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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon)

Ginko The Mushishi

Traveling Mushi-Shi
Roleplay Type(s)

Welcome to Elder Tale, An MMORPG like no other, the Twelfth Expansion Pack known as the "Novasphere Pioneers" Pack has just been added, and now seven hundred thousand players are trapped in the MMORPG world of Elder Tale. You must fight to survive, always have company by your side. For Elder Tale is no ordinary MMORPG. (Veteran players still keep their level and skills and all of their equipment before the twelfth expansion) In this world, all players specialize in their own classes and sub-classes, there are 4 different Class Types, 3 Class specific versions of those Class Types, and multiple Sub-Classes to choose from, players will now don their in-game avatar and find a guild, or even build their own! As of now the first Quest (Taken from the 1st Episode) Is when all the players will be trapped inside the MMORPG. They are allowed to join the Persona Quest Guild and its GM leader, Alistair. (The first roleplay sequence will start 5-3-2015, tomorrow!) (Due to some personal problems I needed to get fixed today, I am sorry for the delay. It will be done tomorrow)
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Quest 1: The Beginning.

"Everything changes today... Mankind will know a new world, one like no other. Elder Tale, the MMORPG has trapped many people around the world into its servers. Where do we begin, and yet, when and where will we find the end? I guess we'll have to find out ourselves in time. Though alone would not be smart, as I remember it, this world doesn't take kindly to lone adventurers.."

The Apocalypse has begun, it is time for you to figure out how to understand the world of Elder Tale as a new reality, there are merchants, inns, and fighting skills to learn. The time for you to explore is now, welcome to the new Elder Tale, and welcome to the Novasphere Pioneers Expansion Pack... We hope you enjoy yourselves.
Mairi sat on a bench in front of the cathedral. A few people had come out as time passed. Poor sods thought they could spare themselves the life in the game by dying only to respawn. Mairi found it rather pathetic. When she first entered the game, she was rather happy. Her real life wasn't all that great, unlike in Elder Tale. Besides, her friends should be in the game too somewhere. What would she be missing from real life? Still, the matter remained that they were trapped in the game now. Maybe she should patrol around to find low-leveled people to help. She had nothing better to do, honestly. With that in mind, Mairi got up and began walking aimlessly around the city. Hopefully she would run into someone soon.
Akihabara was bustling with many merchants, inns, and even more players crowding around the areas, they seemed frantic at most, others had given up and just sat with a glum look on their faces, they had yet to explore outside of Akihabara, though it was unwise to go alone, surely, there could be someone Mairi could find among the players, who she might know or have known before, and explore the outer side of Akihabara? Akihabara had changed incredibly from the new Expansion, it looked different, and yet hold properties that made it look retro still. It also seemed to boast new inns and merchants around the areas too!
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Veronica Winters found herself standing in Akihabara. It took her brain a minute to process that she was standing in the came world as her avatar, Talia Crowe. She wasn't sure how to feel about that. She opened up her friends list and noticed that the online icon was beside the name she was looking for, Vincent Wolfe. She tracked his location using her friend list and soon noticed her Wolf Fang friend lounging on the ground with a long piece of grass in his mouth. Talia walked over and sat beside him.

"This is a strange update, don't you agree?" Vincent asked her with a grin. Clearly he was enjoying the fact of being in the game world. "It's a lot to take in," she replied. Vincent nodded in agreement. The duo sat together in silence for a moment, but Vincent ended it by clearing his throat. "We've played this game together for a couple years now, but that was back when we were behind a computer monitor...," he paused. Talia gave him a questioning look. "And that's not going to stop anytime soon. We're always going to be friends, even if we haven't met each other face to face. What I was meaning to ask is...should we end our RP relationship?"

Talia noticed he was fidgeting with his wedding band item and grabbed his hand. "This game, if it is a game, wouldn't feel normal if we did," Talia replied. "It was fun behind a computer and it'll still be fun now. We can work through the awkward bits when they come up, but right now we should focus on the world around us." Talia stood up, followed by Vincent. Talia opened her friend list again and noticed one of her online friends made it into the game world. They quickly located Mairi and ran up to her. "This is all pretty strange. How are you holding up Mairi?"

*Looks around and sees that he is now standing in what appears to be a section of Akihabara's background scenery from the game and starts trying to figure out what is going on* *Begins Mumbling to himself* Okay, need to figure out what is going on and why I am am standing in the game I was playing. Is this really the game, am I really here or is this some kind of dream. *Presses his left hand against his head* My head and memory feel a little fuzzy. *Proceeds to pull up game interface screen and search through all the different control displays* Looks like I can access all the normal player screens but logout is locked out. Something is very off here. *Pulls up his friends list* Hmm, think it is time to see who is here and keep an eye on things. I need more information and I am not going to get it just sitting here sulking and hiding scared but that doesn't mean acting rash and stupid. Time to see if I can get my stealth abilities to work and start searching through this city. *Begins moving from building to building keeping an eye on the city from a far* There seems to be a lot more People of the Land in the city compared to what I remember here previously. More vendors and shops and just more people. Most of the players seem to be hiding in the town and kind of scared looking or lost or depressed. If this isn't just a weird dream, something will need to be done about this. This HUD (Heads Up Display for anyone who doesn't know what a HUD is) interface isn't very easy to work with even for out of combat, I have a feeling that in combat, it will be a lot harder to focus and use it. Maybe I can find some one I have worked with before and can trust to maybe go out and see if we can figure out how to make this work smoother. *Moves through another section of the city noticing how much of what was the background city in the game was just unused space that was falling apart. Now these adventurers are huddled together here like a bunch of homeless folks from . . . . umm, what were they called again . . . . tv shows. *Reflexively moving body to prepare to move again, he feels his body take over and move somewhat on its own* Hmm, I didn't press that command yet in the interface. What was that? Now I need to find some others quickly and see what they know as well. Guess I might as well go down to the normal city level and take a closer look, it appears to at least still be safe here in the city.

*Just as Shineko was about to move down to the ground level, he noticed 2 players approaching another player* I think I recognize those 2. *Pulls up friends list and double checks, mumbling* I am pretty sure if it is them that I had at least one of them on my friends list. Keeps scrolling through, there, Vincent. According to the location information that should be him. *Moves down to the ground level in the city slightly away from Vincent and Talia and whoever it was they seemed to be approaching thinking "Wouldn't want to startle anyone"* Begins walking over in the direction of Vincent and Talia, "Hi Vincent, Talia. Do either of you happen to have any clues about what is happening around here? Have either of you seen ZweiHander or anyone else that we ran with yet?"

*Looks over at Mairi* Hi, sorry but I don't seem to recall you. My name is Shineko. If you are friends with these 2, then you can't be all bad. *gives a quick small laugh* "The city looks a little down. If everyone is okay with it, I would love to hear whatever you might have seen or heard up til now. And if you are open to the idea, I think it might be good for us to go out of the city to explore a little bit. This will help us make sure that the rest of what we are seeing matches up to the Elder Tale we know and will give us an opportunity to practice combat. Using this interface in battle will most likely present more of a challenge now that we seem to be really here instead of controlling things from behind the scenes. Would anyone be okay with testing things out? Maybe we can find more to join us as well."
Mairi sung a little tune to herself as she walked through Akihabara. The place looked different, but the layout was still the same. With her bright attitude contrasting greatly with the gloom around her, it was no surprise when she met with someone who knew her. Vincent and Talia... Mairi had gone questing with them quite a few times before. She found the way that they roleplayed together cute, But would they drop the roleplaying now that they were in the game? "Hey, you two." Mairi said, "I'm having absolutely no troubles at all. I've read a lot of manga where people get sucked into a game; I'm prepared!" Mairi then moved beside Vincent and latched onto his arm. "Say, are you two going to keep up your little role play?" she said playfully, directing her dialogue mostly to Talia. "If not, can I keep him?"

Mairi's tease was interrupted by another person who seemed to know Vincent and Talia. The man hardly paused as he talked. She didn't really like these kind of people that much since she'd have less of a window-of-opportunity to tease. "I can't really say I've heard of anything." Mairi said, "All I know is that multiple suicide attempts have been ruined by a respawn mechanic."

@shadowdude505 @Shineko
"Hmm, that is interesting that the re-spawn system seems to still be working." *He didn't really pay much attention to Maria's attempts to tease Talia, he knew where that could easily lead depending on Talia's mood* "The more information we can get, the better choices we can make. At least knowing that we can re-spawn if we fail helps remove some of the worry about messing up. But I still say until we know more that we should be careful and try to avoid dying if we can." *Semi lost in thought and waiting to see if Vincent or Talia might have anything else to add to the meager information that we currently know about this world*
"Sorry Shineko, I have nothing to add. Been busy enjoying the scenery," Vincent replied. "We haven't seen ZweiHander yet either." "But we could help you find him," Talia added. "It would be a good idea to test things out. We should know what has stayed a game and what has changed. Though it's a good thing the respawn function still exists."

Talia turned to Mairi. "And no, you can't have him," she replied. She held out the hand with her ring on it. "As you can see we're still an item, even it is for the sake of role playing. Isn't that right love?" "That's right," Vincent grinned and ruffled Mairi's hair. "Looks like you're just gonna have to find a man of your own," he teased. They knew Mairi's teasing was innocent. "What's the plan Shineko? Should we look for ZweiHander first or try to fight something on the outskirts of town?"

@Thesmashbro @Shineko
I definitely think we need to practice combat, but I would feel more comfortable with ZweiHander with us. Maybe if we run into anyone else, we can get them to join us as well. If nothing else, it doesn't hurt to have multiple groups traveling and working together. *Especially since we have no idea if what we might face out there has become harder or if the levels are still the same near the city*
Releasing Vincent's arm, Mairi looked at the group. They were not a good combination. Two assassins, a swashbuckler, and a summoner. Mairi could summon a healing summon, but it wouldn't be nearly as effective as an actual healer. "It would be best if we could find a tank and a healer." Mairi told the others, "Talia might be able to semi-tank and I can semi-heal, so that should make 3 DPS classes, 1.5 tanks, and 1.5 healers. Of course, if we find mobs that are way below our level, we could test combat mechanics risk-free."
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"If we can find ZweiHander, he would be able to fulfill the role of Main Tank. Anyone know of a good healer that we could search for and attempt to persuade to join us?"
Qwerty spawned near the Guild Meeting Hall. She tried to stand up, but instantly fell down. She tried again, but she had the same outcome. What? She looked around, and saw what seemed to be Elder Tale, that mmo she was playing. How? What am I doing here? Why can't I walk?

She looked at herself. It seemed like she was her avatar. So that's why I can't walk. My avatar has a very different body type. Holding on to a building, she tried to stand. It worked barely. She decided to look at her friend list. Shineko was online. She decided to contact him telepathically.

-Hello Shineko. Am I disturbing you?
*Stops for a second* "Let's stop for a minute." *Pulls up the HUD and sees Qwerty is contacting him* "It seems a Shrine Maiden that I know is also here, Qwerty. Give me a second while I answer her communication"

"Hi Qwerty. No, you are not disturbing me. It seems you are trapped here as well. Where are you at and are you doing okay?"
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*grumbles* Starts mumbling "Damn this interface, switching calls or merging them was so much easier behind a screen." *Smiles happily* "Found it" Merges call so he doesn't miss anything.

"This is Shineko's voice service, how may I direct your request?"

*The Sound of people yelling and the clattering of different sounds hitting each other rage's on in the background as white noise nearly* HEY MAN HOW ARE THINGS, YOU GET STUCK HERE TOOOOOH!? WOH! YEAG! EASY! HMMF! JUST WONDERING WHERE A BOUT'S IN THE CITY YOU MIGHT BE.

*you continue to hear the background noise but strangely enough you start to hear something else, in the near distance nearly.*
Qwerty is falls to the ground, startled by a sudden screaming voice. Is this really Shineko? Why is he screaming? She realises that it probably was another person. She stands up again and says:

-Hello..? Is there another person or what? I'm near the Guild Meeting Hall by the way.

As she waits for an answer, Qwerty strenghtens her grip on the wall. She wouldn't let the screaming startle her this time.
"ZweiHander, Qwerty. Glad to hear from both of you. Sorry for grouping the call together but I didn't want to miss either of you considering the situation. It seems we have all managed to end up here. Qwerty, we will head that way and meet you there. Keep a look out for our approach and make sure we don't miss you. ZweiHander, Can you meet us near the Guild Meeting Hall? I am with Vincent and Talia and someone they know named Mairi. Not sure who knows who or at least remembers, but we will all be heading that way. Probably safer to stick together. I will leave this communication open but muted in case you need me".

*looks up to Vincent and the other companions* Guys and Gals, that was ZweiHander and Qwerty. Qwerty is near the Guild Meeting Hall. I asked ZweiHander to meet us there. Do you mind the detour? I think they will be great members to have added to our party and I definitely feel that things will be a lot safer working together."




Vincent and Talia listened to Miari's concern. They were a bit ill-equipped for a battle party. When Shineko mentioned a Shrine Maiden, the RP couple duo instantly thought that they found their healer. They patently waited for Shineko to wrap up his conversation. "Sounds like a plan," Talia replied after Shineko explained the situation. "Race ya to the guild hall," Vincent said before breaking into a run. He ended up tripping on nothing after running a couple feet, he was still getting used to moving around in this world. From his position on the ground he saw Talia run by. She looked back at him and smiled. She almost looked like a wife teasing her husband. Vincent stood back up and started to follow.
Going to try to remember to change the color of my text to help distinguish between thought and speech

**Thinking to himself** Things are definitely a little chaotic but I am glad to see those two seem as normal as ever. . . . . . . Something just doesn't feel right at the moment**

Begins to scan the buildings and surroundings quickly. "Maria, add me to your friends list just in case we get separated and you need assistance. There is no telling what may happen but it should be safe for you inside the city. I am going to try to get to Qwerty as quickly as I can. Something just didn't seem right and I want to make sure she is okay." Pulling up the interface, he sends the friend request to Maria.

With a faint smile, he walks off to the side near the shadows and activates his cloaks ability and slips into the shadows and speeds along to the Guild Meeting Hall area to search for Qwerty.
Rahl sat upon the ledge of a building, observing as the strangers scrambled about with a bemused expression, his tiny cat lips twisted up farther than usual. Although the motor functions might take a day to get used to, everything else came as little surprise to him. If anything, he was elated such an event had occurred. It meant freedom from the burdens of real life, and if it was just a dream he would enjoy it to the last millisecond.

I wouldn't be surprised if the one they called Shineko has noticed my presence, but at the same time I highly doubt he would alert the others if he had. He... Sticks out of the group, somehow. Something is different about him.

He decided to transport farther away using his boot's skill and observe the group with sight alone, figuring it to be a more entertaining venture to guess what they say.
After many tripping spells and close calls, Talia and Vincent finally got the hang of moving around in Elder Tale. As they approached the gild hall, they saw a girl that could be the Shrine Maiden Shineko was taking about. They opened up the HUD and noticed the name "Qwerty" over her head. The duo skidded to a halt in front of Qwerty. "Looks like it's a tie, love," Talia said to Vincent before turning her attention to Qwerty. "You must be Qwerty. I'm Talia." "Vincent, pleased to meet you," Vincent added with a bow. "We're with Shineko."

Shineko slides out of the the shadows off to the side near one of the buildings and scans the surroundings. As he does, he sees Talia and Vincent run up to Qwerty and after a moment start talking. He could only guess that they were introducing themselves. Still not able to shake the feeling that something isn't quite right, he makes one more scan of the buildings and surroundings again just to be sure of who is where and the surrounding terrain. Always be aware of your surroundings, that knowledge is power and one key to victory. A smile crosses his face as he ponders whether or not the person watching them earlier will continue to follow them or if it was just happenstance that he was watching them when he noticed him.

*Starts walking from the edge of the buildings out towards Qwerty, Vincent, and Talia.* I hope Qwerty is doing okay and they didn't startle her. "Hi Qwerty, I see you made it here as well. How are you adjusting to your new body? It took me a little bit to get the basics down but now things are starting to feel more normal. I guess I am lucky because this body feels natural to me."
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