Elder World

Sign ups/plot: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4706-Elder-World


Long ago in an ancient land there raged a battle. After many grueling years it was resolved and the side of good won. However, a powerful sorcerer slipped away with his followers and secretly plotted revenge.

Many years passed and the evil in the north began to stir, finally drawing notice. The kingdom started to rally their army, but soon realized that they would need a miracle to help them. Their land soon was destroyed and fell into ruins. People fled the major towns and formed smaller Fiefs. They waited for a day where they could make a stand once again. All was not lost though, for a prophecy was told.

The prophecy told of a group of warriors that would be able to conquer the coming darkness. However, they would first need to conquer their own darkness and find one another.

Now the time of the prophecy comes and the members of the group are being called to take action.


Jessica walks through the dense forrest lightly, looking all around herself curiously. She was surrounded by birds singing, animals wandering around, going about their day and the soft sound of her feet padding on the ground, leaves crunching underneath her. At this moment she felt so calm, so at peace, it was a wonderful feeling for her. If she was anywhere else she would definitely not be this relaxed. She took this time to think about what the Summoner had told her, that she was to find the other 'chosen warriors' and defeat the Sorcerer. She sighs deeply. She has no idea how to find the others, so far she's just been wandering from town to town asking if anyone knew where one might be. So far she's had no luck and was beginning to doubt she ever would.
John was standing out in a clearing looking around,listening to his surrounding. He sighed,he wondered where he was going to go now. He usually just wandered around running into things he could do,but he was running out of places. And he needed to find a better was to pass time,since he had nothing else waiting for him. His sword was stuck in the ground beside him and he crossed his arms looking at it,it still looked like a large needle to him even though he remembered his father always said it wasn't. But even after all these years it still puzzled him,he wondered what it was used for before he got it. He was happy he had started remembering at least his father,or parts of him but he still was confused on why he was forgetting anyway.
Sage was walking and sighed. She had run into the mysterious summoner but had no idea where to go, after all she still had a goal she needed to complete. Lost in her musings she slips and rolls down a steep hillside. Life had been like this as of late, annoying and unplanned. She stood up and brushed herself off. Falling down the hill had created more noise then she wanted, she only hoped no one was nearby to hear her fall.
Jessica stops when she vaguely hears someone nearby. She walks over and notices a break in the trees, opening into a clearing. She scans the open area, curious as to who caused the sigh. She then notices a man standing in the middle of the clearing, staring at a sword. Her eyes widen and she gasps. She quickly flips herself around so her back is on a tree, facing away from the man. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to calm herself down. It's just one man, there was nothing for her to be afraid of, right? She continued to try and reason herself out of fear, but it wasn't working very well...
John heard movement at the forest edge and he started to walk towards it very slowly,as he slipped two fingers into the hole in his sword as he past it and pulled it up out of the ground. He didn't know others came to this area but seems he was wrong,unless it was just an animal he heard. But if he called out hello and it was an enemy he'd show he knew they were there which could make them attack,which he didn't want to happen but wouldn't hold back if it did. He just continued to slowly walk to where he heard the movement,on guard for anything.
Jessica takes a couple deep breaths and tries to listen to hear if he noticed she was there. She couldn't hear anything but that might just be from the sound of her heartbeat. She slowly opens her eyes and readies herself to look over and be sure he hasn't moved yet. She went to look around the tree she was behind but couldn't get herself to move. 'Come on, he probably didn't even notice anything. Just be sure he isn't looking then run.' She thought to herself encouragingly. She takes a very deep breath and slowly peeks around the tree at where he had been when she first arrived. Once she saw he was not longer there, and was instead walking toward her she gasps in fright and slams her back against the tree again, hoping he didn't notice her peering around the tree.
Sage looked around and saw no one draw near and she let out a sigh of relief. She continued walking and stopped when she thought she saw something move in the forest to her right. She jumped into a tree and looked down, sure enough there was a person standing next to a tree who looked liked they were freaking out. Letting out a silent chuckle she climbed to a different branch where she could observe better and waited to see why the girl was so on edge. However, she wasn't going to let her presence be noticed so she remained quiet and still.
Of course he noticed her,she made such racket when she slammed herself against the tree.He sighed as he placed his sword in it's scabbard hanging on his side as he placed his other hand on his forehead,pulling it back through his hair as he glared at where she was. What was he going to do now,she just seemed like a lost girl and he had no idea what to do with her."Hello?..."He said finally,figuring it was okay to now.
Jessica gulps, 'Of course he just had to notice me... I shouldn't have come to investigate that sound... I should have just kept walking...' she mentally told herself. She sighed and slowly turned and walked next to the tree to face him. "H-hello..." She absentmindedly started fiddling with the strap which keeps her katanas on her back and wouldn't make eye contact with this man. She took a steading breath, "W-what are you doing out here?" She asked curiously. She honestly did want to know, there hadn't seemed to be a town or anything nearby as far as she could tell so what was this man doing way out here all alone?
Sage quietly moves onto another tree and crouches on one of the high branches so she isn't spotted. She sees the source of the girl's nervousness and slightly chuckles but quiets herself. The girl obviously didn't know the man but to react so strongly showed that something was mentally wrong with the girl. This would be interesting for Sage to watch because she enjoyed this kind of thing, observing how people acted that is. Her mentor had always taught to observe, you can't be caught off guard that way and she had taken his lesson to heart.
John could hear more movement,but focused on the girl in front of him.He couldn't help but chuckle at how nervous she seemed,"Nothing,just wandering I guess you could say."He smiled,crossing his arms as he stopped walking watching the girl. He wondered why a girl such as her was out and about around here,it wasn't the safest place to be anymore.
Venn had his hands stuffed inside his front pockets as he came too a clearing. He had hopes that he could sit and meditate for awhile since the whole 'search for other chosen warriors' thing wasn't really working out. His eyes kept too the ground and he felt his skin heat up, it was a common thing, he just sighed and continued walking. As he came right to the middle of the clearing he sat down cross-legged and rested his palms right on his knees. It had not occurred to him that he should look around too make sure others weren't there too watch him, or maybe he had considered that he just didn't care. With the weird turmoil, based on if anyone was around, went on in his mind he just decided too just scan the area for safe measures. He stood once more, slightly irritated now, and looked too his left. Nobody. He turned his head too the right and his eyes went wide, there was a man and a girl around his age talking not five feet away and if he looked close enough another teen was perched up in a tree watching the scene.

His hand collided with his forehead in a face palm motion as he mentally started too shout at himself, 'Bloody hell...idiot, idiot, idiot.' He hurriedly took off straight into the trees that were in front of him hoping nobody had seen him. His body fit behind a wide oak tree and his head peered around the side to get a better look of the group.
Sage's eyes snapped to the person who had shouted and she raised an eyebrow. Something told her that it wasn't mere coincidence that they all came to this place. She sighed and moved a few trees to the left before she hoped down and strode into the clearing. She leaned against a tree and didn't move to the others. Sage simply acted like she was staring at the skies. She had a feeling that it would just be better to let them know who else was there, besides it was impossible to remain hidden for too long.
Jessica gulps nervously and looks around, still fiddling with the strap for her katanas. "Oh, ok..." She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, she didn't like the fact he was watching her, she never liked it when people were watching her very much and now this guy is.. She noticed a flash of something behind the man in fron of her and she shifts over to try and catch a glimpse of whatever it was. "What...?" She mumbles quietly to herself. She couldn't see anything so she just continued to look around the clearing confusedly, she knew something had passed by, right? Maybe it was just her imagination...
Venn burped suddenly and a cloud of back smoke exited his mouth, "Damn.." It looked like his lunch had been completely digested and he would need too watch his next actions. He was still watching the group as the girl in the tree suddenly came down and stood over to the left. His shoulders sagged in a sigh and he decided too step back into the clearing. As he came out from behind the tree and scratched the back of his neck slightly before leaning up against the big oak. It was slightly weird that all four of them had come into this exact clearing, there was probably ten other clearings close by, so why did they all meet at this one? He gazed over the two that seemed too be talking and used his sensory abilities too listen in on the conversation.
Jessica let out a shuddering breath when she saw this new guy walk into the clearing and finally noticed another girl there also. She took a step back subconsciously unwilling to be around this many people. A minute ago she was walking around, all alone and now she's surrounded by three others? Two of whom are guys? This was one of the worse days she's had in a while... "Oh god..." She licks her lips nervously and watches them all warily. "Where did all these people come from...?" She wondered quietly to herself.
John looked behind him,wondering what she had looked at.He was hearing a lot and it was strange but he just sighed,looking back at the girl he held his hands out facing down to where she was standing."Stay..."He said before turning completely around and walking back to the center of the clearing where he was before,mumbling to himself on the way with slight irritation in his voice."Go out here in the middle of nowhere yet still find others?...what every the reason they have i'm sure it's different from mine so just.."He sighed again as he stopped where he was before thinking as he did the thinker position with his arms but was looking down and not forward.
Sage watches everyone in the clearing and thinks over things in her head. They all were in the same place and she had just spoken to the summoner so the chances of this being a coincidence were very slim. She had hoped that when she followed the summoner's directions that she would be allowed to travel alone for a while, but apparently not. For once Sage silently prayed that she was wrong, she released a heavy sigh and closed her eyes.
Venn had become bored with watching and he could tell that nobody was going too say anything about this awkward situation. He then decided too make a bold action and step into the clearing a little more so the other three could see him. He put his arms out wide and spoke loud enough so they could hear, "Welp I doubt this is a coincidence. So which of you is another one of the Chosen Warriors?" His smile became sly and then he shoved his hands back into his front pockets.
Jessica jumped slightly at the sound of his voice and she looked at him with interest, "W-what?" She whispered to herself and took a deep breath then stepped forward and raised her hand awkwardly. "Um, I-I am..." She looked at the others to see their response.
Sage's eyes snap to him and she pushes herself off the tree, "I might be, but then again I may not. However, I suggest you don't yell it too loud. If all of us wandered here what means another will not?" She sounded to calm and kind, her face remained impassive though. "Not all people mean well now a days."
John looked at one of the strangers who had suddenly said something,chosen warriors? He hadn't heard anything about that and he was sure he wasn't in it,he thought anyway. He didn't know,but he wondered if the others here knew what he was talking about and was he the only one who didn't know. Then this would be really awkward for him,he hopped that wasn't the case and just didn't say anything as he waited for another to continue the conversation.
Lyra walks through the forest confusedly, she was told where she was to go and find the suspected warriors but didn't pay attention during the meeting she had with the Sorcerer... "Great, where was it I had to go? I knew I should have payed attention during the briefing... oh well." She grumbles quietly to herself then shrugs. She then very vaguely hears voices and slowly approaches but stayed a little ways off so she couldn't be heard approaching nor seen. She was able to just make out the shapes of four people and picks up on the words 'chosen warriors' and quickly listens more intently. This just might be the place those people were seen approaching. Anytime someone seems suspicious the Sorcerer is quickly informed and someone is sent to investigate. This time, because there was so many, she was sent instead of any other follower.

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