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Realistic or Modern Every one loves high school


mad as a hatter
Ok well this is a high school role play. Romance, bullies, classes, homework, you know normal high school things. Don't post till it starts.
Yui woke up and looked at the clock next to her bed, upon seeing the time she jumped up and ran to Ciel's room. "Ciel. CIEL WAKE UP WE"RE GOING TO BE LATE!" She pulls the covers off of him. "Get dressed and met me down stairs in 15 minuets." She ran back to her room quickly grabbing some clothes and throwing them on. She looked around for her bag and found it wegded in the back of her closet. She grabbed her keys and ran down stairs to wait for Ciel.

Ciel woke to Yui yelling at him. She had ripped the covers off of him. He got up and tiredly walk to his closet, he put ong the first things he touched. One his way out the door he grabbed his bag. He stumbled down stairs to where Yui was waiting. "I'm up lets go." He let out a yawn. They got in the car and Yui drove like a mad woman trying to get to school in time.
Myu woke up and got ready before 6:30. She drove to school and hung out under a big weeping willow for school to start. She sat down and pulled out a book and started to read. When the bell rung she quickly packed her stuff and went to math. She went straight to the back and sat down she was the first one there so she pulled out a notebook and started drawing.
NO! Don't leave me... *beep beep beep*

Imogen jumped out of bed. Another dream of my mom... Her eyes slowly focused on her pink alarm clock. "An hour left to get ready. Easy" Imogen slipped her cold feet into some fuzzy polka dot mint socks and headed to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. She then began curling her hair. She was addicted to the large, luscious curls and had been doing them for about 3 years. She pulled out her makeup bag and began applying the makeup. 'Red, pink or natural lipstick... Bold red it is." She smacked her lips together and decided on a casual outfit that consisted of a Brandy-Melville tee shirt, a leather jacket, grey skinny jeans, red ankle boots and a gold chain bracelet. She headed down the kitchen, swinging her bag on one shoulder and grabbing her keys, phone and a granola bar. She got into her car and threw her bag onto the passenger seat and drove to school.

Imogen parked her car and sat on a bench in the school yard as she scrolled through her phone. She heard the school bell ring and decided to walk to her first class.
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Minori had been up for a few hours already hopping around the house in nothing but her bra and panties, which was perfectly acceptable since she lived alone. The curvy girl stuck a cigarette into her mouth and lit it, still dancing while doing so. She grabbed her phone and looked at the screen intently at the time. If she didn't leave right this second she was going to be late.

" Shit.." She forced through cigarette gripping lips. No time to put any effort into her look today, not like that mattered much to her anyway. She dressed in an easy black skin tight tank top with a white loose one over top. Ripped blue jeans and a pair of wore out red keds. She grabbed her back pack and pullover dark blue hoodie walking out of the house, still dancing even though she turned the music off a while ago.

Minori hopped onto the back of her motorcycle, squeezed on her helmet and vroomed off to school, making it to her parking space and still on time.
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Julie »

Julie stood up from the edge of her bed, midnight black hair a mess as she stretched out her thing arms. It was Monday, the worst day of them all. She walked over to her small, green-schemed bathroom and slowly ran her brush through her hair. Julie's hair was the thinnest hair on the planet, she had to be careful because if not... More likely than not, it will be ripped right out of her head.

Joseph »

Joseph walked out of the house, he was awoken at four in the morning from night terrors. He got ready directly after, straightening his hair and getting dressed to distract himself about it. He began his walk to school, earbuds in his ears and humming along. It was way hotter than he thought it was going to be, he immediately regretted wearing long sleeves.

Tyler »

Tyler looked at his phone as soon as he woke up, "Aw..." He whispered, seeing he had no new messages. "Shame..." He drawled, already over it as he began to pull on today's outfit, not wanting to do his hair today he let it as it was. He began to stuff books and binders into his bag, running his fingers through his hair as he slung his small tote bag over his shoulder. Taking an apple and his keys he left the apartment, locking the door behind him and beginning on his way to school.
After getting up and ready, Jack checked the calendar to see which competition his father went to today. Seeing it was one that was being held a fairly long way from home, he guessed his father wouldn't be home tonight. Once breakfast was done and eaten, he started his walk to school, of which his mother had made him practice for 2 weeks straight before this first day of school so he would not get lost. Although some people passing by Jack were annoyed by the fact the music coming through his earphones planted into his ears were basically spilling out for all to hear, none chose to actively care enough to mention it, but cared enough to shoot him dirty looks and sigh.

Arriving at school, Jack got out his schedule and a map of the school to get to class without getting lost, uncaring if anyone was able to hear the music now blaring due to him turning it up as punishment for the people who had sighed so loudly he couldn't hear it. While getting weird looks from other students considering to approach him or not, Jack finally found the right classroom he was supposed to be at for his first class, math. Picking a random seat, Jack put his schedule and map away, using his desk to hide his phone as Jack's fingers cycled through the various songs on it.
Yui and Ciel showed up just as the warning bell rung, they parked and quickly ran inside to math. When they got there they found seats by the windows. They still had a few minutes till class started so Yui turned around to talk to him "So you think we'll find any cuties this year?" He looked at her and laughed "There's never any cuties you know that, and if there are their never gay so I'm not even ganna hope this year." He pulled out his notebook and started drawing. Yui took it as a sign that the conversation was over, so she turned and looked out the window instead.

Julie successfully finished brushing through her hair, sighing in relief as she got every not out without pulling out a strand of hair. She slowly slipped into her clothes, careful to not mess up the perfection her hair was that day. Zipping up the slightly smaller than usual pastel pink skirt she made her way into the kitchen to collect her small backpack. Once everything was packed up and ready to go she called a goodbye to her mother and father and walked out of the door, a small pep in her step.

She walked into school as soon as the bell rung, she gasped and quickly looked at the map attached to her schedule and ran into the math classroom, hoping there was no teacher inside yet. "Nice going." She scolded herself as she plopped down in a seat towards the center of the room.


Joseph picked up the pace, seeing the hellhole he called school. Making his way inside he walked directly towards the English room, he was already prepared for the day so there was no point in going to his locker. Noticing he was one of the last to arrive he sat in the far back, not wanting to speak to anybody. He had a reputation for being ignored, so he was fine how he was.


Tyler walked to his locker, hearing the bell he shrugged and got out all his materials for the day. He strolled into the math room three minutes late, thankful that there was no teachers inside. He threw his bag on top of his desk rather loudly, wanting somebody to notice him. He had to make friends, that was his one goal in life. Have a lot of friends. He noticed a few faces, but besides that there was nobody too familiar in the room.
Minori locked her bike up, pulled off her hoodie, stuffed said jacket into her backpack and swayed to her first class which was math. She picked up the pace as it got closer to time for the bell to ring. The curvy girl slid into the room looking at the few other people taking their seats, she had never seen any of these people at school before so this would be interesting. Minori has a pretty laid back but bitchy attitude so she doesn't easily attract people to be friends.

She chose a seat on the front row of the class, she plopped down and leaned back in the chair balancing on the back two feet before letting the chair rest on all four again.

Imogen opened her locker. She twirled her beautiful large curls with her fingers that were painted in a glittery silver colour. She grabbed her composition notebook and a few other essentials and headed to her class. She was ready to have a great day, and most of all, to flirt. She stepped into the math class. She saw a few people inside, but no one's face was familiar. Imogen waved to everyone and said "Hello" with the biggest smile while walking to the back of the class. She had no intentions in paying attention in class, and the back of the class would be a perfect place to hide on her phone.
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Yui looked away for the window upon hearing a cheeries girl voice. She look to the front of the room and saw a pretty girl, she also noticed that there where more kids in the class. She turned to Ciel and poked him in the cheek, when he looked up at her angrily she pointed to a good looking guy with headphones in two seats away. Ciel took the guy in and nodded to Yui "You should go talk to him." "Psh. you do know who you're talking to right." She turned back around and stared at the front of the class. Ciel looked back at the guy and went back to drawing.
Jayleigh had woken up early, a steaming cup of tea sat in his pale hands. A warm blanket wrapped around him, keeping him warm. He glanced over at the clock just as he took a sip of his tea and found himself choking on it. "Crap, I'm going to be late.." He muttered under his breathe as he uncurled himself from his comfortable pile. He ran up, took a quick shower, dressed quickly, grabbed his bag and left. Luckily, the school wasn't to far and he could walk there.

Jaleigh got to the school in time to make it at the warning bell. He ran to his first class: History, sitting down in a seat in the middle row. He looked around to see not many were there, he sighed in relief. He had at least made it on time.
As the bell rung, Jack turned off his phone along with taking his earphones out, and putting both up in his pocket. Laying back lazily, he glanced at a girl who had said hello to seemingly nobody, before glazing over his gaze around the different people that would be his classmates. Some, like the girl who chose to just randomly say hello as if someone might respond along with the late girl who had chosen a seat directly in the middle, seemed fairly easy to deal with.

Noticing a guy look at him, Jake instantly moved his gaze back at him. Upon closer inspection, it seemed the guy and the girl sitting in front of the guy knew each other, but Jake wasn't entirely sure if it was him the guy was actually looking at. Turning his head slowly to look around, Jake noticed he'd chosen a seat two seats away from them, in the middle-back of the classroom. "Hm." He said quietly, realizing that his choice made him closer to the two along the the late girl than Jake thought at first. Taking this as some kind of advice, Jake mentally noted to pay attention to find out these people's names, and not quickly forget them as it wouldn't be right in his heart.
Minori arched her brow at the girl who insisted on saying Hello to the quite collection of people. She chose not to respond, and kept her gaze forward. Her ear caught wind of the couples conversation behind her and she just smirked to herself, more than glad she chose a seat at the front away from everyone else who seemed fake and disorientating.
The night previous Eli had set his alarm for the PM as opposed to the AM, which he realized as he woke up late. He grabbed his phone in a panic and looked at the time. "Shit!" He exclaimed as he jumped out of bed. He repeated the curse over and over as he rushed to get ready and headed off to school, completely and utterly exasperated. He was late to his first period.
Faxon yawned, extending his arm and placing it over his mouth as if attempting to be polite. The emerald eyed boy was currently watching as his counselor rummaged through files in order to find his misplaced schedule and identification. The male couldn't imagine how the administration allowed for such staff to take charge of such important tasks when it was evident they were completely incompetent, this was only but one example. This morning, one of the staff on the “welcoming committee” had misguided him when asked where the damn office was. Faxon was used to this by now, the transfer student had gone through the process more than often as his family teneded to move often.

“Aha!” his head shot up at the sound to face a smiling woman with a crumpled sheet of paper in her hands. The paper, most likely his schedule, had several creases and way too many tears for his liking but he was merely glad it was finally found. Taking it, he glanced at it briefly. He was late for first period, this he knew and with a look of discontent, left the cramped office without so much as a simple “thank you”. He took from the front desk a map of the school grounds, deciding he had had enough of asking the staff for assistance.

Faxon had a little trouble with finding his way through the many halls but eventually he stumbled upon his first class of the day, math. He stepped in, avoiding the glances directed his way as he opened the door and made his way to the teacher's desk. Handing them a slip which would excuse his tardiness, the raven haired male choose a seat close to the window as he usually did when selecting where he would sit.
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Jayleigh Feather Nichole

The class slowly filled up, people getting into the seats. Everyone had begun talking to someone else, except Jayleigh, who ended up forever alone in the middle of the class. He pushed up the glasses sitting on his nose and stared forward to the teacher, whom had finally come in. The teacher turned and faced the students, a sneer painted onto his expression before he got on with the lesson. Jayleigh, bored, pulled his bag in front of him and dug through it, setting a pencil on his desk, a piece of paper, and a book.

Opening the book to a bookmarked page, Jayleigh quickly examined through the pages before digging a highlighter out from his bag. He licked his finger and scrolled through a few pages before settling himself in one page and reading it over, highlighting a few things as he did so. He then picked up his pencil and wrote on the paper he had pulled out, all focus on his project instead of the lesson, until someone clearing their throat beside him. Jayleigh looked over to the teacher, who simply glared down at the boy. "What are you doing?" The teacher asked in a low growl, causing Jay to sit up and look at him, pushing his glasses up to make him look smarter. Truth was, Jayleigh wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he wasn't stupid either. "Translating this book, mister." Jayleigh replied, looking up at the teacher who frowned upon him. "This isn't language class, I'm going to have to ask you to put away your side project and take notes on what the rest of the class is working on." The teacher said. Jayleigh sighed and turned back to the desk to put his book, highlighter, and piece of paper away. When he looked back to the teacher, he was writing down notes. "What's your name?" The teacher asked, glaring over his clipboard to look down at Jay. "Jayleigh Nichole, sir." Jay replied simply. The teacher took one last note before walking back to the front of the classroom. Jay heard a few snickers and side comments involving his name, little whispers like, "Jayleigh? That's a girl name," or, "What a girly name he has." Of course, he simply set these comments to the back of his head and ignored them, leaning back in his chair to look at the teacher, who had began talking once more.
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Yui got tired of listening to the teacher drone on about squares or what ever he was talking about so she looked around the class taking in all the students. She saw the guy she had pointed out earlier to Ciel. She quickly scribbled a note on a piece of paper in her favorite pink pen 'Are you gay?' When the teacher turned his back she tossed it at him, it landed next to his arm.
It was Derek and Sarah's first day at this school. For Derek this meant more work to keep up with his grades. But for Sarah this meant she could make more friends.

"I'll see you later." Derek said as he left for his math class. He hoped the teacher wouldn't be mad at him as he walked in. "Um..... I'm Derek the new kid." He said shyly.

"Ok by see you later." Sarah walked to art her favorite class. She loved painting and drawing and sculpting. Everything that had to do with art she loved. She went to the class and walked in. "Hi I'm Sarah the new kid. Where should I sit." She said with a smile.
Lyric Melody Hanns

Lyric blinked her eyes open, finding herself face to face with a clock. She scanned over the time in her head repeatedly until she sat up, "Oh crap! I'm late!" She yelped, jumping up from her bed and walking over to her dresser. When she got to it she paused and placed a hand against it gently, her palm up to her head. "Ohh... I got up to fast..." She muttered before continuing on and opening the dresser, pulling out her normal outfit. She put it on quickly, the addition of knee-high socks and orange sneaks completed her attire. She grabbed her pink bag, the thing was shaped like an over sized bubble kitten, and left the room and down to the kitchen. "Judar-kun! You didn't wake me up~ I need toast, STAT." Lyric said, walking over to the toaster and popping in two slices of bread. Behind her, a black haired male, Judar, shifted on the table and looked at her innocently. "You know how hard it is to wake you up without being kicked, Lyric, I didn't want to risk it. That's your alarm's job." The twenty-year old man had served as her guardian ever since he saved her and her friend, Carrin, from the Oopper's mansion. Oopper was the last name of the wealthy man who had bought Lyric from her mom and Judar had helped Lyric and Carrin escape from his place. Luckily, Judar had taken Lyric to a doctor to get those memories removed, however, if she were to be reminded of them she'd remember everthing. Smiling when her toast had finished, Lyric put a slice in her mouth and waved bye to Judar, running out of the house.

She made it to the school in a record time, having had to run all the way there. She finished the last of her bread and began into the building, skipping along the way. She took a quick stop to the office to receive her schedule and gain a tardy pass. She read the first class, it ended up being math. She couldn't say math was her most favorite subject, but she skipped her way to the room anyways, having nothing better to do with herself. She opened the door quietly, finding herself behind another who introduced himself. She looked around the room awkwardly, giving a small nod to the teacher and scooting her way down to an empty seat, which she sat in quietly and stared forward, giving a slightly forced smile as she looked around.

(Assuming my second character was accepted...?)
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x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 4660156 said:
(Assuming my second character was accepted...?)

Derek watched her take a seat and did the same. He took out a notebook and copied down what the teacher was saying. He looked over at the girl then back to the notes. He frantically wrote everything down.
Lyric Melody Hanns

Lyric turned and pulled off her backpack, turning back and sitting it in her lap. She dug through it, pulling out an orange notebook and a pencil, along with an eraser. She zipped back up her bag as quietly as she could and shifted it back onto her back. She flipped the notebook to a fresh page and wrote a few things in it, looking up at the teacher. She wrote down a few notes every once in a while, adding a few drawings of some shapes. Math might not have been her favorite, but she was pretty good at it. Judar had taught her things during the four years she spent with him, and surprisingly, he was really good at teaching. He only sent her to school because he felt she needed to get close to other people and gain a social life. Lyric glanced to the boy who had introduced himself before, finding herself staring at him for a moment before looking back at her paper and writing down a few more things. She drew a tiny chibi cat in the corner, then turned the page and drew another one on the next page. She flipped back to the first page and wrote down a note before turning to the third page in her notebook and drawing another chibi kitten in the corner of the page. She continued this process, repeating it step by step.
[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 4660199, member: 42789&quot]
Lyric Melody Hanns

Lyric turned and pulled off her backpack, turning back and sitting it in her lap. She dug through it, pulling out an orange notebook and a pencil, along with an eraser. She zipped back up her bag as quietly as she could and shifted it back onto her back. She flipped the notebook to a fresh page and wrote a few things in it, looking up at the teacher. She wrote down a few notes every once in a while, adding a few drawings of some shapes. Math might not have been her favorite, but she was pretty good at it. Judar had taught her things during the four years she spent with him, and surprisingly, he was really good at teaching. He only sent her to school because he felt she needed to get close to other people and gain a social life. Lyric glanced to the boy who had introduced himself before, finding herself staring at him for a moment before looking back at her paper and writing down a few more things. She drew a tiny chibi cat in the corner, then turned the page and drew another one on the next page. She flipped back to the first page and wrote down a note before turning to the third page in her notebook and drawing another chibi kitten in the corner of the page. She continued this process, repeating it step by step.

Derek noticed her staring and didn't know what to do. He kept writing notes and looked over at her. He gave a wave and a smile before turning back to his notes.

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