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Fandom Ever After High

||Treasure Hook|| Daughter of Captain Hook

Treasure noticed everyone leaving the Charmitorium and followed the crowd out. She walked over to a locker and leaned on it looking at her 'Welcome to EAH' packet. "Hmm so my homeroom is 139, where is that?" She mumbled and looked around. She shrugged and started wondering the halls looking at the signs. Drachma followed behind her looking around as well, sniffing the floor.

Ebony White

The Daughter of Snow White

As she listened at the wonderlandian native, Korin's speech, she couldn't help but giggle. She have always enjoyed her silly introductions and cat-puns. As everybody in the charmitorium area was dismissed, she too stood up and waved Ari beside her a goodbye before heading outside.

She have already memorized her schedule so she should not have any problems with it. First she have to take her class on home room 140- where she would probably be studying how to be a perfect damsel in distress. But when she heard a voice wondering where the home room 139 is, she turned around and looked at the girl before approaching her.

"Hi!" she beamed up at the girl. Everything about the girl screamed pirate to her, so she concluded that she must be the captain of the jolly roger's daughter. "Hello, I assume your name is Treasure right?" she asked, of course Ebony knew each of every fairy tail character's name, even soon to be fairy tail characters. It's like, part pf her Snow-White duty. "If you're looking for the home room 139, I can lead you there. Since my home room is 140, it's probably right beside each other." she continued with her offer, although deep inside she hopes that the girl won't find her annoying or lash out at her.


The Card Hatter

.:Son of the Mad Hatter:

He blinked again as she was apologizing again, "Ah yes that was what I was talking about thank you for that." The Card Hatter said in response. He started to tap his fingers against the air, like he was using a piano in midair, before taking note of the girl's face now not shadowed by the green hood. He then realized that he had not seen his room number yet, so he was probably going to be late if he didn't get it soon. "Oh yes, I am The Card Hatter." He answered before looking at a board that seemed to hold everyone's homeroom. "You are the Daughter of Robin Hood. Right?" He questioned before he started to move forwards towards the board, scanning the board for his name finding it around the middle of the names. So... my homeroom is 139. He thought wandering over to the general direction.
||Treasure Hook|| Daughter of CaptainHook

Treasure looked at the very pretty black haired girl. "Oh, hiya!" Treasure said smiling. "Yes, I'm Treasure Hook, it's a pleasure to meet you princess! You are a princess right? If not I apologize, it's just you look like a princess." She said rubbing the back of her neck. Treasure looked at her packet once more and nodded. "Yes, I do need the help. Please lead the way um." Treasure said looking at the black haired girl, not wanting to call the girl princess the whole time. Drachma crawled over slowly toward the black haired girl sniffing at her shoes. @Ravian
Coral was beaming slightly , trying to control her excitement at the thought of meeting new people and making new friends . Taking a deep breath she put her headphones on and turned her music to full volume , her luggage wasn't very heavy , all she had was a conch to call her mother , a mirror pad , some books and clothes and a packet thing to help her adjust to EAH but it had gotten ruined already , that happened a lot every week Coral would need something repaired , or replaced , she knew she would be even more clumsy now that she had to walk and run everywhere instead of swim. Sighing she walked towards a group of students hoping she would be able to make some friends. She listened to the speech half heartedly before awkwardly shuffling to the list she was getting bored already , she wasn't making potions or pranking people or talking so she got bored pretty easily.
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"Correct and goodbye..um do you know where home room 139 is, perhaps?" She asked, following him for an answer. Maybe he is in my class, she thought. Archie evoke up and yipped in her ear. Hawk pet his head and he then fell asleep again.

@Tricky Emotions

Ebony White

Daughter of Snow White

Ebony couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's response and her frequent of use of the word 'princess'. "Indeed I am." she assured. Well it made her relieve that the girl isn't aware that she's the daughter of Snow White or else she'd probably think that she's a stuck up 'follow my destiny' girl like everybody assumes.

When she noticed that the girl was loss for words to call her, she sent Treasure her princess-y smile, "My name is Ebony White and I am the daughter of Snow White." she gestured to herself. But when she felt something something sniff her shoes, she helped and almost jumped 5 inches from the floor. Ebony sighed when she saw that it was just a cat- or a Lynx to be more accurate. The royalty crouched down and reached out for the animal, "Hello there little guy." she cooed at it.


"Yes I do." He said as bluntly as he could possible end up being, looking at the animal that she had carried with her, soon the teachers will have trouble on their hands if they actually end up trying to ban all of these pets, so far it seemed out of the five people he had met so far, two of them had sneaked in pets. "Also, what are your two names." The Card Hatter questioned the two, looking at his gloves as he started to walk, this time his hat wasn't slipping at least that was positive outlook for today, not like there was anything wrong about today.

(@Church Burning )​
Slowly coral edged towards a girl , from she could it was a girl , but knowing EAH you could never be sure. Practically buzzing with excitement she walked straight up to her and grinned "Hey , Im coral , who are you? Are you a princes? You look like one , not that if you not that's a bad thing , WOW you have long hair , why don't you cut it?" she paused for a breath , then realising this might scare the girl or come across as rude , she decided to start again "Yeah , Im Coral , I do that a lot , I babble when im nervous or exited or on any day with a Y in it? So who are you?"

Nervously she started to play with her headphones and her hair , unsure whether to just back off or not.

@crucialstar )
"I am Hawk Hood and this is Archie the fox. Sorry for asking a stupid question, allow me to rephrase it. Could you show me where room 139 is and are you in said class?" She asked, remembering that the answer depended on the question.

@Tricky Emotions

Coral couldn't help but be happy at the fact that Elise was as exited as she was "Im not Royal , my mother is Ursula the sea witch and yeah I get nervous too , that's why I have my headphones , AND any music really , as long as it matches my mood" she started smiling again , she didn't know why but this girl just made her smile .

She wasn't nervous anymore and started to look straight at the girl instead of just fiddling with her headphones , "This your first year too?" Crossing her fingers she hoped that she would be able to finally make a friend and have someone to talk to. She loved how the girl seemed to ramble as much as she did.

She listened to Elsie with much interest , Coral had lived most of her Childhood without friends, so she wasn't sure what to do conversation wise.

Coral was unsure of what to say or do next to she started looking around desperately for something to talk about , not realising it could be tactless she noticed Elsie`s hair " WOW! You have long hair , did you mean to do that?"


@crucialstar )
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"Yeah , we should probably explore the school together , and your the first person I've talked to." She replied happily , Coral couldn't help but marvel that she was Rapunzel's daughter , and she wasn't really surprised either. Coral was relived that she wasn't the only newcomer to this school . Laughing slightly she let the girl pull her along "We should probably find out what classes we have , as I don't want to get into trouble for skipping class in my first week , maybe we could ask someone?" Corals eyes sparkled with excitement , but she couldn't help but worry about what Elise might know about her mother , and what she might think she knew about her.


@crucialstar )
"Yes, and Yes." The Card Hatter said as he pulled his white gloves, looking at the girl as he started to walk backward towards the building that held the room. "Also Hello Archie." He said to the fox. He then started to turn back to facing forwards so he didn't hit anything on the way there. When doing so he saw Catherine Heart, giving a small wave seemingly going to the same place as he was, he saw some other familar faces as well also making their way to their class, as well as some new faces mixed in with the crowd.

||Treasure Hook|| Daughter of Captain Hook

Drachma sniffed Ebony's hand before giving it a small lick. The lynx crawled back over to Treasure and sat by his master's side giving a small meow. Treasure did a curtesy. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ebony." She said and then thought for a moment. "Hm, Snow White eh? I believe I remember reading about her story before arriving here. She's a pretty big deal last time I check, so I believe it is truly an honor to meet you." Treasure said nodding with a smile. Drachma looked at Ebony and meowed once more. "Drachma seems to like you as well." Treasue said with a giggle. @Ravian
Frowning slightly Coral looked around , "Maybe we could ask those two over there?" she replied gesturing at two girls , "You didn't miss much , it was pretty boring , just blah blah welcome blah blah some rules , not much." Nervously she started to look around trying to work out what to do , her mother would probably skip class and order this girl away , but she wasn't her mother. "Didn't mean to be rude about your hair" Coral started to bite her lip anxiously and fiddle with her headphones .

Ebony White

Daughter of Snow White

"No need to be so formal." Ebony noticed that Treasure was being courteous. It's not like she's saying that she shouldn't be courteous but she she shouldn't be that courteous around her, wait maybe Treasure misunderstood and she came off rude to her. The thoughts continued as anxiety attacked her once again. "I mean you can be if you want to, it's not like I'm ordering you to not be formal around me, I mean-" she figured that Treasure might find her weird if she continues speaking so she looked at the cat, "I mean is Drachma it's name? It makes him or her even more cuter!" she changed the topic and instead diverted her attention to the Lynx, hoping that Treasure would forget her weirdness earlier.

"I'm truly flattered." she grinned when she received the compliment from the pirate's daughter saying that Snow White must be a big deal. And that's right, and that's the exact same reason on why she tries so hard to be the fairest of them all and all that stuff. Because it's a big deal. And it's her responsibility to be that big deal.

Coral Daughter of Ursula

Coral nervously followed Elsie , grinning like a maniac , she appreciated how nice Elsie was. "Thanks Elsie , I appreciate it , your a good friend , anyway lets go ask them." Coral felt slightly envious of Elsie , she was so nice and didn't have to change for her story , Coral was supposed to become a mean cold-hearted sea witch who cuts out mermaids tongue's and kill fish. That wasn't her , Coral wanted to just have a small role , where she could be herself. She ran after Elsie , making way towards the two girls , "Wait who's doing the talking?" Cora let Elsie stay in front , she didn't want to talk to the older girls in case she said something wrong.


@crucialstar )
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Coral , smiled nervously and mumbled a hello , she wasn't used to princes so she didn't know if she was meant to curtsey or anything. She was grateful to Elsie , again , she wondered if this was what all princesses were like , kind , generous . Funny to think that that's what they are forced to be instead of just being that. Gathering up some courage she decided to ask the two girls something "Where do we go , like for classes and stuff?" Sighing she waited anxiously for an answer. So she`s definitely a princess but the other girl , a pirate maybe? Coral hadn't read many fairy tales so she was unsure and who those girls were.

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Catherine Heart

As I walk through the hallways and look around a bit, I wave back at Card and continue looking at the pictures of famous Fairy Tale characters and objects related to them that are lining the hallway. I notice that there is even a replica of the flamingo croquet mallets used in Wonderland. I look away from the displays and start studying each of the numbers next to the classrooms, looking for room 139. 136, 137, 138, 139! Ah, here it is, room 139, my homeroom class. I sure hope we get an interesting homeroom teacher. I glance down at Luna, and that they don't mind pets. I grin, not that they'd be able to throw her out, Luna would just find her own way back in.

|| Treasure Hook || The Daughter of Captain Hook

Treasure bit her lip trying not to chuckle at the nervous princess. 'Must be hard being the future big deal.' Treasure thought still not able to remember why Snow White was a big deal. "Drachma is a boy." Treasure said smiling looking down at the Lynx who was licking his paw, obvious bored with the two girls. Treasure nodded happy the princess liked her compliment. First part of being a nice pirate is having good manners! Well, that's what Treasure thought anyway. She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard two girls one with really long beautiful hair and another with headphones. When the two asked nervously where classes were, Treasure gave them a big grin. "Haha, guess we're in the same ship! I have no idea where my homeroom is, that's why I asked Ebony here since she knows." Treasure said gesturing to Ebony. "By the way, I'm Treasure. Treasure Hook daughter of Captain Hook of Neverland!" Treasure said holding both hands out for the two new girls to shake. @Ravian @xIDiamond @crucialstar
Smiling at both of the girls , she waved at both of them "Im Coral , daughter of Ursula , and you can probably guess who's daughter Elsie is." she said gesturing to Elsie's hair , Coral was relived that they weren't the only ones who didn't know where to go. She couldn't help but look at Ebony , she really did suit her name , that must be nice being a princess , expected to be nice , respected , not feared , Coral sometimes wished she was the princess with the prince coming to save her , but she knew she could never be. She was daughter of a sea witch , not a queen.

She wasn't as nervous of Treasure as she thought she would be , her friendly open manor had gotten rid of Corals nerves .

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Ebony White

Daughter of Snow White


Ebony looked at the girls who joined in their conversations, instantly the corner of her lips curled upwards and it formed another smile. She studied their features and just by looking at the other princess' long hair she can already conclude that she's the daughter of Rapunzel, Elise. When the two said that they needed her assistance just like Treasure she beamed up even wider. She usually gets nervous around this time but they look nice so.... Or maybe they aren't nice and....

"Good morning to the both of you fair ones and I'm very happy to meet you." she waved at them elegantly. She noticed that Coral looked nervous, she sent her an assuring smile. "Of course I'd gladly lead the way and help you guys. So which respective homerooms are you both in?" she tilted her head to the side to give them a questioning look. Then she realized that she forgot to give a proper introduction, "My name is Ebony White, daughter of Snow White." she gestured toward herself, her trademark of a bright smile appearing once again.

"That's why were here , we don't know our homerooms is so we were hoping someone else might know? Like you?" Coral smiled awkwardly hoping this girl could help her and Else as she didn't really want to go round the whole school asking , and she doubted that Elsie would want to either. She was relived that Ebony wasn't stuck up , or at least if she was she didn't act like it. The girl was quite formal though , maybe that was just a princess thing ?Unsure of what else to do she just smiled at Ebony and Treasure.

(Sorry for short paragraphs today , half asleep)

@Ravian @crucialstar @Aero)
"I think Homeroom is like a dorm , but im not one hundred percent sure." She glanced curiously at Elsie`s pamphlet , she doubted they would be in the same classes Villains and Royals would probably be taught different things , Elise would study Muse-ic and how to curtsey and Coral would be taught potions and villianry . Coral smiled slightly "I hope so , it`d be nice to not be alone." Excitement was written on Elsie's face , coral couldn't help but grin every time she looked or talked to her. She was a good friend , she hoped they would stay friends. "Treasure is it your first year too?"


|| Treasure Hook || The Daughter of Captain Hook

"If this place is anything like Neverland Academy, homeroom is where you meet up for announcements and report cards through the year." Treasure said scratching her chin remembering her old school. "My homeroom is 139, Ebony is 140 so I assume one is for the Royals and the other for the Villians." She said looking down at the floor when she said Villians forwning a little. Drachma sensed his owner anger and crawled over pawing her leg. Treasure blinked looked at Drachma and smiled. Treasure looked back up at the girls with her usual big grin. "Anywho! You are correct Coral this is my first year! I transfered here from Neverland Academy." Treasure said. @xIDiamond @crucialstar @Ravian

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