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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon)

Mairi just stood there with a confused expression on her face. Sure, she didn't know Violet that well--they hadn't seen each other for a long time, after all--but she didn't expect her to just poison random people. Retribution came quickly, though, as the animated suits of armor that were designed to stop combat within city limits appeared as the people who ate the food started losing health. "Well, Violet knows where the auction house is." Mairi thought to herself as she started walking, "I'm sure that she'll meet up with me after she respawns." Mairi wondered if the reason that Violet ran off was because she knew what was coming.

It didn't take Mairi too much longer before she reached the auction house. Fortunately for her, the player market was still up and running thanks to some of the NPCs. Mairi remembered Alistair mentioning that the level of the monsters around there were around level 70. That means she was looking for crafting material or mob drops at around that level. The drop was also probably uncommon or rare quality too. She changed the search filters accordingly as she took her time looking for the crystal.

@The Unamed Beast
Thesmashbro said:
Mairi just stood there with a confused expression on her face. Sure, she didn't know Violet that well--they hadn't seen each other for a long time, after all--but she didn't expect her to just poison random people. Retribution came quickly, though, as the animated suits of armor that were designed to stop combat within city limits appeared as the people who ate the food started losing health. "Well, Violet knows where the auction house is." Mairi thought to herself as she started walking, "I'm sure that she'll meet up with me after she respawns." Mairi wondered if the reason that Violet ran off was because she knew what was coming.
It didn't take Mairi too much longer before she reached the auction house. Fortunately for her, the player market was still up and running thanks to some of the NPCs. Mairi remembered Alistair mentioning that the level of the monsters around there were around level 70. That means she was looking for crafting material or mob drops at around that level. The drop was also probably uncommon or rare quality too. She changed the search filters accordingly as she took her time looking for the crystal.

@The Unamed Beast
Violet was outside of the auction house. She had known the suits of armor would have appeared so she went out of the area. The poison was not supposed to kill them, just teach them not to PK and that she was not afraid to do what it took to get revenge. She was asking around for a crystal.
During that time, as Group A was making their descent into the caverns, Group B waited outside, standing guard. A male enshrouded by an unusual black cloak appeared, the cloak itself seemed alive, exhuming a sort of smoke, he stared at Group B, and gave a smile to them. As he lifted his arm and outstretched it towards them.

"Ah, I wasn't expecting a group of youngsters to be standing in my way.. No matter, you all will play a part in the grand scheme of things later down the line. But for now I suppose its time to test your mettle." He had no information, his life and mana bar were glitching and didn't seem to have an exact read, his name was also unidentified, glitching in and out of vision.

With his hand, in which also began to glitch, produced a hazy black smoke, and conjure black, large direwolves from the ground, each had no specific level for Group B to know of, 5 direwolves for them to take on. And even the direwolves seemed to glitch in and out of existence, as if these direwolves were unable to physically adapt to the world but were forced in it by command. The man in black strode past Rahl and his group of youngsters, chuckling along the way. "Enjoy your fight...I have another set of heroes to attend to..They will surely enjoy what they face.."

And with that, the man in black disappeared, teleportation? Possibly, but how could he have created direwolves without any effect to his manabar? Or even be able to have an effect such as glitching, or bugging out the Elder Tale system?

Before long, the man in black reappeared down in the deepest parts of the cave. Awaiting for the arrival of Group A. Reynald was coming closer, and it only made the man smirk. "Oh what fun this will be..."

Alistair laughed as Reynald dashed off to the deeper part of the cave. Following close behind, he looked over at Reynald "I see you're taking this quite seriously, think you'll be able to beat Leorio? I'll make a bet on it!"


@That Guy Over There





[unregistered Direwolf. Pack of 5.]

Level: Unknown.

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Leorio walked up to the miners. "Don't worry about the monster. We'll take care of it," he said as he towered over them. He turned his attention to Reynald as he brought up their duel. Leorio let out a hearty laugh as he raced after Reynald.

Tora nervously tapped her fingers together as their tanks began to run off. "P...papa, Reynald-San, d...don't get too far ahead!" She began to run after them.

"What the heck?" Kashi said in surprise at the sight of the glitchy man. The cloaked man seemed to be an enemy, but it looked like he wouldn't fight them directly as the glitched wolves took the battle field. Kashi sighed. "This is going to be a pain...," he grumbled as he got behind the B team and readied his healing staff.
Youko and Warui were each half keeping an eye out but had relaxed some considering how quiet it had been while the main group had been in the cave. Suddenly they were startled into full alertness by the appearance of this shrouded figure and caution surged in both of them and a sense of both tension and excitement seemed to fall over the area. Youko was intrigued by this new arrival and the lack of information that could be seen. Something didn't feel right about this but he couldn't figure out what. As soon as the figure started to take action summoning the dire wolves, Youko realized the full impact of the danger that they now faced and began to spring into action and begin trying to direct the flow of combat as he was familiar with doing. He quickly notes the number of people we have here, the enemies, terrain, and apparent situation. "Rahl, it seems the main guy is going on past us but we probably need to leave it at that for now and deal with these presents it left behind. Can you grab the attention of two of them while we begin working on what we can. Warui, you know the drill. Get the closest one. Jhenai, back him up. Kashi, don't forget your companion. I trust your judgment here. I will slow them down to give us more time so we don't get overrun and then begin rooting and buffing." Warui grumbles something about how be would rather be drinking a beer but bounced into action with a smile that reached no only his face but could be seen in his eyes. He was definitely enjoying himself and this chance to to fight. Good thing Youko and Warui were used to fighting with each other because he didn't bother waiting to hear what all he had to say. Warui knew Youko would get them through this, he just had to keep these little puppies away from them while they did their thing.


Head: Greatly reduces chance that wearer will be taken by surprised (or suffer penalties from a sneak attack).

Hands: Improves attack speed and defense, Set Bonus: Boost to evasion and reduced cool down time for monk skills.

Legs: Increased attack power and defense. Set Bonus: Bonus to evasion and attack speed.

Weapons: Increased attack damage and attack speed. Set Bonus: Increase to evasion and defense.


Body: Improves defense based on Wisdom & increased mana regeneration. Set Bonus: Increased casting speed, resistance to negative mental status effects.

Weapon: Increases magic damage and reduces cool down times for enchanter spells, “Astral” spells cool downs are cut in half. Set Bonus: Increased Wisdom and mana regeneration

Accessory: Increases Wisdom and boosts magic damage. Set Bonus: Astral Bind now gains the effect of Thorn Bind Hostage

To quickly close the gap to the closest Dire Wolf, Warui started off using Wyvern kick and followed it up with Taunting Shout. Youko just mentally groaned as Warui took off without thinking about his actions. "I hate being rushed into action" Youko mutters as he begins casting Nightmare Sphere followed by Mind Shock hoping that Rahl can handle the other two and make it here quickly to assist with these three.

This is a status-change spell that affects all enemies in a given area by slowing their movement speed. The caster produces a semi-transparent sphere on his/her palm and launches it at a target area. The sphere expands upon contact and can diminish an opponent's speed by up to 80% (if the spell is cast by a level 90 Enchanter).

This spell is cast as a dark purple sphere that the caster launches at a target. The sphere explodes upon contact with the ground and causes minor damage to all targets in the vicinity. It also causes confusion and lowers the target's attack accuracy and ability to dodge incoming attacks. Just as its name implies, it is described as attacking the Psyche, or MP, and numbs the senses of an opponent.

Because the spell's cooldown period is 180 seconds (3 minutes), it can usually only be used once per battle.

Youko's actions during this fight will basically follow as below:

Start by using Astral Bind to Root the 2nd and 3rd closest Dire Wolves in place.

This spell prevents a target from moving for a short period of time. It is a basic technique that can be used to keep them in place while the caster's party attacks or advances. It is also useful for crowd control. Visually, the target is surrounded by a tight ring of magical threads.

Thanks to my gear, Astral Bind also takes on the effects of Thorn Bind Hostage

Thorn Bind Hostage causes five shining blue roots to erupt from the earth and entangle the target. When an ally cuts each of these roots, they cause additional damage. The amount of damage varies by the skill of the caster, but the maximum is said to be 1,000 damage per thorn cut. Because this damage occurs at the same time as that inflicted by the ally's own melee attack, it is difficult for an opponent to survive the cumulative damage using HP regeneration powers.

He would then cast keen edge on everyone while trying to maintain the effects of Astral Bind (and thereby Thorn Bind Hostage) on the wolves.

This magical support spell increases the base attack power of a weapon by 30% when wielded by a member of the caster's party, for several hours.
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Unryu stayed in the trees, scouting for team B discreetly. He listened carefully and quietly, jumping from tree to tree every thirty seconds. Alistair called him a day or two ago to keep an eye out for the team, he accepted for the younger/lower leveled players. After a few jumps, he heard commotion by the entrance to the cave, and upon looking in the direction, he noticed an anomaly, glitching in the area. He jumped to a closer tree and saw the glitching man. "Must be a hacker or a virus, because that doesn't look normal nor does it seem like a GM," he said to himself. He decided to launch himself from the top of the trees, few leaves rustling and even fewer leaves following his jump. He performed a somersault with his right leg straight, energy following his movement and being propelled towards the wolves, Aura Saber. He landed on the ground as gracefully as he possibly could. He crouched with his hands straight and legs apart, tensing his muscles, Iron Rhino Stance. He highered his gaze from behind his wide hat, as his cape continued to flap from the fall.

(I realized I never clicked the post button... Sigh)


[unregistered Direwolf. Pack of 5.]

Level: Unknown.

The Direwolves glitched, viciously, two had been smart enough to dodge the Wyvern kick, 1 had been hit from the Wyvern kick, 1 was able to be wrapped up in the astral bind. The other quickly takes the advantage of Youko's casting Nightmare Sphere to attack him.. The Taunting Shout didn't seem to even affect the Direwolves. The one that had been kicked, easily got up and slammed into Warui. The blackened smoke fur bristling as its anger grew. The other Direwolf that was able to dodge charged at Unryu, the last charging at Kashi

The Man in Black smirked at their attempts to play with the direwolves as if they were still playing their usual mmorpg. Watching as the small stream in the cave allowed him to watch the battle. "Such futile attempts, to play the game like this...Hate systems work on the natural enemies of this game..But I'm sure they'll soon figure out that my creations don't follow such laws. They attack and kill as they please, simply because it is their mission...I am intrigued by them nonetheless. And the other heroes... They come closer." He laughed, coldly as the stream dissipated, burning the ground itself. Something stirred deep inside the cave, under it...At least.

Alistair looked through all the menu's he could, gaining as much information as possible in the still, very new world to him and the others. "Hmm, everything looks the same, a lil more clean though I'll admit.. How's everyone doing? Shineko? Tora? How about you Leorio and Reynald?"




@That Guy Over There


@Jhenai (If she does return)
Unryu tensed his body for just a few seconds, preparing for the direwolf's attack. Cross Counter. When the wolf lunged at Unryu with its mouth ready to chomp down on his neck, Unryu made a reflexive side-step instantaneously and activated Acupressure. His surroundings seemed to slow down as he looked at a place that was basically begging for a Dragon Rising Uppercut. The surrounding area started to glow with fiery mana as Unryu unleashed a monstrously powerful uppercut to the direwolf's ribcage, sending both Unryu and the wolf, high into the air, giving Unryu a little leeway for the ending of his signature chain, Warp Fang. His body maneuvered itself in a way not humanly possible and delivered a kick to the wolf's side once more, sending it straight downards, with Unryu delivering an intense dropkick headed straight for the wolf.

Unryu finally took a breath and searched for the next wolf to take care of.

[unregistered Direwolf. Pack of 5-->4.]

Level: Unknown.

The Direwolf that Unryu had attacked was not easily outsmarted, it took the damage proudly, standing up and growling at Unryu with fury. It roared out to the pack, beginning to expand, the glitching effect increasing all around it, the Direwolf exploded in black energy, catching anyone close by into a shockwave of energy, the trees began to disintegrate as the glitchy energy spread against it. When the energy hit Unryu, it gave him a status debuff on his speed, while having him take damage for about 5 seconds. Since he was close by it, the shockwave hit him hard.




@That Guy Over There


@Jhenai (If she does return)
"Shit," Kashi blurted as the direwolf charged toward him. As a druid, the only thing he could really do was dodge. He rolled to the side and started to head toward the damage dealers in his group. He cast the direwolf that send out the glitchy shockwave an annoyed look. "This is going to be a pain....," he thought before turning his attention to Unryu. "Heartbeat Healing." He cast a healing spell on the B group. Two of them had already been hit, one pretty hard. He wasn't sure who Unryu was, but he was glad that another DPS player had shown up.

Inside the cave....

"I...I'm fine, A...Alistair-san," Tora replied shyly. "Couldn't be better," Leorio heartily replied. "Are we getting closer to the boss? I want to fight something that offers a little more of a challenge than the regular cave creatures."
Reynald finally stopped running when he got to the next area of the cave. At that point, the telepathic message from Alistair came through. Reynald was about to answer it when he noticed someone ahead of him. Normally Reynald would just pass this off as nothing, but the man in front of him looked very suspicious. This was even more apparent when Reynald looked at the man's player data, which was completely glitched out. Do hackers exist in this world too? Reynald decided to strike up a conversation to give the others time to get here. "What the heck are you supposed to be?"

@Ginko The Mushishi




After searching for a few minutes, Mairi finally found the crystal that fit the description of the one generating the field around the town. However, now that she could look at the description for the item, Mairi decided that, just to be safe, she needed one more item. After selecting and purchasing it, she looked for Violet in the crowd. Mairi didn't know how Violet possibly knew what crystal that she was looking for, so she expected Violet to come back with a bunch of different crystals. Making her way through the crowd, Mairi approached Violet and said, "I found the crystal, but I could also use a few more items. Since it's untradable once crafted, could you ask everyone around here for the ingredients for a Philosopher's Stone?"

@The Unamed Beast
Thesmashbro said:
Reynald finally stopped running when he got to the next area of the cave. At that point, the telepathic message from Alistair came through. Reynald was about to answer it when he noticed someone ahead of him. Normally Reynald would just pass this off as nothing, but the man in front of him looked very suspicious. This was even more apparent when Reynald looked at the man's player data, which was completely glitched out. Do hackers exist in this world too? Reynald decided to strike up a conversation to give the others time to get here. "What the heck are you supposed to be?"
@Ginko The Mushishi




After searching for a few minutes, Mairi finally found the crystal that fit the description of the one generating the field around the town. However, now that she could look at the description for the item, Mairi decided that, just to be safe, she needed one more item. After selecting and purchasing it, she looked for Violet in the crowd. Mairi didn't know how Violet possibly knew what crystal that she was looking for, so she expected Violet to come back with a bunch of different crystals. Making her way through the crowd, Mairi approached Violet and said, "I found the crystal, but I could also use a few more items. Since it's untradable once crafted, could you ask everyone around here for the ingredients for a Philosopher's Stone?"

@The Unamed Beast
"I believe I have some of the ingredients in this bookbag..." She said as she opened her inventory and placed a trade in the book bag in it. "You have fun with it.... I am off to protect the barrierwhe they fix it." Violet said as she ran off
The Man in Black grinned, standing up and cackling lowly. "Reynald, The Master Samurai. It is a pleasure to meet you. Who I am is not of your concern...I do believe you are looking for a specific crystal, no? Your journey is not at an end. Not yet. Do enjoy my gift to you Reynald, if you succeed with your team..You will surely see me once more."

As Alistair arrived on the scene, he also noted the unusual player data coming from the man. He blinked, "A hacker?" He said, not totally sure in his observation though. Remaining cautious to the man.

The Man in Black smiled. "Alistair, The Enchanter Reaper, enjoy the show.." As he slammed his fist into the ground, the black, glitchy aura spread across the arena. The Man in Black dissolved into nothingness, having left the cave itself. While the dark aura continued to corrupt the ground before them. The ground shifted and turned, lava bubbling out of the cracks being formed.

Alistair steadied himself as much as possible, trying not to fall over or hit the lava.






[unregistered Direwolf. Pack of 5-->4.]

Level: Unknown.

The Direwolf that Kashi dodged turned quick, growling at him and began charging at him again, this time with much more viciousness in its charge. The 2 other wolves began attacking Unryuu quick the both of them charging at Unryuu with their claws and fangs out to latch onto him. The one still in Astral Bind was beginning to tear away at the vines. It was chaos outside for Group B, but since one had already been taken out it seemed to get easier for them.



@That Guy Over There


@Jhenai (If she does return)
Rahl scanned the situation in front of him, trying to decipher what his best move with this group would be. Alistair didn't inform us of reinforcements, and I don't think Alistair or anyone else is aware of this situation. Most likely, he just neglected to tell us, figuring that it doesn't matter too much... Or he forgot. Well, first thing goes first... "Shineko, you have an unknown enemy coming your way. It seems to be a player, but I'm not sure... I don't think it's impossible to take him down, but his pets that my group are engaging look real nasty. The system seems to be glitching out, we can't tell any information at all. Just be careful, we still don't know the death penalty and I'd hate to see fun people die this early." My, I'm quite a bit panicky right now... As usual, the human fear of the unknown and fast changes is quite intense. I'm glad that they managed to take down one of those monsters during the message, but it looks like a hard fight... I suppose I have an amount of data that is enough for now. After finishing with his thoughts and message, Rahl drew his rapier and dove into action.

He charged the wolf that attempted to aim at Kashi using
Quick Assault, following it up with Early Thrust and a Bloody Piercing to one of the wolf's legs, as well as a barrage of normal attacks to areas with a high crit chance.

Quick Assault

Performs a quick charge attack. Known for its low damage, quick cast time, and very short freeze time. It is often used after using other offensive skills as a combo filler, allowing for a quick succession of attacks.

Early Thrust

Perform a preemptive strike using your equipped weapon. It is noted not only for its sheer speed, but also for giving its target a special marker that amplifies the damage inflicted by allies on the marked target. After the Catastrophe, the debuff comes in the appearance that resembles a playing card at the point designated by the attack. The marker disappears when attacked, dealing additional damage to the marked target. Swashbucklers are known for this "bonus damage marker", although its damage potential is lower compared to an Assassin's. However, combining Early Thrust with the Assassin's special skill Assassinate allows for a greater burst of damage. Also, the possibility of stacking many markers on enemies allows for the battle to end when desired, making Swashbucklers a barometer of sorts in battle.

Bloody Piercing

Slash the target's lower body, especially targeting the feet, to lower its evasion. When you hit, an effect like a piercing fang or ice pick appears. Similar to <Viper's Thrash>, so people consider it weaker because there is no Bleeding debuff; however, overall damage output will rise because all allies' attacks will have a higher chance of landing.

Tora nervously watched the man in black. He didn't seem like he was a part of the Elder Tale game...the Elder Tale world to be more accurate. She let out an adorable scream as the ground started to shake. She stumbled and started to fall toward the lava. "Wyvern Kick!" The next thing Tora knew that she was sitting on solid grown near the back of the room. Her father, Leorio, was crouching over her. "Pappa!" She pressed her head against his chest as she hugged him. "W...who was that?" she asked.

"I don't know, but I'm going to enjoy beating that asshole up," Leorio replied. He turned his attention to the rest of the group. "Look alive everyone, the room boss should appear any moment," he added with a fired up smile. "It's time for the show to begin."
The ground burst, the black, glitchy aura surrounding the boss rose from the lava. A minotaur looking beast covered in molten rock, not only that he was covered in the black energy that was spread across the ground. His boss level and name were gone, unable to see, except his life bar. Which no numbers were present. Only the life bar itself. It roared, signalling the beginning of the boss battle.


Alistair's eyes widened. "Holy crap.. Whatever that guy did he probably changed the boss's moveset along with it..Everyone be careful!" Alistair got to the back of the group, sticking with Tora. "You know the plan Tora, keep the healing on those that need it the most, I'll keep you safe all the while alright?"






[unregistered Direwolf. Pack of 5-->4.]

Level: Unknown.

The direwolf that Rahl had tried to attack with Quick Assault spun, grabbing the rapier with its teeth, about to claw him but the Bloody Piercing move had stopped the attack, it fell over, but got up quickly, dashing fast at Rahl, able to knock him backwards.



@That Guy Over There


@Jhenai (If she does return)
Shineko stopped suddenly as he was travelling through the cave to answer the call from Rahl. Before the conversion could even end, he had a suspicion that the figure in the cave was who Rahl was referring to. After finishing the communication with Rahl, he wanted to share this information with his comrades but suddenly the room turned to lava and the man in black had disappeared. Shineko saw Leorio was over Tora and for the most part everyone seemed okay, if taken by surprise. There is something about this encounter that intrigued Shineko and he would have to contemplate it more later, but it had some interesting implications. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to ponder those currently. "Is everyone okay and ready? Reynald, Leorio. I know both of you are strong and capable, but use caution. This doesn't feel right and what we just saw definitely isn't normal. We don't know what we may be facing. I guess we finally get something that will be a challenge at least." At least if this thing is fire based in damage or any elemental damage really, my Red Dragon’s Blood Amulet will be very useful. "Alistair, can you hit it with Thorn Bind Hostage?" Shineko pulls his sword and attempts to utilize the skills of Sneak and Move Silently before the boss takes notice of him. I hope Alistair can protect Tora and she is able to keep up with the healing for Reynald and Leorio. I can't allow myself to show my trump card unless absolutely necessary. Besides, we will get more information this way about the boss and maybe some insight into the Man in Black by taking our time in the fight.

Head: Visor of Improved Sight –Production Class Item– This item wraps around the users head with a crystal lens section in the front for the player to see through. The lens tint instantly adapts to surrounding light conditions. These provide 3 major benefits. Low-light/Night Vision, improved accuracy (improving chance for a critical strike), and immunity from being blinded.

** Special Note on items Appearance ** The appearance of this items resembles a uni-body styled pair of sun glasses that fit snugly on the head and look sleek. The lenses are made of a crystal with a green hue and the framing seems to be made from a lightweight and durable dark gray material.

Body: Cloak of Shadowed Tranquility –Phantasmal Class Item– Provides moderate bonus to armor and agility. Also provides a bonus to blending into the shadows. The user can slip into the shadows and travel in the shadows and exit at a different location as long as the trail of shadows goes unbroken. Maximum time the user has to travel while in shadow form each time is 10 minutes. You can use this item twice (with a small 5 minute break in-between) and then it will require a longer 2 hour cooldown before the skill fully resets. If a user only uses one of the 2 available charges, both will still be available after a 2 hour cooldown period. While travelling in the shadows, movement speed is double your maximum capable speed. User is unable to go through solid objects but can travel through cracks as long as there is shadow/darkness to create a path. The cloak seems to almost flow and wrap itself about the wearer at the same time, blending in with the shadowy areas around the user.

**Flavor Text** The wearer of this cloak can become so much like a shadow that they almost seem to slip out of an individual’s ability to target.

(As flavor text becomes reality, would make it so the wearer can’t be attacked until the wearer attacks)

Hands: Xipe Totec Obsidian Armguards –Phantasmal Class Item– Greatly improves the user’s agility and defense. Grants the ability to place a decay DoT on an enemy target. Damage increases each turn and lasts until fight is over (either player or target dies). Damage occurs (pulses) and recalculates every 2 seconds. Initial damage is 10, doubling each pulse.

Legs: Vampiric Shin guards of the Abyss – Phantasmal Class Item – Greatly increases ability and defense. Also gives moderate boost to crit rate and damage. User gains a moderate amount of health based on all damage being done by wearer.

Feet: Shadow Striker Boots –Phantasmal Class Item – These boots provide moderate armor and huge increase to movement speed and ability. Movement speed is not hindered by being in combat or terrain. Movement speed is quintupled. The boots are black on the outside, the inside is a light gray. Wearer is granted Sneak and Silent Move.

Primary Weapon: Xolotl’s Blade (custom length blade on the edge between a wakizashi and katana) –Phantasmal Class Item – This weapon provides a major increase to the user’s crit rate and damage. In addition, user’s damage is double if user is sneaking. Damage is treated as both normal and lightning damage with a high chance to cause paralysis status effect.

Secondary Weapon: (Left Hand) Hand of the Etcher with an embedded black obsidian shard with a sigil on it –Production Class Weapon– Gives the wearer the ability to draw runes anywhere, even in combat. It can automatically use the items contain in the wearer’s immediate inventory and can call on the knowledge of the wearer to create a rune to his specification (as long as it is within the wearer’s normal ability).

Accessory 1: Dazaneg's Magic Bag –Magical Class item– Earned by completing the Level 45 quest (Get the Magic Bag). Due to personal player preference in its creation, the bag was created in a style similar to a belt pouch. The amount it can hold inside has not been altered.

Accessory 2: Red Dragon’s Blood Amulet –Artifact Class– Makes player unaffected by natural temperature changes. Gives wearer increased Resistances to Natural Elements (fire, water, lightning, earth, etc) and makes wearer immune to fire.

** This amulet appears to be made from a metal that almost seems to look like liquid fire with the runic script embedded in a circle for each of the elements found in nature with the symbol for fire made from what appears to be a bloodstone in the center. Most players who touch this amulet find it warm to the touch.

Accessory 3: Griffon Flute – Summons a Griffon as a mount.


Youko instinctively used his staff to try to parry and lessen the impact from the creature as it tried to attack him. These instincts were formed not from his time in Elder Tale but from his youth and martial arts training. Managing to keep his calm and still catching most of the activity on the battle field, he had to make a few quick assumptions. He always hated making guesses instead of having enough information to be absolutely sure but there just wasn't time now to test. With only basic observations and little time, Youko started making adjustments to his plans and calling out to his comrades with new information. "Warui, give up on the taunts. They are either immune or have a different AI that allows it to be ignored. Kashi, focus healing on the new guy and then come back to work on everyone else as needed. Rahl, I can at least respect your ability. Utilize your status effects to cripple and overall slow as many of them down as possible. This will give all of us more time to recover and deal with them 1 at a time. And I can imagine you don't like getting orders from the small fry, but I don't like failure and we need your help and cooperation. New guy, keep those two at a distance from us but not too far. Just in case they all do that weird death damage and debuff thing."

Quick refresher: 1 dead, 1 bound with astral bind (does damage like thorn bind hostage due to effect from equipment), 1 fighting rahl now (freeing kashi to cast safely in theory), 2 on Unryu.

Youko uses Astral Bind on the one engaged with Rahl. This should allow Rahl to more easily attack and add effects and will deal additional damage as if thorn bind hostage was also effecting the creature (per equipment effect, normal limits of TBH damage for that level still apply).

Warui sometimes wondered if Youko thought he really didn't pay attention to anything other than girls and drinking. He was aware his taunt failed and plans would have to change. Since the taunts aren't working, Youko will probably try to find a way to isolate them and take them out one at a time. Four left, 1 of which rooted. 1 singled out and being attacked. 2 going after the new guy. They can pick off the one still left and move on to the one currently rooted. Time to help new guy keep those two busy. And with that decision Warui moved back into action. He quickly dashes towards Unryu and jumps into the air to vault over the wolves come down on them activating Tiger Echo Fist, then taking advantage that the two wolves should be sent flying, following it immediately by shifting into the Ironrhino Stance and activating Iron Body. If a wolf (or both attack him), he will attempt to use Suplex on the first one to reach him.

Tiger Echo Fist - The user punches the ground, unleashing a powerful shockwave that damages nearby enemies and sends them flying. The effect is obviously variable depending on the targets' size and weight. Due to the noticeable nature of this skill, it is also an excellent technique to draw enemy aggro. This skill has an animation time of 2 seconds and a cooldown of 10 seconds. When performed while Manawyrm Stance is active, this skill attracts 25% more aggro.

Ironrhino Stance - Unlike its active counterparts in the Manawyrm and Nighthawk Stances, the Ironrhino Stance is a position that indicates the Monk's shift into a defensive fighting position. This toggle-activated Monk stance tenses the muscles and cancels any existing Stance. During its casting animation, the Ironrhino Stance causes a semi-transparent projection of a rhino's head to be superimposed on the player's upper body. While in this defensive stance, the user's evasion rate greatly decreases while their defensive ability increases. It's often combined with Iron Body to turn the normally agile class into a slightly capable tank.

Iron Body - Toggle skill. The monk flexes their body, causing their skin to transform into an iron-like color for the duration of the skill. It provides additional offensive and defensive power at the slight cost of agility. As long as it is maintained, the monk's MP is gradually reduced. This skill has a casting time of 1 second. When performed while Manawyrm Stance is active, this skill does not grant an offensive boost nor does it give an agility penalty. When performed while Nighthawk Stance is active, this skill does not grant a defensive boost nor does it give an agility penalty. When performed while Ironrhino Stance is active, this skill consumes no MP.

Suplex - The user grabs hold of their target and leaps into the air. During the grapple the user spins horizontally then the victim is flung over the shoulder and slammed into the ground. Any fall damage suffered by the Monk and their opponent is doubled. Naturally this means that this skill does more damage the longer the user holds on, but at greater risk. This skill has a maximum animation time of 5 seconds and a cooldown of 20 seconds. When performed in Nighthawk Stance, the user does not suffer any increased fall damage from using this skill.
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Alistair nodded, "How is Group B? Is something going on over there as well?" he then used Thorn Bind Hostage . "Whatever this monster is, and whatever that man was doing..I don't actually think this is scripted into the game..That person had a health bar and everything but the quest info...It didn't tell us anything about an encounter like this." Alistair also used Keen Edge on both Leorio and Reynald.

Thorn Bind Hostage: <five shining blue roots to erupt from the earth and entangle the target. When an ally cuts each of these roots, they cause additional damage. (1,000 for Alistair)>

Keen Edge:<A spell that allows the Enchanter to increase the physical attack power of the party's weapons. This spell only affects the weapons that are currently equipped, so weapons in the auxillary slot or inventory do not get this bonus. If the weapon is deequipped or if the character dies, the buff is canceled. Because the effect of Keen Edge lasts for almost an entire hour, it's often casted at the beginning of an expedition and before major fights. Recasting this skill causes its effect to return to the full duration. This skill has a casting time of 5 seconds and a cooldown of 60 seconds.>

Alistair's Spell Counter: 2.



The Lava Minotuar's name shifted, becoming now the Corrupted Minotaur. Luckily, Alistair's Thorn Bind Hostage successfully entangled the Corrupted Minotaur. It thrashed about in fury, blackened magma spraying across the battlefield, making it very difficult for Shineko to move about quick and efficiently.






[unregistered Direwolf. Pack of 5-->4.]

Level: Unknown.

The one on Youko had previously bound up broke free, and viciously bit onto his staff, a game of tug of war going on with them, It decided to back off and use its claws to slash at Youko while he was casting Thorn Bind Hostage on the other direwolf. It made a direct hit, Youko had slowed down and gained a dps de-buff. Which was named "Corruption", his body turning a shade of black all the while. The other direwolf, entangled by the new Thorn Bind Hostage while facing off with Rahl snarled viciously, snapping at the thorns to release itself. The two wolves sent flying by Tiger Echo Fist rebounded, falling gracefully. They snarled, and stood..As if waiting for the perfect chance for an attack.



@That Guy Over There


@Jhenai (If she does return)
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Shineko continued moving to get into position to strike. Thanks to his increased resistances to elemental damage and immunity to fire damage and the effect of his boots allowing his speed not to be hindered by terrain, his speed wasn't as hindered as much as it could have been though the lava was still an issue if he wanted to keep utilizing Sneak and Silent Move. His initial strike plan was simple, take advantage of the tanks to keep the minotaur from noticing him for this first strike. Combining the effect to double damage while sneaking on his weapon with all the boosted crit chance and damage on his gear and the lightning damage with chance to paralyze on his weapon, it will hopefully provide us the opening we need to deal massive damage to the minotaur. "Alistair, I can't say for sure what is happening up above or the condition of Group B, but I have a bad feeling based on the tone Rahl was using that things are a little crazy there as well. He was attempting to warn me about the man in black that we saw. Can you toss a Keen Edge on me as well?"


Youko wasn't prepared for the creature to break free this quickly and was unable to dodge the attack taking the full hit. At least Warui was able to help even the odds with the two after the new person it seems and Rahl should now have no issue with that wolf now. However, this one could quickly become problematic if I don't keep calm. Quickly gathering the info on the debuff and the situation, he prepared his next reactions to the battle.

His quick analysis of the situation broke down like this:

only 2 current known effects from this new debuff "Corruption"

dps loss - not a big problem for me in my role in this group

speed loss - this will be more problematic if I am slowed at delivering my support. Countering this is a higher priority.

Highest priority is to do something about this creature attacking me.

Youko went into action, realizing he was setting himself up to take even more damage to deal with this problem but there was no other choice in order to ensure survival of everyone. First Youko began casting knowing he would have to take full advantage of his gear's bonuses to increased casting speeds and decreased cool-downs for his skills/spells in general but more importantly was the half cool-down time for "astral" spells. His cool, calm collected manner in battle and other situations isn't the only reason some have given him joking names revolving around ice but also because he was a Freezer. There are only 4 of these wolves left and there is no reason they should all be allowed to keep moving. Youko casts Astral Hypnos on the creature attacking him. Assuming this is successful, he will target one of the two Warui had knocked backwards to put to sleep next and provide support as he can following as he attempts to keep those 2 asleep.

Astral Hypnos is a status-changing spell that puts the target to sleep for a maximum duration of ten seconds. During this period, the target cannot perform any actions.

However, if the target receives any damage during this period, the effect of the spell is cancelled.

Because the cooldown period for Astral Hypnos is only 5 seconds, it's possible for a skilled Enchanter to keep two enemies incapacitated simultaneously by repeatedly recasting the spell on both. Certain equipment can make this spell even more effective, hypothetically allowing a skilled caster to keep even three or four opponents frozen at once.

Warui watched the wolves he had knocked backwards as he completed his now defensive skills to prepare for their retaliation. For a moment he doubted his actions of leaving Youko to deal with things on his own, but he knew Youko would be telling him he made the right choice and he can handle one little puppy for now. He is smart enough to probably have a plan and can adjust quick enough that he should be okay. I remember him saying he wanted the enchanter because it was more like a great toolbox and had a lot more potential than I had given it credit for at the time. He was drawn to its flexibility, it matches the way he thinks. I am sure he will signal if he wants me to change what I am doing. And I am sure Jhenai will take action if needed.
Jhenai supports the group as much as she can. She's glad to have help from the stranger. Knowing that Youko has things handled, she uses Rapid Shot on the wolf that Rahl is fighting.
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Ayla had taken a walk after Alistair and his group headed into the cave to sort all the information in her head that had occurred. 'I kind of wanted to go with Alistair to test out this body in combat.' So she turned the walk into a sort of short practice. While she practicing/walking Ayla found it was incredibly easy to move around, like her body was running on all cylinders and ready to explode from energy. But in reality it was just Ayla's shock wearing off and she was finally feeling the difference in energy levels and strength of her previous body and her current one. Either way, she felt amazing and all her worries were blown to the back burner. On her way back she tried out some of her move combos and was satisfied to find that her timing was still up to snuff.

Ayla was skipping as she got closer to the Cave Entrance rather full of herself until he heard the sounds of battle. She was wasn't particularly worried because anything in the area should be a cake walk to the lower levels in Group B, otherwise she wouldn't have gone on her little walk. Coming into the clearing outside the Cave Entrance, Ayla could instantly tell there was something wrong with what was going on there. 'Where did these Dire Wolves come from? Could it the new expansion is to blame? Why are they so weird looking, could it be that there is a new sub-species of them now? Does Alistair know about this new change?' She silently cursed herself for not knowing the answers before charging the wolf that was attacking Youko. Right before getting there, Ayla activated Hammer Beat to interrupt the wolf and allow her to get in between the lower level enchanter and the enemy. Before readying for the wolf's next attack, Ayla activated Steel Squadron skill to buff the party on top of her Iron Will passive. "Sorry for leaving you guys unattended, I didn't think something like this would happen. Now let's try to round them up." She said with a energetic smile, not even knowing the full extent of what had transgressed in her absence.

A skill that raises the shield or two-handed weapon over the Guardian's body, then crashes it down upon the enemy with a loud sound effect. If a monster struck by this attack is lower-leveled than the Guardian, it is almost guaranteed to shift aggro upon the Guardian. However, the Guardian may need to follow up this skill with other aggro-generating skills in order to reliably hold the monster's aggro in an extended fight. This skill has an animation time of 2.5 seconds and a cooldown of 5 seconds.

A Guardian party buff used to support the party's overall defensive potential. When this skill is used, all party members may use the skills [shield Mastery], [shield Smash], [Guard Shift], and [siege Breaker] even if they are not Guardians. The Guardian must have the corresponding skills in their skill list in order to pass on these skills. When this skill is activated, the Iron Will beginner skill also stacks if there are multiple Guardians in the party. If two or more party members are standing within 1 meter of one another, those characters will also receive a +10% bonus to their physical defense by this skill's effect. Steel Squadron has a casting time of 3 seconds, a duration of 60 seconds, and a cooldown of 30 seconds. If it is recast, its duration is reset.

Passive skill. As the premiere tank of Elder Tale, the Guardian's signature equip is their large shield. It's rather bulky and takes some time to get used to for most players. However, considering the Guardian's playstyle, prolonged use means that they are unparalleled in terms of wielding shields. A Guardian with this skill can equip shields with an item level of up to 5 levels higher than their own Guardian class level.

The Guardian's signature style is the large of a large shield. By ramming the opponent with this skill, it's essentially ramming the target with an iron wall. Naturally, such an action will pretty much interrupt any skill that an opponent is casting. This skill has an animation time of 2 seconds and a cooldown of 10 seconds.

A toggle skill that tenses up the Guardian's body when activated. While this skill is in effect, the Guardian's body will be assisted by an defensive AI which automatically controls their body in order to auto-defend against oncoming attacks. This skill is particularly effective for guarding against attacks even when the Guardian themselves hasn't realized that an attack was launched, for the AI will detect any attack within 10 meters that targeted the Guardian and respond accordingly. This effect can be exploited by enemies aiming to perform simultaneous attacks, so be careful. Another downside is that the activation of this skill prevents the Guardian from moving or performing attacks of their own until it is called off. It is an excellent defensive skill that can provide a patient warrior a window of opportunity if used in battles of attrition.

The Guardian holds a two-handed weapon or large shield in front of their body and shifts pressure toward their heels to activate this skill. In response, the Guardian's body will automatically dash forward, mowing down targets standing in the way. The higher the item level of the Guardian's armor compared to that of the opponent's, the more bonus damage is dealt by this skill. Nevertheless, this sudden burst of speed is something very uncharacteristic of the Guardian's usual abilities, so an opponent caught off guard by the technique will usually be too late to react to it. This skill has an animation time of 1 second and a cooldown time of 15 seconds.

Guardians have dedicated themselves to protecting their party members. Their devotion has rubbed off on the party, increasing physical defense for the party by 5%. Multiple instances of this skill do not stack.




@That Guy Over There



@Ginko The Mushishi

Reynald simply stared at the minotaur that rose out of the lava. A few drops of lava that came from the ground collided with Reynald, but it only did scratch damage, so he ignored it. "You took the words right out of my mouth, Leorio," he said before pointing his weapon at the lava minotaur, "Though this enemy may be unpredictable, the villain that brought it here is not. This enemy wasn't designed to kill us; this enemy was designed for us to beat it." He then turned his head to Leorio and said, "If we split the load, it will make it easier for Tora to heal us in time. I'll take the physical attacks and you should take the elemental attacks."


Mairi just stood there in confusion once again as Violet ran off without her. Sure, it wouldn't take much effort to get the rest of the materials, but the way she left just seemed rude. Putting those thoughts aside, Mairi went through the crowd to find people with the materials she needed.

It didn't take long for Mairi to get all the materials she needed (her character model was attractive, after all), so she went to a nearby alchemy station and created the philosopher's stone. After doing that, she decided that some gloating was in order, so she called Alistair via telepathy. "Heya!" she said cheerfully, "While you all went out on your little quest, I got the energy crystal without leaving the town! Bet you feel just a little bit stupid, don't you?"
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Alistair did just as Shienko asked, giving him the buff for Keen Edge as well. He then got the telepathy call from Mairi. And as he listened, he laughed loud and hard. "That's perfect Mairi! I'm glad you were able to do that. I guess we'll be seeing you later! We've got a boss to fight, and it's not looking good. This isn't your typical boss either.. Something's up, I think hackers are in the game too now. But no less, I'll be seeing you later and giving you a big hug!" He ended the telepathy. Smiling, and thinking to himself. 'We can do a whole lot more I see, Mairi found a way to create the same exact crystal..'. "Leorio, sine you'll be taking the elemental damage I'll cast Gain Immunity on you, as for you Reynald I'll buff you with Elixir to lower the cooldowns for your combos." And Alistair did just that for both Reynald and Leorio. "Shineko! What else would you like as a buff?"

Spell Counter: 5 (max)

Keen Edge: <A spell that allows the Enchanter to increase the physical attack power of the party's weapons. This spell only affects the weapons that are currently equipped, so weapons in the auxillary slot or inventory do not get this bonus. If the weapon is deequipped or if the character dies, the buff is canceled. Because the effect of Keen Edge lasts for almost an entire hour, it's often casted at the beginning of an expedition and before major fights. Recasting this skill causes its effect to return to the full duration. This skill has a casting time of 5 seconds and a cooldown of 60 seconds.>

Gain Immunity: <Magic spell that increases resistances to the mind and body, though is not applied to a specific bad status magic.> (In this case the burn damage from the lava or the corruption, which is yet unknown to Group A)

Elixir: <Decreases cooldown speeds of the skills of other players. Alistair's equipment allows his spells to be increased dramatically(in power and ability), so the cool down speeds are decreased by 10 seconds.>



The Corrupted Minotaur began its attack, raising its fist and coming full force towards Reynald, unaware of Shineko's presence still, as it moved, it shook the battle arena in which all the players were in, more blackened lava spewing all around. This time a blanket of magma sprayed up, ready to hit Shineko if he wasn't ready enough for it.






[unregistered Direwolf. Pack of 5-->4 --->3.]

Level: Unknown.

Yokou's direwolf fell asleep from Astral Hypnos, successful on one of the wolves Warui was fighting as well. the one Jhenia shot, had howled loud, signalling its explosion and death. and did just that. Since it was close to Rahl, Rahl was hit with the shockwave of the explosion but not the glitchy aura nor the explosion itself. The one facing Warui, which was the only one awake now growled viciously, forcing its ally awake by biting its shoulder. They stood ready and alert for the smallest of movement.



@That Guy Over There



@Galain Fletchawk
Unryu finally stood from the shockwave the wolf sent out. Being next to an explosion tends to hurt. After shaking his head, he saw there were only 3 wolves left. He gathered himself and used wyvern kick to close the gap between them. Unryu decided it was time for some fast hits. He activated Acupressure once more, and Lightning Straight. His arms began to crackle with lightning as his eyes glared red. Unryu began to charge for just a second and started an onslaught of very fast and accurate punches. Bullet Punch. With each hit, Unryu landed them in distinct areas, the heads and legs of the two in front of him, dealing more damage and crippling the wolves. After 12 lightning fast punches, six to each wolf, Unryu let loose a Tiger Echo Fist straight down, creating a massive shockwave rippling through the ground and sending the wolves into the air. Unryu, leaped back and took out his long weapon, the Guan Yu, ready for the last wolf.
Ayla had noticed that the wolf that she hit didn't have a level next to it's status bar and on top of that, the the wolf's entire status bar was glitching randomly.sometimes showing two status bars. 'Wow, that's really weird.' Ayla took a quick look around to see one wolf explode after being pincushioned by some arrows and two more fighting the monks. 'Seems like this is mostly under control now.' Ayla shook her to dismiss the thought since things can change in an instant.

After her quick gander, Ayla raised her sword as she started to cast Damocles on the wolf in front of her, it promptly slumped over. "Huh?" It took until she finished casting her spell to remember that Youko had been casting a spell when she stepped in between him and the wolf. "Oh, aren't you just a clever dear. I could just hug you!" She said as a 30ft sword materialized above the now sleeping wolf. Turning her full attention to the wolf, Ayla had the mind to start a combo that she normally saved for tankier monsters and activated her Onslaught skill. 'But since this pup is especially strange, I'll make an exception. Sorry, pooch.' She silently apologized before unleashing flurry of strikes with her shield, the final one popping the wolf up in the air. After sending the wolf skyward, she pointed her sword at it's over-sized counterpart and activated Damocles again to bring the massive blade crashing down upon the wolf and into the ground. Ayla examined her own status to see that in that short amount of time, she had used over a third of her mana.

The Sword of Damocles, a symbol of humility that looms over its wary target. The Guardian expends mana in order to create the illusion of a gigantic sword, floating high above the battlefield. Because of this skill's nature, it cannot be used indoors. The weapon is roughly 10 meters tall with a blade thickness equal to the average adult's body width. Damocles, to most individuals, appears mainly as a psychological deterrent toward anyone who should close in on the Guardian. Through a mental command, the Guardian may cause Damocles to fall down onto the ground at any time, stabbing through any target it falls upon before disappearing. A target directly struck by Damocles is dealt heavy physical damage. This skill has a casting time of 5 seconds and a cooldown of 60 seconds. Only one Damocles can be summoned by the Guardian at once, and it has a maximum sustainable distance of 100 meters from the Guardian.

A skill that transforms the Guardian into a powerful juggernaut for a brief moment. This skill is used either with a two-handed weapon or a shield, where the Guardian swings or thrusts forward with great momentum. If a target was successfully hit by this initial blow, the Guardian will automatically proceed into an additional three-hit combo with their weapon, ending with the Guardian swinging upward and aiming to knock the enemy into the air. All defense buffs applied to the Guardian during the performance of this skill are instead treated as attack buffs for the duration of the skill. This skill has an animation time of 5 seconds and a cooldown time of 30 seconds.



@That Guy Over There



@Ginko The Mushishi
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