ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth


Jōnin of Silence
Link to RP:

(Hey, I like this idea, so don't judge me xD )

(Also, the Roleplay will start with the escape happening)

Kai watched hopefully as the metal bar on the front of his cage was about halfway cut through, while Kary watched with the same hopefulness from the other side of the isle. All he needed to do was get through this metal bar, he's been trying for three days now. Once he got through this bar, he could pickpocket the lock. The thing in the cage next to Kai's noticed what he was doing and started shaking and screaming "ESCAPE! ESCAPE!" The thick metal doors started closing at the beginning of the isle. Only a little bit further... The door closed on Kai's cage, his chance was lost. He felt his cage being picked up and taken away. His cage was set down and the metal door slid open again, the bars on the cage slid out of the way and one of the guards caught Kai with a next pole. It shocked him to the bone. "Well Kai, trying to get out again, are you? Don't forget, this IS


Hi, my name is Kai, yes I'm a guy (And my rhymes are fly xD ). You must be one of the new arrivals here at ESCAPE, the Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth. Let me tell you what this is all about. It's the year 2030, and 10 years go, in 2020, scientists started experimenting on human subjects. 5 years into the test, in 2025, one of the subjects successfully escaped their containment, and not only that, but he set all the other test subjects free in the process. Ever since then, these things that got out have been hunted down and put into ESCAPE. ESCAPE is a facility that the scientists made to continue testing on these enhanced humans. It is exactly like the last one, but they put a couple more million dollars in security. Oh, and it's about 2000 feet underground and the only way up or down is one elevator (Which is big, but some people just don't like elevators, right?). I'm tired of this place, and trust me, you will be too if you stay to long. They'll be easy on you at first, but then they'll get worse and worse.

So, what do you say?

Want to escape ESCAPE today?

Character sheet:

Name (Full):

Nick name:





Back story:





My Characters


Name (Full): Kai Yagura

Nick name: Kai

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 9517 Minus the whole owl on his hand xD

Personality: Kai is really serious and likes to stay focused on one task.

Back story: He was captured and experimented on in 2022, he was one of the people who escaped during the incident in 2025, when he was 11. He didn't get far, he was betrayed by his own kind in 2026 and used as bait to help them get away from the ESCAPE operatives. Some got caught because Kai told him where they were going, but most of them got away.

Alterations: High stamina, speed, agility and flexibility, they are currently working on the ability to change skin color to blend into the environment.

Weapons: None until he escapes, when he escapes he has multiple knives and a suit that changes to the color he wants it to.

Other: He leads the escape, then once the escape is over, he makes a gang with the altered humans who want to stick with him.
Name (Full):Maxim Luka Vanzin

Nick name: Luka

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance:View attachment 9518

Personality: Maxim Is quiet and down to earth. She hates being in the spotlight.

Back story:She was capture and experimented on in 2026. She has been here ever since. She moves around the shadows to try not to be seen.

Alterations: She a really fast sharp shooter (like Zero from xmen origins Wolverine). She can move silently and not be seen and is fast on her feet.

Weapons: E.S.C.A.P.E has given her 2 desert eagle pistols.

Other: Wants to get out
[MENTION=3601]Kaleo[/MENTION] Accepted! I like the idea of a sharpshooter, different than the usual slice-and-dice sword masters I'm used to seeing.
Name (Full): Damian Kenway

Nick name: Damian

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 9522, tall and athletic, usually wears plain black chlotes

Personality: Distant, arrogant, thinks he's better then everyone else but he can be a really nice person to people he trusts

Back story: He was captured and experimented on in 2025. He has been there and remained quiet since, he tries not to get into trouble and has distanced himself from everyone else.

Alterations: Observation and reflexes, he notices the tiniest details and reacts quickly to any threats near him (basically, he's very good at hand to hand fighting)

Weapons: he uses his whole body as a weapon

Other: he's a tactician, meaning he plans all of his moves in advance, he's a planner and that could prove useful in the escape.
So, what do you say?Want to escape ESCAPE today?

Character sheet:


Name (Full): Venndale Svere Knight

Nick name: Venn or Knight of the Sun

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Male







Shoes - He doesn't wear shoes, he just wraps white bandages around his heels and the entire foot except for the toes.

Personality: Venn is a troublemaker and sometimes can become hot-headed in battle. He is prone to starting fights and creating conflict. He will usually chill in a corner and watch what goes on instead of putting in his own two cents. At times he can be very sarcastic and whimsical, but don't let his tough exterior fool you, Venn wants to help more than anything. He is strict on himself; usually you can see him training at odd hours of the day for several hours, only because he wants to push his limits and see how far they will go. Small acts of kindness can and will be found under Venndale's surface, it may be uncommon, but its not like he's a robot. He is still capable of feeling and hurting he just tries to portray himself as a strong man who won't put up with anyone's sh*t. He may become easily bored at times.

Back story: In 2025 he was captured at the age of thirteen. He thinks it is fun too cause problems for the ones who have been experimenting him and at times he sits in his cell and smiles mockingly to the guards. Venn enjoys striking fear into them when he claims that when he gets out they'll be the first ones too die. He has obviously become slightly insane ever since he arrived too the facility, but don't worry he loves too make new friends.

Alterations: Superhuman senses (Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal Human), Speed (isn't very controlled and barely practices with it; weak) and his skin absorbs heat or fire so sooner or later he will have the ability to control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control or absorb fire. He can eat it as well too absorb its energy and heal himself, but right now he isn't every skilled with it.

Weapons: Multiple kunai with an orange ribbon tied to the handle. He then carries two large kunai's that are like swords. The same orange ribbons are wrapped around the handle (Kotutsu's personalized weapon from Naruto, Google it). He finds this after the E.S.C.A.P.E and he also finds a suit that amplifies the amount of heat he can withstand and let's him play with it.

Other: Venn tries his hardest too help, but over the years his mind has become unstable. Although this seems like a bad thing it has helped him with seeing others attacks and with practicing his heat alteration.

(I edited the Alterations [MENTION=3381]StealthNinja115[/MENTION] so his senses are what he's skilled most in, but the recent experiments (speed and heat manipulation) are very weak, but he'll get better with them. I hope that's better, sorry about that. :push:)
Name (Full): Amber Audaudry

Nick name: Amber

Age: 18

Gender: female


View attachment 9525

Personality: Amber is fun and playful. She is much different than most people. She is full of confidence and seems fearless. She has a huge mouth on her and it tends to get her into sticky situations.

Back story: Amber has been experimented ever since the start of the orginization started and has never managed to escape.

Alterations: Amber has extremely hard skin with a slight silver metallic hint to it. She was also given extreme flexibility, which is helpful in fighting.

Weapons: Doesn't need any

@Rovier Accepted, always helpful to have a tactician!

@Doctor Who? "High agility, stamina, and they recently altered his skin" Sounds very familiar (Referring to my character) xD Anyways, accepted.

@kikinavi Accepted! It's always good to have a cheerful person!

Sorry if you guys got two mentions, I accidentally posted this twice so you might have...
[MENTION=3381]StealthNinja115[/MENTION] D: I know I'm so sorry I was trying to aim more towards pyrokineses without actually giving him that since its an alteration not a mutant power. Lemme see if I can change some stuff.

Name: George Winderberri

Nick name: Georgie

Age: 12

Gender: Male



Personality: Georgie is a VERY shy boy. Every little thing, big or small, tends to frighten the child. He was never once like this, he used to be a bright and young boy with the smile like the gleaming moon on a mild night. Now he cowers, standing back from every little thing that happens. Most of the other subjects here frighten him to the core as well.

Back story: Georgie is one of the fairly new subjects. After capturing most of the original tests, the scientists caught some fairly new ones as well. Sadly, Georgie was one of them. the scientists needed a sort of youth-full body to test on. They had a specific sort of augmentation ready for him; something that would give him an ability like no other.

Alterations: Georgie's skin was made to absorb sunlight. As his hair and eyes are a slightly greenish color, it's because of the chlorophyll that's hidden underneath the follicles and pupils. Georgie has the rare ability to manipulate plants at will. With the ability to absorb sunlight through his eyes, hair, and most of his skin he doesn't eat much. Georgie also loves to soak himself in water. The other subjects there don't quite know how the morbid scientists were able to afflict this ability into Georgie. All they know is that this'll give him one big advantage. (If his mutation/Alterations is too much, I can change it to something a bit more minor if I must. :o Basically, Georgie's a walking plant.... LOL.)

Weapons: Georgie's to afraid to wield something so strong and/or sharp. He'd rather cower away. It won't be until later in the story that he'll learn how to use his augmentation as a weapon or defense.

Other: Nothing I can think of.

(Sorry, his picture didn't appear, I'm reposting it. O.o )

[MENTION=3825]ToxicCupCakez[/MENTION] Accepted, very interesting! It sounds more like a mutation than an augmentation, but it is what it is xD

[MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION] It wasn't necessary to change anything, there were multiple tests to see how certain alterations work with others, yours was fine the way it was.

[MENTION=3954]Rovier[/MENTION] we're going to start soon, late tonight maybe, probably tomorrow.
[MENTION=3601]Kaleo[/MENTION] [MENTION=3954]Rovier[/MENTION] [MENTION=1704]kikinavi[/MENTION] [MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION] [MENTION=3825]ToxicCupCakez[/MENTION]

Official Roleplay date released:

Friday, December 21st at 4:00PM.

May the world end as we make our ESCAPE.
Name (Full): Catotengo Reverus Corvus

Nick name: Cato, The Silent Archer

Age: 16.

Gender: Male

Appearance: His hair is all black, except the bit that is over his eyes. That bit is crimson. He is pale. He dresses in a hoodie thing that has no sleeves, and is unable to be zipped up. His shirt covers his chest, but nothing below, his six pack is always visible. All his clothing is black. He wears combat boots, with black shoe laces. If he where to show his teeth, they would be serrated shark teeth. His hair is always above his eyes, and his eyes are never visible. He's skinny, tall, and strong. His arm muscles are showing well, but they are not like a body builders.

Personality: Smart, decisive. He's mute, so, he can't talk. But, he'll listen to you, and do his best to communicate.

Back story: At a young age, the scientists attempted to make it so he could mimic any sound, unfortunately, the idiots cut his vocal chords with a pair of scissors, muting him permanently. He escaped a while back, but was recaptured, of course. Now he simply has to do the stupid tests.

Alterations: His DNA is a combination of the Human, great White Shark, and Velociraptor. This causes him to be able to breathe under water, turn his fingers into razor sharp claws, his teeth are shark teeth, and he is nimble, and light. He's an excellent swimmer due to the shark DNA, and his eyes are a mixture of a raptor's, and a sharks. As he has multiple eye lids. He's able to sprint at really high speeds, and can jump far distances.

Weapons: A black long bow, made of an unbreakable steel. The string is black and red. He shoots it left handed, and he fails to miss his shots.

Other: Theme Song: Hear me Now-HU. I also have to give credit to my friend on deviantart, FatumCorvus, as he came up with the Corvi, and he allowed me to make this character.

Remember. This guy is MUTE. He will not speak. He lacks the ability to. But he can hear.
Name (Full): Evelynn Pierce

Nick name: Ev, Lyn, the Healer, the Lyrebird.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: View attachment 9548 5'3", rather thin, but not creepily so. Extensive treatments to subdue her powers has caused discoloration in her hair.

Personality: She's a bit clumsy, but is really caring. A bit on the self-conscious side, she's rather naive at times, but doesn't hesitate to speak her mind. She's very kind, and hates to see people getting hurt, whether physically or emotionally, unless she knows it to be absolutely necessary. When she is angered though, she does a complete 180, and turns rather dark and mean-spirited. Still, these occasions are very very rare.

Back story: She was one of the original escapees in 2025, but she was only dragged along due to her mutations. She was abandoned as soon as they started to get caught, and she has been stuck in E.S.C.A.P.E. ever since. The glimpse she saw of the sky on the day she had gotten out is the main driving force behind her decision to escape.

Alterations: Regenerating abilities. She can control the rate of replication of any cell in her body as well as other people's, hence her nickname "Healer". However, she can also use this power to hyper-replicate cells and cause malignant cancer. Scientists are working to get rid of this threat. She was also the successful product of the voice alteration experiment, which had failed on Cato (Is that okay? I can totally change it), so she can mimic virtually any sound she hears, hence the "Lyrebird". The drawback is that she cannot imitate sounds that human ears cannot pick up.

Weapons: Her preferred weapon is a rapier or any single-handed swords she can find, but she does not approve of violence, which is why she usually wields a long whip hoping to frighten the enemy enough to not continue fighting.
[MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION] Accepted, not much I can say as you've told me about Cato before.

[MENTION=3865]Lily of the Valley[/MENTION] Accepted, but here's the thing: 1) Your picture isn't working. 2) You have to PROMISE that you thought up the voice alteration yourself, and/or get approval from TheFallOfitAll (I know him irl so if you just get approval from him he'll tell me). Otherwise, you can't have the voice alteration.
Name (Full): Irota Lyer

Nick name: Irota/Irrie

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 9549

Personality: Very shy but listens well and doesn't know how to refuse.

Back story: He was the offspring of two genetic experiments that were said "complete successes" therefore, he was an experiment himself, them seeing how or if two experimented beings could reproduce. His father was the one that initially escaped in the 2025 incident, and let everyone free. Irota was born in 2022, and he was the reason his father tried to escape and let everyone go. Sadly, his mother was killed in the escape attempt and Irota was captured. While experimenting, the scientists were expecting to see either a being incapable of doing anything, or to see a being with both alterations of his parents. They were wrong. Irota not only had the alterations of his parents, but an unknown number of invisible hands that, as far as the scientists know, have no strength limits. The only thing they know is that they're useless when he's being electrocuted or extreme pain.

Alterations: Invisible hands (Explained above), High-detecting ears (From his mother), the full ability to blend into his environment (Father)

Weapons: He doesn't fight directly unless he has to, he doesn't have any weapons but his invisible hands can literally stop bullets. He also has the skin suit that Kai has.

Other: He always sticks with Kai because Kai is the only one he actually knows.
Name: Castor Rhemoran

Nickname: Master

Age: 18

Gender: Male



He is pretty tall, and he has an athletic build, although not akin to a football player or the like. He has long fingers, which he likes to steeple when contemplating and plotting.

Personality: To be frank, he is somewhat of a natural psychopath. Castor likes to think of himself as better than others. It is in this arrogance that his greatest weakness is to be found. Of course, Castor is aware of this, but frankly, he doesn't care. Castor is a smooth, manipulative person. He can convince others to do as he asks by confusing them, wooing them, appealing to their reason, etc. He is an innate expert in human psychology, being able to read anyone like an open book. Add to this talent his purple eyes that seem like they can look through you and into your soul, although his physical traits aren't too intimidating, he gives off an aura that is not to be trifled with. However, in most cases, he is quite charming and friendly, if a bit polite, distant, and formal. This charm is simply another means to get someone to unknowingly fall into his hands and become another one his pawns on his chess board. Normally, everything he does, no matter how much good it does for another or a group, no matter how selfless it seems, is for his own future benefit, and he always has an escape plan or a scapegoat. Also, he has a slight propensity for the theatrical, although not enough to devolve into a monologuing buffoon. In battle, he is always calm, but serious and focused. He demands respect and authority, as he is principally a tactician with his ability to read the opponent.

Back Story: Castor took part in the original escape. However, once they began to get captured again, it is said that he sat down and simply waited for the scientists to arrive. It is rumored that he said, “I’ve been waiting for you.”, in an eerie manner when he was picked up. At the facility, many scientists have attempted to study him. Whereas other detainees would struggle or fight it, Castor didn’t, not that he gave in. No, he was infuriatingly pleasant, turning the conversation upside down and directing the scientists’ comments back at them. Many a scientist went mad and quite his or her profession due to Castor’s antics. The scientists can’t figure out how Castor seems to know what they’re thinking and about to say and do. Thus, they put him in a place where there is absolutely no chance of Castor influencing the other experiments. Basically, they try to leave Castor alone, and lately, he’s been getting quite bored. Perhaps an escape is just what he needs to have some fun.

Alterations: The reason Castor is known as the Master is his ability to always be a few steps ahead of everyone, as if he knows what they are thinking and going to do. Other tacticians can quickly process data, perhaps even faster than Castor. However, most likely, Castor predicted those variables and has already moved on further into his plan. He is the ultimate tactician, which comes as no surprise since his main alteration is the ability to read the thoughts of others, although no one is aware of this, not even the scientists. What the scientists do know is that, over time, he has unlocked some dormant abilities that are useful in combat. They are the ability to copy any physical movement he sees, meaning not powers, and the ability to lay down “shadow string”, which binds his opponent to make the exact same motions as Castor.

Weapons: Castor is not a fighter. He manipulates others to do his fighting, and he can talk his way out of most situations. However, that doesn't mean that he isn't a formidable foe. On the contrary, his cold, rational, tactical mode of thought while in battle, coupled with a knowledge of a martial arts that turns one's attacks against them and the anatomy of the human body and its pressure points, makes him quite the worthy adversary. All this, and he still has his powers to call upon, which can be used in a variety of ways due to his tactical creativity. If it comes down to it, he has a last resort. In his suit’s inside pocket, he keeps a loaded ivory pistol. It is amazingly ornate, and it has exactly six rounds in the magazine. For some unknown reason, Castor refuses to reveal its significance, or where he got it. It is known, however, that with it, he is an almost perfect shot.

Other: He has been described as "handsome" and "excruciatingly attractive", although he pays no true attention to the attention of the opposite sex. However, this doesn't mean he isn't above using them, and then discarding them when their usefulness has ceased and their purpose has been fulfilled. Also, for the full experience, this is his “theme song” – Master. To be honest, to Castor, the whole escape idea isn’t appealing for the allure of freedom, but for the prospect of having fun while doing it.
[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION] Accepted, very interesting. Do you want someone else to help get Castor out or is he going to get out himself? He seems like it could go either way...
Name (Full): Jeremy Cross

Nick name: Dishonored

Age: 19

Gender: male


View attachment 9572

Personality: He has trust issues with most people. He tends to be nice to most people especially girls, he's quite a ladies man. He is innocent and does everything he does for a reason so he gets upset if someone questions him.

Back story: All was well in my life, I had everything I could want, even got accepted into a college. Then one night as I was packing to go to my dorms for the semester a crime had happened and the cops were called. The real criminal got away, but because I was so close and I was packing my stuff like I was running away, they immediately turned to me and got me arrested. When I went to court I finally found out what had happened nearby my home, a man killed 40 civilians at a concert then killed the chief of police that was also observing the concert. I went dead inside that people thought it was me. I was sentenced to 10 times a life sentence in a maximum security prison. While in the prison I was in a cell with a very odd man, he seemed to, well glow. That 5th week inside there he went up to me and whispered in my ear, it was me. Then he stabbed me in the side with a blade, coming from his arm, his elbow, WHAT THE HELL? I woke up to guards beating me with a nightstick yelling "Wake up ******, you've been chosen to be sent to a special place, make some use of ya." I was shipped away, like an animal. The people did, did things to me. Then one day I went through some deep shit and I looked, I had the same blades admitting from my arms as he did. I was now confined that was the man who did that crime, and I was like him now with my arms, a monster. I had asked who was in my cell before I was shipped away. They told me I was in a singles cell. I didn' know what to think, but I did know that I was going to clear my name. Then the 2025 event, I was out of there, then all was black. I woke up in a strange place and before I passed out again, I read ESCAPE.

Alterations: He has blades that admit from his elbows, they seem to be bones. This makes him really good at counter attacking and swift combat. He also had the ability to do that with 98% of the bones he has in his body, and they cannot be broke and have way more resistance then any known substance. He is also mot limited by the natural size of his bones. In his blood he has a naturally accruing substance that grows 'bone' like material at a very rabid rate, giving me seemingly endless amounts of 'bone' .

Weapons: His 'bone' blades

Other: He always try to pick up ladies but is very innocent about it.

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