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Fantasy Elemental Academy


Professional Fangirl



Welcome to Elemental Academy,

We are pleased to announce that you have been accepted to the prestigious school for elementals from all over the world. You have been accepted based on the potential we see in you an with your skill in controlling the your element; either water, earth, fire, or air.

Once you have decided whether or not you will attend our school, we will gladly give you a room to live in for the remainder of the year. At the beginning of each term students are each assigned a roommate to dorm with. However, if you are suffering from a condition or are fortunate enough to provide a donation you might be able to attain your own room to live in for the year.

This Academy is equipped with professors who are the very best in their field, ensuring the best education possible. In addition, because of the small amount in students, resulting from the selectivity of the school, all students currently enrolled in the same grade are to attend the same classes, at the same time. These include Biology, Mathematics, Literature, History, Physical Education, as well as the elemental class for your certain gift.

We hope you will enjoy your time attending Elemental Academy.

Awaiting your arrival,

Headmistress Naomi Romanov

Kaylen walked up to the main gates, her suitcase in her hand and her headphones over her ears. she was finally here, finally given the chance to act like the teenager she was instead of a mother for her brothers. She yes sparked as she looked over the fron of the palace of a school. This would be her new home for the next few years. She sighed and pulled her headphones off her ears and let them rest around her neck. "I hope this thing works out."
Amalia walked slowly up to the school. It was huge and she hoped that she wouldn't get lost. She also hoped that she would make friends.

“You can do this. It won’t be so bad.” Amalia told herself and walked into the school.
Walter unfolded his schedule, squinting down at the tiny print. Monday morning meant... math. He stuffed the crumpled piece of paper back into his bag, glancing behind him at the main gates. His parent's car was already gone, which meant he couldn't go back now. He normally wasn't so nervous, but he'd spent his whole life going to school with the same kids- making friends wasn't something he'd ever had to do.

Taking a deep, calming breath, he forced a weak smile and made his way into the school.
Catalina opened the cab door, getting out slowly as she looked at the big school in front of her. It looked more like a fantasy castle than a high school; even though it seemed overdone and showy, she couldnt help but feel a spark of excitement at the sight. As the cab driver got her bag from the trunk, she pulled out her phone and dialed the home number. She had asked her parents not to come, because she didnt want them fawning over her in front of the people that would be her peers. But they had made her promise to call when she got there, and thats what she was doing. Her father picked up the phone as she paid the driver and thanked him. His usual "hello" was replaced by an excited, bubbly "how does my earth princess like her castle-school?" Cat rolled her eyes, thinking that she wasnt 5 years old anymore, but assuring him that it was great. After a few moments, her mom came on the phone. She walked as she talked, telling them that she needed to get settled and start exploring, but promised to call again soon. This was a blessing in disguise; even though she hadnt wanted to move away from her friends back home, she was glad to be away from her parents. They had gone a little crazy since the discovery of her abilities.

Hanging up with a quick "I love you," she slipped her phone back in her pocket. So far, she seemed to have gone unnoticed by the other people filtering in, even though she took note of each person she saw. The earth girl had purposely come looking unassuming; dressed in a plain shirt and jeans with her hair braided, she blended into the crowd pretty well. Although, she was now wondering if her trusty boots would draw attention to her. Cat's own attention was on others though. One girl, with bright blue in her hair, caught her attention, because the hue was beautiful. Cat had never thought of dying her hair an unnatural color, but it looked so cool on that girl that she wondered if she should try it.

(Excuse my long post)

For my own reference




Finn's cab pulled up next to another cab, but he wasn't really paying attention to the girl that got out. He grabbed his backpack and speed walked up to the castle school. Even though it was a breathtaking building, he didn't really stop to admire it. He weaved through the other students, barely taking notice of what they looked like. He kept his head down as he went into the school, wondering if it would be much different than the orphanage.
Amalia noticed more people walking into the school, but didn't dare to look at them. She was shy and didn't know how to talk to people really. She pulled her schedule out of her bag and looked down at it.

They couldn't have made the font bigger? She looked at her first class and seen that it was math. Amalia hated math with a passion. She hated the fact that they put letters and numbers in there together.

She settled into her room before going to her first class.
Kaylen looked around and noticed a girl looking at her. She walked up to her, never being much of the girl who just let people stare. "Hey, what's up? I'm Kaylen... And you are...?" Kaylen was almost too forward, but not rude, just a little.... extrovert.
Glancing at the clock, Walter realized he had a bit of time before his first class was supposed to start. Thankfully, he'd practically memorized the map of the school he'd gotten in the mail a few weeks ago, so finding out where the boy's dorm was wasn't too hard. He pulled his key out of his pocket when he reached his assigned room number, opening the door to find a fairly large room, with two twin beds on either side. Two desks and a nightstand beside each bed were the only other furniture in the room. He flung his things down on the bed to the left, hoping his roommate wouldn't care.

What was his roommate's name again? He found the slip of paper as he unpacked, seeing that his name was Finn. Simple and easy to remember. He made up his bare bed with simple blue sheets and pillows, piling all the books he didn't need for today on his desk.
Finn pulled out his schedule and glanced at his first class. His eyes brightened a little when he saw it was math before he put the schedule back in his bag. He wound through the hallways until he found his dorm room. He went in and saw his roommate already there. Walter, if he remembered correctly. He went to the empty bed and shoved his bag under it. He sat on the bed and stared at his hands.


As Candice hopped out of the family vehicle, she immediately took note of how beautiful the place looked. It looked more like a fairy tale castle than an academy, but she wasn't complaining. There was an awful lot of greenery, and a small smirk made its way across her face. Not only that, but with lots of vegetation meant lots of dirt and land she could possibly mess around with.

After saying goodbye to her parents and watching them drive off, Candice pulled out her schedule. It was the first class of her first day and she had... math. Fantastic. Sighing, she grabbed her bags and began walked towards the entrance. She didn't pay much attention to the other students, but it would have been ideal if she did. Right now, her mind was a little foggy from the new scenery.​
Walter jumped a little when Finn walked in, thankful that his roommate didn't seem to notice. He opened his mouth to make some cliche greeting about how nice to was to meet him, but closed it when Finn just sat on the bed. Was he sick or something? Walter shifted uneasily on his own bed.

"Uh, you okay, man?" He asked sincerely, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "My name's Walter, by the way," he added hastily. @Shadow
Catalina panicked a little when the girl with blue in her hair came toward her. She had looked for a little too long, and accidentally met her eyes. "Uh, hi." She said quietly, as the girl introduced herself as Kaylen. Wait, isnt that my roommate's name? Cat gave a small smile and put her hand out for a handshake, to be polite. "Im Cat, short for Catalina." She said, "Sorry for staring, I just really like your hair. I, uh, think we might be roommates." It was a little awkward to meet her like this, but maybe it was better than wandering into the same room and making introductions that way.
Finn looked up at his roommate. Since Walter was trying to be nice, Finn decided he should too. "Fine, thanks. I'm Finn." He said, then returned to staring at his hands.
Amalia decided it would be best to walk around the school to find her way around. She was new to all of this.

She liked the school so far. As soon as she found the math classroom, she made note of the room number just in case she were to get lost.
"Cool name," Walter commented shortly. It was obvious that Finn didn't feel up to talking, and Walter wasn't the type to force someone to do something they didn't want to do. He gathered his things in his bag, giving his roommate a half-smile that he probably wouldn't see. "Math's in a while, see you there," he said easily, walking out the door and making his way down the hall. Hopefully he'd done the right thing by giving him some space and time to be alone?

He still had some time before class started. Walter noticed a blonde girl also lurking outside the math room, and raised a hand in greeting. "Also early? I think it starts in another ten minutes or so," he said, his curls falling into his eyes as he glanced down at his watch. @tellerortiz
Amalia looked up to a boy who was a lot taller than she was. "Oh, I was just, uh, trying to find my way around this place." She said. "I'm Amalia."

Finn continued to stare at his hands until his roommate left. He grabbed his bag and pulled out what he might need for math, deciding not to carry his heavy bag around. He left the dorm and made his way outside in the approximate area of the math room. He paced back and forth, watching the ground.


As Candice followed her map as it guided her through the halls, she took in the beautiful architecture. She thought about how this place might have actually been a castle before. If it was, the blonde wouldn't even be the slightest bit surprised. Both the interior and the exterior were phenomenal, and almost immediately did she feel at home.

When she finally reached her dorm, Candice was a little disappointed. The room was so plain and boring, so she made a mental note about adding some decorations and personality to her side. She wasn't sure who her roommate was yet- mainly because she didn't even check the paper entirely. Deciding that she would find out when they got here, she began to unpack her belongings to the right side of the room. She also began to do some small decorating with what little she had.



"Walter," he introduced himself, extending his hand to Amalia. "It is pretty big," he mumbled, glancing down the long hallway. "Nice to meet you, by the way." He raised his chin in Finn's general direction, hoping his roommate would see his efforts to greet him. "I'm sure we'll have this place figured out soon enough," he added to Amalia with slight grin.
Amalia shook his hand and released it, looking around. “It’s nice to meet you as well.” She looked at the other boy who was pacing and looked back to Walter. “Is he okay?”

Melody sighed as she walked through the main gates. No going back Mel thought to herself. She popped her knuckles and continued to walk.

Melody looked around seeing students all around before pulling some papers out of her pockets. One was a schedule and the other was her dorm room.

Melody nodded before strolling down the halls seeing all of the other students talking to each other. Not her, Melody wasn't planning on making friends. That's not what she was here for!
Finn looked up and saw Walter nod at him through the window. He nodded back and continued pacing. He looked up occasionally at the other students walking around.
Walter lowered his voice, leaning a little closer to Amalia. "I hope so," he mumbled. "He's my roommate. I hope I didn't do anything to tick him off or somethin'." He leaned against the wall, looking at her from the corner of his eye. "Have you meet your roommate yet?" @tellerortiz

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