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Fantasy Elemental wars

Efima whipped around, her sword out in front of her as she stared down the bushes before her. She was certain she had heard a rustle in the bushes though she wasn't able to tell. Dropping her sword she sighed and turned away. "Honestly I'm pushing my luck. They out-number me. Got to think." She was unsure of where all the other hunters had gone but unlike them, she was going to carry out this task. She heard some voices in the distance and grew tense. Crap if there were runner's in these woods her cover could be blown, something she wouldn't be too fond of.

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" Im Damion im looking for local runners. I encountered hunters earlier today and it wasn't pretty. So yeah." Looking at the other guy his hand suddenly sets on fire he looks at his hand and calm down" By the way i have fire powers and stuff and teleports"
Aaron smirks and looks at both of them."God has purposely brought you two my way,you two could either follow me and stay safe and become stronger or continue wandering,your choice"
"I see you're a religious man. I respect religions, but I guess I'll come with you. There is the chance I have finally found the runners." I lower my guard completely. "Lead the way."
Asher flashed into into the main area of the village. "Oh brother I know your here come out come out wherever you are." As Asher said this he started shooting a mixture of lighting and fire at the different huts an stuff. After about blowing a couple up Asher's brother showed up.

Achilles walked to the main square in the village. "Asher what do you want. After you betrayed me and the runners, why show your face again?" Achilles asked as he had water start to swirl around him.
Aaron walks and leads them."were walking to my base where I operate with the other runners you both should feel right at home"


Nao Watashi

Nao gradually climbed back down the tree hoping that the lady hadn't noticed her. It seemed like the person who was after her had gone so she continued on her way. She came across a village that seemed to be burning down. She let out a sigh and sprinted towards the village. She came across to boys; one who was causing havoc and the other seeming to talk him out of it. She sprinted toward the main area of the village and saw the boy creating chaos. What should I do? Confront him? Attack? Reason with him? Flee? she thought. @AnarchyReins
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My feet sop sparking as I walk. "Seems pretty cool." I look around at my surroundings both enjoying the environment, and watching out for anyone following us, or anyone hiding anywhere in this dense forest.
Adam continues to walk smiling." You two are just kids will you be ready to be soldiers for the cause? The hunters are getting more and more relentless the only way to peace is through them"
I look at Aaron, "My reason to join the runners is to wipe out the hunters, and create a new system of which is right. One that will make everyone happy no matter what. I want to be a leader in this crusade, and I want to find the man who killed my mother as well."
Serena felt conflict in the air, well more like smoke and fire. She quickly exited the hut, she set her eyes on Asher and Achilles, she ran to Achilles side and she was scared, embarrassed and kinda depressed. Asher used to be her best friend, she even started liking him, but that all changed when he betrayed them for the hunters. "What is he doing here? " she said to Achilles. @AnarchyReins
Aaron looks at Damien"I'm the leader of the runners or atleast the majority, when I was 18 I was appointed leader by the founder of what runners are today depending on your actions I could give you a leadership role"
Aaron stops in stares at Damien in the eyes."also you must learn to forgive and forget personal vendettas I understand what you feel but you must first think of the greater good of the people and not about revenge,revenge could destroy you my friend"
Damion stares at these two ahead of him. Mikahil has electricity obviously but what do Aaron has Damion wonders. He had to know if these two was trustworthy or not. " That's interesting Mika i want to find my brother and reunite with him so we can stick together" Damion says lowly his brother flashing into his mind he smiled "Im Gonna Find You!" whispers Damion to himself. Damion looks at AA and smiles" I'm okay at where i am i don't do leading' says Damion truth leaking out like the flow of venom through his veins.
"Well then I'll work hard to gin that title, but for now I need to take one step at a time. I have an uneasy feeling...I think we should hurry a little." My body does a small spark.
Well Serena he has come for the attack. So brother why did you warn us before you came??" Achilles asked as he the ground trembled a little.

Well baby bro. I wanted to see if your group has grown since the last time I saw you." Asher said as he waved at the two elementals."
"This is more of a personal matter. Think of it as a side quest. I have no intention of including anyone in my affairs, for this is my crusade and mine alone." I keep walking a little quickly.
Adam walks to the base which is a forest with tents."were here and stop with the sparking you're just giving the enemy a easier way to find us"
Aaron looks at mikahil"you never have to do anything alone my friend the struggle is equal for all runners that is why we come together to ascend to freedom
"I still don't have full control over my powers, and I think I see fire in the distance." I get my kunai ready, for I expect a fight to happen soon. "I think we should hurry."
Serena nodded at Achilles, remembering the race and that he tripped onto her, she couldn't help but smile that the memory. Then looked at Asher and her smiled vanished, "Why did you leave us, Asher? We use to be friends" she said on the verge of tears. @AnarchyReins

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