

      Leslie took a moment to actually consider the school before her sister would likely catch up. She didn't seem to notice her; but, that was a relative norm with her. For whatever reason despite the brief moments she showed otherwise Kat was a sad person washed in her own mental wonderland. She had a pension for bringing others down a peg or two unabashedly as if it was how she found joy. Either way, Kat was Leslie's older sister and for that alone she loved her; but, she had been granted views of her sister others may never get and that made her love her of her own accord.

    In the main area of the school a few students defiantly did look her way. Some with lustful eyes, some with eyes of confusion, and some with flat out distasteful eyes as if she was a blotch on the school. "Yeah f$&@ you to buddy, jog off." she rolled her eyes and leaned on the wall. The lime green bubble gum passed her sultry lips every now and then reaching an apex just to recede back into her mouth where she prepared to expand it once more.

   The school didn't seem that bad at least. She was expecting a bunch of hoity toity posh wannabe's, and well there were a few; but, the school seemed to have some diverse chaotic individuals. Not to mention a lot of them were hotties... on the female and male side. Leslie could see herself sinking her teeth into some of the people around her.

   Eventually her sister caught up and she pushed off the wall with the sole of her right foot. "Man Kat, you sure are late? What was all that about?" she jokingly teased and offered her sister a half smile to clarify this. Kat was most likely used to any and all of Leslie's antics so this was normal. "So this is your stomping grounds huh? Where my big sis makes her claim to fame." Leslie could all ready tell some passerby were talking about how the freaky mute was talking to a clear delinquent and were related.

    Let them talk, Was all Leslie could think. They don't have a god d#$& clue how hard it was for our Mother and us for awhile there. They didn't know us... f*&^'em. "So I know you gave me the low down before on this Fumizuki crap before. And I get the A through F crap; but, who's who around here? And do you know if any of these jokers will be in my class?"

    Leslie tilted her head in the hopes she would actually answer.

@Princess Ami and all the other jokers eyeballing me 

      Leslie took a moment to actually consider the school before her sister would likely catch up. She didn't seem to notice her; but, that was a relative norm with her. For whatever reason despite the brief moments she showed otherwise Kat was a sad person washed in her own mental wonderland. She had a pension for bringing others down a peg or two unabashedly as if it was how she found joy. Either way, Kat was Leslie's older sister and for that alone she loved her; but, she had been granted views of her sister others may never get and that made her love her of her own accord.

    In the main area of the school a few students defiantly did look her way. Some with lustful eyes, some with eyes of confusion, and some with flat out distasteful eyes as if she was a blotch on the school. "Yeah f$&@ you to buddy, jog off." she rolled her eyes and leaned on the wall. The lime green bubble gum passed her sultry lips every now and then reaching an apex just to recede back into her mouth where she prepared to expand it once more.

   The school didn't seem that bad at least. She was expecting a bunch of hoity toity posh wannabe's, and well there were a few; but, the school seemed to have some diverse chaotic individuals. Not to mention a lot of them were hotties... on the female and male side. Leslie could see herself sinking her teeth into some of the people around her.

   Eventually her sister caught up and she pushed off the wall with the sole of her right foot. "Man Kat, you sure are late? What was all that about?" she jokingly teased and offered her sister a half smile to clarify this. Kat was most likely used to any and all of Leslie's antics so this was normal. "So this is your stomping grounds huh? Where my big sis makes her claim to fame." Leslie could all ready tell some passerby were talking about how the freaky mute was talking to a clear delinquent and were related.

    Let them talk, Was all Leslie could think. They don't have a god d#$& clue how hard it was for our Mother and us for awhile there. They didn't know us... f*&^'em. "So I know you gave me the low down before on this Fumizuki crap before. And I get the A through F crap; but, who's who around here? And do you know if any of these jokers will be in my class?"

    Leslie tilted her head in the hopes she would actually answer.

@Princess Ami and all the other jokers eyeballing me 

Katerina saw all the glances and stares towards her sister. Emotionlessly, her eyes pierced every single person. Most immediatly looked away. There were not many people that could directly stand here stare. Katerina did understand that. They searched empathy. People said, eyes were a souls window. Again a thing that could have been made by a big red wearing man with a beard. Her eyes were empty. That scared most people. Empty eyes? Did she not have a soul. And that were the idiots she had to share a class with. But they were inferior. They gave in to emotions. Idiots. Logically.

"Hi." Katerina ignored the teasing of her sister. She was used to that, the normal routine of their conversations. She did not expect, nor want it to change. Routine was the basis of a settled day. "I do not claim any fame. I do not want or need any fame. If people are interested in my sucess, that is their problem, their foolishness. They hsould care about theirselves, not about what i do." 

Katerina drifted away with her thoughts. These idiots here... All of them except the top one at the school. The prince. They called him that for some reason, that was how idiots did things. They had a thought that did not make any sense and everyone accepted and did so too. All together, they called that society. It stunk. Everything the other humans did. It was disgusting. Just as those fools. Katerinas face got a disgusted expression at the thought alone. She had completely forgotten that she was with her sister.

    "Hey Kat.,.. hello. Sis?" she folded her arms and shook her head a moment. "You know if you continue to brood like that around me I might have to show you some genuine sisterly affection or something. Call to the heavens how much I love you and snuggle all up in your personal bubble." she smirked. For all her flaws Leslie really did care for her sister; but, she knew public displays of affection weren't exactly her thing in the slightest. If that got her attention she would repeat her question except differently.

    "So who do I need to look out for around here Kat? And do you know which of these preparatory screw balls are in my class? I'd like to get a leg up on them and check'em out before classes. See who I might actually be able to tolerate for a hot minute."   she stood rather aloof and looked at the many faces that were nearby. Despite she knew she would most likely have issue with half the douche nozzles that attended the academy she felt reassured she had at least her sister. She did need however at least some additional people to stimulate her need for well.... talking.

@Princess Ami
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    "Hey Kat.,.. hello. Sis?" she folded her arms and shook her head a moment. "You know if you continue to brood like that around me I might have to show you some genuine sisterly affection or something. Call to the heavens how much I love you and snuggle all up in your personal bubble." she smirked. For all her flaws Leslie really did care for her sister; but, she knew public displays of affection weren't exactly her thing in the slightest. If that got her attention she would repeat her question except differently.

    "So who do I need to look out for around here Kat? And do you know which of these preparatory screw balls are in my class? I'd like to get a leg up on them and check'em out before classes. See who I might actually be able to tolerate for a hot minute."   she stood rather aloof and looked at the many faces that were nearby. Despite she knew she would most likely have issue with half the douche nozzles that attended the academy she felt reassured she had at least her sister. She did need however at least some additional people to stimulate her need for well.... talking.

@Princess Ami

Katerina finally remembered where and more importantly, with who she was. She heard her sister ask for people. What did Leslie need others for? Did she, her flawless sister, Katerina, not reach out to satisfy all needs for people? Did Leslie actually want to make the f word? Friends? 

Katerina hated that word. Friends. It was the rethorical incarnation of the foolish need for others, appreciation, love and emotion. Bluntly, all weaknesses, all that things, that Katerina hated. "I have never cared for others here. Just try to find those that look even more dumb than the others." Katerina had never really cared. She knew a few faces, but only those, that sparked her interested. Kazuichi. The Prince. Akemi. That were all names she knew. The others were not interesting. The Prince intruiged her. She did not know why. And he was superior to her score. Kazuichi surpassed her in science, her second best subject. And that was interesting. Akemi was good at war and such. She was to be remembered. Too dangerous in all means to be forgotten. Logically.

"I am hungry." Those words were simple, yet said so much. It, at first, was something she said rarely. Their mother was in sorrow, because Katerina never ate much. So her saying those words in that meaning was a wonder. 
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Finally reaching the gym Kazuichi got off of Midori's back then yawned he chuckled a bit. "Tell ya what maybe someday I'll be the one to give you a piggyback to pay back all the piggybacks you've given me." He then thought of all the times she had given him a piggyback and was a bit shocked at just how many times that was. All through elemantry, middle school, and now even high school. While being a joke at first he was now serious somehow someway he was gonna pay her back for always having his back. For always letting him be able to slack off when he really needed to after all she was a noob but she was his noob.
Kirari stepped through the school gates dripping with water.

A car had splashed water over her while she was walking at a lethargic pace to school, and while the sun had dried her clothes and hair for the most part, not all of the moisture had gone away. She supposed it was a blessing - she’d heard rumors that the F Classroom tended to get very hot throughout the day. This way, she could keep nice and cool. She smiled at the thought. Sometimes her bad luck really came through for her.

Like this morning - it was rainy earlier in the day, and thanks to the leaky ceilings in her room, cold water seeped through the roof and plopped onto her face, giving her quite the pick-me-up! And it gave her so much time to get ready, considering the sun hadn’t even come up yet. After moving her works-in-progress somewhere less damp, she was able to spend her extra time making sure she looked as cute as possible. It was her first day at a whole new school, after all, and she was so excited.

And for once, she’d made it to school on time! Was this what it felt like to be in just the right place at just the right time? Kirari felt so proud of herself, and so happy the day was turning out to be a pretty good one, at least by her standards. She was practically glowing with joy.

At that, she turned her attention outward, noticing a really pretty girl with soft pink hair, sitting next to a really cute boy with bluish hair. Wow. Was everyone at this school going to be this good-looking? Hopefully yes, she thought to herself. Then Kirari noticed the large crowd moving towards a gymnasium-looking place. She figured she might as well follow the crowd of students - the more people she could talk to, the happier she would be…

Still, she turned to the two very cute people sitting on the bench and gave the brightest grin she could muster and a small wave before going on her merry way… at her usual glacial pace.


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"Well I mean she is a higher year then me... I thought I was suppose to call people like that[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“You make a good point,”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Hikaru nodded. Seeing a girl who draws on her face as a cosmetic[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]enhancement, he tends to find it quite unbelievable when faced with the fact that she’s a grade[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]higher than the two. Oatsa proceeded to talk about Ironman, her personal experience with[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]piggyback rides...though at that precise moment Hikaru was occupied with his concerned gaze at the[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]stranger who had just walked in.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]"That would be Katerina... she is actually quite brilliant. Third best student far as cumulative[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]score far as I know. She is usually quite like that. I tried talking to her once; but, got the cold[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Well. Knowing you and I, we’ll put a smile on her face eventually,” [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]he shrugged,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]moving the conversation back to other subjects as Hikaru laid his eyes on Akemi and Oatsa. There[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]was a pause in the conversation, only two seconds shy of an awkward silence. Hikaru couldn’t think[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]of any worthwhile subjects to speak off, and he looked down at what had used to be a pristine[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]sandwich. Hikaru took another nibble, raising his head to find familiar faces. He knew mostly no one[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]in the crowd though...there seemed to be someone looking at the three of them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The stranger had roughly the same hairstyle and color as Hikaru, albeit her’s being slightly longe[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]and much more organized. She gave a bright grin to the two, and Hikaru complied with a smile. The[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]stranger waved, and walked off on her merry way. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Inviting another person other than Akemi into the conversation! Perfect way to re-invigorate[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]a conversation, [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]he thought. Hikaru couldn’t let such a golden opportunity slide by, and he cupped his hands of his[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]mouth, prepared to attract her attention once again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Hey! Would you like to join us!?"[/SIZE]


Tags - @Tulani @detritus
Kirari perked up when she heard a voice call out to her. She turned back, and sure enough, it was cute blue hair boy! And he was asking her to join their conversation. This day just ascended from good to fantastic. She was joyous enough to jog back to them (though she had only gotten all of twenty feet away at her pace).

When she stood before them, she bowed and introduced herself.

“Hi… I’m Kirari Haboku. This is my first day here!”

At that, she invited herself to sit down on the now slightly-crowded bench.

“The campus is really nice… are the people here nice, too? Oh, and what about the teachers? Are the classes… any good? Ah…” Kirari paused, realizing her error.

“Oh… I’m sorry! I never asked your names, huh? And your classes too!” She grinned and added, “I’m a part of Class F… I hear it’s pretty interesting in there!”

@Tulani @Pyosimros

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