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Fandom Ever After High Interest Check


You faker than some Sweet 'N Low
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    [Your character name here]
    School Application Acceptance

    Dear [Your student's name here],

    As many of you receiving this letter more than likely know, it is that special time in every fairy tale child's life when their parent finally passes the torch down to them and they learn to perfectly take on the part their parent once played at our highly capable school so that they are able to walk confidently upon the stage and pledge themselves to their story with great amounts of dignity on the long awaited ''Legacy Day''.

    Quite a few of you probably have been anticipating this letter's eventual arrival and I bet that you are truly ecstatic to be able to finally attend our classes and properly prepare for your future ''occupations'' as storybook heroes, villains, princesses, and various other roles such as those.

    Anyway, I'm not looking to talk your head off so I am cutting this rather short. I will be looking forward to seeing the lot of you this year and I hope that your day is pleasant one.

    ''The Author''
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Ooh! I gotta admit I’m thinking of playing the child of Beauty and the Beast (haha I said the line) especially since I would love to base it off of the original tale

But I would love to hear your ideas because now I’m curious
Ooh! I gotta admit I’m thinking of playing the child of Beauty and the Beast (haha I said the line) especially since I would love to base it off of the original tale

But I would love to hear your ideas because now I’m curious
ill dm you what i was hoping for with snow whites charming and the tweedles then!
What style faceclaims are you going for, anime, art based, realistic? Possibly interested in the child of the cheshire cat
What style faceclaims are you going for, anime, art based, realistic? Possibly interested in the child of the cheshire cat
anime faceclaims or art. i use characters from series i like, personally.
I am not exactly sure of what character I want to do i have an idea but it may not fit this theme since I want to make some sort of character that is a guiding hand like a animal shifter or something like that
I am not exactly sure of what character I want to do i have an idea but it may not fit this theme since I want to make some sort of character that is a guiding hand like a animal shifter or something like that
well...its a school roleplay so you could play a teacher but you still have to be a fairytale character
I haven’t watched Ever After High but I’m interested! Perhaps a child of Arachne if you’ll allow Greek myths!

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