Episode One: the RecrOoTTment (Main IC)

Hearing Feather say something about air condition, he groaned before slowly removing his head from the wall and lumbering inside the elevator. Without even saying a word, he sat on the elevator floor before laying down. Sure, lying on a hotel elevator floor might've not been one of the most hygienic moments of his life, but it felt much cooler down on the floor. He sighed in relief, glad he was combating the heat a bit. He then proceeded to roll around on the floor contently, stretching and even letting out a small '~nya' sound. God, it felt so cold!

Noticing a third person enter the elevator, he moved over so she could have more space to stand before closing his eyes, waiting for the elevator to reach the even cooler air conditioner...until he snapped them open sat straight up. "HNNG!" He went, his spine tingling and his neck-hair and even some of his normal hair standing up straight. Something...wasn't right. He felt restless for some reason. Looking around the elevator suspsciously, he slowy inched his way around the lady and to Feather.

"Hey, Feather?" He said, calling for her attention. "You ever get that weird feeling in your gut? Almost as if you're supposed to just...punch something?" He said, the feeling keeping him alert and constantly looking around their surroundings.

@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Mika9889
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@kenchin @Mitchs98 @Aur0ra @KuroNoKami39 @Mika9889


  Doris especially didn't seem amused when Dr. Murphy completely blew off her drink offer, handing him the tea. "All right, take your meds," she said, sounding unamused before handing Sameal his drink next. "Damn, when's this shit gonna go away? I don't want my fucking scars to glow, they're my pride and joy but this is stupid." She suddenly heard the snake boy shout; curious, she got out her phone. "All right, what's the username?" the blonde asked, going onto her Tumblr. "Mine's notapiratedammit on Tumblr and Instagram, dhewitt on Twitter, and ThisPlaceAboutToBlow on YouTube. I mostly do fan animations and fanart of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. HARLEY X IVY FOREVER! FUCK THE JOKER!" Suddenly, Doris stood up on the table, her eyes sparkling with excitement.  "Sorry, I'm a major fangirl of all things yuri. I wonder when the Seven Sisters of Purgatory will appear....I'm sooooo excited to see them~!" 


  Stewart stared at Alexa curiously when she asked about the types of games he wanted to play. The demon cocked his head, then scooched closer to her, grinning widely. "I have a lot of ideas for games!"  he chirped, hugging her. He wasn't entirely aware of how idiotic he seemed....that is, before he up and pulled out his sword. "Wanna play 'poke the human objects until something sets fire'? Ooh! We can play tag, or...or...Gnargilus! That's a fun gambling game with screwfish claws! I think I have some in my bag..." He searched his pockets, then he withdrew a rather disgusting-looking talon, grinning widely. He ignored how Doris looked over, scrunched up her nose, and looked away. 

Alexa Starr

Alexa arched a brow when he scooted closer..instinctively scooting the same distance away. She groaned when he hugged her and pried the demon off of her, she wasn't a hugger. Well, maybe a cute girl or something...but not some random jackass named Stewart with the mindset of a toddler. Never them. Out of all of the ideas he had she had to say, tag seemed the least stupid. "We..can just play tag." She said. "I..highly doubt anything will catch fire." She then smirked, "You're tagging first." She told him and flew up off the ground to an unreachable distance. Perfect.

Mikado Saris - Amusement Park

A She looked over at the blue girl as she spoke, not really buying her explanation. She had never heard of anything called a 'Rutarian' and it was obvious she was some kind of slime, even if she was a failure at it. Although the exclamation that the girl was squishy caused her to quirk a brow. "You're not ~that~ squishy..." She turned her focus forwards as the blue girl continued to speak. The mention of a meeting made it clear she wasn't the only villain in this duo. She pulled herself to her feet and dusted off her butt and legs before turning to look down at the girl, offering her a small shrug. "I don't have a map, all I know is it mentioned something about a carousal." As she spoke she reached out and grasped the girl's hand, however rather than giving it a shake she pulled upwards. With a surprising amount of strength she effortlessly hoisted the girl to her feet, only returning the shake when they were both standing. "Name's Mikado." Her introduction was far shorter than her newfound companion's, however her gaze was already drifting along the blue girl's body as thoughts rolled through her mind. After a brief pause she finally let go of the girl's hand and turned around, making her way in a direction neither of them had come from. As she walked she glanced over at the blue girl behind her as curiosity got the better of her. "So, what's a slimegirl like you doing at this meeting anyways? You don't seem like you'd fit in."


Lunaria Safira

Lunaria pouted when she said she wasn't that squishy. "I am squishy.." She mumbled. She just figured Mikado didn't squish hard enough or something, she didn't know. When she said she didn't have a map she sighed heavily, squeaking when the taller girl pulled her to her feet. She hadn't expected her to be that strong...or pull her up for that matter. "Thanks..and nice to meet you Mikado!" She told her cheerfully. She blushed a little when she noticed her clearly eyeing her body and tried not to comment on it, a faint pink hue coming to her cheeks was the only indicator. She followed swiftly after Mikado, shrugging at her question. "Well, uh...I kinda really need the money." She explained. "All of my money and my only way home was stolen from me when I got here." She said. "Guy shot me and thought it killed me...so he just stole everything and left." She continued. "The teleporter pendant I need is really expensive..so the only way I'll ever get it is by joining this.."
(Joe's POV)

Trembling, huh? Such a a familiar feeling already. It was only natural that my fingers were barely holding the gun, struggling to not immediately press the trigger against my duty. Some , of course, would question if my duty was really not to shoot in such a situation , though: after all, the person we had in front of us was a villan. It was a rather tall girl with an odd smile and odder yellow eyes, with what appeared to be light crosses in the pupils. She wore a rather revealing (my partner couldn't get his eyes off her melons) outfit, some futuristic tech suit. The odder parts were the collar that looked like the kin that was given to some criminals on parole, the laser-like wings on her back, and the matching claws held by her fists. She took a step towards us, her long hair braided almost like a beehive flowing just a little back as if to pull her away. We finally had her though. My pal, being back there, a rookie hero was pretty sure catching her could mean getting official recognition. Even if she was considered one of the most useless among villains. 

"Y-yes..." I continued "we we found her. J-just our j-job, you know? Could you j-just let us check? What did did your m-mother look like?"

The woman looked up , placing a finger over her lip like a child that's been asked what they want to be when they grow up and starts sorta thinking about it. She stopped and looked at me smiling again.

"She was blue and grey. Blueish grey. And she wore these purple clothes. And a witch outfit... pointy ears..."

The description went on, quite detailed. Thankfully our rookie hero friend was formerly a sketch artist for us in the police department, so the next step would be easy. He walked out, looking exactly as the woman the villan described...ew. I couldn't see the reassemblance at all, were they really related?

"Moma?" The blond asked. I quickly turned and nodded, and saw the blond girl skip towards the disguised rookie hero with that usual creepy smile. And then...

"Momma, I missed you, I missed you!" they hugged! The plan was a successs! Now to bring her to...

"But you know..." My eyes widened in horror as I saw three yellow claws coming out from the back of my friend's shapeshifted body. The blond girl giggled. "You aren't her. After all..."

I saw my friend's body turn to goo and get splattered on the floor in front of the villan, who giggled again.

"...I killed mommy!"

(Prize's POV- mode 2)

"This is too boring! All they did was shoot! Why doesn't anyone understand nobody cares about normal guns these days?" I complained, looking at the clawed corpses around me. And on top of being such bad sport, and making fun of me , those meanies even made a mess all over the ground, bleeding everywhere! Even on me... I tried walking away, and some drops of blood jumped at me. I stopped, curious and stomped the poodle again. Again, tiny drops colored spots on me. This was fun! I began splashing on the poodle of blood with my feet, giggling as I did. So fun! 

But the fun didn't last either. Even that game gets boring after a little. Still, I had a smile on my face again, and I wondered... what was I doing in this place? I was called for something, right? But what? Hard as I tried, with my hand on my chin like a thinking man for a split second, I came up with nothing.

" It was probably not that important anyway." I shrugged, focusing my attention on the much more entertaining...thing. The name of it was also slipping my mind, was it on the invitation? Should I switch with my other self? But she was never any fun! And this had games, carrocel , things to have fun , in short. In fact, I could barely decide where I wanted to head into first. I settled on the carrocel, and as I walked to it, I spotted this mirror. A mirror! Loved mirrors! Would this one make my face look funny? I giggled, skipping towards it now, and practically shoved my face into the thing....

My world felt like it was literally turned upside down, and I was being stretched and compressed and all these shiny things were around me, wow, I didn´t know this place had a rollercoaster too! I giggled , and before my giggle had ended my ride had ended and I found myself in a weird techy place with weirder people around me. And me, just sitting on the ground.

"Hi!" I raised my hand energetically and smiled, not really sure what was going on.
"Fuckfuckimlateimlateimlate" Onyx loudly muttered as she ran through the amusement park. She mostly graceful jumped over the fence and through the portal. On the other side, she landed and then promptly moved to a corner, like always. "Huh. Practice does make perfect."
@~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai @Mika9889

  Feather suppressed a chuckle when Mike collapsed onto the elevator floor, even rolling around a little. If she hadn't known him for this long, her immediate reaction would have been a very weirded-out one, but having known Mike for a while, this was completely normal. 

  Once a third person entered, though, Mike seemed to completely flip out upon sight of her. Feather looked to this apparently "freaky" person; she seemed pretty normal. But Mike suuure was acting weird. Feather raised an eyebrow when he asked her a fairly disturbing question about feeling the need to punch something, looking back at the much older, but not much taller, blonde lady. 

  Hey...the lady looked familiar. But for some reason Feather couldn't pin the face to the name; perhaps she was an extra in a movie that she'd seen? Yeah, that was it. "Um, not as of right now, no," she answered, a hint of skepticism in her tone. "But we all get that feeling, like when you accidentally stub your toe against a dresser drawer and then....ahem..." She waved her hands above her to try and imitate a bear, then awkwardly tried getting the blonde involved. It was a good idea, both to gather intel and to see if Mike's suspicions were correct or if the heat was just getting to him. "Uhh....what about you, ma'am? My...uh....friend and I are practicing for....." She bit her lip, tryin to think of a worthy excuse. ".....Psychology club. Seats sure are limited and we wanna snag 'em before someone else does! Amirite, Mike?"



  A hopeful smile formed on Stewie's face as he looked over to Alexa, not seeming to mind that she had shoved him away from her. Tag was fun! The demon's hopeful smile then twisted into a mischievous smirk as he pulled out his chalkboard and chalk, quickly doodling a bubble and then pointing his chalk at Alexa. If the spell worked, then he had successfully distracted her with several soap bubbles to the face before taking his chalkboard and zipping off. 

  "Catch me if you can!" 


@Aur0ra @kenchin @Valefar @Idea 

  Doris's glare immediately shifted to Crow when she heard his retort; she growled, feeling the anger bubble up in there. At this point, she was attempting to contain said anger...aaand failing. The blonde flipped her hair, sitting down whilst looking at the demon. "Say that again," she growled, a glint in the one eye that wasn't covered by an eyepatch. "When you're sober. Then we can talk about the boss making a mistake. Capiche?" 

((Urgh...shitty post is shitty but I tried....))

Mikado Saris - Amusement Park

The faint hue that crept along the slime's cheeks didn't go unnoticed causing the faintest of smirks to tug at her lips. Nevertheless she restrained herself as she listened to the girl's explanation. As the slimegirl finished she let out a slow "Hmmmm....." of understanding. A lot of what the girl went clear over her head and her almost disinterested response was the best she could muster. "Well, I can't say I understand but this is the easiest way of making money. That's why I do it. I don't really care about the whole 'villain' thing, I just need a way to pay for stuff and it was either this or go be some normie with a 9-to-5 job...." A shudder ran up her spine at the mere thought of holding an actual, real, job. If she had it her way she'd never have to leave the house and could just spend all day everyday enjoying herself. Alas, her hobbies required money and her abilities made this the best job someone like her could have. If even she could do this then surely the slime could. "I don't know how much your pendent is but you'll probably just have to do a few heists or something and then you can just buy it and go home." She paused briefly as an almost wicked grin crossed her lips. She glanced over her shoulder at the smaller girl trailing behind her before speaking up. "How expensive is your pendent? Do you even know where to get it?" Her tone was the usual tired deadpan, however there was a small hint of eagerness in her questions.

(this maaay suck a bit-- Sorry...)


Ffff... Please don't tell me he has some sorta sense to supervillains-- Harley thought as Mike jumped up, though she managed to seem calm... Though she stiffened a bit at his next comment, about wanting to punch something. She sort of just... Carefully inched sideways towards the corner of the elevator, close to the door, as she watched the rest of the exchange. At least the girl seemed skeptical... That might be good.


With that realization, she did relax a bit, though... Yea, Harley didn't like this. At all... Honestly, couldn't she just go on vacation without worrying about any of this? This just... Didn't bode well for her, though she was just assuming instantly that Mike might've recognized her, despite how much foundation she had put on to hide the skin and the dull outfit she had put on. But, at least, he didn't show too many signs of knowing exactly who she was... Despite this reaction. Perhaps she was okay... Perhaps he was just paranoid of new people? That was a thing that happened... Maybe she was fine. She decided to go with that.


However, she instantly froze up a bit when the girl had tried to involve her in the conversation. She didn't expect that, especially since she was planning to just observe and gather intel...  And it didn't help her nerves. However, she quickly recovered enough to respond. "Ah... Well, yes. Everyone has that..." She began casually, her New York accent fairly obvious, even though she wasn't even attempting to make it obvious. It was strong without her help, after all... She just tended to exaggerate it even more, since that made her seem harmless, which was useful. But, she instantly raised an eyebrow at 'psychology club'. "Wait, is... That a thing? Psychology club? I've never heard of anything like that... Then again, I'm not from around here, obviously," Harley smiled good-naturedly.


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Crow groaned, he clearly got on her bad side, but didn't say anything more. He sank in his chair, his glass playing in his hand watching the other supposed villains arrive drowsily. "I'm sober by the way" he half lied some moments latee: " it takes more than two whisky shots to get me" 

Crow's words were adressed to Doris though he kept his eyes gazing from fellow villian to another wondering how on earth they managed to even get a career as villains. " What's our first mission by the way?" He put the whisky away leaning forward in his chair resting his elbows on his knees.

 A hopeful smile formed on Stewie's face as he looked over to Alexa, not seeming to mind that she had shoved him away from her. Tag was fun! The demon's hopeful smile then twisted into a mischievous smirk as he pulled out his chalkboard and chalk, quickly doodling a bubble and then pointing his chalk at Alexa. If the spell worked, then he had successfully distracted her with several soap bubbles to the face before taking his chalkboard and zipping off. 

  "Catch me if you can!"

Alexa Starr

Alexa just stared at him, "I told you to tag first..?" She muttered, wiping her face free of the liquid. She just stayed afloat and watched the rather dense demon run off. Ah well, if he wanted to do that then let him. Not her problem if he ran off...more time not dealing with him for her. He was kind of amusing...in a dumb sort of way.

Mikado Saris - Amusement Park

The faint hue that crept along the slime's cheeks didn't go unnoticed causing the faintest of smirks to tug at her lips. Nevertheless she restrained herself as she listened to the girl's explanation. As the slimegirl finished she let out a slow "Hmmmm....." of understanding. A lot of what the girl went clear over her head and her almost disinterested response was the best she could muster. "Well, I can't say I understand but this is the easiest way of making money. That's why I do it. I don't really care about the whole 'villain' thing, I just need a way to pay for stuff and it was either this or go be some normie with a 9-to-5 job...." A shudder ran up her spine at the mere thought of holding an actual, real, job. If she had it her way she'd never have to leave the house and could just spend all day everyday enjoying herself. Alas, her hobbies required money and her abilities made this the best job someone like her could have. If even she could do this then surely the slime could. "I don't know how much your pendent is but you'll probably just have to do a few heists or something and then you can just buy it and go home." She paused briefly as an almost wicked grin crossed her lips. She glanced over her shoulder at the smaller girl trailing behind her before speaking up. "How expensive is your pendent? Do you even know where to get it?" Her tone was the usual tired deadpan, however there was a small hint of eagerness in her questions.


Lunaria Safira

Lunaria nodded slowly at Mikado's words. She seemed experience in this so she trusted her to know what she was talking about. She seemed...decently lazy, so if one such as she could earn a fair bit of cash from work like this Lunaria was positive she could. After all, she had goals beyond 'just paying for stuff'. She wanted to see her family and friends again desperately, she'd do almost anything to get that pendant back. The list of things she wouldn't do was slowly dwindling day by day even if it went against her morals. At her next words that were encouraging to her she smiled brightly, she had no idea it would be that easy. A few takes to get her money? She'd take that any day. At her question she hummed in thought, "Ummm....I think it's close to half a million of your earth dollars.." She replied. "They're really very common back on my planet, but more than just Rutarians can use them." She said. "Anyone with magical ability could use them to go anywhere..they aren't just a one way ticket back and forth." She explained. "I do now where to get it but they might not have it anymore.."

Mikado Saris - Amusement Park

"Half a 'mil, eh?" She trailed off with a thoughtful 'hmm' as she raised her hand to gently rest against her chin. She seemed to give it a fair bit more thought than she did most things. The device seemed rather convenient so she could understand why it would be pricey. Alas she didn't have magic so it wasn't something she could use. Truly an unfortunate bit of information as being able to just teleport around would be so nice. As the girl continued she glanced back at the mention of knowing where it was. "Oh~? So you know where it is then? Where at? Maybe it's someone I know who has it." She faced back forward as she rounded a corner, a faint grin tugging at the corner of her lips. Standing before them was a large and gaudy-looking carousel. There had been mention of a carousel for the meeting so this was probably the spot. Although she had no idea what the significance of the ride was. She came to a stop and looked over her shoulder at the slime trailing behind her. "I think this is the spot of the meeting, but I don't see anyone around that really stands out... besides you..." It was times like this that reminded her that she really should pay more attention to things. Obviously it was explained in detail how to get to the meeting, not that she cared to memorize it. Her past self's apathy was now hindering her current self's ability to get this over with and that was a fact that annoyed her. The slime seemed fairly knowledgeable, even if she had gotten lost, so maybe she could figure something out now that they were at the carousel. To that end she silently looked down at the girl with an expectant look in her eyes.

Mike looked at Feather and squinted his eyes at her pose(?). "What are you talking about?" Mike asked in confusion, but after he saw Feather look at the lady, everything was clear. Was the weird feeling because of this lady? Noticing Feather try to get him into it, he inwardly screamed before doing the best fake smile he could muster. "I-I mean, what ARE you talking about? We-We'll snag those seats for sure with A+ acting!" He agreed and got into a pose similar to a cat about to pounce, actually doing it pretty well for obvious reason. Whatever Feather was planning, he hoped it worked, because the mixture of not eating breakfast and the heat was starting to get to him a bit.

Mike, hearing the women's answer, nervously shifted his eyes left and right. "We-Well, its sorta like a New Vegas thing! Ya know us crazy Vegas people! The heat'll make ya think up some crazy things.He uttered the last part through gritted teeth, his eyes momentarily shifting to Feather before focusing back on the women.

@Mika9889 @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit
@~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai @Mika9889

  Good. She took the bait. Feather's blue eyes narrowed slightly as she thought of what her next move would be, managing to lock eyes with Mike for a moment before he looked back at the blonde. He didn't seem to know what the hell she was doing. She didn't even know what the hell she was doing! But her intuition was usually correct, and it was telling her to keep going, but stay very lowkey on how she would be giving this info out. She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for the elevator to reach the bottom, then, grinning back at Mike, she prepared to back up what she'd just said, while staying in the flow of the conversation.

  "Yeah, those teachers sure love their psychology club students, though," she commented casually, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "It's a good idea to pile up those creds for college, am I right?" Ha ha....she was screwed. Any of Mike's possible suspicions didn't seem to be confirmed, but Feather would try to figure out what had gotten him so worked up about this random lady they'd just met in an elevator. Then again, maybe she was overanalyzing a little. She debated whether or not that was possible, when, with a soft ding, the elevator reached the bottom. 

  Okay, intuition, what now? she thought sarcastically as she absentmindedly stepped out, walking in the direction of the Adventuredome. So that was the answer, huh....seemed fair enough. The girl turned back to Mike, smiling brightly at him. "Hey, Mike, I read that there's a Batman laser tag thing in there and I really want to try it. Can I go see it? Please?" She paired the question with begging eyes; okay, so shooting the Joker with a laser sounded really fun at the moment. 

  Plus she had a sneaking suspicion about who the lady in the elevator might be....

  Then again, the heat could have just been getting to her.

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