Episode One: the RecrOoTTment (Main IC)

The girl's suspicion was evident, especially with her hand at the handle of her weapon, and so, Samael made his childlike pout even more obvious. Alexa would be challenging to crack, what with her skepticism, but perhaps, that'd make the task all the more fun. Perhaps all it took to make her snap would be a simple whipped cream prank, or maybe he needed to do something deadly, something severe, to really get a reaction. Either way, it'd all come in time, when he had a single person who felt comfortable around him. 

It took him a moment to realize he wasn't even included in Alexa's epilogue, which made him feel irrelevant. Of course, he had called many people that word before, but he had never thought it'd sting as much as it did. 'Whatever,' he tried to tell himself, 'She'll get what's due.' The snake-boy had only been introduced to two people, yet he was thrilled for what was to come. Extremely thrilled. He knew there'd be entertainment along the way, and really, that was all that mattered, at least to him. 

Samael failed to pay attention to which mirror the others had gone through, even though it was painstakingly obvious, and so, when he thought he found the portal, he pushed his full-body inwards. Of course, it wasn't the portal, and he had managed to hit the glass with his beautiful, beautiful face. "Dammit," he muttered to himself, although thankful that there weren't any shards that could pierce into his skin. The snake-boy rubbed at his nose, only hoping that it wouldn't bleed in the next couple of minutes; otherwise, he'd look like a fool. 

The next time around, Sam had only pushed forward his arm, which happened to go through the correct portal. While the rest of his body remained outside, he waved at the crowd inside, though unaware of who it was. His entire body was soon through the portal, and instead of getting a glimpse of the fellow villains, he gave off a closed-eye smile. "Yahoo~" He called out in a sing-song tone, not bothering to witness the events or conversations going on, "I'm not late, am I?"

When his golden orbs were revealed, he did his best to seem intimidating, even going as far as to loll his head off to his shoulder. However, he found himself in chaos: clearly disturbed people, an explosion, and some of the people he had seen before. As if it could get any worse, he felt blood trickling from the right side of his nose. Samael was excited earlier, but now, he believed it successfully died off. 

@LüSed @Mitchs98

( peeps in the lair? ) @kenchin @KuroNoKami39 @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Aur0ra @Mika9889 
after a minute or so, Kuro finally stopped glitching then looked over to Dr. Murphy with a WTF face. did the guy think he was a buggy android? well, it would be an easy mistake, he did glitch out and get into buffering fits often but he and them were completely different pieces of technology. he was more like a walking hologram then anything, rolling his eyes he sat down crossing his legs. he was bored so he might as well go along with it, though he was kind of offended that the guy thought he didn't know how dangerous the chemicals he used were. no shit sherlock, he used a highly explosive fire elemental potion that works even better then a flame thrower in combination with a lesser healing potion, of course there was going to be an explosion, taking a deep breath he answered, straining his voice so he didn't just call the guy a dipshit "lesser healing potion + potent fire elemental potion, i'm fairly sure you wouldn't know what those are, but those are the potions i mixed to make the explosion happen." taking another deep breath he began a rant "also, i am not an android, my creator is an idiot, and i'm neutral to both elements. the only thing that would be bad for me would be if i used my potent light elemental potion which i don't even have the materials to make at the moment." 

@kenchin @everyone else at the spaceship
Dr.Murphy looked at him and smiled" did you think you can do that combination with out messing around with the condition of minerals baka you have to use at least medium level healing herbs and minerals and of course you have to calculate the reaction of at least ten to five outcomes if think twice the potency of the ethanal and oxygen atoms where to high for the glucose in the platia in the low grade healing potion so unless you used twice the amount to balance it out you get at least 89.987699352% Failure you idiota." Murphy looked at him and smiled and looked at him and started to scan his body it looked kinda advance and he simply smiled and laughed "Muwahahahaha idiot your Creator is a genius idiot and forgot to add a code into your data that you need to bad I don't have to password or else I could mess around with the code. So he is a genius but idiotic as well. Murphy smiled at him and said. I like you want to be my assistant 

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@Aur0ra @Mitchs98 @KuroNoKami39 @kenchin @Everyone else in the spaceship 

  Stewart was still having a lot of fun on the carousel when suddenly Uncle Crow grabbed him by the hand and pulled him through the mirror portal. He fell down when his uncle let go of his hand, legs slightly wobbly from the interdimensional travel. That steed had been....so noble....

  Rather childishly, he pouted at his uncle, floating a couple feet in the air and just letting himself fly like a rogue balloon, going upside down occasionally, arms and legs crossed. "Aww, I wanted to plaaaayyy," he whined at Crolusius, switching his position so he was rolling around mid-air. He continued to do so until he spotted some dark angel lady appearing through the portal. The demon, a hopeful expression on his face, lowered himself to her height, smiling brightly. "Hey, Miss! Will you play with me?"

  Doris, on the other hand, was developing somewhat of a headache when Kuro decided to blow something up. But hey, he would make a useful pyrotechnician, she thought hopefully, getting out a pen and paper and writing that down so she wouldn't forget that. However, a rather annoying thing happened afterwards; Dr. Murphy sauntered out, immediately acting rude towards the new recruit. 

  What was he even doing here already? Last time Doris checked, he wasn't supposed to arrive until today, but it looked as though he had been here for weeks. Her eyes narrowed as he continued to talk down to Kuro, then finally the blonde had enough. She stood up, then lifted the doctor by his collar, glaring at him through the one eye she had left. 

  "You can sass the superheroes all you want, Doctor," she said coolly, lifting him up even higher and shaking him slightly. "But I'd advise that you lay off of Kuro. Remember, he's a supervillain just like everyone else here, and as of today, we, as the Order of the Twisted, are a family. You'd be wise to treat your fellow members as such." She dropped the doctor, still glaring, then turned to Kuro. "Care for a drink?"
Dr.Murphy looked annoyed "ahhh come on you know that anything that surprises me can kill me literally now feel my pain with my PAININATOR" Murphy fired a ray at Doris and hit her but instead of causing her pain of a thousand years it made her relax all her stress and nervousness fly away into nothing for just a second and even made her skin look healthy and fabulous she now glowed like a model" damn it backed fired on me again one more inator to the rejected storage room. " He looked at Doris and smiled nervously and said " you look very beautiful today

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Crolusius Wheckum

''you can play with all of these.....villains here kid, make me proud!'' Crolusius threw one hand in the air exasperatedly and looked bored adressing his nephew, a kid who looked rather anxious blew something up startling the people on the spaceship earning him a sigh from Crow. The snake kid came finally asking if he was late, Crolusius shrugged lightly: ''as if there's anything important they're doing'' he motioned at the people inside.

Madam Doris started fighting with Dr Murphy who in turn shot a ray at her. Crolusius stood up, angry now, ready to take someone's life away, shadows resembling smoke ready to jump at Murphy till Doris seamed ok, it seamed like the doctor's powers backfired.

The shadows disappeared when Doris mentioned drinks: ''Whisky on ice baby!'' Crolusius said excitdly for the first time of the evening

@Valefar @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @kenchin
Glimpsing at the giant emo from before, Samael's shoulders mimicked his, shrugging slightly. He was right; it wasn't as if anyone here was doing any intense villainy, especially since most of them went over the stereotypes and turned into something.. worse. Perhaps it'd be entertaining to watch them fail, or at least, that's what he hoped. Conflicts, conflicts. There was an argument, apparently, but the snake-boy didn't bother getting involved, until a ray gun was involved. His eyes sparkled when he saw the weapon-of-sorts, realizing that he could cause so much discourse with that single item. Oh, he was definitely going to get his hands on one of those bad boys. If only it had the opposite effect, he'd be shooting everyone! 

He had managed to peek into the conversation, thankfully hearing about alcohol. That was exactly what he needed at the moment, especially if he had to be around these people. Samael wiped the remanents of the nosebleed on his arm, as he didn't know or care where the tissues were, and he kept his mind strictly on the drinks. Man, he'd kill for a New Orleans hand grenade right about now. He'd definitely be drunk after a single sip, but that was an issue for later! "Ooo, alcohol~ Count me in!"

@Aur0ra @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit
Kuro stared at Dr. Murphy for a short while as he spoke nodding along as he started doing the calculations in his head, coming to the same conclusion. when asked the question of whether or not he'd like to be the guy's lab assistant, he answered plainly "sure, why not." as much as he hated to admit, having some company would be interesting, though the fact he kept calling him 'idiot' was somewhat irritating it wasn't half as bad as half the shit Hinata and the rest of his party put him through, hell, it was practically the best entertainment possible compared to them and their shenanigans. 

once Doris got involved and said that the OOTT was a family he froze, mumbling under his breath as though it was beyond his comprehension "a family...?"

his previous party was like a family, though they were all different they all came together as a team and conquered their god...he shook his head, no time to think about them, these guys were his new party and he was going to make the best of them. when Dr. Murphy pulled out the paininator and made her look absolutely beautiful, quite contrary to the name of the device. confusion? great tactic...FOR AN IDIOT! he chuckled at his own joke, pathetic, but hey better then studying a stat screen.  anyways, the man in black and...medusa-man...? he thought he'd killed the only one...? oh well, probably a coincidence... or WAS IT?! as long as the guy doesn't know where he's from and what he did he supposed it'd be okay, anyways, perked up when Madame Secretary offered a drink specifically for him, they were asking for alcohol, he perked up "oo! i can use that to make potent fire elemental potions! oh, and maybe some lesser attack ups as well! maybe if i mixed some with a lesser defensive potion to get a lesser defensive debuff potion... ahh... that'd be perfect!" going off on a light tangent of ideas for potions. biting his nails as his leg started twitching, as he gained that creepy gleam in his eye. so many ideas came flooding into his head for what kind of potions he could use alcohol to make, such possibilities! 

@kenchin @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Aur0ra @Valefar
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Dr.Murphy looked displeased because he didn't like alcohol and simple said" I want tea with honey or a Dr.Peper it's so much better to drink something that doesn't kill braincells. And I figured it would have three out comes but why is it always the nice one always hmm whatever I can just start in the new inator later

@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Valefar @Aur0ra
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Mike Edwards

If there's one thing people should know about Las Vegas in the summer, it's that the city is an oven during this time of year.


And, like everything the Shota-Kitty found irritating, Mike just had to voice his opinion about it.

Sweating, Mike glared at the outside of his window at the disgusting ball of heat that he was forced to call the sun. Mike enjoyed this vacation, really, he did. Sure, yesterday, Feather turned into her grizzly form and was forced to dance...which was something Mike honestly found funny. Sure, there were rumors about Villains or something roaming around the adventure-dome, but honestly, Mike could hardly give two shits on the matter. He didn't care if they were just walking around, and if they did cause something, he and Feather could just kick their ass anyway. That is, if the heat doesn't KILL HIM FIRST! GOD, WHY WAS IT SO HOT?!

Mike slammed his window closed and closed the curtains before grabbing a blue shirt and jeans and getting dressed. Slamming open the door and stumbling out the door, he walked down the baking hallway toward the elevator, blinking as he saw a pacing Feather. Right. She was afraid of heights or something. He didn't really get it, considering the fact she could transform into some chibi bear with WINGS, but whatever. Walking up to her, he made a loud sigh and put his head against the wall. "It's nice that the mayor got us rooms for a hotel and season passes..." He turned and looked up at Feather with a glare. "But did they have to fucking put us up two inches from the fucking sun?!" He threw up his hands. "In Las Vegas, no less! LAS. VEGAS, FEATHER!" 

@kenchin @KuroNoKami39 @Aur0ra @Mika9889 @Mitchs98

  Doris's eyes narrowed when the guy pulled out a gun on her and shot her, only for her to feel a disgusting wave of serenity hit her, if not only for a second. She groaned, glaring at the man, then noticed that the burn marks on her body were glowing. Glowing scars. That Doris definitely wasn't amused by; she glared at the doctor, but, sighing, walked over to the kitchen to fulfill the drink requests. "Nice try, buddy, but I don't swing that way," she answered bluntly to his compliment. "You can have tea. This ship doesn't have a beehive, so if you want honey, go through the portal and get it yourself. I have sugar. Ugh...." The blonde glowered at her glowing scar as she handed a large glass of whiskey to Crolusius.  "Dammit, Murphy, if this doesn't wear off, I'm gonna destroy that roller coaster in the Adventuredome," she grumbled irritably, next handing Kuro his drink and finally, the goddamned doctor. It seemed she was already starting on the wrong foot with someone, as was expected of her. 



  Feather perked up when she heard the familiar (irritated) voice of Mike from across the hall, AKA Spectrum Paws, Neko superhero, and her best friend. She tried her best to forget the height for a second and start a normal conversation, but of course, he started a conversation both about the height and the heat. She wasn't as bothered by Mike about it, but it was a nuisance. "A-Apparently that was the only room left. It is tourist season, after all...." she responded, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "I-I-I just want to get down from here.....I mean, I can handle flying ten or twenty feet in the air, but this is one hundred or so....it's scary...." the girl mumbled, pulling her hood down over her face and sighing gloomily. Then she perked up, trying to find a way to cheer up Mike. "But! On the bright side, at least the city isn't on fire! That would be over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit....w-which is ten times the temperature right now...! Right?" She smiled at her friend, only to hear the familiar "ding" of the elevator. Feather literally zoomed inside, leaving it open for Mike, but waiting impatiently. "I bet air conditioning is better downstairs...."
Dr. Murphy looked at her and shoved it off "look sorry I made your skin look healthy and it should wear off in a few more minutes and I wanted to show you that having a heart attack is not easy you know" he took out at least ten different kind of medications and said " so if you don't mind giving me at least water to drink my medicine please Boss

@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @KuroNoKami39 @Aur0ra @Mika9889 @Mitchs98
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The Edgelord in the corner of the room had definitely caught Samael's attention, especially concerning the.. fire elemental potions? No thank you, he said to himself, at least not to drink. Perhaps he'd be able to use a potion to his advantage in the future, though. He knew that Mikael would just love his house burning down, and if he was inside when it burst into flames, the snake-boy may just become the happiest person on the planet. It wasn't as if Samael wanted his best friend to die.. Simply, he wanted to get rid of that stupid, handsome face of his, and maybe then, he'd get more attention from their friends. A wide grin replaced his neutral expression as the thought played out in his head. 

Otherwise, he stared at the glowing scars that belonged to the sitting woman, wondering what exactly caused them. Based on their placement, he assumed she was a test subject of sorts and probably had some rad ability because of that. He acknowledged that it'd be pretty idiotic to mess with her, which is why he was totally going to irritate the hell out of the blonde. She preferred girls, huh? Whelp, he just so happened to have a large female demographic on his social media accounts, so he could definitely find someone for a prank later on. Thinking about it gave the snake-boy goosebumps. 

He was a bit disappointed he wasn't offered a drink, or that he wasn't told exactly where the tea was. Yet, the man shrugged it off, deciding that he'd just drink in solitude later on. If drunk him happened to release any information, things could get messy, so really, the decision was for the better. Samael found the obviously mad scientist to be a bit pretentious. They were villains! Whether they liked it or not, they'd either rot in jail or be killed by a hero. It wasn't as if their lifestyle was going to give them immortal life, so losing a few brain cells or whatever didn't bother him whatsoever. 

"Should we be introducing ourselves?" He asked, his cutesy facade falling for a brief moment. There was no need, especially if it wasn't going to give him any advantage with these people. Perhaps if the popsicle joined them, he'd share his aegyo with the world-- well, with the fellow villains. Samael continued, "Or are we waiting for everyone else?"

interactions with: everyone in the lair, technically... so @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @KuroNoKami39 @kenchin @Aur0ra @Mitchs98 

mentioned: @LüSed
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Dr.Murphy looked at the man that said to them if their going to be introduced and Murphy just stood up and smiled a evil smile and said " Dr. Murphy at your service I don't fallow orders unless I see that the outcome is 100% percentage that I have respect for that person and only one is qualified and she is sparkling right now and before you ask for introductions you have to introduce yourself am I not right everyone.

@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Valefar @Aur0ra @KuroNoKami39@everyone else

Mikado Saris - Amusement Park

As she wrapped herself around her prey it seemed she had either used too much force, or the girl was far weaker than expected, as she found the pair quickly falling towards the ground. A lazy and half-hearted yelp came from the young woman's mouth as the surprising turn of events did it's best to elicit some more energy from her. As the duo came crashing to the ground the impact was significantly less forceful than she had expected, her earlier assessments being proven correct. However, even though she was right she was still off. The texture and, more importantly, the temperature were not quite what she had hoped they'd be. As the girl rolled the two onto their sides and let out her little spiel Mikado couldn't help but let out a sigh as she rubbed her cheek against the girl's. A frown tugged at her lips as she squeezed the girl tighter. After a few moments of lingering silence she spoke up, her tone reflecting her disappointment in her newfound captive. "You're not cold. Slimes are suppose to be cold and feel good. You're not even that squishy. Why didn't you splat or absorb me when we fell? You're a failure as a slime. Not even worthy of being a level one field mob." Her long-winded, monologue ended with another sigh as she released her grasp on the girl and rolled over onto her back, this time letting out a lengthy groan. "Aaaah~ It's too damned hot. And I thought I hit the jackpot when I saw you." As she whined she brought her arms up to lay over her head, shielding her eyes from the lights of the park."I could be home right now, y'know. My nice air conditioned room. But nooo, I had to go out and try to join some after school-tier club for hopeless idiots." Her little tirade settled down as she lay there silently for a few seconds before lazily pulling herself up into a sitting position. The young woman seemed entirely drained, her lethargic demeanor reaching all new heights as she let out yet another sigh. "I wanna go home..."


Lunaria Safira

Lunaria whimpered as she rubbed her cheek on her and hugged her tighter. ...Maybe it wasn't an attack? Or maybe it was a different kind and she planned on raping her or something. Earth and humans were weird so she wouldn't put it past the girl to try something like that, or even kidnap her for that matter. She looked entirely confused when she went on about her being cold and not being squishy, further about her splatting or absorbing her. "H-Hey! I'm not a slime! I'm a Rutarian." She whined, her face a dark blue color to indicate a blush. "A-And I am so squishy!" She insisted. When she finally let her go she sat up and scooted away from her, staring at her intently and watching her. Ooh...so..she was trying to use her to get cooled off. Made sense, she guessed...not really. Oh well. She tilted her head a little, "Oh so you're here for the meeting too?" She asked. "Good! Maybe you can help 'cause I'm lost and you made me tear my only map.." She told her with a slight pout.


"I'm Lunaria, nice to meet you? Sorry I wasn't cold or didn't absorb you to a painful death of drowning..?" She said, extending her hand out to shake with a small smile.

@Aur0ra @Mitchs98 @KuroNoKami39 @kenchin @Everyone else in the spaceship 

  Stewart was still having a lot of fun on the carousel when suddenly Uncle Crow grabbed him by the hand and pulled him through the mirror portal. He fell down when his uncle let go of his hand, legs slightly wobbly from the interdimensional travel. That steed had been....so noble....

  Rather childishly, he pouted at his uncle, floating a couple feet in the air and just letting himself fly like a rogue balloon, going upside down occasionally, arms and legs crossed. "Aww, I wanted to plaaaayyy," he whined at Crolusius, switching his position so he was rolling around mid-air. He continued to do so until he spotted some dark angel lady appearing through the portal. The demon, a hopeful expression on his face, lowered himself to her height, smiling brightly. "Hey, Miss! Will you play with me?"

  Doris, on the other hand, was developing somewhat of a headache when Kuro decided to blow something up. But hey, he would make a useful pyrotechnician, she thought hopefully, getting out a pen and paper and writing that down so she wouldn't forget that. However, a rather annoying thing happened afterwards; Dr. Murphy sauntered out, immediately acting rude towards the new recruit. 

  What was he even doing here already? Last time Doris checked, he wasn't supposed to arrive until today, but it looked as though he had been here for weeks. Her eyes narrowed as he continued to talk down to Kuro, then finally the blonde had enough. She stood up, then lifted the doctor by his collar, glaring at him through the one eye she had left. 

  "You can sass the superheroes all you want, Doctor," she said coolly, lifting him up even higher and shaking him slightly. "But I'd advise that you lay off of Kuro. Remember, he's a supervillain just like everyone else here, and as of today, we, as the Order of the Twisted, are a family. You'd be wise to treat your fellow members as such." She dropped the doctor, still glaring, then turned to Kuro. "Care for a drink?"

Alexa Starr

Alexa sort of passively watched everything going down around her. People getting shot and all kinds of things going down already. Nice...very nice. She rolled her eyes and continued sitting where she was at until Stewart walked over to her..asking to play. She looked at him and stared blankly, "I'm fairly sure you wouldn't like my definition of playing." She replied simply. "Then again you seem to be as dumb as everyone else here so maybe you would.." She muttered. "Alright kid I'll humor you, what do you want?" She asked, arching a brow. Hey, if it was a distraction from everything else going on it was welcome. Even if Stewart was his own natural brand of idiocy.
On 20/01/2017 at 8:20 PM, Sizniche said:

To say Caroline liked to make an entrance was an understatement. Whenever she enters a building, she wants EVERYONE to know she's here. She threw the front doors open with full force, almost slamming with a shockwave. Her purple hair blew in the breeze of the air conditioning, her arms spread like a statue of the savior, and the lights of the casino shined on her black leather jacket. When she entered the casino, she felt like a god.

Of course, to everyone else, she looked like a moron letting the heat in.

As she descended from her delusion of grandeur, she looked around the meeting place she was given by the IVA, a place called Circus Circus. It was a nifty little place, for sure, but she has no clue why she had to meet everyone else here of all places. But, a reassignment is a reassignment, and the IVA would probably have her hide is she didn't obey their instructions down to the letter.

She wondered what she was being reassigned to. When the IVA told her she was being reassigned, all she was given was this address and a name, "The Order of the Twisted." The reassignment was obviously a punishment, as it was in the wake of her third prison bailout, and her divisional manager was... displeased, to say the least. She wondered, though, With a name that awesome, how bad could it possibly be? Of course, the name isn't much to go on, but surely the IVA wouldn't waste such an awesome name on a lame division?

Well, Caroline was here, but she had no idea what to do or where to go. Then she saw the roulette tables...

(Open to interaction)


On 21/01/2017 at 0:56 AM, TripTripleTimes said:

Flip-flip, flip-flop. The ever known sound of a pair of flip-flops slaps the air with ever step Gyonge takes towards the looming building known as the Circus Circus. The giant teen growls under his breath and glares down at a passing person gawking up at him. He is hot, he is sweating, he is far away from a fresh pool of water, and he had enough people staring up at him too many time to the point he wants to knock down the stupid miniature Eiffel Tower he past by a while ago. His hand twitch and the grip on his duffel bag tightens. He snarls at the person, reveling his fangs, and take a step foward. That is all he needs to do to get the person quickly walk away from him. 

"Stupid fucker," Gyonge grumbles and continues his way to the hotel casino.

The large door to Circus Circus swings wide open and being right behind the woman that opened the door for him, a rush of cool wind tussels his black hair in the air. He sighs at the sensation and walks right through the door behind the woman.

Circus Circus, here he is. This better be worth the swim down the Pacific Coast from Alaska, he thinks as he piers into the dark room with brilliant, blinding light, but before he walks any further into the casino, he slams onto the woman that seconds ago pushed the door wide open.

"Don't just suddenly stop like that, woman!" He shouts, surprised.



(Ahahha //sweats. I'm sorry dude. I would have skipped this if you replied and would have anyways, but with Gyonge as my character I just went with him. Just have your girl kicking and screaming if you like in your next post if you like. Hope you'll be ok with him helping Caroline speed into the Adventuredome.) 


"What the fuck's wrong with you?!" Gyonge shouts at the woman, clearly tired of her silent treatment. Now, if Gyonge isn't a brooding, temperamental gentleman, the looming man would have just brush past the purple haired woman and be on his merry way towards the evil layer laying deep in another dimension of some sort in Adventuredome. Sadly, he is and the lair is actually not a "another dimension" sort of gig, it is more of a space warp or something. Tired of being stared at, ignored, and people just running away from him, Gyonge holds up an open hand in front of the woman's face, the sign for stop, and adjusts his duffle bag to sling it over his shoulder like a messenger bag.

"I'm taking you with me." That is all he says before he swings down to scoop the lady's knee over his arm and hold her back. He juggles the woman to the air couple of time to adjust his hold on her and continues his way deeper into the Circus Circus. A few step in, his chest rumbles by the low growl he is admitting out. This is a bad idea, but he is too proud to admit his fault to basically kidnap this woman. 

His walk through the casino and around Adventuredome isn't as strange as the time with the woman. Other than nearly clogging a guy's face with the woman's leg as Gyonge turned around and being stopped by the park entrance, Gyonge is left in relevant peace, not that he looks likes it. The longer he wanders around the amusement park, the deeper his frown becomes. 

"Where the hell am I?!" He screams loudly nearby the carousel.
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Dr.Murphy looked at the man that said to them if their going to be introduced and Murphy just stood up and smiled a evil smile and said " Dr. Murphy at your service I don't fallow orders unless I see that the outcome is 100% percentage that I have respect for that person and only one is qualified and she is sparkling right now and before you ask for introductions you have to introduce yourself am I not right everyone.

@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Valefar @Aur0ra @KuroNoKami39@everyone else









Samael's slitted eyes observed the scientist's form intently, wondering what the hell was going on in his head. He silently judged the man, although his perplexion was painstakingly obvious -- for, he could feel his eyebrows creasing with each word that passed by his brain. That was a lot of information to run by, especially in a single introduction. The snake-boy probably wouldn't remember most of it anyway, though. 

He glanced at the mentioned female, which made him question exactly why he respected her. Another inquery came to mind, of course, but it was of higher importance to him because well, it was about himself. Did Samael respect anyone? The answer was clearly no, but his parents were brought to mind. They were.. oblivious, really -- not knowing their child was a criminal. Both of them distanced themselves from social media, living a peaceful life filled with golf and expensive jewelry, so it wasn't as if they were given any clues. All the pranks he had played on them were useless, as well.. Their reactions were always just laughter, and that really pissed the snake-boy off. He wanted anger, pure rage! That's what he enjoyed seeing, besides pain, but it wasn't as if he was going to hurt the person who birthed him to that extent. 

"If we're strictly business," he began, a childish grin covering previous emotions. God, he loved that word, 'business.' It made him feel professional, while he knew that his trade was provocation. Sam continued, "Ya'll can call me Snake Eyes." Although, he paused, trying to figure out whether he was supposed to give as many facts as the mad scientist did. Not depending on whether he had to or didn't, he blurted out, "Whelp, I like snakes and.. snakes." His eyes squinted as he questioned his own words, his head slowly recoiling as he cringed at himself. The structure of the sentence was a bit too awkward for his liking, but when another thing came to mind, he sparkled like a lamp.

"Follow me on Instagram!" The snake-boy commanded, his voice over room-volume. He couldn't help it, though -- for, he was genuinely excited. If everyone in the room followed that one account, he'd have 420K followers, and honestly, that's the biggest accomplishment ever. "Or on twitter, facebook, linkedin, youtube, snow, tumblr, reddit, sina weibo, snapchat, line, vkontakte, , whatsapp, periscope, quora.." Samael held up his hands, restarting when he went over ten. "I have a pretty mean pinterest board, and my soundcloud is lit. And, vine... r.i.p." 

@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Aur0ra @KuroNoKami39 @kenchin @Mitchs98
Murphy loward his Goggles and they lit up showing different little screens and Murphy looked at snake eyes and looked at him . I have just evil scientist as friends so fine I shall add you but if you don't post once a day I shall unfallow you got it. Now what is your user name on all of these sites.




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@kenchin @Mitchs98 @Aur0ra @KuroNoKami39 @Mika9889


  Doris especially didn't seem amused when Dr. Murphy completely blew off her drink offer, handing him the tea. "All right, take your meds," she said, sounding unamused before handing Sameal his drink next. "Damn, when's this shit gonna go away? I don't want my fucking scars to glow, they're my pride and joy but this is stupid." She suddenly heard the snake boy shout; curious, she got out her phone. "All right, what's the username?" the blonde asked, going onto her Tumblr. "Mine's notapiratedammit on Tumblr and Instagram, dhewitt on Twitter, and ThisPlaceAboutToBlow on YouTube. I mostly do fan animations and fanart of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. HARLEY X IVY FOREVER! FUCK THE JOKER!" Suddenly, Doris stood up on the table, her eyes sparkling with excitement.  "Sorry, I'm a major fangirl of all things yuri. I wonder when the Seven Sisters of Purgatory will appear....I'm sooooo excited to see them~!" 


  Stewart stared at Alexa curiously when she asked about the types of games he wanted to play. The demon cocked his head, then scooched closer to her, grinning widely. "I have a lot of ideas for games!"  he chirped, hugging her. He wasn't entirely aware of how idiotic he seemed....that is, before he up and pulled out his sword. "Wanna play 'poke the human objects until something sets fire'? Ooh! We can play tag, or...or...Gnargilus! That's a fun gambling game with screwfish claws! I think I have some in my bag..." He searched his pockets, then he withdrew a rather disgusting-looking talon, grinning widely. He ignored how Doris looked over, scrunched up her nose, and looked away. 
@kenchin @Mitchs98 @Aur0ra @KuroNoKami39 @Mika9889


  Doris especially didn't seem amused when Dr. Murphy completely blew off her drink offer, handing him the tea. "All right, take your meds," she said, sounding unamused before handing Sameal his drink next. "Damn, when's this shit gonna go away? I don't want my fucking scars to glow, they're my pride and joy but this is stupid." She suddenly heard the snake boy shout; curious, she got out her phone. "All right, what's the username?" the blonde asked, going onto her Tumblr. "Mine's notapiratedammit on Tumblr and Instagram, dhewitt on Twitter, and ThisPlaceAboutToBlow on YouTube. I mostly do fan animations and fanart of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. HARLEY X IVY FOREVER! FUCK THE JOKER!" Suddenly, Doris stood up on the table, her eyes sparkling with excitement.  "Sorry, I'm a major fangirl of all things yuri. I wonder when the Seven Sisters of Purgatory will appear....I'm sooooo excited to see them~!" 


  Stewart stared at Alexa curiously when she asked about the types of games he wanted to play. The demon cocked his head, then scooched closer to her, grinning widely. "I have a lot of ideas for games!"  he chirped, hugging her. He wasn't entirely aware of how idiotic he seemed....that is, before he up and pulled out his sword. "Wanna play 'poke the human objects until something sets fire'? Ooh! We can play tag, or...or...Gnargilus! That's a fun gambling game with screwfish claws! I think I have some in my bag..." He searched his pockets, then he withdrew a rather disgusting-looking talon, grinning widely. He ignored how Doris looked over, scrunched up her nose, and looked away. 

Murphy took the tea and started to drink his medication and looking at Doris drool over some women. "Really now if you wanted those seven naughty details you could just ask them no or fallow their profiles I mean their is at least 68.4356633% they have some smut in their profiles right I mean it is just logical am I not correct" said Murphy while he took out some candy from his pocket and offered to the writes kid" hey you kid want candy its got extra suffer in it" said Murphy to Stewart

OOC my tags aren't working writes is it because I am on the phone

Mikado Saris - Amusement Park

A She looked over at the blue girl as she spoke, not really buying her explanation. She had never heard of anything called a 'Rutarian' and it was obvious she was some kind of slime, even if she was a failure at it. Although the exclamation that the girl was squishy caused her to quirk a brow. "You're not ~that~ squishy..." She turned her focus forwards as the blue girl continued to speak. The mention of a meeting made it clear she wasn't the only villain in this duo. She pulled herself to her feet and dusted off her butt and legs before turning to look down at the girl, offering her a small shrug. "I don't have a map, all I know is it mentioned something about a carousal." As she spoke she reached out and grasped the girl's hand, however rather than giving it a shake she pulled upwards. With a surprising amount of strength she effortlessly hoisted the girl to her feet, only returning the shake when they were both standing. "Name's Mikado." Her introduction was far shorter than her newfound companion's, however her gaze was already drifting along the blue girl's body as thoughts rolled through her mind. After a brief pause she finally let go of the girl's hand and turned around, making her way in a direction neither of them had come from. As she walked she glanced over at the blue girl behind her as curiosity got the better of her. "So, what's a slimegirl like you doing at this meeting anyways? You don't seem like you'd fit in."


Harley Quinn, infamous supervillain of Gotham City, has seemed to have vanished off the face of the Earth in the last two months, though the Joker is still at large.

"Huh... Has it really been two months?" A small woman rolled onto her back as she read the first line of the most recent issue of Gotham Times (how she managed to get it in Vegas, the world may never know), holding it up towards the ceiling as she did. The knotted, messy mop of blonde she called her hair splayed out around her face as she tilted her head a bit to the side. "Guess time flies when yer on yer own... Guess he ain't missin' me, though. Go figure..." She sighed before simply rolling off of her hotel room bed and stretching above her head. "Oh well. Shouldn' bother myself with tha-at... I'm on vacation, afta all! It ain't like I care what Mistah J's up to, anyhow, right? ... It don' matter ta me," that thought was... Not entirely true, sure, but a girl could lie to herself sometimes, right? Especially if it scared off the melancholy she was starting to notice... What an annoying emotion that was, appearing just to ruin her fun! Couldn't she just enjoy herself without it coming along?

Apparently not, considering a bit of loneliness was beginning to follow the faint presence of melancholy... Now that was especially annoying, and she was genuinely beginning to get mad at herself for letting those emotions appear. Shaking her head to get rid of them, she then crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks like a child. "Hmph... Whateva. I reeeally should get ready if I don' wanna waste the whole day, anyway! Thoughts a' him ain't gonna ruin my day if I have anythin' ta say 'bout it--" With a last little huff, she disappeared into the bathroom to prepare for the day.

A few minutes later, Harley emerged from her twenty-eighth-floor hotel room with her hair tamed into a ponytail, a pair of glasses perched on her nose, and a ridiculous amount of foundation covering every inch of bleach-white skin that wasn't covered by the white t-shirt and jeans she wore... Such a boring outfit, aside from her red-and-black purse, but she definitely couldn't go parading around in her normal attire. 

Well, she couldn't if she valued her freedom, anyway, considering she'd probably be arrested the instant someone saw who she was... Yet another thing that was extremely infuriating, though she completely shoved the thought out of mind. Nope, uh-huh... Y'ain't ruining my good mood! Go away... Y'negative thoughts're  jus' a waste a' time... She huffed silently as she walked down the hall to catch the elevator down, deciding that today was a good day to spend in the Adventuredome. Amusement parks were always fun, after all, and sure to get rid of even the most annoying of thoughts... Or perhaps it'd just remind her of something else, considering her normal clown motif, though she didn't exactly mind that, either.

When the elevator finally arrived, she quietly stepped into it and noticed the two others already inside of it (Feather & Mike) as she adjusted her purse... Which may or may not have held her three packs of weaponized playing cards and her electric slinky, just in case she did end up running into trouble.

(I don't know how I managed to type this much, buuut...)

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Jenna was left behind, not that she much cared. She again started wandering around, completely missing the carousel. There was so much interesting stuff around her, how could she ignore it all? So, the idiot began to wander a muck, while sucking on her ring pop. Jenna walked past many children and adults alike, possibly taking a few plastic beaded necklaces. The thief liked adding to her ridiculous ensemble. Despite this, her attention was captured by the sparkling animals on the carousel.

Jenna had completely forgotten the meeting she was already late to. This didn't matter to her because there were shinies in her presence. The cat lady moved towards the children's ride. She nearly stepped onto the platform that it was resting on, except for the fact that a child knocked into her. Jenna spun away from the ride and ended up in a stream of people. 

Much to Jenna's displeasure, the stream knocked a random emerald out of her sleeve and into the portal. Jenna did the "logical" thing and took a dive after said gem into the mirror. The ditz tumbled in a roll and picked up the jewel before fishing her little act on her feet and sticking her hands out, proud at avoiding the horror that would have been if she had lost the emerald.

"Tada!" the girl crooned into the room of villains.

More of gems fell out of her sleeves and she nearly hit a man with snake features when she threw out her arms.

Smiling brilliantly, she looked around, "Ten out of ten rise, right?"

That stupid, revealing grin never left her face, not even when she swooped down to collect the jewels that fell.

@Valefar @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Mika9889

Have fun.
"Seriously?" Crolusios scoffed finishing his drink and listening to the pathetic introductions followed by conversations about Twitter and....tumble:  "what are ya lot? A bunch of teenagers on a space camp?" The demon's voice came cold and dry:  " I'm the maddest one in the group they say but look at you! It's no wonder you're put together as the worst villain group!"

"Uuughh" he groaned as Alexa and Stewart chatted about games then looked at Doris: " you know why the chief allowed you to summon these clowns sweet pea? It's so that the other villains in the agency can have something to laugh about!" He poured another whiskey for himself and gulped it all down getting more comfortable and relaxed with his words..and more drunk. 

@Valefar @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @kenchin
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Logan Warren

"Well son. This is it. You're finally going to become a villain worthy of inheriting the family fortune and business. I hope that you won't squander this great opportunity." A tall, broad man in a fancy business suit walks through the lengthy corridors of the spacecraft supplied by the IVA for their new villain training program. "Your mother and I love you very much son. That is why we have spent so much money and effort into giving you only the best chances to become the greatest villain you can be. Hopefully you can see that we are putting you into this program because we love you." Beside the large man walks a young man in a dark hoodie and pants as well as a woman, only slightly shorter than the man. The woman wears a lengthy black dress, allowing her to show off her curves. Both adults had a very strong air of authority surrounding them. They seemed like kind enough people, but just by looking at them you would know that it would be a very bad idea to get on their bad side. Behind them follows the spitting image of a stereotypical butler carrying various different cases and bags. The amount of luggage the man carried would seem to be impossible for the average person to handle, but he held all of it with complete ease.

"You father is right dear. We only want you to be properly prepared for when you take over our great legacy." The woman places a hand on the boy's shoulder. "But of course mother, father. I simply don't see why I must do this simple work on my own. Isn't that what we have the mercenaries for? And what about the other smalller villains. They are practically our own with our standing." The woman, who was clearly this boys mother, looks over to his father, silently asking him to help get her point across. He clears his throat. "Well son. Think of the future. You will have a large target on your back for whoever might want to take the Warren fortune from you. Villains and heros alike will try to hunt you down. Trust me. I would know." The boy rolls his eyes and sighs. "Yes father, I suppose."

"Hm... Now she should be here soon. I made sure to contact her days in advance for this." He checks the his silver wrist watch for the time. "Perhaps we should ask one of the attendants here if we come across one? They must know where she is. After all, I wouldn't want my own son to be late for his future." The man lets out a hearty laugh. If somebody were to see him on the street on any given day they would hardly be able to see his true villainous demeanor.


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