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Fandom Ever After High

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Victoria Sophia Queen

The Evil Queen's Daughter

Victoria waved at the newly arrived girl. Hex, she wasn't even shocked anymore when another girl popped out inside their room like a mushroom. She also watched Saiko picked up some of her stuff consisting of hats, piercings and etc, which was scattered all over her side of the room. Victoria is no-neat freak so she doesn't really mind it.

Suddenly, the Mad Hatter's youngest daughter spoke Wonderland language in a distressed tone. Ah, how could she forget? It was her mom- the Evil Queen who casted the curse on their homeland. The reason why the gate to Wonderland was sealed and why the Queen of Hearts acts madder than their normal madness. She used her left arm to rub her right elbow, she often does this whenever she felt- different.

She regained her senses when Alicia reminded them of the time and the orientation. "That's right! I should go before the Headmaster scolds me again." she felt chills crawl up her spine When she remembered that time the said man gave her an earful of scolding. The headmaster doesn't really like them, rebels. She awkwardly left the room earlier than the Wonderlandians since she really feels bad for them. Ugh, why does her mom needs to do all those things.

Upon arriving at the Charmi-torium where the orientation would take place, Victoria quickly recieved a lot of judgemental and scared look. At least if they do that they can all witness her beauty. She brushed the looks off and proceded to take the seat in the far corner, where hopefully, the headmaster wouldn't notice her.

@CelestialBunny @Flame Demon


?Daisy Jayden 'D.J' Lockes?

?Daughter of Goldielocks?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7cea3b97_unnamed(23).png.8c19c45b2a0360df93c6dafcd424d090.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7cea3b97_unnamed(23).png.8c19c45b2a0360df93c6dafcd424d090.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The main door burst open. A girl with blonde hair ran outside, panting. She was dressed in a black one-pierce parka dress with artificial cat ears, something that she wouldn't usually wear. This girl was Daisy, Daisy Jayden Lockes, a boyish girl, practically a tomboy.

She sat down on the ground, staring at it. Why was she dressed that way? trying to conseal her identity, even though it's obviously her. She didn't want to go here. She regrets it. She'd rather go back to her family, again being silent and unwanted, it was a hellhole.

She had an idea. She'll just stay outside. Even though she knows at the end of the day, she'll submit to it. Orientation would be going on soon, the part that she hated. She hated certain events, like her birthday. The day she was born unto hell.

Standing up, she looked around, seeing that nobody else was there, except for a person sitting on a bench. Why bother.

Wait, what did she just do? Yep, fool herself, that's what. She just realized it, she was wearing...something she wouldn't. She walked back jnside, hoping that nobody would see her that way, even though her heavy footsteps could be heard from inside their dorms. She didn't even care anymore.

Would she rather go back to her dorm, change clothes, forget she ever wore these, or just stay outside?

She stood there, frozen. Staring at the ground as she just forgot what she was thinking about. She was confused.

Whatever would happen, it could possibly happen that somebody would see her.

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Katherine - Daughter of the Cheshire Cat

Katherine smiles at Maddie "Well see you in a bit" she says and gives her signature grin before disappearing, she appears in the seat next to Victoria, her first prank already in place "Remember those bananas I asked you to make invisible?" she asks and grins, the headmaster wouldn't know what hit him and it would be so funny.


Pete Vaughn Pan

Son of Peter Pan


Pete was about to say goodbye to Treasure but a boy in an armor was on the pirate's way. He tilted his head sidewards before the other boy spoke up. At first Pete thought that the guy in armor is going to scold Treasure for not following her story. In a moment, tables turned and he was actually a rebel! Pixie Dust and flying ships! How could they gamble like this? How could they risk lives for their so-said freedom?

"Oh my fairies! The two of you would come around eventually." he chuckled nervously, wanting to stay positive even in times like this. "It's so nice to see you, guy in an armor!" he chirped before grinning at the armored person whom he assume is a guy. "Aye, look at the time, I better go now. Ba-bye Treasure and armor man!" he picked up his bags which were scattered in the floor before flying straight to his shared room with Arch-guy.

Upon arriving their he just tossed his bags on his bed and went out again to go to the room Charmi-torium where the orientation would take place. He sat right in the first row with a happy expression, although the though of Treasure's rebellion lurks at the back of his mind.

@Aero @TheHappyPikachu


Madeline Hatter

Mad Hatter's Youngest Daughter


Madeline sighed,"The riddler's tongue isnt so fun, at least on when it's forced to run" she said, but then she nodded to show she agreed with Alicia's idea "The madder of hats, oh! he makes me laugh" Translation: I love my daddy! That would make me happy "Starting with A, ending with E, a girl who makes me full of glee!" Translation: Alicia, you're the best!" she said her smile returning to her face. She wiped her tears and she started walking to the door, to go to the charmatorium. She forgot that someone from Wonderland should stay with her to translate and she went alone. Once, she reached the charmatorium, she sat down next to a boy in green. She smiled, "Hey diddle, diddle! I have a riddle, from Madeline Hatter to you! Madeline is me, or Maddie for short, but for tall people too." (Translation that Pete wouldn't know: Hi my nae is Maddie. Do you want to hear a riddle?) She had forgotten about her riddlish problem. @Chibii
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Saiko Hatter, Daughter Of The Mad Hatter


Location: School Corridor

Mood: Panicked Yet Excited

"Jimmeny Crickets! The Orientation! We have to go! Go! Go! Go!" Saiko exclaimed, a single sweat drop at the side of her head. The girl jumped up and down in both excitement and panic as her arms flailed around crazily. Saiko grabbed for her bag and dashed out of their room, completely forgetting about her little sister who needed comfort. As she was skipping, she came across some other students... They looked so... Calm. Soon, Saiko reached the Charmitorium and spotted Victoria and Katherine."Mind if I sit here?" Saiko asked chirpily, a grin on her face as she pointed to the seat next to them.

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Alicia - Daughter of Alice

Alicia runs after Maddie and she catches her breath while sitting next to her friend "Don't go of on your own, someone has to translate what you say Maddie" she says and rubs her head while looking at Pete "And she asked if you want to hear a riddle" she says leaning back, seems she was stuck translating for the day.

Treasure Hook•Daughter of Captain Hook

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.dea817390ce46b561ef1dd9eab4df274.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.dea817390ce46b561ef1dd9eab4df274.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Treasure let out a sigh of irritation when she realized it was almost time for the orientation. She jogged her way to the dorms and opened the door to her room. Treasure quickly dropped her stuff before realizing there was someone there already. "Oh hiya! You must be Mallory, I'm Treasure Hook! I would love to talk longer but the orientation is soon and I kind of want to get there on time." Treasure gave Mallory a quick wave and headed out the door. She ran to the Charmitorium, Drachma meowing frantically in her bag along the way. "Sorry buddy, but I don't want to be the last one there! How awkward would that be!" She said to the cat and burst through the doors. With a sigh of relief, Treasure made her way to the seats. She looked around to find a nice seat beside someone who was not Pete. @XxBouncy BunnyxX



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☆Daisy Jayden 'D.J' Lockes☆

☆Daughter of Goldielocks☆


At the charmitorium." D.J answered, still staring at the ground.

D.J snapped.
'Oh my Grimm!!! What the hex was I thinking?!" She thought. 'I don't even care anymore! I need to get to the charmitorium. Now.'

At that moment, she had a spelltastic idea. Maybe. She'll just use the hood to cover her face. Easy.
"Okay, c'ya, bye!"

She ran as quick as her legs can, pulling the hood down her face as she reached the charmitorium, simply dodging those who went her way.

She sneaked in, sitting at the last row, sitting in the dark. Hopefully, nobody would notice her. Hopefully...
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@Aero @Bamboo @Flame Demon@TheHappyPikachu @CelestialBunny @Saturn


~Mallory A. Drago~

Daughter of The Bad Fairy

Mallory glanced up in surprise when her roommate jumped in. "Oh hiya! You must be Mallory, I'm Treasure Hook! I would love to talk longer but the orientation is soon and I kind of want to get there on time." Treasure gave Mallory a quick wave and headed out the door. Mallory let out a puff of breath. Treasure seemed a little too bright to be an enjoyer of evilness.

Then again, looks can be deceiving. And oh, what a beautiful art deceivement is. Mallory thought as she pulled herself up from the bed. She decided to go along to the orientation, scope out the newbies, find some familiar faces, maybe wreak some havoc. When she stepped into the hallway, her ears where met with the sounds of many students, anxious and excited for the school routine to get underway. The crowd was headed to the Charmitorium. Mallory stayed a few steps behind, watching everyone with a hawk eye and eavesdropping on conversations. How were the other students paired? Who hated who? And most importantly, who were the dense ones who decided to be rebels?

Mallory entered the dark Charmitorium with much delight and sat far in the back. There was only one student in the last row, a girl maybe, with a hood over their head. Mallory hoped he or she wouldn't be much trouble. In fact, she could be Mallory's first victim.

"I hope you don't mind if I sit here." Mallory whispered as she sat down without invitation and smiled a malicious smile, barely visible in the dark of the Charmitorium.

(@XxBouncy BunnyxX )
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Madeline Hatter

Mad Hatter's Youngest Daughter


Maddie sighed, " A-Alic" she cut herself off, appearently names weren't usually used in riddlsih, because she couldn't call to Alicia that easily it had to rhyme. "Till the days end, must you be my friend?" Translation: Alicia, must you follow me around all day? Madeline turned back to the boy, " White knight, sunshine; a place, a face, I have mine?" Translation: Hello, What's your name? She didn't know why but she was upset with Alicia, for no reason. She waited for the green boy's reply and for the orientation to start.

@Bamboo @Flame Demon

☆Daisy Jayden 'D.J' Lockes☆

☆Daughter of Goldielocks☆


D.J nodded, without speaking. She felt nervous. She didn't want to show her face. She didn't want to embarass herself. She didn't want to look like this in front of everyone. She felt nervous, she didn't wanna show her face, she didn't want to embarass herself, and she didn't wanna look all...girly. What more could she not want?

The moment felt awkward. She can feel her palms begin to sweat and the thought she've tried so hard to forget wriggles into her mind. Anxiety crashes over her and her every waking thought is consumed with this worry. Soon what was once a seedling of a problem blossoms into a sturdy oak tree of a worry.

She sat there, staring at her feet as she felt nervous.


Saiko Hatter,

The Mad Hatter's Daughter


Location: Charmitorium

Current Mood: Neutral

"Oh wait! Daisy!" Saiko exclaimed, her eyes widening at her blonde friend. She was wearing a cat hoodie, very unusual, she'd usually dress more like a boy, sometimes even tease Saiko for dressing in more Lolita style clothing. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head, the green haired female jumped out of her seat and rushed towards her room, slamming the door open and grabbing a set of casual clothes that she only wore when she was feeling lazy and/or around someone she was close with. It was a black t-shirt, paired with dark blue joggers, very simple, very... Daisy-like.

Saiko ran back to the Charmitorium and took a seat next to Daisy, being as quiet as possible.
"Psst... DJ...Here, I got you some clothes... Let's go change." She said, not looking at Daisy but instead her phone, trying to seem like she wasn't talking to anyone in particular. There should be enough time. Besides, even if there wasn't, they could just saunter outside of school... It's not like it's not been done before.

@XxBouncy BunnyxX

Umberto Baba~Son of Ali Baba

Umberto watched as the girl gave him a quick answer and then ran off without another word.
"Um... Thanks?" He said with a blank stare. Umbe shook his head and began to walk to the Charmatorium looking around at the school as he went. The place was big which was pretty cool, but the students here were pretty strange compared to the land he came from. Umbe found the Charmitorium after a few minutes of walkimg and opene the door. He looked at all the students gathered huddled up and talking amongst themselves. Of course most of them sat with their friends but sadly for Umbe he had no friends yet. Though the thought of having no friends didn't bother him the slightest as he made his way to the front row. Umbe sat down next to a boy wearing green clothes. @Bamboo

Treasure Hook•Daughter of Captain Hook

Treasure took her seat in front of Mallory and the two girls beside her. She looked around the giant room in awe pretty impressed by its size. 'This school may not be all that bad.' Treasure thought to herself as she took out a drachma and started fiddling with it. She glanced around at all the different faces, all the potential friends she could meet, even though her friend quest had a rough start that didn't dampen the young pirate's spirit one bit!

Madeline Hatter

Mad Hatter's Youngest Daughter

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.99dd4528c3e2387028a02dcb6d3ba196.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.99dd4528c3e2387028a02dcb6d3ba196.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Madeline notice someone sit on the green boy's other side. Once again forgetting about the riddlish thing and she said "Saying the usual greeting from me to you, ha ha(she giggled) that was the clue" Translation: Hello! She smiled at the boy (Umberto) realized what she just said, well how she had said it, she face palmed herself. "My words are in a fumble, while your head is in a jumble" Translation: I know I'm talking weird, it's riddlish. It's confusing for non-wonderlandians.

@Aero (Long time no rp)@Flame Demon



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Pete Vaughn Pan

Son of Peter Pan


Pete was surprised when a voice suddenly came from beside him. A green haired girl was talking to him. Pete titled his head sidewards in confusion, the girl was speaking..a different language. More like riddlish. "Um, hello!" he just replied with the same cheerfulness as the weird girl. That was until another one came, the other girl was blonde. She acted as the first girl's translator. Pete found it funny so he giggled, "Sure, I could hear some of your riddles!" Pete was actually getting bored so maybe he can use some riddles.

Just after he said that, a man sat beside him. He flashed him a grin and waved when the riddlish girl also greeted the new guy. "Oh pixies! There are sure lots of new faces here! Aye, I hope we will all get along well." he said with a cheery expression before clasping his hands toegther excitedly. "My name's Pete Vaughn Pan! I'm the next in line for the role of Peter Pan." he introduced himself while sending everyone a smile.

@Flame Demon @CelestialBunny @Aero


women wings couch dress stars indoors blue eyes food room long hair argyle pattern gothic heterochro_www.wallpaperfo.com_31.jpg

Victoria Sophia Queen

The Evil Queen's Daughter

Victoria blinked when she suddenly heard someone speak beside her. Ah, the Cheshire Cat's daughter, Katherine! She always pops out of nowhere like all other Wonderlandians. She was asking about the invisi-bananas that she requested earlier. Victoria flashed the other a mischievious grin before rummaging through her black poisoned-apple-shaped purse. She then pulled something out but nobody could see it since it was-well obviously invisible.

"I must say this is quite a wicked good prank. As hexpected from a cheshire. We won't get in trouble for this right?" Victoria handed the bananas to the feline. Deep inside, Victoria would like to play a good prank on the headmaster.

@Flame Demon

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Li-Lang sighed as both the boy and girl left, none the wiser of their actions, "Such incompetence. Both of you..." she mumbled, going over a wall and going into some sort of martial arts position, "You're both stuck in your own opinions so far as to not accept another's... That green boy with the ideal of his tale and that girl that nothing can defy her actions..." she finished, students were all heading to the charmi-torium but she remained there a moment longer, sighing once more before suddenly punching the wall, it cracked slightly around her fist, she winced as she cut her hand, she then walked off and entered the large room, spotting those she'd seen before, she sat next to a a boy in a brown singlet wearing a headband, long, blue-grey hair included, she spotted the pan boy, some girl speaking in riddles and a blonde on the other side of him, she sighed, wincing again though as blood trickled down her hand from the would, she kept her fist clenched in an attempt to hide the injury.

'I best get this over with... I lost control of my emotions before... Please forgive me ancestors." she thought as she sat there, face still disciplined, some blood began to drip onto the floor though, 'hex, it's worse than I thought... I should be fine. I'll just treat it after this, I can't miss an event on the first day, it would be un-hounerable.' she continued thinking. The boy-looking girl sitting there without giving so much as an introduction to herself.

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☆Daisy Jayden 'D.J' Lockes☆

☆Daughter of Goldielocks☆


She was sure of it. She was in hex. Until...

"Psst... DJ...Here, I got you some clothes... Let's go change."

Thank the fairy godmothers that Saiko got some clothes,
"OF COURSE. HEX YEAH." D.J whispered back, a bit loud.

'Wait, that sounded wrong....I don't even care anymore!' She thought. Eyes darting around, restless. Her hands clenched into fist at the ends of sleeves pulling the cloth nervously...sweating lightly as the colors of her face slowly faded. Her words were jumbled.

This day is gonna be horrible.

Katherine smiles "No we won't, and I'll take the blame if we do get in trouble" she says and looks around "So... how long until the headmaster shows up?" she asks, ready to take a picture, her first prank of the year was always one of the best, she disappears and appears a moment later again "All done, he won't be able to take one normal step on that stage"

Alicia looks at Pete "She's speaking riddlish, she just forgot it" she says and glances at the new guy "And she said hi" she says. This was going to be harder then she thought, maybe she could give Saiko the task, she had plans when they were free.

Victoria Sophia Queen

The Evil Queen's Daughter


Victoria smiled at the Cheshire when she said she would take the blame. The feline might be mischievious but she's also kind deep within. She was about to say that she would also take the blame but Katherine was gone in a blink of an eye. She then returned, seems like she put the trap in it's right place.

"I don't know but I can't wait to see the look on his face." Victoria managed to grin before she waited patiently for the headmaster to arrive. "I bet it's gonna be spelltacular!" she exclaimed before tapping her feet on the ground.

@Flame Demon

@Flame Demon

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Pete Vaughn Pan

Son of Peter Pan


"Riddlish?" Pete put his right thumb just below his bottom lip before thinking. If his memory isn't betraying him, his father has already told him about that language. It was- Wonderlandian's way of speaking. "Oh! Riddlish!" he snapped his fingers together, "You guys must be from Wonderland." he took a safe guess. It's fun to think that different people from different places are attending the same school, just like how he was originally from Neverland and they were from Wonderland.

"So what's your name?" He asked the two girls and the boy with a smile. He can feel that they're going to be great friends- in fact he can feel that everyone will be his great friends! "Ah but can she understand what I'm saying?" Pete looked at the pink haired girl, hoping that she could.

@CelestialBunny @Flame Demon @Aero

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Alicia - Daughter of Alice

"She can understand you" Alicia says smiling slightly as she says "I'm Alicia, daughter of Alice, this is Madeline, or Maddie Hatter, youngest daughter of the Mad Hatter", she smiles slightly "We also have the daughter of the Cheshire cat and the oldest daughter of the Mad Hatter" she says looking at Pete.

Katherina - Daughter of the Cheshire Cat

Kat smiles slightly "Hurry up and come" she says and grins "He'll be suspecting me first, but I really have other plans today then pulling pranks on others "I'm going to the tea shop today and then probably take a cat nap in a nearby tree, I shouldn't stay up late to prepare my pranks" she says, of course she'd pull pranks between that.


Headmaster William Grimm

Upon noticing that the charmitorium was almost full, William decided that it was the right time to appear. He fixed his suit and ran a hand over his hair before walking up the stage. The students became quiet and his heavy footsteps can be heard.

Everything seemed so quiet until his right foot stepped on a something..slippery and the man slipped right in front of the students, falling butt-first into the floor. This earned a mixture of reactions from the used-to-be-quiet students, some laughed, while some gasped in horror. William wants to scream right in that moment but instead he got up and continued walking to the center stage.

Indeed, that was an invisible banana. He cleared his throat and silence came upon the big room again. "Miss Cheshire and Miss Queen, I see that the two of you are so eager to follow your footsteps. First day of school and you two are already acting mischievious and evil. Just to let you girls know, your mothers did hexactly the same thing many years ago." his eyes found the two girls before he glared at them.

"Students, welcome to Ever After High!" he extended his hands outwards and the students erupted into cheers(while some gave disagreeing sound and looks). "In school, we will teach you and prepare you for the day you have to reenact your fairytale stories to bring peace into all the lands." William began, "As you all know, a few weeks from now, the signing of the Story Book of Legends will take place. The fourth years are finally going to pledge their destiny." he continued his speech.

"I hexpect that everything will go smoothly and there would be no rebellion that's going to happen."

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Katherine Cheshire - Daughter of the Cheshire Cat

Katherine quickly takes a picture when he falls down "Headmaster Grimm, the prank was my idea, so the blame is for me, not Victoria" she says, still having a grin on her face, her first pranks was a success, this year couldn't get any better, she just had to send it to her mother later who'd be so proud of her.

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