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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

Tim tried to inhale as much of the smoke as he could he knew that ciggaretes were not good for health yet during his time on the streets he had got stuck with the habbit,''ah a cigarrete of good-quality nothing like the cheap stuff I smoke' he thought.''I know...unlike those Burgoise bastards I live in the Real Epsilon'' he said a hint of saddnes in his voice,''People getting fussiladed on the streets daily,children losing their parents,The Bombs going off...that is my daily-life'' He tried to focus his eyes on her ''I had my reasons to join SCoE...First because they atleast tolerated me,second because I agreed with their Ideals.But I don't understand...why are you working for a Dictator who lives in a giant tower and knows nothing of our problems,atleast Comrade General is one of us he cares for us,gives us food when we need it...'' he added with hatred towards the Director
Desh smiled and crossed her legs. "One is a special... Thing. I don't want to fight him but I already crossed the line. I'm basically being blackmailed into staying on the rebellious side." She leaned back and twirled the cigarette between her fingers. "One isn't bad. I deeply believe he has our best interests in mind. It's just that there are so many bad people that work for him that he looks bad." She stared at her cigarette. "Though, he does turn a blind eye to some things." Desh said, bringing the cigarette to her lips.
Tim raised an eye brow ''The Director? has our best interest? now that's the best joke I heard ever since Francis took me to the Theatre!'' he said gigling.''Come on Miss! he screams evil! pointing to himself with Neon lights! He just sounds like that Fuhrer guy that the Nazis talk about all day and even they don't like him.'' he just could not stop gigling as he continued.''If he had our best interests in mind he would step down and let us elect our own leaders! preferably a SCoE Party.He would not order the Police to beat people to death,he would not order Psychopathic Scientists to play god! He would not doom some poor kid to a misarable life! a life full of terror! do you know how it fells getting injected with who knows what every fucking day of your life! people telling you that you were a failure! only worth living for experimentation! and fearing that the day that you no longer held even that quality! a Broken Doll!''He had started to cry after the scientist part,gigling anc crying,he really felt like that,a broken doll.
"Would you kill One if you had the opportunity?" Desh asked seriously. She was looking somewhere above Tim while her cigarette dangled between her fingers.
''Kill him? ofcourse no! he should face Justice! Killing him would be mercyful!'' Tim yelled,trying to get up forgeting his wounds,with a sharp breath he fell back down.''I want him to suffer! Confined to a cell and tortured untill he knows nothing but fear!'' he added his expresion full of anger and resentment.
"How are you any better than him, then?" Desh smiled. "I have an idea..." She started picking through her pockets and pouches. "Why doesn't such a great revolutionary like you do something worthy of being called a revolutionary?" She pulled out her dagger and threw it in his lap. "One trusts me. I'm his supporter. I hunt down the rebels. I kill some. I hand others to your mythical torturers. When the ambulance stops, just run straight out the big gate, there will be no one to stop you." She opened her uniform where she pointed at her chest. "Right here, between the ribs." She shrugged. "You can also go for the throat but I think this is far more personal." Desh smiled.

"I also have a family. My parents up in the north who are extremely proud of my job as a peacekeeper. I have a young sister who I worry so much about. She is working for the law enforcement and I check with her every day to make sure she's well." Desh closed her one eye but the muscles around her eyepatch moved as well. "All of us have a family. So few of us are willing to destroy families but it's just... our job."

Richard began making his way towards his seat " I wanted to let your squirm for a bit." he said with a smile "I knew Ms. Lavenza would give you a hard time."

After a short pause he sat down and took quick looks at everyone present "Shall we?".
Tim smirked a bit ''Smart'' he took the dagger,''A theatrical play,You know I am in no state of running nor killing you,I can't even stand up'' he said as he gave the dagger back.''Better do a background check,I was technically raised by an former Theatre Actor.'' he said his smirk turning into a smile.''You might be on the wrong side of this 'war' miss yet you are a good comrade,you saved my life and I owe you much for that.Plus there is that I don't have any personal problem with you unlike The Director.'' he said while clearing away a few tears with his scarf.
Desh rolled her eyes as she put the dagger away. "See? You're not a killer." Smiling at Tim again, she continued. "You are indebted to me, though. So here's my offer. I save your life again, from the interrogators and doctors and executors and whatever... And you stick with me for a bit. I guess I just feel like changing your mind. Showing you the things you're too blinded to see. Even if you want to run away as soon as I free you, I won't stop you." She chuckled. "What do you say?"
Tim looked a bit warilly to the women then nodded ''Deal,getting stuck with a comrade such as yourself is much better than getting stuck with those people.'' he said.''But I doubt You'll cange my mind,I'd never betray my comrades.'' he added.

EICA HQ, New Mobville, Epsilon, 13th of March 2195

"We shall." Borbett sat up straight. "First things first... The Director wants to look at some of our operations. I've taken the liberty of marking out which ones he shouldn't know about and will let you deal with them. I just don't want to have someone deal with your dealing. Understand?" He looked at each of them before leaning back in his seat.

"Another matter of business... We're doing some spying on the leadership." He cleared his throat. "The Director. Project Ambrosia, more precisely. Information about this reached us just recently and it seems that this project was running well before Epsilon got colonized. We didn't know about it and I can't allow that." He smirked. "The first one of you who gives me worthwhile information about One's project will have the full command of our next big operation."

"Finally, some of you may have heard of a very special VIP. Miss Violet..." He paused. Violet was one of the few heads of independent corporations on Epsilon. Focused on pleasure and everything that comes with it, Violet quickly made a name for her corporation with the general public. Working on clandestine activities for One, though, she made a name for her people with the intelligence services. "Lavenza is getting the job of gathering as much information as she can without disturbing Violet or revealing herself. If the information is what we suspect... It will turn into an assassination mission." Borbett said calmly, like assassinating a VIP was no important matter.

The Slums, New Mobville, Epsilon, 13th of March 2195

"Rest up, kid." Desh swayed her leopard pattern tail over and laid it on his forehead. "I'll be around when you wake up." She gave him a calming smile.
''Tim,not kid.'' he said as he closed his eyes,and gave into the fatigue.he visibly relaxed and fell into the sleep,just after saying ''Don't forget that,names are important.''

EICA HQ, New Mobville, Epsilon, 13th of March 2195

"I have an announcement to make." said James as he got up from his chair and turned to look at Borbett "The ETU is becoming independent under my command. I've spoken to One and I was given permission to do so. I will also have unlimited access to every current and future EICA resource that I desire.". After saying this he sat back in his chair.
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EICA HQ, 13th of March

Ronda, to her displeasure, was stuck with guard duty again. While she was perfectly capable of standing in the same spot for hours on end, she wished for just a little more excitement. This was her duty though, and Ronda would carry it out. And perhaps something a little less exciting was better. After all, she had wife and son to come home to, and her chances of doing so we're better with an assignment like this.
"Excuse me..." A young man in a dark suit smiled at Ronda. "This is my first day at work and I'm supposed to see someone called Borbett." He blinked a few times with his strange, purple eyes. "Could you... Point me in the right direction?" He gave her a nervous smile.
DC981 said:
"Excuse me..." A young man in a dark suit smiled at Ronda. "This is my first day at work and I'm supposed to see someone called Borbett." He blinked a few times with his strange, purple eyes. "Could you... Point me in the right direction?" He gave her a nervous smile.
"Ah'm pretty sure Borbett's in some kinda meetin' right now, kid," said Ronda. She always felt that the country drawl she spoke with was a little out of place, but Ronda didn't pay much heed to it other than that.
"I'll wait for him." The young man nodded. "I just need to know where he is." He smiled, showing his pearly white teeth which matched his clean white shirt.
DC981 said:
"I'll wait for him." The young man nodded. "I just need to know where he is." He smiled, showing his pearly white teeth which matched his clean white shirt.
"Down that way," answered Ronda as she gestured down the hall.

Ronda wasn't a fan of people like the man who was talking to her. To her, most people who wore expensive suits and shiny smiles were all talk and of no real substance.
(you don't have to quote)

"Thank you, ma'am." The man nodded and headed down the hall.

Meeting Room

"I wasn't informed of that." Borbett frowned. "So what, you're just going to leech off us while we have no use of you?" He crossed his arms. "You do understand I'll talk to One about all this?" He looked at Silith and continued speaking to James. "Don't think I will let this slide."
E.I.C.A. HQ, March 13, Midday

"What a great way to begin a meeting. I can't wait to attend more." Gabriel remarked. It wasn't entirely false, he was sure some adrenaline couldn't be bad for your system, and this atmosphere seemed pretty heated, "Mutiny aside, I would love to learn more on these operations. A little refresher for sore ears, if I may." He wouldn't like to admit it, but his current position locked him out of most of the goings on in E.I.C.A, however many rungs of the ladder he may have climbed.
Meeting Room

"Don't get the wrong idea , I won't be a loose end." he said looking at Borbett "We will still cooperate, as partners, rather than subordinate and superior.". James leaned back into his chair "Now , fill us in on the assignments."
Ronda checked her watch, and saw that her shift was about over. She headed back to the armory and removed her gear, then began heading down to the cafeteria.
CERBERUS177 said:
"Alright, Isabella. Let's go get you some food." he said, helping her into the front of the police car. He opened his phone and contacted Sarah, and told her to make something to eat. "Alright...Maybe we can get you cleaned up too?" he said, glancing at her hair, maybe Sarah has some old childhood clothes for her to have. There was no way she was going back on the streets, Dan couldn't live with himself if she had to spend another night on the streets.
Isabella wasnt listening as she kicked her legs happily while singing. "La la lalala laaaaa la la la.... Where am I?" She asked softly as she looked around the car curiously. She had forgotten again as she looked around the car then to the man. "Who are you?" She asked him softly

(Sorry I was bust af yesterday
E.I.C.A HQ meeting room

Silith had sat silently in the meeting up until the idiot came out and said that the ETU is becoming 'independent' which made her chuckle a little as her eyes locked with borbett's. "whelp this was all fun and games. Permission to get to work borbett?" She asked him interrupting any further conversation as her eyes trailed to the man that was boasting about the ETU. Her look a look of amusement at his ignorance, one would never let a corporation like that become independent unless he meant to outright destroy that corporation, sure the E.I.C.A was technically independent but that was out of there own will, plus some other happenings that would rather not be mentioned. With that silith stood and turned to borbett bowing to him before heading to the door as she brushed some of her hair behind her shoulder while she started to make her leave.

@DC981 @Creeper
"Be careful, Silith. This is no training mission." Borbett nodded at her, adding. "Dismissed." After a short pause, he pointed at James. "You're dismissed as well." He said and focused his stare on Gabriel.

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