was twelve times!" Jonathan remembers his times with Mandus in the past, almost as if the time they shot off a drug dealer in Tholinis' balls off happened yesterday... Once Mandus grasped the sniper's hand, he hoists the fully armored merc up with no trouble at all, then walks over to the table and gathers his remaining earpieces, tossing him one in an underhanded matter. "Channel Five. You know how to work it, you always have." Just before leaving, Jon walks up to his old friend and smiles, patting his right shoulder and gesturing him to come along. "We have a lot to discuss, Mandus. It's been a very... Very long time. Wouldn't you agree?" The man asks curiously, already beginning to walk towards the Ice Cream Parlor that's a few blocks over.

Jon's right. It has been a very... Very long time. Two years, to be exact. Knowing Mandus' nature and the way he feels about Harmonia's governments, Jonathan can assume he hasn't been real friendly... Mandus has betrayed Jon twice, and redeemed himself twice. Both have battled each other brutally twice, and had them result in no real victor twice. However, that was only when they started to get to know each other back then, and they were young, arrogant boys starting to learn the ways of both soldier, and mercenary.

Who knows? Maybe third time could be the charm...

"So... you still like living in ancient times huh?" Born from high technological standards was a man such as Mandus. Earpieces he used to wore, earpieces he'll always criticize. His dad of engineer and scientist combined taught him countless hours of physics, biology and chemistry. To this day does the knowledge of quantum mechanics still dance around his head. "Sure, one thing I'm curious about is your too friendly attitude. Have I been gone that long? You always were the serious type."

Keen observations of facades on the variety of social beings were of high importance once a job requires you to interrogate certain individuals, and the likes of an old friend were no exception. Smiles of a child and positive gestures were of contradiction to a soldier the mercenary once new as Jonathan. In olden days did Mandus saw immovable eyes that pierced insurgent's souls. With every shot they dropped, another one bites the dust. In the rifle's scope Jon would search any foe left, bullets waiting to immerse themselves in flesh and bone. But past was past, vengeance was his focus. When... did he start to care?

The place of delicacies they reached as conversations of the past continued...
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Asura Knightwalker Karavan Festival

Asura was a little to busy arguing with his mind to answer Ami's question? But he was snapped out of by Astra's introduction with her hand held out. Sora took it and replied "Asura Knightwalker feel free to make a pun about that. My friend here is someone who i just met." Asura bend down to offer his hand to Ami to help her up. Hey those are some odd looking swords she has there, her eyes look like they may be two different colors, and that hair is awesome. She may be your type. Can it! These aren't my thoughts or yours these are our thoughts. I hate it when your right but that doesn't mean I have to accept it. But she is kind of hot. So is that Ami girl and maybe the one called Lydia. I guess it's raining girls tonight, make the best of it. Maybe, drum up with some conversation about the swords.... Asura did just have another mental conversation with himself.

"Those are some odd looking swords you got there. After making the mistake once today I and since there are two I assume you're a novushkun that likes cool swords." Asura said. Jon's method is so not helpful at all. "Could you tell me about those swords , Astra? I'll tell you about mine if you do." Asura asked.

@Peppermint @Euthanasia
Ami took Asura's hand as he helped her up. "Thanks." She stood up and dusted herself off. Her attention then went to the conversation that Asura and Astra were having. She heard him ask her about her swords. "Oh those are intresting looking swords." She said said looking curiously with her hands behind her back.

@Peppermint @Newtype @Euthanasia

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