Eventful Horizon


New Member


Herrath, Ruler of the Underworld, has sent five distinct weapons onto the realm known as the Spiritlands. One of those who received one of the five relics, was on the middle continent that was the Central Kingdoms. The individual's name has been lost but his title is known in history as the Soul King. He was a mage of sorts, wielding magic through arcane nexuses that were linked to the Underworld. As such, he was bestowed great power with this magic.

Five hundred years later, after the assassination of the Soul King, a new power disrupts the balance of the Central Kingdoms. It seems as though the hill giants on the plains have been driven mad with only their king and a small group of refugees remain to aid the humans in rooting out this curse. Leaders from all over the world are bound to unite against a common foe. But no one will expect what lies ahead...


- Human

- Hill Giant

- Half-Giant


Human -

- Magic: Humans are the most proficient in magic of the three races in the Central Kingdoms

Hill Giant -

- Physical Strength: Hill giants are the greatest in physical strength of the three races of the Central Kingdoms.

- Wisdom: Hill giants are the wisest of races in the Central Kingdoms.

Half-Giant -

- Physical Ability: Half-giants are a good combination of strength and speed.

- Combat: Half-giants are very good in combat. It was as if they were born for that purpose.


Human -

- Dread: Unlike the other two races, humans fear far more easily.

- Weak-Minded: Most humans are not as strong willed.

Hill Giant -

- Size: Hill giants are larger and make for easier targets.

- Magic: Very few hill giants use magic.

Half-Giant -

- Charisma: Half-giants are not charismatic.

- Self-Conscious: Attacking their pride and honor makes them reckless.


Human -

- Valyran

- Gervaria

- Nemeria

- Tynnasia

- Tellaham

- Cnidos

Hill Giants -

- Rock Hill Tribe

- Boulder Hand Tribe

- Blood Rock Tribe

- Valyran Giants

Half-Giants -

- Zor'Gon


- Romance is allowed, but keep it PG-13. For my sanity.

- No god-modding.

- Max of 3 characters. Ask me if you want to be a magic user. (Recommended 1 character to start.)

- Literacy.

I'll be creating a group out of this when I get a few people. When the group is made, I'll be posting more details but this is basic information.

Post if you are interested. This RP will include deception, justice, war, and risk.
I think I might play. :) My favorite race has still yet to appear though haha. I ardor playing Halflings haha..

I will be going away for a bit, I will be on every now and again, hopefully. But hey still a warning to you. :)
Well the world of which this takes place has many more races than just those three. But for now, on the continent of which the RP will be taking place for the beginning will be those three. Might I ask what your favorite race is?
Ah, well I have to say my favorite race is Halfling! I have never played a Hill Giant but I am sure it will be fun! Sorry I was not complaining I was just sharing! :D I think that will be a lot of fun :D
No, I didn't take it as complaining. :P Quite alright. And you don't have to play a hill giant. Just an option. Glad you're interested, If I can get one more person in then I'll create a group on it.

Very good!
This looks really cool, I really like to be a paladin and I can work with this fine! Also is it alright if I have a magic hill giant??
Lololol Paladin. LG character running around can be a horrible thing sometimes. Every time I see someone play Paladin, blood is always shed haha.
I'm in the process of making the group. Sorry for taking so long, time has been tight.

When I think of paladins, I think of warriors who use light magic. Whether or not that's what you mean, I don't know. However, paladins are not in this role play
yet. Doomsayers are the magic users and I'll be explaining why they are called that / what magics they use in a group discussion once I finish it.

Again, sorry for taking so long. Time will be a bit more lax next week and you'll be getting invites.

Edit - And yes, you could be a giant doomsayer, but they aren't very popular among giant society, especially the non-corrupted giants. I'll explain why in the group.
@Ricia Im scared at that

@ Swyft Ok I understand, also when I think of paladin I think of a heavy armor wearing warrior that specializes in healing magics


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