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Fandom Ever After High

Tris looked around. She wondered queitly if there was anyone like her at this school. Her eyes flickered from face to face curios. Would any of them understand her opion. Maybe even agree with it..
Treasure Hook•Daughter of Captain Hook

Drachma purred when Mallory petted him and rolled over around the bed. He crawled back over to Treasure once the girl walked over to her bed. Treasure petted him as she looked over at Mallory. She was a pretty girl, who looked intimidating as well, but Treasure didn't expect anything less, Mallory is the Bad Fairy's daughter after all. "I just transferred here this year, my dad is hoping this school would help me embrace my destiny and sign the Book of Legends to carry on his Evil Pirate name." She said with a sigh. @Saturn

Umberto Baba~Son of Ali Baba

Umbe walked around the school marking all the possible exits of this school just in case he wanted to skip class or stole something. He also glanced over a few more faces of his fellow peers to see if he wanted to befriend some of them. Umbe ended spotting one girl with brown hair wandering around as well. 'Do I really feel social today?' He thought to himself. @Tohoak
Tris looked up and spotted A boy, she frowned to her self. To talk or not to talk. Finaly stepping out of her comfort zone she nodded to him. "Hi," she said lamely. She shook her head. She was an idiot.
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Umberto Baba~Son of Ali Baba

'Well looks like I'm socializing.' Umbe sighed and walked up to her. "Um hi, I'm Umberto Baba, Ali Baba's kid. What's your name?" He introduced himself and held out his hand. 'Well she can't be as bad as Li-Liang.' @Tohoak
Tris shook his hand. "I'm Tris, Beast's daughter," she smiled warily.
Victoria Sophie Queen

Victoria smiled when Wolfie confirmed that she was indeed a rebel. "I admire your honesty." she said feeling proud that her fellow rebel is like this. There are some if them who are embarass to tell others that they're siding with rebels due to the threat of the headmaster. "I seriously don't believe that if we don't put out names on some stupid book, we'd all go poof! How ridiculous.." she sighed with a face palm.

As if on cue, Wolfie's head turned around. Victoria raised an eyebrow at this and turned her nead around too. She saw a girl quietly looking at them and probably hearing their conversations. "Oh, hey." she waved at her.

Pete Vaughn Pan

When Alicia said that she won't go, Pete gave a pleased smil pe and tap her on the head. "So let's go then? Everyone of us?" he shrug, after all they were gking to visit Madeline's dad so the Wonderlandians wouldn't feel homesick.
"One thing Pete. Do not tap me on my head" Alicia says and she pulls Maddie along. Katy just follows them "I can see my mother whenever I want" she says and smiles "She gives me updates on how everything's going" she says and looks at Alicia "She really misses her mother"

"Yes I agree." Wolfie replied with a grin at Victoria then stared at the girl who had been watching them." Hello there I don't think we've met?" Wolfie asked striking a smile. 'Yeh the girl's probabely thinking I'm wierd'


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A girl with wolf ears? Probably something she didn't see everyday. Gianna stood out of the tree. "We probably haven't.... Hey" She said with a convincing smile. This had been a dare from her father, and one thing you should know, she doesn't back out from a dare. "I'm Gianna, Gianna Wishes... And you are?"


"Isabella, Isabella Wolf though you can call me Wolfie." Wolfie answered with a smile before thinking.

"Wishes that sounds familier can you happen ro be the daughter of the Genie?" Wolfie asked her ears twitching softly.
Gianna grinned at wolfie. "Well, you caan say that... Let me guess, Big Bad Wolf?" Gianna saidnwith quote a chuckle. She had found the whole thing quite amusing. Looking over to the purple one, she smirked. "I suppose it's your turn"
Umberto Baba~Son of Ali Baba

"Tris huh? Cool name." Umbe said stuck his hands in his pocket. "What's the Beast's story? I'm new here so I don't know much of people's destinies or whatever." Umbe only knew three stories; Cinderella, Little Mermaid, and Sleep Beauty. His dad would always tell him these stories because he found them the most interesting.

"Women cutting off their toes just to fit a shoe? A girl turning human just for the man she loves, who loves someone eles? And a girl who sleeps through her whole story? Man Umbe the tales people have are just something else!" His dad would always say.
'Man dad had a sick humor now that I think about.' Umbe thought to himself. @Tohoak

Victoria Queen

Victoria raised an eyebrow when the Daughter of the Genie introduced herself. "Victroia Sophia Queen, nice to meet you." she held out a hand towards the other girl, "My mom's the Evil Queen." she said before giving out a sigh.

Pete Pan

Pete wished that he could do something to ease the homesickness of Alicia. "Hm, hey maybe we can ask the Evil Queen's daughter if she knows something about the curse." he suggested before shrugging his shoulder unsurely. He just wanna help his new Wonderlandian friends.​

Madeline Hatter

The Mad Hatter's Daughter

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.d93b027dc1cabb2eb1d31d8fde52c366.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.d93b027dc1cabb2eb1d31d8fde52c366.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Madeline nodded, "Way Lemon fly, Funny Bow tie!" Translation: Let's go see my dad!" She said happily, before having a sad thought, 'Wish Saiko was here with us'. She shook that thought away, she grabbed Alicia and Pete and she she happily pulled them to the tea shop. When they finally had arrived she introduced Pete, "Feathers Wonderland Check!" Translation: Pete, this is my fathers wonderland tea shop! She hex-citedly entered and she was greeted by the wonderlandian spirit, and her fathers presence. "Hatter!" Translation: Daddy! She hugged him happily.

@Bamboo @Flame Demon



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"My father use to be a monster till my mother found him. A fairy had turned him into a hideuos beast for not letting her in when it was raining. The spell could only be broken when he found his true love," thats my parents story. She shrugged carelessly. "What is yours?"
Alicia smiles slightly "Hello Hatter, good to see you" she says and Katherine waves while entering the shop behind the other three "Anything interesting happened?" the Cheshire asks.

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