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Fantasy End Town


I am an Eternal Spring flowing under dirt.
Hello, welcome to End Town, a place that never has, never was, and never should exist.

People who go missing usually end up here, it's quite a strange town, but it's inhabited by thousands of people. You just so happen to fall asleep one day, you could be anywhere, on your bed, on a couch, on a window sill. But when you wake up you just so happen to be in End Town,

"But how did I get here?!" You might be asking yourself. No one truly knows how we get to End Town, we simply wake up in a house or on a roof of one of the many buildings. End Town is quite the nice location, you can do practically anything, practically. The only thing is, some type of gang has been coming through the town and just sodding everything up, so if I were you, I'd be careful.


Common House Area


End Town Center


Common Market Area


Chasm River


Dream City


Noire Area


Kawaii Town


Magic Towne


Yes, it is indeed a very large town. It's filled with different sections and places and such, different cultures, different lifestyles, it's quite a beautiful world. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you'll like it here...

Welcome to End Town



1. As usual, RpN rules apply.

2. Romance is allowed, no ERP.

3. Fighting is ok, just don't make it too gory.

4. Swearing is ok, just don't go overboard.

5. I can't think of anything else, I know I will, but I'm coming up broke right now.

Damien walks around one of the vast market areas ET has to offer, he always likes to shop. He walks into a music store and starts scoping out some CDs of bands he likes, he then buys them and continues on his way. Damien walks down the crowded street when he senses someone new has arrived, he then walks off to wherever he or she may be.
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Ashley Soul had been living in End Town for just over two years now, she had shown up back when she was 14 to this strange town and loved every minute of it. So two years later once she was 16 she had become a permanent resident to End town. She spent her time helping those who ended up lost in End town but directing them to the Town Central where most newcomers would get help.

Ash yawned as she stretched slightly as she got up from her nap under one of the many trees in end town, she had been drawing when she had fallen asleep. She looked around to notice a newcomer coming towards her.


Carmine looked around while wandering the streets of End town. She had just shown up in End town due to falling asleep on the roof of her house and had ended up in this strange land.


Isaac blinked slightly as he put his headphones. He had been mixing some CDs in his room when he fell asleep and some how ended up on the roof of one of the houses in End Town, so with that he made his way down off the house and decided to look around.
Damien spots out one of the newcomers and jumps down from a building, as he's falling he suddenly slows down a couple of feet off the ground causing him to land safely,

"Hello, Miss. You are new to End Town, right?" He asks the mysterious girl.

(@Soul OMU)
Carmine blinked slightly but blew at her bangs as they fell in her eyes. "I suppose I am... And where did you say I was... End Town?" She said slightly while quirking a brow as if to ask 'where is End town'. (@Stew)
Cilia wandered around, looking at the eye-catching sights. "I wonder where the bookstore is," she mumbled, peeking past a couple of shops. She sighed, looking up at the sky. It was a wonderful place, but it was large, and Cilia was hopelessly lost.
Damien chuckles, she was new,

"Yes, you are in End Town. Nobody truly knows how they get to End Town, but allow me to be the first one to say, welcome." He glances around,

"Follow me, I'll show you around." He says as he turns around, hoping she would follow.

(@Soul OMU)
Carmine sighed softly but slowly started walking after him. "Alright..." She said with uninterest as she followed after him. (@Stew)


Isaac currently wandering the streets, listening to his music as he looks around, humming to his music as he runs into Cilia on accident. (@macaron)


Ashley got up and picked up her sketchbook and colour pencils as she started making her way to the newcomer who happened to be laying down in the grass by her. Standing over him, as she looked down at him she asked. "Uhm... Are you new here?" She said softly. (@Cody)
Leon woke up from the long sleep he had. He looked around The last place he was, was at a club in the real world. The only thing is, he couldnt drink, so he didn't pass out. It was weird to him, and now hes in a different city. He got up looking at the girl above him.

"Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I in a different city?" He asked nervously.

(@Soul OMU)
Damien looks back at her,

"Aw, come on, cheer up!" He says to her, followed by a smile. He leads her to what appears to be a very large ravine with several bridges and buildings on both sides of it,

"End Town is actually a really nice place, you just have to get used to it, it's really big." He sits down on one of the bridges and waits for the newcomer to sit next to him.

(@Soul OMU)
Cilia stumbled backwards but managed to regain her balance. "I'm so sorry," she said, holding out a hand in apology. "I'm a bit clumsy..."

(@Soul OMU )
Ashley blinked slightly and smiles a bit. "Yup... Your new alright... And your in End Town. How you got here... No one really knows." She said as she shrugged her shoulders. (@Stew)
Cilia shook her head. "I'm...kind of lost myself..." She smiled sheepishly. "Where are you going? I'm headed to a bookstore, but this place is so big I can't find my way around..." (@Soul OMU )
Damien took that as a challenge,

"Hm, what can we do to impress you?" He asks himself, Damien stands and turns around, he back up a little to give himself some space,

"Well could you do this in your big city?" He asks as he suddenly jumps. he was going to do a back flip but while in midair he slows down, as if he was going in slow motion but everything around him was perfectly normal. He speeds up when he goes to land,

"How about that?" He asks her.

(@Soul OMU)
Isaac shrugged slightly. "I was planning on just wandering and exploring... But I think I saw a bookstore on my way here..." He said as he jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. (@Stew)
"So there is no way back?" he asked. "If there isn't..." He looked at the tall buildings behind him. It looked like a dream city. He saw some clubs, restraunts, and many more places.

"Well, I guess it couldnt hurt to show me around."

(@Soul OMU)
(@Soul OMU your character just can't be impressed, can she?)

Damien grumbles, this girl was no fun,

"How about this?" He says as he jumps off the bridge, he shortly falls back onto the bridge, right next to the new girl.

(@Soul OMU)

(Also, if anyone if wondering what I'm talking about, watch this, at 1:51 is what I mean)


Cilia's eyes sparkled. "Really? Can you show me where it is? Oh, of course, if it isn't a bother to you...." She glanced past the male's shoulder. "Oh, I'm Cilia...what's your name?" (@Soul OMU )
Ashley shrugged. "I wouldn't know. I've been here for two years. It's not a bad place." She said as she started walked and looked over her shoulder. "You coming?" She asked as she stopped slightly. (@Cody)


(No not really. xD )

Carmine raised a brow. "Huh... Neat trick I guess as she stretched slightly. "So where we going?" She asked.


Isaac nodded slightly. "Sure I guess.. And not really. Wandering is the best way to find your way around... And I'm Isaac." (@macaron)
Damien sighs,

"Well, it really depends on what you want to do, there are many places and shops." He walks around her,

"What's your name anyways?" He stops in front of her.

(@Soul OMU)
Leon followed her where ever she was going.

"Must be quite and experience living around here!" He was amazed by it all. "I'm Leon by the way."

(@Soul OMU)
Carmine looking around slightly before looking at him. "Named Carmine... And you? What's your name?" She said while crossing her arms slightly. (@Stew)


Ash smiled a bit in amusement as she walked with him. "I'm Ashley." She said as she left the grassy plains and trees behind as they reached the outskirts of End Town. The buildings seemed to have grown all around them. (@Cody)
Damien yawns,

"My name is Damien, nice to meet you, Carmine. I think there's another new comer I have to go greet, care to join?" He asks Carmine, Damien was kinda glad he met Carmine.

(@Soul OMU)
"Ok, so where do we go first? So many places to see!" "Where do you like to go?"

(@Soul OMU)
Carmine shrugged. "I guess so. I'd rather not get lost on my first day.." She said and followed along side him, hands in her pockets. (@Stew)

Ashley smiled a bit and shook her head. "We were just there... That small grove is where I spend most my time... Drawing and thinking. The town... Is okay... I mean it's nice and all... But not my cup of tea..." She said as she continued to walk along the path, deeper into town. (@Cody)
Damien quickly grabs her hand,

"Do you trust me?" He asks, but before letting her answer he jumps off the bridge with her. They suddenly end up on a balcony of some building, he lets go of her hand and looks down upon the crowd of people, he sees the newcomer,

"Alrighty then, I found him, do you want to greet him as well or should I just go alone?" He smiles at Carmine.

(@Soul OMU) 
(@Cody Soul is waiting for you to respond, then she'd respond to me as well, say something or do something)

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