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Fantasy Elemental wars

"It's not being angry. It's called worrying and caring about other people." I turn my head towards aaron.
Breathes In and out "and I have the same compassion and care for them but don't blame someone right off the bat without a good reason"
"All I did was ask who started this damn fire!" My body sparks red a little, as I stomp my feet, but I stomp right through the ground and make a small crater.
Aaron moves back and absorbs mikahils energy."I understand child I would like to know also so let's find out the right way you blowing up won't help" smiles
The lack of red energy soothes me and I keep my cool again. "All right. I'll keep calm next time." I look around and hope I would get answers to the questions I asked, but all I see is fire everywhere.
Efima Stravos

"Look in front of you dear. Do they not count? Go have a feild day for all I care." Efima looked over to Iggy and gave him a rather cold smile. She completely over looked her brother and with good reason. She didn't wish to be connected to a runner, it was a disgrace. Efime drew out her katana as electricity emited from the metal. "Let's just get this over with already."

Lucian Stavros

Lucian looked at the hunters and rolled his eyes. "I don't care what you are. I'm still gonna beat your ass." He gave one last fleeting look to his sister hoping she have a change of heart but he highly doubted it. He felt anger rise up inside him as balls of electricity formed in his hands. "Ladies first." He spat, looking at the hunters with what most would say disgust.

@AnarchyReins @Alphaius
I hear one person trash talk the other person on the other side, and I can also see that they are getting revved up, but I also see that they have the same power as me. Or so I thought at the time. "So who should I be fighting?"
Aaron stares at the fire as it burns"I don't think there's any answers here but what you seek you don't always find right away"
(sorry had to watch jungle book. So I have both of my creations started Ethan and Damion R.. So i'll start where i left off Aaron and Mika)
"YAY"Iggy shouts gleefully as the sand around him thickens and extends into dozens of thin wispy tentacles he's not aiming for the Warriors he's aiming for civilians

If I take them I can make them kill the Warriors off then them selves he thinks to himself "heh heh heh"is all that comes to his lips as he starts weaving illusions for those caught in his sand they begin to see their friends and loved ones as horrendous monsters to horrible for the mind to take in all at once

A few go into cardiac arrest immediately

Others fall into comas as their will powers failed then

"Don't kill them all"...he chided to his puppets "bring a few to me I want to play with them"

(As the sand brushed past Efima and Lucian both could feel the cold nightmarish intent that seemed to be emanating from the sand itself)

@Aio @Anyone who is in the town below
Damion who was continuing his walk until he found Mika and Aaron talking there was a fire blazing near by and he wondered how it got there." Hey guys" says Damion finally getting to them. Damion noticed the look in Mika eyes it was soewhat of anger but understatement and now Damion was wondering what happened he dont remember much.

Ethan continue on his journey in the shadows of the forest not seeing anyone for the past hour. He was about to stop and rest until he caught smoke in the air, but only he have fire powers Ethan thought until he stop suddenly. Damion! Ethan sprints into the forest with one thing on his mind his brother.

@Mikahil @Aaron775
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Turns to damion "where have you been I thought I told you to follow me unless your content with being a weak nobody"
I straighten my mask again, and I tighten the straps on it again because it get loose too easily. I need to fiddle with this mask, but at least it covers my entire face. I suddenly see someone running towards us. "Who's that?!" I take out my kunai and I get into fighting position.
Asher let the fire burn a little longer and the lightning charge. He then blew away all of his power. Then fire vanished leaving a scorch mark around the hunters. Asher's eyes then turned pure red and yellow swirls. He shot his hand into the sky, and his body was covering in fire and lightning, but it formed a seconds skin around his body. He had become pure fire, and pure lightning mixed.

Achilles looked at his brother in fear, Asher has never used is true form against him before, so he was scared. Achilles knew Asher had a deeper connection with his powers than he had. So Achilles did the same thing, but his eyes were green and blue, and his body was covered in pure water, and earth. "Asher I am sorry for what I did, but the runners had nothing to do with it. Please take me and spare my family." Achilles said this as he started to cry about his past.
Damion rolls his eyes" I was trying to but you two bolted and i was tired so i took a short nap. I'm not weak just know when to do something and not do something" mumbles Damion as he hears someone approaching. Damion turns around and nearly fainted there running towards him was his brother Ethan" Et..han?"Damion all but whimpers tears slowly flowing down his cheeks.

Ethan was running and running until he heard voices he decided to see if it was his brother or not if hunters kidnap them and force information out of them. Once he got close his heart stopped at the sight of his brother talking to someone he didn't know and his protectiveness kicked in and he sprinted to his brother and wrapped im into a huge bearhug. " I found you i found you i love you" says Ethan over and over until he stop and look at the others. His eyes burned red as he stares at the guy with the kunai as a flame started to form around him and Damion.

@Mikahil @Aaron775
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Damion grabbed Ethan's arm" Ethan stop they allies" says Damion sincerity in his voice as he wipes the tears away with the other hand. Damion was really hoping his brother don't get mad the last time he seen him mad was in his demon form and thats was really scary. " Please stop Ethan" whines Damion as he look at AA and Mika.

Ethan stares at the other but listens to his brother' Fine but who are you two and why is my brother associated with you? says Ethan a slight amusement in his tone as he watches the other two strangers. Oh lightning users thinks Ethan as he grab his brother and hold him close to him.

@Mikahil @Aaron775
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Aaron lowers gaurd"I'm the leader of the clan of runners over here and it's good to know you're an ally friend" Aaron smiles and goes to shake his hand
"My name is Mikahil. I'm a friend of Damion. At least I think he is, but right now we need to check out those two in the sky." I point to the two figures in the sky.
Efima Starvos

Efima couldn't believe it. This was the runners leader? She couldn't help but laugh, this was so sad. Flicking her sword in various directions set off mini explosions in the distance, she didn't do it so much for fear but to release some of the excess energy she had stored up in her body. She watched as the two brothers transformed and rolled her eyes. "You always have to show off don't you Asher?"

Lucian Starvos

Lucian watched in amazement as both Asher and Achilles transformed. He couldn't help but be in aw of his leader. The whole watching the two brothers transformed only caused Lucian to grow anxious for a fight. The sparks in his hands growing bigger from his excitement. Unlike his sister he could never fully control his powers because he let his emotions get in the way.
Damion nods at Aaron and looks up to his brother hoping he wasn't planning on killing them two. As Aaron extends his hand towards Ethan he nudges Ethan to shake it already feeling his thoughts of rejecting it.Though when Mika spoke about being friends he smiles but his smile disappear as he looks up in the sky.

Ethan nods but looks at Aaron's hand critically but since Damion trusted them he decided to shake it. Once he let go of Aaron hand he stared at the other guy named Mika as he spoke about figures in the sky. He looks at his brother's face and looked up too and seen them.

@Mikahil @Aaron775
Aaron looks up into the sky"I can't see anyone what are you talking about?" Continues to try to see who he's referring to bring alert
I point out to the sky so aaron can see. "I bet there is a fight, and I bet it's the hunters against the runners. We should go and help!" The kunai in m hand sparks.
Aaron sees them and looks at the 3 boys" do you three think you're ready for a battle with the hunters,they look like they're elite and this isn't a game"

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