ESCAPE: Experimental Special Containment Act of Protecting Earth

@weirdbraxto Here's the thing: All alterations have to be made IN the ESCAPE Facility. As long as you change that, you're good. (Keep reading, I've got a message to everyone) Also, an idea you can use is he was in the original facility, but escaped in the 2025 event, so he had the alterations before all this happened.

@Gabriel Ryker @Kaleo @kikinavi @Rovier @Doctor Who? @ToxicCupCakez @TheFallOfitAll @Lily of the Valley

Roleplay is up!
(My apologies. I believe this is better.)

Name (Full):
Esmion Ixias Dauveille

Nick name: Esmie,White Widower

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 9575 (He has silver hair.)

Back story: Esmion was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He was looking for his father, who was robbing a bank. Before Esmion could convince his father to give up, the police had already arrived. They took Esmion's dad and he was imprisoned for life. As for Esmion, he was taken to a fate worse than death. Three days later, Esmion woke up on table with scientists experimenting on him day in and day out. One week before the 2025 incident, one man resembling a giant starting smacking him around but allowing his body to regenerate, he just ignored him. However, when the man came again, his hair caught his fist, and his many hair strands lacerated the man's body, leaving only his head unscathed. He was able to escape the original facility during the 2025 incident, but passed out and lost his memory after a few weeks, allowing ESCAPE to capture him.

Personality: Esmion is whimsical and child-like. He is often smiling and acting polite, especially when he is playing around with the scientists.

Alterations: Esmion's hair can harden and elongate, becoming strong and whip-like and is used in various ways. He is also very agile and has an excellent rate of regeneration which he can pass onto others using his hair, but the effect is temporary.

Weapons: Along with his hair, he uses a set of throwing knives.

Other: N/A
@The BetterKuja Like I said to Weirdbraxto, the alterations have to happen inside of the ESCAPE facility. Here's something that could have happend: Maybe he was in the first facility and they gave him these alterations, then he escaped in the 2025 event, but lost all his memory. Then when he got caught they sent him to ESCAPE. That's just a suggestion. Other than that, I like it!
Name (Full):Siv Fene

Nick name:Silver




Personality:seems nice though a bit distant from people since he doesn't trust them much anymore,but he's protective over the ones he loves

Back story:Not much to be said,since he can't remember. His brain now has a limit thanks to an experiment gone wrong and he doesn't remember anything before,though there trying to fix this hiccup is what he heard anyway. All he knows it that many of his experiments tend to go wrong,or so they all think.

Alterations: Is mute and of course doesn't remember things well,though is now able to change his eye color and his skin has goes very white if threatened and/or scared.He understands things very well and able to learn things around him easily.

Weapons:the thing in his picture

Other: He keeps a notebook with him so he can write what he wants to say,since motions never seem to work.
Name: Trisha Noviel

Nickname: Nova

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: I'll get pictures ASAP. My idea for her appearance is of a rather average build, constantly wearing a long white lab-coat (that appears more like a trench-coat) with writing adorning the back along the shoulders reading "Never Forget". Unruly long chestnut hair (actually owing to her increased vitality) that grows back rather quickly when cut. Brilliant sapphire eye's that seem to spark just beneath the surface.

View attachment 9584

Personality: Always looking forward to the next encounter, Trisha was once a free spirit but has been forced to become overly cautious of those around her who would desire her for ability. About the only thing she will take seriously is a threat to herself or those around her that she has come to accept. Betrayals are often met with exaggerated and naive punishments, but you will almost always be offered a second chance, so long as you are no longer seen as a threat.

Backstory: Trisha was once a scientists assistant but had herself been captured and experimented on once her higher ups discovered her reason for joining them, namely to understand and acquire control over a natural though exceedingly minor ability she had to interact with magnetic fields. She had thought if she could find out, she would be able to greatly assist with power generation for 2022's extensive demands. Her trust in her lead science officer Traven T. Mirose (her father's childhood friend) became her downfall when he turned over their research to the other scientists when it began to seem as if they could make no further progress understanding her.

Once captured, the scientist's realized her control over magnetism actually stemmed from a latent ability to control electron movements inside her body. The experiments commenced to exaggerate this ability and eventually became the majority of her Alterations.

Alterations: Ability to absorb, generate, and discharge vast quantities of electricity. These uses are precise enough to allow her to understand and even rewrite computerized data stored in a magnetic or electrical medium (happening about as fast as a typical computer can access that information). The changes are extensive enough that she has a limited ability to shift her form into an almost purely electrical entity, depending upon how much she has absorbed currently. These shifts are actually outside of her control and are merely a reaction to how much she has absorbed or generated. She also cannot cease generation of electricity and as such must discharge frequently to prevent shifting.

It isn't known exactly how safe shifting into that pure electrical being is, and as such is avoided at all costs unless absolutely necessary. To assist in electrical discharge, her body naturally glows faintly almost constantly, though this minor use can be controlled with a small amount of concentration.

The more energy she has, the more vital she is, recovering from even fatal wounds with a bit of time. Her stamina is nearly limitless, and she becomes faster and faster as her energy totals increase, however she isn't any more agile or flexible than an average person. The lower the quantity of her energy pool, the more frail she appears and the more lethargic she becomes. To be completely drained is a death sentence (for the purposes of complete draining, i'd say down to around normal quantities).

She was intended to be used as a power source and advanced quantum computer and as such was also altered to possess a nearly perfect memory.

Weapons Trisha, having been an otherwise ordinary scientist before her abilities were exaggerated, does not have any particular knowledge of any weapons use, but can typically defend herself with her advanced knowledge of physics and her alterations. She favors attacking with magnetically controlled objects when low on energy to conserve, and unleashing deadly blasts of electrons when she possesses an over abundance.

Other: Her future goals are to try and find a way to limit her own ability to absorb and generate electrons and free her from the possibility of death through absorption. Contact with water can pose a severe threat to those around her, but are generally not too disastrous for herself (usually draining her down to a fairly average level for herself and was used as a means of 'containing' her inside ESCAPE).
Sorry it took me so long.

[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] You're good.

[MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] You're good too.

[MENTION=3957]Pristine Dark[/MENTION] Accepted, you put in more of a mutation, but the way you put it actually makes it an alteration! :D
Thanks a lot :3

I was actually worried that I blurred the line a bit too much, but I have this need to make things make sense to me and that just seemed to make the most :3
Name (Full): Elvera Ascher

Nick name:Elvy


Gender: Female

Appearance:View attachment 9608

Personality:Calm,resourceful,daring,quiet she gets close to you.If she is close to you she is playful,nice,sweet,kind,caring

Back story:Elvera and her family where some of the first to get captured,but her family did not make as far as she did.Her family where part of a special section in the alterations and experiments.The scientist and researchers were trying to infuse elements into the DNA of her family.She was the only one who could handle it,but she could not control the elements just do elemental combat,even though infused elements into her she could only generate the main elements,such as earth,fire,air,and water.She could naturally manipulate normal air and water,and soon enough she learned to freeze the water.When her alterations showed,she was moved to a specially created cell.

Alterations: Flowmotion and Enhanced Dexterity,meaning she can fluidly move around on both land and air making the environment their playground allowing them to kick off almost any surface and air dash,swing around lampposts and grind along rails an battle enemies with speed and style.Elvera nimbleness is drastically improved,includes the inability to be clumsy or fumble. Can Slip through a network of lasers,reach through dangerous narrow tunnels,keep perfect balance, or juggle effortlessly.Can't ever trip or wobble.Elvera can even move her finger and toes effortlessly,tendon strain is no longer a problem.Can only fall over when physically uprooted or pushed,though most times the she can land on her feet.Practiced users can stand up right on even the most unstable of surfaces,such as a moving vehicle,a collapsing building,or an earth quake.She can also regain balance or bounce back to her feet quickly.

♥Elemental Combat:When they were messing with her DNA,they mixed in certain elements into her DNA,so they she could use them.She was frequently trained to use,construct,and manipulate the elements the best to her ability,of course she could not control the all the elements in her,but she could generate them.Although she could manipulate water and air,she could not control any other elements,except ice and snow.So far she is only able to use small bodies of water,like a tub,and she can only generate so much wind,nothing like a tornado though.Of course she has latent elements that are yet to be revealed

Weapons:She usually constructs something from the elements she can use

I tried not to go into mutation,and not to use to many elements,and it is gonna take lots of practice for her to control any of the other elements :D
lol yeah...mine blurred the line a bit as I said earlier in the thread >_< but I made it so minuscule to start off with. I might as well have been saying I had the default effect of a charged balloon to start with :3

I always get a bit carried away if I use a multi-element type, so I decided to RP with just one thing under my control >_> that way I can "specialize" sort of
I understand,I usually go with the one-element user,but recently I have been using nature manipulation,and being the strongest in the that said rp,so I want to make Elvara sorta of like an unstable character.So she will probably be practicing her powers a lot,and in moments of emotional stress,she will sort of like discharge energy in a rage :D .
[MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION] accepted, I think [MENTION=3957]Pristine Dark[/MENTION] can get her out of her cage on the way to the elevator, as that's where we are in the story.
Name: Saren Arterius

Alias: Subject Sigma

Age: 20

Saren stands six foot three,and weighs two hundred ten pounds. His figure is slight,but he has a fully developed musculature,and looks perfectly healthy. He sports brown hair and irises,with thick eyebrows. His hair is also thick,but it is kept short. His skull structure makes his face look long and very pointed,with a prominent chin and cheekbones,with narrow eye sockets,permanently giving him an accusatory glare. His attire consists of whatever he can get ahold of,but he never wears socks or footwear,nor does he cover his hands. The reason being his fingers and toes end in vicious talons,which can easily rend flesh from bone and pierce most surfaces. His default posture is hunched over,always ready to dive to all fours for speed.

Saren is loyal to his fellow metahumans,and anywhere between openly contemptuous to actively hostile and violent to all others. Responds violently to being surprised. Extermination is his default solution to any problem.

Background: What happens when you give a disgruntled,victimized man powers and abilities beyond the normal scope of humanity? A ball of rage determined to exact vengeance on those who have wronged him. Saren Arterius happens. He lived through school being tormented by bullies and malcontents. Even the staff was against him due to his violent reprisals against his wrongdoers. Then,one day,he was blackjacked and blackbagged. When he woke up,he was strapped to an operating table. For all of one minute he thrashed and cursed up a storm,insulting all around him in every manner conceivable... And in some entirely new ways. Then he got sedated. When he woke up,he was manacled to a cell wall. He had talons on his fingers and toes. His incisors felt longer and pointier. He was made into a bioweapon. And at first he hated it. Fundamentally,he was no longer human. But,the more the thought,the more he smiled. He now had the means to get back at the protohumans that thought to make him miserable.

He'll show them the meaning of the word suffering. A definition he was intimately familiar with.

The researchers went all-out. They are Natural Talons. These ensure that Saren is armed at all times. They can easily rend flesh,and are durable enough to be used as climbing aids. They tip each finger and toe. Low-Light Vision. Simple,really. He can see in the dark as if it were well lit,so long as there's at least SOME light in the area. Can't enhance what isn't there. Rapid Regeneration. His wounds close before your very eyes,and can regrow severed limbs over the course of days to weeks,depending on how much got lopped off. Broken bones also heal rapidly,but they must be set properly if the healing is to go well. This makes killing him the normal way very difficult,making him something like a zombie; destroy the brain or the heart if you want to be sure. Acute Senses. All five of his natural senses are very acute,giving him amazing sight,smell,hearing,taste and touch. However,this is a double edged sword; Sensitive senses are easy to overload or stimulate painfully. Although he can't bleed out,he can be crippled by pain. Acidic Blood. Think the Xenomorphs from Alien. His blood can easily melt a hole in solid steel in very short order,let alone human tissue. Alkaline Tissue. A necessary secondary. This simply makes him immune to his own blood. And any other acid attack.

Weapons: Aside from his natural talons and acid,Saren has a soft spot for weapons that create a very dramatic wound. Blades and shotguns top his list,and is as such knowledgeable in their use. However,he doesn't have any of his own,but will lay claim to any lying around,or steal them from others if he feels (and he definitely will) that he can do a better job.

Other: He may or may not be sociopathic or psychopathic. Try not to anger him.
Name: Chrome Kildren

Nickname: Chrome, C.C

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearence: View attachment 9927

Personnaluty: Shes distant and very quiet. She can be timid but is not a push over. She has a very mean side that takes over when she cant handle it herself.

Back story: She was captured and expirimented on in 2027. She has been there ever since locked away in a cell. Her body lies in a tube like egg filled with water with chemicals in it to sustain her and her other side.The tubes coming from the mschine are connected to two super computers monitering how sges doing.

Alterations: Her other dide which was her bad temper was formed into another being thst would take over her body. This being would be a man. They gave her the ability to use illusion but gave her other half all seven gates of illusions thus makeing him stronger than her usual self.

Weapon: A trident lies in a sealing safe across the hall from where she is staying.

Other: She has a pet owl located where her trident is. the owl shifts inti any animal.

sorry heres the picture View attachment 9928

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