[Emerald City Knights: DC Universe] Lounge Room


Junior Member
Here's the OOC thread, where you can ask question on house rules, happenings and whatnot. This is also where I will make announcements, as necessary.

Somthing that may be useful to all players, here's a quick reference sheet that covers the basics of the system: Link.
If you're referring to the Quarter PL rule, yes indeed, though at chargen you're still limited by 150pp.

Also, I may have influenced you with my comment, but I just want to reiterate: there's nothing that forces you to be one of the empowered by the Silver Storm.

Your character for example vinom could have been suffering of his uncontrolled magic problem since youth, spent years working on controlling it and harnessing it, and with the Storm decided to turn his talents toward helping people.
Attempting to finish the paper due tomorrow at midnight. After that will have opportunity to finish sheet all repidimentally.
So im going with the aspect of death... Basically ghost rider for my charecter...
Also I dont know the code to make the tabs you wanted, like the characteristics tab and the background tab.
Belial said:
Also I dont know the code to make the tabs you wanted, like the characteristics tab and the background tab.
Here's how you make the tabs

   [tab=Backround and Personality]First tab content[/tab]
   [tab=Character sheet]Second tab content[/tab]

As for the sheet, I had already linked the character generator, but here you go again. It's Excel based. Once you're done, just copy paste the content of the "Forum" tab.
What sort of origin is the Silver Storm? Bestowed, mutation, accidental?

Edit: Powers are so much more complicated now
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shepsquared said:
What sort of origin is the Silver Storm? Bestowed, mutation, accidental?
Edit: Powers are so much more complicated now
What's the Silver Storm and it's origin it's something for you to find out in play. As for the powers, like I said there's no need for them to be caused by Storm. This is the DC universe, there's tons of reasons people get powers. And remeber that just because they're called powers doesn't mean they have to biological or magical. They could just as easily be a suit of high-tech armor a la Iron Man. But it you want a descriptor, accidental should do, at least until you learn more about the Storm.

vinom said:
I think I'm missing it, where are the weaknesses?
Weaknesses are handled either as Flaws that are applied to the powers directly, or as Complications, which are more connected to roleplaying and award you Hero Points when you are confronted with them.
So if I want to be vulnerable to cold iron, it be a draw back on a protection/toughness power?
vinom said:
So if I want to be vulnerable to cold iron, it be a draw back on a protection/toughness power?
Indeed. A vulnerability like that, I would probably let you have it as a rank 1 Quirk, for a flat -1 point reduction.

Or you can have it as a Complitcation, so that when you're faced with it you earn a Hero Point. Superman's (and other Kryptonians) weakness to kryptonite is represented this way.
Can I take a Complication that I have to heed the Call of Death?

I was thinking of taking a weakness But im not entirely sure what I would take. He isnt unholy or evil he is the avatar of a primordial force.
Belial said:
Can I take a Complication that I have to heed the Call of Death?
I was thinking of taking a weakness But im not entirely sure what I would take. He isnt unholy or evil he is the avatar of a primordiale force.
It depends, what would this Call of death entails?

And as for weaknesses, all powers can ne countered by ano these with the right descriptor, so don't think too much about it.
Basically more of a plot thing, but Death may want him to do something, like say the group has to bring in a criminal, but death is like no we want his life. Basically his head is a direct 2 way line to death who gives him orders that he has to follow or he finds himself loosing strength and power. He pisses death off death takes his toys back.
Belial said:
Basically more of a plot thing, but Death may want him to do something, like say the group has to bring in a criminal, but death is like no we want his life. Basically his head is a direct 2 way line to death who gives him orders that he has to follow or he finds himself loosing strength and power. He pisses death off death takes his toys back.
I'm gonna have to veto that. As far as I am concerned, Death of the Endless is the ultimate incarnation of death in the DC universe, and she's not the type to give powers or have servants, and she's even less likely to demand the death of anyone.

Your powers may come from some God of the dead (Hades, Hela, Osiris, take a pick), some other entity or even some unexplained force, but certainly not from the Lady herself.

Aside from that, the basic idea works.
vinom said:
Wait... Emerald city is in the DC universe?!
Did you even look at the title of the forum, or read my original pitch? Yes, my Emerald city exist in version of the DC universe.
I knew that, I read that even... some how it just didn't click till now... I might need more sleep.
Hmm, I'm now imagining this guy as a boy genius with a of having studied under the best, Silas Stone, William Magus, and the like.

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