Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'


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In 1996 children from all over the world disappeared. There was nothing, other than their ages, to link the disappearances, nothing to suggest why they were gone and where they went. Then in 2000, 500 children, were found, wandering in the desert - not having aged a day.

The government were called in, and they returned the children to their families. No questions were asked, and the children were sent back to their schools - as if nothing had ever happened.

Years later and the children began to change. They developed skills - some of them had the power to shift forms; some could control certain elements; some developed telekinetic powers; whilst others were able to communicate with those no longer part of this realm.

The government had to take action. The children were to be taken out of society. In 2007 Ever-glade Academy was founded, with the best facilities in America, and 100 acres of land. The school was exclusive - only available to the children of 1996.

Now it is 2012. The school has been open for 5 years. Some students have been here since the beginning - some for a few years, and others are only starting this year. So what is your story?
Ignoring the goodbyes of her parents, Faye stormed out of the taxi. As if it wasn't bad enough that they had sent her to a school in the middle of nowhere - it had to be in America! She looked down at her wrist "F*ck this" emblazoned upon it.... 'how appropriate' she thought. Pulling her hoodie over her pink-tipped hair, she dragged her feet towards the entrance signposted as 'Student office'. Behind the counter was an old woman, with a stern looking face, and glasses resting on the end of her crooked nose. "Name?" asked the women disinterestedly. "Faye Gardener" Faye replied. The woman behind the counter handed her a thick envelope, labelled 'Student induction pack'. There was no-way Faye would be reading the whole thing any-time soon. But Faye flicked through the papers and pulled out the page marked dorm information'. Briskly she walked away... towards the elevator that would take her to room 706.
Luna had ridden a greyhound bus to go into the city, then walked 3 miles out to the school. She saw signs pointing to the student office and headed into the building. The woman behind the counter looked like she wanted to be snywhere but there. "Hi, I'm Luna Jacobs." Luna said with a smile. The woman slapped a large packet on the counter, which startled Luna. The woman chuckled when Luna jumped, How rude! She thought. She took the packet and smiled, "Thanks." she said, trying to sound as unenthusiastic as possible.
Eva parked her Kia Soul in front of the Academy and sighed. Here we go again. She thought, putting on her ear-phones. "The Dog Days are Over" by Florence and the Machine was playing in her head as she pulled her hand trolley from the backseat. She popped the trunk and loaded all her luggage onto the trolley. She pushed it onto the sidewalk and into the building. She pulled up to the Student Office counter. "Hello again." Eva said politely. The old woman looked down at Eva without a change in her expression. "Name." She said. Eva frowned. "You don't remember me? But I was here for a whole semester last year." The old woman looked at Eva more sternly. "Name." Eva rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Eva Wesley." The old woman slapped Eva's student pack down on top of her trolley and Eva made her way to the dorms.
(Am I the only guy :o crap xD )

Dustin rode his bike the whole way to the school. Well, maybe not rode. Maybe floated along a giant cloud of shadows. But it still counts right? Dustin jumped off the bike and grabbed his backpack and walked up the front gates to the school I seriously just LOVE going to a school for "special people Dustin though to himeself as he walked up to the front desk "Name" The lady said without looking up "Dustin Alexander Shadex. Nice to see you again Susan, is that hair newly dyed? Looks good" he then looked up and saw Eva and yelled "Hey! Eva! Wait up!"
Room 706 was a lot more spacious than Faye had predicted. The curtains were made of a red velvety material, which matched the colour scheme. Red was a good colour... Lust, anger, love . Faye's kind of colour. Her bags, as she had expected were already there, and reaching into the side pocket of her suitcase she pulled out a packet of **** and a lighter. She placed them in her pocket and left the room... Making sure she had her room key on her before disappearing. Faye took one look down the corridor and was stuck still.... There was someone watching her.. "hello" she called.

There was no reply... 'Typical' thought Faye... 'The first person I meet turns out to be a fi gment of my imagination'. Faye was still not entirely convinced though, so shot down the stairs in front of her... And headfirst into the guy walking up the stairs. "shit ... Sorry... Shit" she said, turning bright red.
Dustin collided with some girl on the stairs. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry about that, totally didn't look where I was going. Are you ok?"
Faye stood up and brushed herself off, "I'll live" she said lightly. But then her mood darkened suddenly. "Hey, were you upstairs just now... I swear to God if that was some kind of joke then it WASN'T funny" Her blue eyes glared at him.
Dustin kind of smiled but was really confused "Uhh, I wasn't up there, I seriously was just coming up the stairs." He shrugged then stood bolt upright "Wait, was it kinda dark up there?
"Okay then" Faye grudgingly accepted the alibi. He suddenly straightened up "Wait, was it kinda dark up there?" he said. "Ummm, yeah I guess... I mean the lights aren't on" Faye replied. She was just hoping that her power wasn't affecting her as badly here as it had back at home.
Luna stood there, awkwardly, and decided to head to the dorms. As she was going upstairs she saw a boy and a girl talking. "Excuse me." she said as she walked past them. When she got upstairs she quickly found her room and set her stuff down. "Phew. That was exhausting." she thought outloud. She was thinking about how thirsty she was, Ooh! Practice! She concentrated really hard on her backpack and it started to unzip, her water bottle shuffled to the top and she pulled it out. Yes! She thought while drinking almost half the bottle.
Dustin started up the steps "Show me where. Something about this seems..... off to me." He stepped up on the landing where Faye had come down the steps at and felt something. A presence. Maybe leftover from last years pranks? It couldn't be.....
"It was just there, at the end of the hall" said Faye, she saw the fear in the boy's eyes. "Shit" she said. It couldn't be... nothing bad could have happened here... especially not that bad... not bad enough for her to feel anything. Faye was lost in her thoughts, until she realised. The boy... why was he scared? Did he know what was going on?

"Tell me what you know"
"Well come on then" Dustin shook himself out of it and grabbed the girls hand. "You're coming with me. I need to know the exact place you heard this thing"

This should not be happening. Not this early. Nobody except for the few people I saw coming in. Dustin thought to himself as he and Faye were walking he said "I'm Dustin by the way, call me Dusty, whats your name?"
The next thing she knew, Faye was being dragged along by her arm. "I'm Faye... call me Faye" they arrived at her dorm room. Faye pointed down the corridor. "There" she said. "I saw it right there, by the window"
Dusting bit his lip and then went forward into the darkness at the end of the hall. Once he was properly concealed he whispered "Show yourself" The shadows began morphing, twisting, and generally becoming a mess. Then, a small child appeared laughing. He smiled at Dustin and then soared off into the shadows (This is confusing but I promise I'll explain) Dustin smiled and walked back to Faye "Its okay, just a small trickster spirit. I realeased some of them into the school last year as a prank, I thought I got them all but I guess not." Dustin laughed nervously "So, Faye, what brings you to.." He made a grand gesture "Ever-Glade Academy for the Academically Gifted?"
Faye breathed a sigh of relief... at least it wasn't what she thought it was. Faye laughed when Dustin laughed, breaking the shock she felt... what the hell is a prankster spirit she thought to herself. "So.... what brings you to Ever-Glade Academy for the Academically Gifted?" asked Dustin. Faye wondered whether to tell him... and after a few seconds decided that he couldn't think she was too weird. "Well, apparently it's not normal to see dead people" answered Faye. "Let alone accidentally raise your dead dog". There was a silence. Dustin looked at her, seemingly asking whether she was serious. "It's true, I'm a necromancer... and you are?"
" A badass awesome person" Dustin laughed "Your power is cooler though! I can bend Shadows to my will." and just to show off he summoned shadows out of a corner and made a floaty throne of awesomeness and jumped up on it. Then he kind of fell to the ground as the throne broke apart. "Basically I can make things with the shadows but they disappear once they've been in light for too long. That's why I never have to turn on the lights in any room, you should see my dorm. Screw curtains, I board up my window." He laughed

(Be back soon, dinner/shower break)
Faye laughed as she saw Dustin's attempt at using his power fail "well, you probably don't want me to attempt my power, we might end up with a zombie on our hands" Zombies, as Faye had learnt from experience, were no fun. "I sort of like the sun" said Faye "I mean, when your dark is death, the sun is life. And if I'm completely honest, I never feel safe in the dark... I don't know why"
Luna heard talking in the halway outside of her room. Should I go talk to people? She wondered. She figured that she might as well-seeing as they'd all be here for a while. She walked to the door and opened it Look ma! No hands! She laughed at herself in her head, not out loud. When the door opened, she double checked her pocket for her room key, and without even looking she closed the door behind her. There were the same two people she walked by on the stairs were there. Luna walked over to them, "Hi." was all she said.
Dustin saw the girl come out of her dorm and smiled "Neat little trick you got there. I'm Dustin. Nice to meet you.... and you are ..?" He asked
Faye was knocked out of her own thoughts by the sound of a girl greeting her. "Hi" she said. Faye put her hands in her pocket, and felt the box of cigarettes that she had forgotten about. Taking one out, she lit it. Inhaling the smoke and feeling so much more relaxed than she did when she thought about her power.
"Thanks." Luna replied to Dustin while tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "I'm Luna." she extended her hand to him, with a smile. Yay! Everyone's nice! This is going to go so well. She thought happily. Nobody ever thought her power was neat before, they would just be scared of her... But then again, she's learned to control her temper since middle school.
"I'm Faye" she said as she stuck out her hand to the girl. She suddenly felt very conscious of her thick English accent. She wasn't used to meeting new people.
Dustin took Luna's hand and kissed it "And what is a lovely young lady like yourself doing in this insane asylum they call Academy?"

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