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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)

Private First Class.Dan Jackson


Call?:Affirmative, mobilizing as we speak

Location:Known Drug/Gang area, call for a raid, shots fired, two ELE officers down, three more wounded

Objective:1)Eliminate Targets, lethal force authorized, eliminate anything not marked by a blue outline. 2)Retrieve fallen officers for proper recognition and be put to rest with honor, and dignity.




"Officer down! Officer down! We need backup at Thunderson street and Frank Ave!" there was a shot heard in the distance, followed by automatic weapons fire. The APC came to a halt, and everyone piled out, it was quiet, and the police had a mobile command center out, and there was a sniper team in a helicopter, "Dan! Get moving!" Dan's squad leader shouted from a alley way, the rest of the team already stacked up, ready to go. Dan got in front of the team holding a shield and shotgun, the shield had a mount on the side, so he can either use a pump or a semi auto shotgun, but he was using an AA-12, ready to mow some people down. He received a tap on the shoulder and he moved forward into the alley way. His team scanned the windows, nothing happened, they reached the main building, "Stack up." Dan said as he laid the shield down on some trash cans. And then he mounted a breaching charge on the door, which would blow it apart, and make a concussion aftermath for anyone behind the door, Dan was first in. He detonated the charge, and went in, shooting a few enemies that were aiming out windows, killing them both, then the rest of the team went in and cleared the rest of the rooms, Dan went to the one to his right, he kicked the door open and was tackled by someone, given Dan's regular strength, plus the built in exo skeleton in his armor, the guy was nothing. Dan grabbed the mans arms and snapped one in half, then rolled the man over and cuffed him. "Got a live one here. Have the paramedics on stand by." Dan said, dragging the man out in front of the building where the rest of the police officers were waiting. "Objective complete, fallen officers are being bagged up, house raid successful. Returning to base." Dan said, walking to the ETU truck.
"You suck." She said to him childishly. That's the one part she did not enjoy about being in the E.I.C.A, she could never truly see open conflict. "Your like my damn father, won't let me do anything fun." She complained like a teenager arguing with her father about things. It annoyed her that she could rarely use part of her division because of there damn polices, that's another reason why she wanted the public affairs part of the E.I.C.A. So she could actually be in the war a little instead of raiding drug houses and killing rebel lutenants in secret
Borbett smirked and slowly turned to face Silith. "You want real combat?" His smirk grew into an ominous grin. "The mission I'll give you will be quite dangerous, as much as it won't seem so. I'm unwilling to give it to you because if you fail, the trail will burn all the way to me." He chuckled. "Do you really think you can take such responsibility?"
''Yes Comrade General...Yes...Understood'' said a Commissar as he talked with a radio,taking cover in an alley.''COMRADES! RETREAT!'' he yelled,as soon as this was heard the bulk of the force had started to rush back to the allyes where they had came from,leaving the dead and the wounded behind,which included Poor little Tim.Buried under the pile of Dead,fighting for his life.
"Yes!" Thorn pumped her hips as the police started separating the wounded from the dead on both sides. "How you doing?" She looked at her lieutenant who was bandaging a wound on his shoulder.

"Fine. The MP probably sent their medical units." He frowned as he put more pressure on the wound.

"Yeah, they'll patch you up fine." She waved it off and started walking among the rebel wounded with a wide grin on her face. "What, you thought you could mess with me!?" She yelled, slamming one with the butt of her gun. "You thought you can stand and fight against the law?" She shot two rebels. "Think again!" She ran for a couple steps and kicked another into the wall.

She aimed her shotgun at Tim and grinned. "Nice eyes, kid." She chuckled.
"Ohhhh come on borbett have I ever failed you??" She asked him anoyed at how he treated her like she couldn't handle it. He had sent her on missions that were practically impossible and she had completed them. She has only failed once in her entire career and that was only because the last man she answered to sent her on a mission with little to no gear at all, the man wanted to kill silith but she survived. So why was he questioning her ability to deliver now?! "I'm not one for failing. You forget that bett." She said to him in an anoyed tone
"Then I'll be sure to keep track on your progress. I'll give you the details during the meeting. Perhaps we'll turn this into a competition. See which department will do better." Borbett nodded. Healthy competition. Though, healthy competition in the EICA usually ended with friendly fire. Separates the weak from the strong. The content from the ambitious.
"Your just enjoying pissing me off huh?" She asked him with a glare. She hated when he did this, gave the same assignment to multiple divisions and waited to see who did it first. Her division was considered top. But she still hated these competitions. 'Guess ill have to kill a couple agents to get his ass to trust me.' She thought as she glared into his eyes making it clear she wasn't happy about his dessision to make this a competition
Tim looked at the women with half lided eye,He was barely councious,He did not even remember why he was here.He could barely see her face,The Pain in his ribcage and abdomen was too intesne to even think anything and the blood was draining fast from his wounds his sickly Pale skin was geting paler by the minute ''Please...End...the p.p.pain'' was all he could say even then it was a stutter.Then he coughed some blood.
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"Thorn!" Someone yelled, stopping her from pulling the trigger.

"Where were you?" Thorn turned around, to look at Nika Desh. "My LT got shot." She said halfheartedly.

"Medic!" Desh raised one hand and pointed at Tim. "Come on, hurry it up!"

"You think they'd help us if we got mowed down like that?" Thorn got serious.

"If you want them to be punished, remember that we do at the prisons." Desh frowned and motioned her head at Tim as a group of medics came over. "Go over to my truck." Desh winked. "I think I have a bottle of something-something in there." She said with a chuckle as Thorn made a b-line towards the MP trucks.

Dan was now on patrol in his little squad car, making rounds near the slumish area, "Nothing yet...What the..." he said, stopping on the side of the road, he saw a little girl wondering about, alone with no adult in sight, "Sweetie! You alright?" he said stepping out of his squad car.



he said to the little girl, "Hun, you shouldn't be out here by yourself...do you need a ride home sweet heart?" he asked calmly, crouching trying to not look big, he hoped she didn't see him as menacing or anything, maybe she will see he's trying to help.

( @Daniel reaving sorry forgot to tag, hope you get this.)
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Isabella had been wandering the street for days looking for food till a police officer showed up and started speaking to her. Her eyes locked on his as she held her teddy close, her clothes were dirty and ripped, her hair darkened from the years of no washing. She slowly shook her head. "I don't have a home. A-at least I don't." She said to him softly as she looked down trying to remember

(You just tugged my heart strings with that :'C...)

"Hey hey...it's alright..." Dan thought for a second, he didn't know what to do. "What say...we go get you something to eat huh?" he said, now taking a knee to be on her level. "Sqaudie 73, you have been stopped for a while now, is there something wrong?" a voice came from his radio. "N-Negative base...Just checking on one of our old addicts, making sure he's doing alright, over." he said, "10-4 73." the voice replied.
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CERBERUS177 said:
(You just tugged my heart strings with that :'C...)
"Hey hey...it's alright..." Dan thought for a second, he didn't know what to do. His team has been investigating foster home abuse, and he didn't want her to fall into that case of kids that were hurt, "What say...we go get you something to eat huh?" he said, now taking a knee to be on her level. "Sqaudie 73, you have been stopped for a while now, is there something wrong?" a voice came from his radio. "N-Negative base...Just checking on one of our old addicts, making sure he's doing alright, over." he said, "10-4 73." the voice replied.
The child nodded before she dropped her teddy bear and bent down to pick it up then when's eh looked at him she gave him a curious look. "Can I help you?" She asked softly as she stared at him curiously as her disability affected her. She looked at him as if they had never met before

(See! That's why I made her xD )
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]The child nodded before she dropped her teddy bear and bent down to pick it up then when's eh looked at him she gave him a curious look. "Can I help you?" She asked softly as she stared at him curiously as her disability affected her. She looked at him as if they had never met before
(See! That's why I made her xD )

(Stop tugging on my heart strings!!!)

Dan looked concerned, "I'm Officer Dan sweetie, I'm here to help you...Do you want to get something to eat? You look hungry sweet heart..." he said, holding back tears in his eyes, trying not to cry, as this was something that, even after a few years in a war, this was one of those things that could break steel and stone.
She nodded to h

CERBERUS177 said:
(Stop tugging on my heart strings!!!)
Dan looked concerned, "I'm Officer Dan sweetie, I'm here to help you...Do you want to get something to eat? You look hungry sweet heart..." he said, holding back tears in his eyes, trying not to cry, as this was something that, even after a few years in a war, this was one of those things that could break steel and stone.
have nodded to him with a happy inocent smile as though she was a perfectly happy girl. She was skinny and obviously deprived of food and water. "My names Isabella!" She said to him happily as she hugged her teddy to her chest and waited for him to take her to get food

(Never! Muahahahaha)
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]She nodded to h
have nodded to him with a happy inocent smile as though she was a perfectly happy girl. She was skinny and obviously deprived of food and water. "My names Isabella!" She said to him happily as she hugged her teddy to her chest and waited for him to take her to get food

(Never! Muahahahaha)

"Alright, Isabella. Let's go get you some food." he said, helping her into the front of the police car. He opened his phone and contacted Sarah, and told her to make something to eat. "Alright...Maybe we can get you cleaned up too?" he said, glancing at her hair, maybe Sarah has some old childhood clothes for her to have. There was no way she was going back on the streets, Dan couldn't live with himself if she had to spend another night on the streets.
(jeez, that activity tho. Such a change of pace from the absolute absence of anything happening ever.)

E.I.C.A. HQ, Lower-offices, noon

"Heh, I guess you're right," Gabriel stood up, "There really isn't any better use of my time." He put down a stylus used for ensuring legitimate signatures, and followed Richard to the meeting room. He had never been to a meeting after his most recent promotion, he was wondering how much respect - and mockery - he was going to receive in his new position. En route, he wistfully looked out a window, seeing the photographer a few blocks away. He always has to look his best for the camera! Well, at least to keep the news off his case.
Tim was both a bit relieved and a lot scared,He knew his chances of dieing here was slim he owed that Military-Officer yet being a captive of the Enemy was scary,maybe they would send him back to his 'Creator',ah she would love to have her play-thing back or maybe they would just torture him as they had done to Francis.Francis had said the Streets were much better than the Prison.Still he thought going to the Prison would be much better than going back to her.He tried to hide his 'name' with his left hand,just as the Medics of the Military arrived and he just lost counciousnes again.
Richard and Gabriel arrived outside the meeting room. "It's your first meeting, I will just tell you this." said Richard as he turned to Gabriel "Don't mind their distasteful remarks. If there will be any of course.".

Richard paused for a few seconds and then opened the door. He entered the room followed by Gabriel.
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The Slums, New Mobville, Epsilon, 13th of March 2195

"How you doing, kid?" Desh got into the back of an ambulance with a weak smile on her face. She looked at Tim's wounds and shook her head. "It's always the young ones that make me stop." She sighed. "Did you even know what you were fighting for?"

Before she could say anything else, the door to the ambulance opened again. "Are you serious?" Thorn tapped on the door with her knuckles. "You keeping him company? Don't forget he would have shived me right between the ribs.

"I'm not a fan of killing people, Thorn." Desh looked over her shoulder, luring an ominous chuckle out of Thorn.

"Oh really?" Thorn grinned.

"Yes." Desh said firmly, straightening up.

"Do you remember that cold night at the Shapes?" Thorn lowered her tone while keeping a grin on her face. "When you decided to try some Ecstasy Corp pills?" Thorn closed her eyes as a frightened look surfaced on Desh's face. "Then we picked that drunk guy and took him to an alley..." Thorn paused and took a deep breath. "Then you pushed your claws into his eyes." She opened her eyes and grinned even wider. "You didn't kill him but he certainly wished you did back then."

"Shut up." Desh placed a hand over Thorn's mouth while glancing back at Tim. "Why the hell do you think I don't drink so much?" She hissed at Thorn. "Go drink yourself half to death." Desh let go of Thorn. "I want to do the right thing from time to time." She said, slamming closed the door to the ambulance.

EICA HQ, New Mobville, Epsilon, 13th of March 2195

"Finally." Borbett clasped his hands as the pair walked in. "Perhaps you don't value punctuation much but I do." He said in a stern tone which faded quickly. "Take a seat, this will be over quickly." He motioned his hand at the empty chairs. "Lavenza was getting anxious already."
Tim thought he owed the Officer an explanation for saving his life,looking down ''For the Revolution'' he said as soon as the scary and probably sadistic police officer was out.''For my Friends...Friend.'' he added a few momments later.He could not really see anything clearly,then he understood that he had lost his glasses.''I guess I wanted to be like that brave urchin from the book which Fra...my Friend lended to me.Something about a Revolution in some-where called France.'' he said shyly his face had went red with embrasement when he technicaly mentioned that he idolized a fictional character.The pain was lessening,probably a good ammount of painkillers had been pumped into his system by now.
Desh sighed. "You're going to get yourself killed. Probably going to kill someone else who was just doing their job." She shook her head. "Humans." She spoke through her teeth. "You never hesitate to spill blood." She remembered hearing gruesome things on the war on Earth. Atrocities committed by both sides. Morale warfare, they called it. Psychopaths, she called it.
''Human'' Tim said,a grin spread across his face ''Thank you'' he said,it was clear that he took it as an compliment. ''Not Deamon,not abomination,not the experiment...Human'' he murmured to himself.Then he laughed a bit with joy.''First to say that to me since Francis! but he does not count,he is like a papa'' he said to the Dyn Officer.It seemed like the Pain-killers were really taking effect as he had clearly lost control of what he was saying.
Desh fished out a pack of cigarettes from one of her pouches and a pack of matches. To see someone smoke was a rarity on Epsilon. Only the highly successful or the lowest of the low smoked. Thorn tucked the cigarette between her lips and lit a match while watching Tim. "You know..." She lit her cigarette and shook the match out. "I work with the rebels." She whispered, a cold expression on her face. "I know many of them. The crazy ones. The nice ones." She leaned in. "This revolution you are fighting for..." She blew smoke in the air. "It's killing a lot of innocent people."

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