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Fantasy Escape from Lockazal prison.


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There is many races on the world of Aerth. from the strong dwarfs who live in the mountains or underground cities. Carving stone and shaping metals into versatile tools and weapons.

The various types of beastkin, from the Fox men who stalk the woods with illusions or the lizardman tribals of the swamps who use bone rituals.

The dying elves have spent generations attempting to build back their population, a true elf is rare but even the many subraces of elf hold mastery over mana.

But the humans of Aerth. Not even humanity knows of its history and strength...

While humans are regarded as the same apart from physical charactistics, eye shape, colour, hair etc
There is actually three classes of human...

The sorcerers, blessed by mana these humans are distinguished by their magic. If a human is able to turn their mana into a force that effects or changes the world they are descended from the sorcerer clan. Examples of this is breathing fire, teleporting, manipulating water.

The warriors, blessed with inherent combat skill the humans descended from the warrior clan use mana to perform feats of grand strength. Be it swinging a weapon twice the size of themselves or moving faster then a speeding arrow, the warriors use mana like a boost of adrenaline more than a magic buff.

The goliath clan however have never been seen as human. Indistinguishable from the sorcerers and warriors only when a goliath uses mana to transform does it become apparent.
Historians and intelligent people speculate giants bred with humans under the guidance of elves to produce such monsters. But no one knows for sure.
A human from the goliath clan uses mana to transform their own body. Growing up to thirty meters sometimes taller, the destructive power a goliath can wield is devastating. (A practiced user of goliath mana can choose which size to become)

That being said, in the southern hemisphere of Aerth is a human Kingdom.
The Hardin kingdom believe those who can turn into goliaths are monsters. Evil tainted beings that would destroy the country and stomp on those who live there. For as long as any remember there is only three places for these human shaped beasts...
The kings army, a goliath that uses it's strength for the glory of Hardin can be tolerated.
In the ground, a dead goliath is a good one.
And lastly...

The Lockazal Archipelago...
Said to be the original homeland of the titan like monsters.
In the last hundred years of Hardin rule, the royal family used mages to shape beaches into a rocky barrier. Trapping all living creatures inside. The Hardin navy patrol the seas,
Using these islands as a prison sending undesirables to mine resources and gather rarities.
Or die trying.

The goliaths that live on the archipelago rule over it much like a gang of inmates in jail, killing and using any other to better themselves...

You find yourself unlucky enough to be at hells dock.
View attachment 689202
For whatever reason, you are here. A job might have forced you to arrive.
(To find something or someone perhaps? Maybe You work for the warden, in charge of transporting resources to the docks)

But its usually a crime that resulted in a punishment worse then death.
((Murder, theft, piracy, sex offenders, illegal trading and Your filthy giant blood (which is also a crime) may be that reason))
You might have been framed unjustly sent to work to death.

Can you escape the islands?
The hell that the Hardin kingdom have pushed you all into?
Will you experience the falling sky islands? The deep undersea cities?
The shenanigans festival and the free drinks it provides?
If the answer to the first question was "yes" then many arcs await you!

As escape isn't impossible... it's surviving hell that might be.
Group rp for seven or less people, two paragraphs or more twice a week is the requirements.
Medieval fantasy and all that entails. CS will be easy to adapt original characters to and I am happy to help with lore and ideas if asked.

Before anyone starts this is not a fandom rp of attack on titan, I've just plagerised titans if anything aha.
I believe I have enough to set it apart from that work of fiction.

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