[Emperors of the Fading Suns] [Emperors of the Fading Suns] Projects Discussion

I'll be spending 1 PP on the Manse (and 8xp to learn Demon Summoning from my mate). This satisfies the urge to help kick up the power of PCs, by contributing to our floating force-projection and energy source for Siham's crafting.

I'll spend my other PP on investigating the Neverborn. This is directly in-line with Mirror's driving motivation; she's trying to thread the needle regarding putting the Neverborn out of their misery without dooming Creation.

I specifically remember there was more to follow up on in Thorns; Xarvh, is that best covered in PP, or in game? Whatever you see as being interesting (or not) is fine with me.
Siham becoming a Solar Circle Sorcerer isn't meant to deter Fangs from questing to gain access to Solar Sorcery, It's to get Siham easy access to certain spells and charms that will help him do his own things.

Also, your math is wrong as far as manse points are concerned. Siham using Design Beyond Limit adds +10 extra points to the Creation of a Manse if it's rated as a 5 Dot manse. Consider that my project point contribution (and if he can install a factory cathedral in to the manse on the side, that would be fantastic < 3)
JayTee said:
Also, your math is wrong as far as manse points are concerned.
No, my math is perfectly right because I can't possibly know all your charms and it's up to you to declare what you intend to use.

I am starting to get vastly pissed by your attitude.
Er... that part of the post was aimed at CrazyIvan, who was the last person I saw post the manse point calculations. I'll try to be clearer next time.
JayTee said:
Siham becoming a Solar Circle Sorcerer isn't meant to deter Fangs from questing to gain access to Solar Sorcery, It's to get Siham easy access to certain spells and charms that will help him do his own things.
I'll confess that I'd be slightly miffed if Siham just slammed his way up to Solar Circle, for a couple of reasons:

  • At the moment, I've actually been trying to play through the Stations. It would be a little frustrating if that was just rendered skippable because the Charms are appealing.
  • While it doesn't necessarily negate Fangs, it does head fairly heavily into "Anything you can do, I can do better". Siham has crafting that Fangs, as a Lunar, literally can't touch. His sorcery (beyond the fact that for Fangs to even get Solar Circle Sorcery is both an unresolved question and will require a feat of unmitigated stupidity) is better than hers as well - he's not bound by tattoo restrictions. There is, to be frank, almost no reason to ever play a No Moon in preference to a Twilight.

I know you wouldn't be trying to step on my toes JayTee, and honestly, if you go ahead with it, I'm not going to cause a fuss or anything. But it would feel like a strictly meta-game decision, but I'd have trouble keeping a straight face narratively. After all, if Fangs' solution to Mirror's corruption is through sorcery, why not just have Siham do it faster and cheaper? It's one of those decisions that I would have to deliberately choose OOC to ignore IC, and that's always tough.

Also, your math is wrong as far as manse points are concerned. Siham using Design Beyond Limit adds +10 extra points to the Creation of a Manse if it's rated as a 5 Dot manse. Consider that my project point contribution (and if he can install a factory cathedral in to the manse on the side, that would be fantastic < 3)
JayTee said:
Er... that part of the post was aimed at CrazyIvan, who was the last person I saw post the manse point calculations. I'll try to be clearer next time.
I was just using the "balance" points totals from others, rather than doing any calculating of my own. I wouldn't stand in the way of a Factory Cathedral. All I'd particularly want is a 2 point Host Binding Circle
CrazyIvan said:
At the moment, I've actually been trying to play through the Stations. It would be a little frustrating if that was just rendered skippable because the Charms are appealing.
Any character willing to get Sorcery Circles will have to go through the Stations.

I leave the rest of the discussion to you guys.
RE: Solar Sorcery - Completely fair, I'd be miffed too if I were in your shoes and that happened to me. I feel I should mention that the only spells I'm interested in are spells that are specifically designed to interact with Solar Charms, such as Solar Sanctuary's ability to let a Solar Wyld Shape within it's zone of influence. I think that viewed through that lens, it lets Fangs continue be the resident sorcery expert, with Siham being a dabbler at best.

Although I still need to convince myself that sorcery is worth the investment before this conversation goes anywhere beyond the hypothetical, plus sorcery would need to have at least three house rules attached to it even after that, so it's unlikely anything will come of it.
Wyld-Shaped robots are easier to produce in greater numbers than demons, so that's my vote.
Mirror's PP isn't helpful for much except summoning demons. We could make sure those don't work on critical interior structures or too much of the defensive work.

Otherwise I'd say sure, go for wyld-shaped robots.

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