Everything that's wrong with your favorite videogame


-PvP is currently a lagging mess

-Some weapons becoming much too overused and end up dominating the meta

-A bit repetitive, but the new Challenge modes are fun
Star Wars The Old Republic (I haven't played in a while so maybe some of these have changed)

stories are far too polarized in terms of light vs dark side choices: you're either a peace-loving carebear or rampant murdering a-hole, and you have to gravitate towards an alignment to get rewards (no gray jedi in swtor, tragic...)

- EA, nuff said

- graphics engine is horribly optimized for warzones (pvp), supercomputer required

- engine is pretty bad in general, glitches left and right and poor design (Ex: you finally get your follower points high enough to romance and they're going to kiss, but their lips don't ever actually touch...immersion BROKEN)

- long pvp queues

- heavily recycled pve content

- they removed the side quest requirements to level up but travel time to each story quest is annoying now

- jedi can't wear cloaks with the hood down, come onnnnnnn....

- Minor jedi/sith story spoiler:

So you get promoted twice as a sith, first to a lord, then finally darth. But as a jedi you'll get the master title only after saving the ENTIRE FREAKING GALAXY. Like really? (Nevermind saving the jedi homeworld, or being called master jedi by most npcs anyways, or HAVING A PADAWAN...had me feeling like Anakin, damn jedi council)
But it's a star wars mmo, so it's my favorite by default.
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Kid Icaurs: Uprising

Not alot of multiplayer activity, not their fault though.

Smash Bros 3DS

Not enough modes. It is an epic game, but after a few smash battles i feel like i am missing something.
[QUOTE="Lex Halycor]
Star Wars The Old Republic (I haven't played in a while so maybe some of these have changed)

stories are far too polarized in terms of light vs dark side choices: you're either a peace-loving carebear or rampant murdering a-hole, and you have to gravitate towards an alignment to get rewards (no gray jedi in swtor, tragic...)

- EA, nuff said

- graphics engine is horribly optimized for warzones (pvp), supercomputer required

- engine is pretty bad in general, glitches left and right and poor design (Ex: you finally get your follower points high enough to romance and they're going to kiss, but their lips don't ever actually touch...immersion BROKEN)

- long pvp queues

- heavily recycled pve content

- they removed the side quest requirements to level up but travel time to each story quest is annoying now

- jedi can't wear cloaks with the hood down, come onnnnnnn....

- Minor jedi/sith story spoiler:

So you get promoted twice as a sith, first to a lord, then finally darth. But as a jedi you'll get the master title only after saving the ENTIRE FREAKING GALAXY. Like really? (Nevermind saving the jedi homeworld, or being called master jedi by most npcs anyways, or HAVING A PADAWAN...had me feeling like Anakin, damn jedi council)
But it's a star wars mmo, so it's my favorite by default.

You forget several things:

- most of the updates are hours longer than they should have (1 even like +9 hours in total)

- new server thing

- your choice does not really matter like they say

- also, grey is possible (there are weapons that you can only equip when you are neutral)

- unbalanced pvp (matchmaking is horrible)
Terraria(The best game evar)

At the beginning the game seriously bites you in the balls, Cheap deaths, What seems like bottomless pits,. You can completely bob over important things on your first playthrough. Like how to make potions that give you important buffs.

To get the best items in the game you have to grind like a mofo. Example Ankh sheild, you need Twenty different debuff items that are pretty rare. A sheild that has a 0,5 out of 500 to spawn in an underground chest. A Nazar that has a 1% drop from 4 enemies that are a bitch to find. Armor polish that drops from an enemy who is a fucking tank with no matter what weapon you use and he's a bitch to find. I could go on for a long time. But I wont. But I could.
Fallout: New Vegas

-Buggy as all hell

-Lack of development time

-Outdated engine

-Buggy as all hell

-Somewhat empty world

-Half-baked factions

-Buggy as all hell

-Console limitations
Kritikal said:
--- You cannot have a date with the fish.

-- Pafriskus.
Don't forget-

-- Newbies who think you have to farm are met with a cruel fate

-- Emotional trauma

--- The fandom. Dear lord, the fandom..
I believe @XiaoWeiXiao had already pointed out a lot, but still.

League of Legends: (and why it's currently trash)

- A toxic community that acknowledges and makes fun of its very toxicity.

- Nerf/Buff *this* circlejerks

- Riot "listens" to its playerbase

- Dynamic Queue premades

- Boosted Animals

- "Balance is weakness."

- Tilt-worthy plays


- Koreans are gods

- Retired old players (RIP Darien, Dyrus, Odddone, Qtpie)

- And most importantly, FOTM mains who think they're challenjour
Reinhardt said:
I believe @XiaoWeiXiao had already pointed out a lot, but still.
League of Legends: (and why it's currently trash)

- A toxic community that acknowledges and makes fun of its very toxicity.

- Nerf/Buff *this* circlejerks

- Riot "listens" to its playerbase

- Dynamic Queue premades

- Boosted Animals

- "Balance is weakness."

- Tilt-worthy plays


- Koreans are gods

- Retired old players (RIP Darien, Dyrus, Odddone, Qtpie)

- And most importantly, FOTM mains who think they're challenjour
And That is why I play smite.
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Speaking of Smite:

-Lack of unique female designs for gods (seriously, the only ones with a unique body shapes are Scylla and Jing Wei)

-Lack of non-humanoid gods (Khepri, Ratatoskr, Kukulkan, and arguably Fenrir are the only non=humanoids I know off of the top of my head)

-My favorite gods to play as sometimes get nerfed to oblivion

-My least favorite gods to play against sometimes get buffed to oblivion

And that's the only ones I know off the top of my head...
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Ok for me it's monster hunter 4 ultimate.

  1. For gods sake simplify the insect glaive upgrade system
  2. The pink rathian A.I.
  3. Dual tigrex quests. Or Diablos if you want true hell.
  4. Everyone wants to mount the monster but honestly you should only mount once and not attempt to mount it every chance you get. some of us need to cut the tail or break something like the wings or head.
  5. Did I forget to mention how bad the Pink Rathian can get. I will gladly use the broken as all hell blast element to kill that thing.'
  6. The blast element is broken.
Harvest Moon:

-Still no hot Harvest God instead of Goddess.

-There hasn't been a major advance in content since the gamecube.

-Stardew Valley now exists and a single developer made a better version than the original.
Mine is The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. I have a few things to bash about it still, though.

- The save system sucks. Basically how it works is this: You can only permanently save the game by going back to the beginning of the three-day cycle. There are owl statues that you can save your progress at until you return to the game, but if you turn the game off for any reason without using these statues or going back, the game restarts your progress to the beginning of the three-day cycle. Which leads me to my next point:

- Every port of the game to other systems has had reports of many crashes and general instability problems throughout the game. I'm lucky enough to never experience either of these things, but a lot of people do.

- The 3DS remake is only about half as good as the original.

- You can only skip through days one at a time (The remake fixes this, but again... Half as good) and never to a specific point in a specific day.

- The Razor Sword. You can only use it 100 times before it breaks? It's nice to have the extra damage and everything, but I generally avoid it entirely until I'm able to get the Gilded Sword. I have this same problem with the Giant's Knife in OoT, mind you.

- Aiming projectiles with the control stick will always be horrible. I don't care what console it is, it always will be.
Digimon cyber sleuth


This thing


And to answer all question

Yes she's being forced to fight

Yes she has no pants

Yes she has a ball gag

Yes she's being tied

Yes those are tenctecle

One of my favorite original Xbox titles (Because I'm not allowed to call it the Xbox onbe anymore...thanks Obamasoft.)


-What's Gladius? (So few people know of the game.)

-Never made backwards compatible with the 360

-Ended on a cliffhanger, but was not popular enough to warrant a sequel

-Wolves are OP as hell!

-Ludo is a racist asshole... That is litterally his whole plot. "Hey Valens, I can't believe you'd hire an ACTUAL black guy, why not just hire a white guy and paint his face black?"

-Not an actual line of dialogue...but might as well be xD
Dark Souls 3 (makes me wanna pull my hair out from the stress it gives me)

Tutorial boss at the very beginning of the game, died twice to defeated it

Takes a long time to download especially for a ps4 when you're wanting to play the game right then and there

Only can use three phantoms for the game if you got the right stuff for it (hate it so far)

Invasion Trolls are irritating when they invade your game-play when you are trying to chill with one of your friends.

Over Powered bosses make it really at and unfair advantage to take one on at the same time, even trying to stab the monsters from behind is also the hardest so far..

An the game glitches half the time you play it through.

(Only got it cause a friend on psn begged me to get this game so we could play together.)

Yeah, it's a bit hard to bash, and perhaps venomous to try, but...

-Bugs. Dear god, I've had quest-breaks before.

-Same sidequests for each hold to become the Thane. Kill this, take that.

-The guild quests were more enjoyable than the main quest.

-Alduin battle was so easy since he doesn't scale w/ your character.

-So many useless shouts. I used about 4 mainly.


-No multilayered armor like Morrowind.

-The game was dubbed down in RPG aspects so more casual gamers could enjoy it. That's cool and all, but that's also the reason why Fallout 4 is much simpler.

-DLC's were not worth their money. The effort behind the dlc quests should've been in the main quest.

-No more cool ass magic besides the simple ones. No telekinesis, that weird flying one from Morrowind...

-Not on next-gen (Not including the remaster)

-How was the civil war a damn side quest?

-Astrid dies.

-Slaying the Emperor was too damn easy.

-Bard quest. 'Nuff said.

-Autosave (especially with siblings on your account) seem to have a habit of replacing other saved games. I've lost a lvl 73 from this. I disabled the feature, it's that bad.

Missing some, but it's been awhile. The bugs could be their own separate post.
Fatal Frame (entire series)

- Tedious bosses (I'm looking at you FF 4!)

- Running out of film... (ESPECIALLY FF1)

- Random ghost encounters that stalk you everywhere

- Never enough herbal medicine

- The magical girl flashlight-thing for the lead male... (FF4)

- The unlock-able costumes... (FF 4 onward; why you trying to pimp out the girls!?)

- i've been playing this for months and still have no idea what i'm doing this is probably my own fault

dying light

- hey, rais' thugs, are you SURE you want to attack me after i cut your boss' hand off & shoved him off a building? why are you lot even still out here now. go away

- why haven't we all died after the GRE stopped the antizin drops? am i missing something?

- unplayable areas in the middle of the fucking map so you have to go around. why? why


- who holds things like this? who holds things at arm's length & just lets their wrist go limp & flails?

fallout 4

- bethesda. i'm kidding i love u bethesda shower me in DLC
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Majora's Mask:

The fact you have only three days to complete each dungeon when originally there were going to be seven.

The fountain fairy's jugs(Christ, those things are so pointy they can poke an eye out).

Happy Mask Salesman(Enough said).

The fact Happy Mask Salesman has Majora's mask in the first place.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Skills are absolutely useless. If you go the Scoundrel/Consular route, every skill will be a class skill but you only need Persuade (and Repair if you want to fix HK-47). However, Scoundrel is somehow the only class that does not include Persuade as a class skill (only the Player character can increase and use this skill, but somehow one of the three starting classes doesn't get it. What).

Two-Weapon Fighting and Double-Bladed Lightsabers. Two-Weapon Fighting is a feat that helps balance using two weapons at once, and in its description it includes Double-Bladed Lightsabers. Despite this description, and the fact that if you equip a Double-Bladed Saber you can see that it gets stats for both primary and off-hand slots (whereas something like a Blaster Rifle only gets primary), Two-Weapon Fighting actually does nothing to Double-Bladed Sabers, making Dual Blades a far more useful choice (unless you get Darth Bandon's Double-Blade, which would be even more better if Two-Weapon Fighting worked like it should).

Speaking of Feats, almost every feat is useless to the Player Character and you start with a bunch of preset feats that you'll never use (such as Soldier starting with Heavy Armor Proficiency, despite all the good Force Powers have armor restriction causing you to only want to wear robes). Off all the alternate attacks (Rapid Shot/Flurry, Sniper Shot/Critical Strike, Power Blast/Power Strike), Rapid Shot and Flurry are easily the best with the most upside and least downside.

Companions are also bad.

-Juhani complains about everything and somehow blames you and Bastila for the destruction of Taris as if you influenced Malak to destroy the planet.

-HK-47, while amusing, is also pretty useless. Yes, he starts with 15 Strength, but Strength only affects your damage with melee weapons and ... SURPRISE ... HK can only use blasters. WHY DOES HE HAVE FREAKING 15 STRENGTH?!! Also, he is one of the weakest party members as Carth is easily the best long-range member and T3 is better as a skill mule.

You are almost always going to run either a 2 Jedi/1 blaster (2 melee/1 blaster early game) or 3 Jedi party. The best Jedi companions are Jolee (Neutral Jedi which, unless you are playing Dark Side, gives you the only easy way to use Dark Powers without consuming so many Force Points) and Bastila. Juhani is pretty meh as her best strength is the Leviathan mission where she can use Force Camouflage. Other than that, Bastila and Jolee will help keep you alive with having access to the most amount of Force Powers (only topped by Player Character Consular/Jolee) which means plenty of buffs and offensive powers to cause havoc.

If you want to use a melee character, its almost always going to be Zalbaar. Yes, Canderous can be built to be a power tank because he is a Soldier, has high Strength to boot, and can wear armor and headgear, but with Master Flurry Zalbaar will help defeat enemies in just a few rounds, meaning you can use all that extra armor and gear for someone else or sell it.

Ranged characters are just easily beaten out by Carth, because he is a Soldier. Mission is good for Stealth, but the only time you need her for that is Leviathan and Juhani outclasses her. T3 and HK are lackluster because they are droids (which, if HK had 7 less points in Strength that went to Dexterity or something, he wouldn't be so bad). Canderous as a ranged guy is just mediocre as he has enough Strength that you should be running him as a melee character (especially alongside Zalbaar if no other option).

These are some of my grievances with KotOR I. I know there is a KotOR I post here already, but mine focuses on mainly the party and character creation (of which I'll spend 90% of my time doing as creating characters is always my favorite part).
TwystedPhoenix said:
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Skills are absolutely useless. If you go the Scoundrel/Consular route, every skill will be a class skill but you only need Persuade (and Repair if you want to fix HK-47). However, Scoundrel is somehow the only class that does not include Persuade as a class skill (only the Player character can increase and use this skill, but somehow one of the three starting classes doesn't get it. What).

Two-Weapon Fighting and Double-Bladed Lightsabers. Two-Weapon Fighting is a feat that helps balance using two weapons at once, and in its description it includes Double-Bladed Lightsabers. Despite this description, and the fact that if you equip a Double-Bladed Saber you can see that it gets stats for both primary and off-hand slots (whereas something like a Blaster Rifle only gets primary), Two-Weapon Fighting actually does nothing to Double-Bladed Sabers, making Dual Blades a far more useful choice (unless you get Darth Bandon's Double-Blade, which would be even more better if Two-Weapon Fighting worked like it should).

Speaking of Feats, almost every feat is useless to the Player Character and you start with a bunch of preset feats that you'll never use (such as Soldier starting with Heavy Armor Proficiency, despite all the good Force Powers have armor restriction causing you to only want to wear robes). Off all the alternate attacks (Rapid Shot/Flurry, Sniper Shot/Critical Strike, Power Blast/Power Strike), Rapid Shot and Flurry are easily the best with the most upside and least downside.

Companions are also bad.

-Juhani complains about everything and somehow blames you and Bastila for the destruction of Taris as if you influenced Malak to destroy the planet.

-HK-47, while amusing, is also pretty useless. Yes, he starts with 15 Strength, but Strength only affects your damage with melee weapons and ... SURPRISE ... HK can only use blasters. WHY DOES HE HAVE FREAKING 15 STRENGTH?!! Also, he is one of the weakest party members as Carth is easily the best long-range member and T3 is better as a skill mule.

You are almost always going to run either a 2 Jedi/1 blaster (2 melee/1 blaster early game) or 3 Jedi party. The best Jedi companions are Jolee (Neutral Jedi which, unless you are playing Dark Side, gives you the only easy way to use Dark Powers without consuming so many Force Points) and Bastila. Juhani is pretty meh as her best strength is the Leviathan mission where she can use Force Camouflage. Other than that, Bastila and Jolee will help keep you alive with having access to the most amount of Force Powers (only topped by Player Character Consular/Jolee) which means plenty of buffs and offensive powers to cause havoc.

If you want to use a melee character, its almost always going to be Zalbaar. Yes, Canderous can be built to be a power tank because he is a Soldier, has high Strength to boot, and can wear armor and headgear, but with Master Flurry Zalbaar will help defeat enemies in just a few rounds, meaning you can use all that extra armor and gear for someone else or sell it.

Ranged characters are just easily beaten out by Carth, because he is a Soldier. Mission is good for Stealth, but the only time you need her for that is Leviathan and Juhani outclasses her. T3 and HK are lackluster because they are droids (which, if HK had 7 less points in Strength that went to Dexterity or something, he wouldn't be so bad). Canderous as a ranged guy is just mediocre as he has enough Strength that you should be running him as a melee character (especially alongside Zalbaar if no other option).

These are some of my grievances with KotOR I. I know there is a KotOR I post here already, but mine focuses on mainly the party and character creation (of which I'll spend 90% of my time doing as creating characters is always my favorite part).
The problem with Zaalbar is that he can't wear any armor , so he survives on Consitution and health alone.. Which means 90% of the time he gets shredded like tissue paper by enemies. Canderous is very nearly as strong and can wear the heaviest armors possible (which are , ironically , Mandalorian or Mandalorian appearing ones) , so he ends up being the most viable Melee party member. I don't even know why they equip Canderous with's repeater , because he's so much better at Melee (even with a Baragwin Heavy repeater , which belongs on HK-47 anyway).

I definitely agree that skills are worse than useless , asides from Persuade and Repair.. And I always found it odd that the *one class* that you'd think would absolutely have persuade doesn't (scoundrel - a Han Solo type. Persuading away officials is their freaking job). You'd think Soldier would be the class that doesn't have it , really.

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