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[SIZE= 20px]Welcome to EVO. Transporting consciousness into network.[/SIZE]




This is EVO, a VR MMO that takes imagination and converts it into a viewable platform. All new players start at Central City where they will look at the character they have created through their own design. What they do from onward is up to them. For information on locations, please refer to the location's guide. 


Enjoy your stay now!


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Bianca or Floresence sat untop one of the high standing signs, pondering whether she wanted to do some quest alone or put out another notice to say she was availiable for hire. Sighing she equipped her weapon and crawled down from her perch in the main hub, as she called it. She started running, activating flee and rouge when she did. She reached the notice board and placed her name and the fact she was open to request again before walking around and outside the main central and into the forest. -open interaction- 
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level: 7

Silver hovered in the air over the battle field watching over the players who where fighting. Bored, she headed back to the main central, watching new players and older converse in the city. She landed, disabling Flight, and her wings folded in and dissappered. Sighing, she walk aimlessly around. She knew she should get a group, but she was to stubborn to care. She smiled at a few players she knew as she walked, heading for the battle stations. She wanted to practice more with her sword fighting. -open-
Rave trekked on at a casual pace through the blue hued lights of Central City's splendor.  Having recently restocked his consumable after some low ranked solo questing.  His coin purse was now light.  At lower levels it was a repeating cycle earn money and lose it before you ever had the opportunity to think about buying something worthwhile.  The essentials were the essentials and there was no getting around that.  "Let the cycle continue.."  He was on his way back to the center of the center, Center City's central hub.  New quests needed to be picked up and he was playing with the idea of throwing his name into an LFGMore people, greater the targets, bigger the reward.   "I'm not typically to gung-ho for any kind of reward but I need to get my footing."  [SIZE=11pt]The central hub, as vibrant as the rest of the city, was packed full of would be adventures and traders.  [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Bulletin boards were aplenty ,each offering a variety of services.  Some  for trade, others for groups, and guilds.  Rave approached one of the Looking for Group boards and pinged his name in.[/SIZE]
In a dark realm, where no light shone, a great silhouette began sharpening a massive sword. It struck the whetstone on the blade over and over, seemingly a machine. After what seemed like hours, he finally stopped, looking at the gleaming blade of his monstrous cleaver. An eye opened up on the center of the blade, looking at the figure straight in the eye.

"They will come... And their blood will feed the ritual..."

Suddenly, a great portal rimmed with green balefire opened up, illuminating the horrid nightmare realm.

The figure stepped up towards the portal and extended a skeletal hand towards the light.

"The voiceless ones shall return..."

From his hand, an obsidian spike passed through, disappearing into the portal which quickly closed...


Near City Central, a great flash of light could be seen in the sky. What seemed like a comet appeared out of nowhere, and crashed to the ground, shaking the game world.

It landed with a great crater, and when the smoke settled it was revealed.

A great black monolith, with strange indecipherable inscriptions on it.

Standing near it, one could hear strange whispers.


Wolf Knight


He spawned in central city, He already made his character. He was amazed by the size of the city but he wanted to see what it had to offer. So he went to the main part and looked around to so many other players, He looked for the pvp arena, maybe he could test his abilities there. 

(Open For interaction)

From the dark alley of the City Hub, a dirty rat crawled out and looked around.

"Ahh... I smell something new..."

He muttered to himself as he saw a great figure in black armor.


Taking out a small object, he checked the price of the armor the man was carrying.

"Very valuable..."

He snuck up behind the man and tapped his shoulder, trying to look as intimidated as possible.

"H-Hello s-s-ssir?"

He asked in a quiet, meek tone.

"Do you want t-t-t-o fight for that armor set?"

From the dark alley of the City Hub, a dirty rat crawled out and looked around.

"Ahh... I smell something new..."

He muttered to himself as he saw a great figure in black armor.


Taking out a small object, he checked the price of the armor the man was carrying.

"Very valuable..."

He snuck up behind the man and tapped his shoulder, trying to look as intimidated as possible.

"H-Hello s-s-ssir?"

He asked in a quiet, meek tone.

"Do you want t-t-t-o fight for that armor set?"

His eyes glowed a light red "Sure. i have 3 more" He says pulling his greatsword and dagger and striking the Legion Etiquette Geasture 
His eyes glowed a light red "Sure. i have 3 more" He says pulling his greatsword and dagger and striking the Legion Etiquette Geasture 

The letters above his head glowed for a second "Bldletter". He preferred to just use his real name.


He coughed for a moment, he couldn't keep up the stupid act much longer

"Shouldn't we go to the pvp arena?"
The letters above his head glowed for a second "Bldletter". He preferred to just use his real name.


He coughed for a moment, he couldn't keep up the stupid act much longer

"Shouldn't we go to the pvp arena?"

He sighs "Yes, lets go" He goes over to the arena and drops his bag preparing to fight
He sighs "Yes, lets go" He goes over to the arena and drops his bag preparing to fight

Ives grinned as they entered the arena.

His name tag turned red, indicating that they were in a duel.

"Oh you're dead..." He spoke in a strange, bloodthirsty voice.

As soon as the duel started Ives would stutter, then stay still, staring at his combatant dead in the eye.
Ives grinned as they entered the arena.

His name tag turned red, indicating that they were in a duel.

"Oh you're dead..." He spoke in a strange, bloodthirsty voice.

As soon as the duel started Ives would stutter, then stay still, staring at his combatant dead in the eye.

He started sprinting at his opponent. Wolf blood allowing him to slide stabbing his knife into the ground and spinning across the floor with his sword 
He started sprinting at his opponent. Wolf blood allowing him to slide stabbing his knife into the ground and spinning across the floor with his sword 

Ives would stay still as the wolf knight charged at him and sliced the rat in two... However, what the wolf knight attacked just disappeared into thin air, like a gas.

As the wolf knight was on the ground, recovered from the spin, Ives came from behind and jumped on the wolf knights back, trying to repeatedly stab him with a poisoned blade in the neck.
Ives would stay still as the wolf knight charged at him and sliced the rat in two... However, what the wolf knight attacked just disappeared into thin air, like a gas.

As the wolf knight was on the ground, recovered from the spin, Ives came from behind and jumped on the wolf knights back, trying to repeatedly stab him with a poisoned blade in the neck.

He grabbed the knife his eyes flaming red after being stabbed 15 times and he flipped him over bringing the small stone dagger towards Ives gut and then bringing the greatsword down
He grabbed the knife his eyes flaming red after being stabbed 15 times and he flipped him over bringing the small stone dagger towards Ives gut and then bringing the greatsword down

Ives was caught by surprise as the knight grabbed hold of the dagger. As soon as he felt his weight shifting, Ives disengaged and let go of his dagger, leaving it impaled inside the wolf knight.

"There goes my knife..."

He said with a grim hilarity. The knife was just a sharpened piece of salvage, the real damage came from his dark poison. He ran back a good distance from the knight, skittering and scurrying across the flat pvp arena. 

When he reached the other end, he faced the knight and clenched his fists. Blood drained from his heart into his palms, gathering a dark aura of energy.

"Give up yet? That poison will do you nicely."
Ives was caught by surprise as the knight grabbed hold of the dagger. As soon as he felt his weight shifting, Ives disengaged and let go of his dagger, leaving it impaled inside the wolf knight.

"There goes my knife..."

He said with a grim hilarity. The knife was just a sharpened piece of salvage, the real damage came from his dark poison. He ran back a good distance from the knight, skittering and scurrying across the flat pvp arena. 

When he reached the other end, he faced the knight and clenched his fists. Blood drained from his heart into his palms, gathering a dark aura of energy.

"Give up yet? That poison will do you nicely."

The wolf blood was strong, it slowed the poison considerably "If that was your only move you will be sorely mistaken" He says preparing for a flurry of blows
The wolf blood was strong, it slowed the poison considerably "If that was your only move you will be sorely mistaken" He says preparing for a flurry of blows


He said quietly as he slowly walked towards the knight.

Once he found himself at a good range, he flicked one of his hands, firing a great blast of dark energy, nearly as big as the rat itself.

He said quietly as he slowly walked towards the knight.

Once he found himself at a good range, he flicked one of his hands, firing a great blast of dark energy, nearly as big as the rat itself.

He used his sword to knock it to the side, He started to sprint like a wolf and he leaped at him with his stone dagger at the helm
He used his sword to knock it to the side, He started to sprint like a wolf and he leaped at him with his stone dagger at the helm

Ives grin dropped as he saw how easily he cast aside the dark magic. Seeing the leap, Ives rolled to the side and quickly recovered. As soon as he hopped back onto his feet, he unleashed the second dark bolt at the knights back.
Ives grin dropped as he saw how easily he cast aside the dark magic. Seeing the leap, Ives rolled to the side and quickly recovered. As soon as he hopped back onto his feet, he unleashed the second dark bolt at the knights back.

He was hit right in the leg making him swing his sword in a huge arc that made him have to recover
He was hit right in the leg making him swing his sword in a huge arc that made him have to recover

Ives was low on health from using his dark magics, though now he saw an opportunity. As soon as the knight staggered, he leaped on his side and began biting into the soft parts of the armor, chewing away at leather and digging into flesh, desperate to restore health.
Ives was low on health from using his dark magics, though now he saw an opportunity. As soon as the knight staggered, he leaped on his side and began biting into the soft parts of the armor, chewing away at leather and digging into flesh, desperate to restore health.

He went into Ember mode, his body caught on fire, and his sword. All of his wounds healed. 

 "Im going to finish this" 

He says Doing a full Combo bouncing off walls. Finishing it with a flipping attack.
He went into Ember mode, his body caught on fire, and his sword. All of his wounds healed. 

 "Im going to finish this" 

He says Doing a full Combo bouncing off walls. Finishing it with a flipping attack.

As his body burst into flames, Ives jumped off. He hadn't been able to restore much health, but it had been enough for a few more spells. He wiped his maw clean of blood and watched as the knight did his acrobatics.

As the wolf knight was half way in the air, a malicious grin crept on his face.

With a wave of dark magic, Ives blinded the wolf knight and skittered away, jumping on the wall and staying there for a few moments as he watched the knights reactions.
As his body burst into flames, Ives jumped off. He hadn't been able to restore much health, but it had been enough for a few more spells. He wiped his maw clean of blood and watched as the knight did his acrobatics.

As the wolf knight was half way in the air, a malicious grin crept on his face.

With a wave of dark magic, Ives blinded the wolf knight and skittered away, jumping on the wall and staying there for a few moments as he watched the knights reactions.

He started sniffing, realizing his vision was gone he started smelling for him.
He started sniffing, realizing his vision was gone he started smelling for him.

"Nyeh heheh..."

He chuckled to himself as he charged his dark magic in one hand. Once it was fully charged, he leaped high into the air, above the wolf knight and fired the blast of energy down at him. He landed without grace, tumbling and rolling, hurting himself in the process.

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